View Full Version : Why do guys make fun of guys that are "Whipped"?
07-09-2003, 07:24 AM
Why do guys make fun of guys that are "whipped"? Why? What's wrong with taking your girl shopping, watching her girlie movies, holding her bags in the mall, "I can't play ball today guys" or "I have to check first". See What's so funny about that?
07-09-2003, 07:28 AM
Did your girlfriend make you ask this question?
<IMG SRC="">Newcastle United Football Club
07-09-2003, 07:32 AM
What's wrong with taking your girl shopping, watching her girlie movies, holding her bags in the mall, "I can't play ball today guys" or "I have to check first". See What's so funny about that?
cause it makes you a faggot that as a grown man you have to ask permission to do something. if you take some girl out, nothing is wrong with that. if she makes you take her out, then your a whipped bitch.
Did your girlfriend make you ask this question?
i think girls only like whippin when its fought. if someone gives in like he does, its no fun, so prob no, he prob asked it to get a gf cause its sappy
Silent Bob you one rude motherfucker, she like to go down on you, suck you. line up 2 other guys and make like a circus seal
eww you fuckin faggots, i hate guys, i LOOOOVE WOMEN!
I don't know you well enough, was that sarcasm?
If you do all those things because you want to and might even enjoy it, more power to you. If you do it because she tells you you have to "or else", you deserve to be mocked and possibly have things thrown at you.
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<center>Come join the fun now with me and all the gang,</center><center>Learning from each other while we do our thing.</center><center>Nah, nah, nah; Going to have a Good Time!!!.</center>
07-09-2003, 07:41 AM
i knew there was a reason i liked you hosp
Silent Bob you one rude motherfucker, she like to go down on you, suck you. line up 2 other guys and make like a circus seal
eww you fuckin faggots, i hate guys, i LOOOOVE WOMEN!
07-09-2003, 08:03 AM
Because they're bitter they're not getting laid on a regular basis.
[center]<IMG SRC="">[center]
PanterA is the shiznit!
New Jersey Devils ~ 2003 Stanley Cup Champions
07-09-2003, 08:11 AM
Because they're bitter they're not getting laid on a regular basis.
wow aggie, you are angry at guys. no, its not that, its that most guys have class and actually do things for girls without being forced. then its called nice. when the guy is just a deadbeat BF and the girl makes him do shit, he is whipped, and some girls will occasionally try to whip good guys just cause thats how they are. most guys arent whipped cause they dont have to be, they enjoy things.
Silent Bob you one rude motherfucker, she like to go down on you, suck you. line up 2 other guys and make like a circus seal
eww you fuckin faggots, i hate guys, i LOOOOVE WOMEN!
Because they're bitter they're not getting laid on a regular basis.
Neither are some married guys I know.
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
07-09-2003, 09:35 AM
Because they're bitter they're not getting laid on a regular basis.
well there is that and that those guys are miserable because they are single
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>still no new marquee :-( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
07-09-2003, 09:51 AM
Todd's obviously not married. I have a friend whose nickname is Woopah (from the Friends episode where Ross tried unsuccesfully to make the sound of a cracking whip). Anyway, this guy's life is quite sad. Only 29 years old, married with a kid, and before he does ANYTHING, he has to call his wife and ask permission. 9 times outta 10 the answer is no. At home, she constantly nags him to do this and that--even in front of his pals. Ridiculous. Warning to men: this woman was 100% perfect when they were dating. She was one of the guys, laughing at and making jokes, displaying her affection/admiration for her boyfriend. loving. We were all happy for both of them. Then she walked down the aisle, got a ring, and a slave for Why do we make fun of the whipped? To save them. Had we seen this one coming, we wouldve stepped in..but's too late. Sad. Oh, and as for sex...before marriage, blowjobs every night. He said she was the best ever. After marriage, the only thing she uses her mouth for is to tell him what to do. If I ever post a thread that says "Great News! I got engaged!!"...shoot me.
<img src="">Go Saux!!! Thanx Aggie
07-09-2003, 09:55 AM
If I ever post a thread that says "Great News! I got engaged!!"...shoot me.
its a deal...but i get to use your gun and i gotta get a bunch of PBA cards first
Silent Bob you one rude motherfucker, she like to go down on you, suck you. line up 2 other guys and make like a circus seal
eww you fuckin faggots, i hate guys, i LOOOOVE WOMEN!
07-09-2003, 09:59 AM
Todd's obviously not married
and i won't be fore a long time. I'm too young to marry in my opinion. i'm only 18
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>still no new marquee :-( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
07-09-2003, 10:04 AM
ChrisTheCop, I have a friend exactly like that as well. It's heartbreaking because he always has to ask and whenever the wife goes away he is jumping around like a freed man from jail. I never want to feel that way. I recently had a discussion with my girlfriend because she assumed we were hanging out one night but we did not make plans. We agreed that we would never assume that again (I agreed as well). I'm glad she went along with it because I like the girl but cracking that whip is unacceptable.
07-09-2003, 10:15 AM
Being whipped is like being treated like a child, like a little boy who cant make decisions for himself. It shows weakness if you have to ask your girlfriend to do something. "mom can i go play ball with the guys?" "hunny, can i go play ball with the guys." The only thing that changes is the first word. Taking her shopping and to her girlie movies is required of being a good boyfriend, but if shes forcing you to do it then your whipped. And whipped guys arent normally the ones with the best sex lifes.
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07-09-2003, 01:03 PM
i get whipped all the time and no on ever makes fun of me. then again....
07-09-2003, 02:06 PM
Did your girlfriend make you ask this question?
<IMG SRC="">Newcastle United Football Club
<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.
07-09-2003, 02:31 PM
Maybe guys who "give in" to this sort of behavior from women think that it will help benefit their sex life?
I honestly don't know, I've seen my brothers gf do it to him and i just don't know.
Guess it's one of those things.
<img src="```````````.gif">
</center><center><font size=1>Thanks Pants! <3</font>
<font size=2>Fifteen blows to the back of your head
Fifteen blows to your mind
</font><font color=blue><marquee behavior=advertant>110% Shenannigans</font></marquee></center>
07-09-2003, 02:36 PM
Guys do this because theyre jealous. I was whipped when I was married and I'll be whipped next time. I never had to ask to go somewhere but I could tell if she wasnt happy i wasnt gonna be getting any ass, so I just stayed in unless she was going with me.
Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
<img src="">
07-09-2003, 03:19 PM
Relax big man, they can't all be as great as:
Discussion Topic Thread: possible group activity.
fuck, i thought this was a gangbang party invite...
no one saw that coming, pure genius!
<IMG SRC="">Newcastle United Football Club
07-09-2003, 09:40 PM
The word "whipped" covers a very broad spectrum of activities ranging from (what should be common curtesy) of telling your wife where you'll be and making sure you don't already have existing plans and calling up to ask permission to go somewhere and always acceeding to her demands to come right home and paint her nails.
It's a matter of degree.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing any of the things mentioned by MDR55, with the caveat that it's something you want to do, not something that your wife is forcing you to do and you have no say in the matter. Seeing a chick flick every now and then for example, to make your wife happy, is a commendable thing. So is holding your wife's pocketbook while she goes to the bathroom.
Ideally you should want to please your spouse, and she should want to please you, and that includes the understanding that there must be room for personal autonomy and self-determination.
<center><img border=1 src=""></center>
07-09-2003, 10:00 PM
marrage is a contract- don't cheat, remain faithful, that's it. if your female resticts you otherwise, you're whipped.
with-holding poon is the worst tactic ladies, what is the motivation after marriage? honestly, it sems the reason for guys going to hookers.
<center><IMG SRC=""></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30> being white is like playing for the yankees </Marquee>
07-09-2003, 10:06 PM
If there's little sex in a marriage (or it's witheld) it's often a sign of deep seated problems in the relationship.
<center><img border=1 src=""></center>
07-09-2003, 10:11 PM
hk, 50% is the common stistic for the american divorse rate, but how about else where in the world?
honestly, it seems like, in this country atleast, marriages were more sucsessful when they were forced and inforced (by religion & social stigma).
<center><IMG SRC=""></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30> being white is like playing for the yankees </Marquee>
07-09-2003, 10:38 PM
The divorce rate in America is above 50% now. Closer to 60% plus.
America has an unusually high divorce rate. Religious affiliation has nothing to do with it.
Americans are socialized to value independence. When they enter marriage, they're expected to automatically adjust to thinking in terms of "we" instead of "me." The majority cannot make this transition.
Cultures like Japan have a very low divorce rate b/c the collective "we" is prized more than the individual "me."
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Death Metal Moe
07-09-2003, 10:42 PM
We make fun of you because you are worthy of our pity and disdain.
<A HREF=""></A>
07-09-2003, 10:59 PM
hk, just a question: it seems like societies where women are subservient , the divorse rate is lower?
like in japan where the family is dishonored or arab contries where a woman is a lesser being.
what are the statistics in european contries by comparisson?
<center><IMG SRC=""></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30> being white is like playing for the yankees </Marquee>
07-10-2003, 03:36 PM
One word, jealousy.
07-10-2003, 11:59 PM
i knew there was a reason i liked you hosp
Who are you both kidding? It's because you boys are both "Flaming" GAY! And Jesus H. Christ Snoogs, how does Hosp have you soooo whipped already? However, it's cool that I was at the game where you first appeared in public as a couple.
<img src="">
Nothing...i have nothing!
This message was edited by spoon on 7-11-03 @ 4:01 AM
07-11-2003, 05:55 AM
tha's muh boy , lol , he's a good dude though , leave him alone
<img src=>
Completely melodramatic since birth .
07-11-2003, 08:11 AM
If there's little sex in a marriage (or it's witheld) it's often a sign of deep seated problems in the relationship
Or anti-depressant side-effects.
EDITED For pagination. No content changed. Please fix your sig pic and/or tag line - I think it's the latter.
This message was edited by HordeKing1 on 7-11-03 @ 5:10 PM
07-11-2003, 08:20 AM
hk, just a question: it seems like societies where women are subservient , the divorse rate is lower?
like in japan where the family is dishonored or arab contries where a woman is a lesser being.
In Japan the divorce rate is increasing at a very rapid rate as it becomes more 'westernized' every year. Women in Japan really aren't "subservient" any more.
Why would you expect high divorce rates in many Arab countries? Oftentimes if a man wants a new wife, he can just marry a new one. Also, if he grows tired of his old wife, it is generally very easy to "get rid" of her.
what are the statistics in european contries by comparisson?
I did a google search on "divorce rates european countries" and found
EDITED For pagination. No content changed.
This message was edited by HordeKing1 on 7-11-03 @ 5:17 PM
07-11-2003, 10:07 AM
Who are you both kidding? It's because you boys are both "Flaming" GAY! And Jesus H. Christ Snoogs, how does Hosp have you soooo whipped already? However, it's cool that I was at the game where you first appeared in public as a couple.
i dont know what your talkin about spoon. i spent the whole day with east side dave.....uhhhh
seriously though it was only cause he agreed with me, its not like he MADE me say it or something
Silent Bob you one rude motherfucker, she like to go down on you, suck you. line up 2 other guys and make like a circus seal
eww you fuckin faggots, i hate guys, i LOOOOVE WOMEN!
07-11-2003, 01:07 PM
MONSTRONE - You ask an excellent question. In countries were women are considered chattel there is very little divorce. The men just take additional wifes or mistresses.
The US is considered in the middle of the pack (among industrialized countries) in terms of the degree of egalitarianism towards women. The fact that divorce is at a high rate in the US is no doubt due to the empowerment of women through education, birth control and their ability to make money on their own. They are no longer dependent upon men - unlike the countries where women are considered subserviant.
I found an interesting website that gives a listing of some countries divorce rate compared in terms of percentages to the US divorce rate. There are also some very other interesting facts and links on this site. One of the interesting facts is that Cuba has a 75% divorce rate!!!
The Chart is on bottom of page (
<center><img border=1 src=""></center>
07-11-2003, 01:54 PM
TOO CUTE - MONSTRONE predicted a low divorce rate in Arab countries and other cultures where women are devalued, not a higher rate. He's correct, but it was still higher than I thought it would be (In Saudi Arabia for example the divorce rate is only about 11% that of the US. Since the divorce rate in US is now nearly 60%, 11% that = a divorce rate of about 6.5% Compared to America, it's tiny, but it's still higher than I expected.
One of the many factors affecting divorce rate is the ability of women to survive on their own. Japan still has far to go. It ranks below the US in egalitarian treatment of the sexes. Absolutely amazingly, according to Japan Almanac 1996 (Asahi Simbun Co. 1996) p.54 (Cited by Newsweek) the divorce rate in 1995 was only 1.61% Wow. That's amazing. What is also really interesting is that Japanese women are awarded child custody about 75% of divorce cases (with custody issues). This makes sense as it reflects a gender role archetype, but is harder to understand in terms of "superiority" of males. If men are regarded as superior, custody would be awarded to men.
I suspect that the miniscule divorce rate in Japan is due to the fact that Japanese children are raised to be "team players" from birth, unlike the US where kids are socialized to be individualists. This gives the Japanese a decided advantage in accomodating to a spouse in a marital relationship.
Take a look at the divorce rates in Japan, Australia and New Zealand here (
I wrote earlier, If there's little sex in a marriage (or it's witheld) it's often a sign of deep seated problems in the relationship
You responded, Or anti-depressant side-effects
That is why I used the word "often" not the word "always." I was referring to people in good health.
Medications and physical and emotional health can affect the libido. However, regarding antidepressants, they typically do not decrease the libido. That's already done by the depression. What they do much more commonly is cause a delayed orgasmic response. (This is somewhat of a misnomer, as the delay in orgasm can be indefinite). It's one reason why people on drugs have to be supervised by a doctor who can work with them to achieve a balance b/w helping the depressive symptoms and minimizing the side effects.
In a healthy couple, if they're not having sex for weeks at a time, chances are they'll shortly be on the way to the lawyer.
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Marist Mike
07-13-2003, 05:18 PM
when did this become the Leykis show..I can hear him now that piece of garbage calling people whipped on his crappy ass show
RIP Barry White...I'll make you proud at my wedding
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