View Full Version : Best Old School Video Game
Five Pumps
08-10-2001, 06:19 AM
Before games just sold "eye candy" they actually made games that you wanted to play threw just because they were fun to play! Granted there a few games like that today, but those games are few and far between. I'll get this started with the obvious, <b><i>Contra</i></b>, id love to see someone debate me on this one! Contra was so damn good that you'd just play thew it over and over, the ending blew, but who cares!? And who could <b>EVER</b> forget Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start.
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F Wad
08-10-2001, 06:28 AM
my favorite was the original donkey kong for super nes
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aka canweseeyourstuff from o&
08-10-2001, 06:47 AM
If we're talking about the original NES, I was a big fan of the first RBI Baseball. With the fat, stubby pitchers and the old attempt to steal 2nd with a runner at third and then sneak home when they threw trick, it was hours of entertainment.
08-10-2001, 07:00 AM
Does anyone remember DRAGONS' LAIR. It was around early to mid 80's. It was the first cartoon animated video game i believe.
Five Pumps
08-10-2001, 07:01 AM
Well I didn't mean to limit this soley to the Nes, but how could I forget RBI Baseball! That game rocked, the computer was so damn stupid, you'd hit a home run every other at bat, and when you put your all-star team together you could conceivably hit a home run every at bat! Fantastic! Another game that was great was for either Coleco or Atari 2600, <b><i>Montazuma's Revenge</i></b>, that game was fun too! So many little boobie (yahaha - boobie) traps, hours of Fun!
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08-10-2001, 07:48 AM
Five Pumps - You said boobie. haa haaa. Oops now I said it.
Dude Montezuma's Revenge kicked ass !! With the multicolored keys and all.
I'd play that game today if I could.
They actually have a website where you can still buy Colecovisions. I totally took it on the chin when they pulled that whole Adam computer shenanigan. I had to barter like a birthday present, christmas present, first born child deal with my parents to get them to buy it.
Then Coleco screwed me. Decided to put more time into that Cabbage Patch trash. Oh well.
Dr Mario was a great game as well.
I still play that damn thing.
08-10-2001, 09:13 AM
FIVE PUMPS - The NES is only about 10 years old. What about all the old school games from the early 80's. Anyone remember Infocom (makers of Zork, Planetfall, etc.) How about King's Quest and the entire Roberta Williams library or the original Colossal Cave?
08-10-2001, 09:36 AM
Horde you lost me with those last few. I kinda have heard of Zork, but none of those others.
Does anybody remember when the original PacMan came to the Atari 2600 ??
The dude wasnt even round, nor were the pills, they called them " wafers " instead.
What a bust.
Kaboom was a great game on the 2600.
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 09:58 AM
EA Sports NHL 93 - 95 on SEGA rule!! I played those until my fingers bled.
LT Rooster
08-10-2001, 10:18 AM
I remember EA's NHL 94 for the Super Nintendo. The computer would always fall for the fake right shoot left trick.
Stupid bastard !!
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 10:27 AM
what year was it when you could control the goalie? then it got good. If you knew the buddy you were playing against you could have some great games.
RC Pro Am was also a great game for the old school NES
i hope the stupid bastard you were refering to was not me bro - I am new to the crew CYA!!
LT Rooster
08-10-2001, 10:33 AM
No way LT, not you, the computer was the stupid bastard.
Dont be so sensetive. LOL
Not sure what year you could use the goalie.
But RC Pro Am was killer.
Dont know if I ever got all of the different cars though.
Remember Double Dribble ??
That game was so easy I used to let the computer play the whole first half without me scoring and then win it in the last half.
How about that spot on the floor where you'd hit the 3-pointer everytime ??
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 10:44 AM
Double Dribble!!!
yes - I remember the game would say,"Double dribble" and it would sound like Mush Mouth from Fat Albert said it.
Remember the Cheesy highlight shots when you would go for the big dunk!!
LT Rooster
08-10-2001, 10:57 AM
TEMPEST (coin-op from Atari) rocked! It took me a few hours to remember the name.
Also, how bad-ass was SPY HUNTER (with "Peter Gunn" playing in the background)?
it's like... MOVIE SEX!
08-10-2001, 11:20 AM
Oh yeah, they had a Spy Hunter version for Colecovision.
They are actually making one for Playstation 2. Obviously jazzin' it up a bit.
How about Ice Hockey for the original NIntendo. You had the choice between the fat guys, skinny guys and the mediums.
I went with the one fat, one skinny, and two average dudes.
Double Dribble !!!
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 11:25 AM
Jim Beam Bro - we must be about the same age!!
Ice Hockey - I went with two fat guys Two medium
But the skinny guys had the coolest celebration dance - It was like the walk like an egyptian move!! remember - CYA!
LT Rooster
Beer Bishop
08-10-2001, 11:28 AM
I was a big fan of nintendo ice hockey. You had 4 guys on your team and could choose from three different types of players:
1. skinny guy who was fast but couldn't shoot hard
2. medium guy who was average all around
3. a fat guy who was real slow but could shoot blasts at the goalie
loved the idea of being able to set up your team however you wanted to.
All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer. -- Homer Simpson
08-10-2001, 11:52 AM
This has got to be my 50th reference to dodgeball today, but there was a game out for the NES called Vs Dodgeball. It was set-up like that South park episode where you competed internationally. I only played it a few times when I rented it years ago. Never found it ever again.
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 12:05 PM
OK I have the ultimate list - get the memory banks ready!!
1989 Ninja Gaiden
Mega Man
Mike Tyson Puch Out
and the best ever EXCITE BIKE!!!
LT Rooster
08-10-2001, 12:16 PM
The old NHL for the Sega rocked. I used to like to hit the guys hard and see them bleed on the ice. I hated it when they got PC and took out the blood and the fighting.
My other favorite was Metal Gear. The main thing I remember was watching Solid smoke the pack of cigarettes. They had a cheesy code to get to the end. It was all zeros or all ones. I just wish they re-released it on those classic disks when they released Metal Gear Solid.
Does anyone remember the game NARC?
08-10-2001, 12:19 PM
I think I remembered Narc being a hard game, or maybe my head is just up my ass and I'm thinking of a different game.
Did any of ya'll have a Commodore 64 ??
Man I remember getting all kinds of great games on there.
You could load up a disk and have like 20 games and trade them with your friends.
That was before computers got all fancy.
Five Pumps
08-10-2001, 12:32 PM
My video game memories go as far back as spy hunter for the computer, (probably commodor 64?) that was probably the first game i ever was at my cousins and i was about 5 (im 23 now). From there i had Intellavision, Coleco, Then Atari 2600. The rest everyone's probably hit. (Nes, SNes, Genesis, TG16, PSX, Dreamcast, PS2). The best system with graphics aside is by far the Nes, total innovation. How could you people forget the <b><i>Legend of Zelda</i></b>!? Unreal! I gotta agree with LtRooster when it comes to <b><i>Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden and Excitebike</b></i>. <b><i>Dragon Warrior</i></b> (the 1st one) was probably the best RPG ever (again putting graphics aside), and JaySee, i was at a bar recently in NY and they had <b><i>Tempest</b></i>! It was such a throwback, but soo damn awesome. Heres a little poll for all of you to ponder alright?<br><center><i>Best Game Ever? Any system, whatta you guys think?</i></center><br><br>007-373-5963 :)
<IMG SRC=""><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
08-10-2001, 12:35 PM
i just saw this thread and APPALLED it took this long to mention Legend of Zelda. That is THE game. I was personally a MegaMan series fan with three possibly being the best. And of course Contra was legendary. For Sports fan Blades of Steel- who didn't spend hours running into your opponents for that 10 second fight sequence.
"Nothing can kill The Grimace"
Captain Rooster
08-10-2001, 12:37 PM
NHL 95 - SEGA !!
The best hanging with your buddies game of all time!
LT Rooster
08-10-2001, 12:40 PM
You can actually get Tempest on some game pack that you can play on your Windows desktop. They have like 3 or 4 and its a lot of those old Atari vector graphic type games.
Battlezone, Tempest, Asteroids , etc ....
I gotta admit, I was never a big Metroid fan, maybe because I never completed the damn game.
Ditto for a Jurassic Park game they had for the Super Nintendo. I got really far, found what I thought was like a hidden thing, but it actually was a glitch in the game and I could never get out of it. It was like I was walking around in the dark.
Damn them !!
I do have balls !!!
08-10-2001, 12:53 PM
Baseball Simulator 1000 was awesome. The missile shot was the best. That bastard would get dragged all the way to the outfield wall.
monkey gram. haha ok.
Circus Boy
08-10-2001, 09:21 PM
the best Atari game was Pitfall or Kaboom..nintendo..legend of zelda....but my favorite video game of all time will be Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition
Circus Boy with the Grubby Mobile
This is my temporary sig. pic so i dont get chastised by JJ.
08-10-2001, 09:35 PM
Pitfall was probably my favorite Atari game. Last I heard they want to make it into a movie. Producers want Bruce Campbell, Studio wants Affleck- I think we all know who'd be best for the role.
"Nothing can kill The Grimace"
08-10-2001, 09:49 PM
I remember playing my freinds Commodor 64's hockey game.
Take a shot, press pause, unpause and the shot always went in.
Old Atari ruled too, I used to play it every morning before I went to school.
Any EA NHL game for SNES or Genesis ruled, they kinda suck on the newer systems.
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PanterA said I could put my link back. :) <a href="">WWF RHC</a>
Five Pumps
08-11-2001, 07:54 AM
i was could ANYONE forget <b><i>BaseBall Stars</b></i>!?! Probably the best all round baseball game ever made! Powering up your own teams, climbing walls! it was unbelievable. I'm suprised it went this long without getting paid props.
<IMG SRC=""><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
Five Pumps
08-11-2001, 11:41 AM
As much as i hate to do this, i must date (not literally "date him" i mean date him in terms of years) Horde King (and myself actually) and remind him that Super Mario Bros. Nintendo's first game released for the Nes debuted in 1985, more than 15 years ago! Shit I'm getting old.
<IMG SRC=""><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
08-11-2001, 12:01 PM
centipede arcade the taco belle across from my high schhol, wanna skip lunch, smoke, eat tacos and play centipede?
till the next line~
Brother Rat
08-11-2001, 12:48 PM
Space Invaders, Asteroids, Galaga, Galaxians, Defender. Missle Command got hairy pretty fast for me. At home on Nintendo Dr. Mario, Tetris, Donkey Kong Jr.
Evil Al Dukes
08-11-2001, 04:16 PM
GalaticA, Ateroids, super mario bros.
Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt
vom Feuer das die Haut verbrennt Ich werf ein Licht
in mein Gesicht Ein heisser Schrei Feuer frei!
<B> <^>F('_')off<^>
08-11-2001, 06:20 PM
ZAXXON, it was awesome effects for the time. The colecovision one was really cool at the time as well.....
08-11-2001, 09:08 PM
I only wish I could consider the NES old school!
Computer games were around long before video games. However, since computers cost so much, the games were not nearly as popular as video games. Of course, now this has changed.
The first computer game was made at MIT 1961 and was called Space Wars. You can play it at
Five Pumps
08-12-2001, 06:13 AM
Considering what they had to work with back then, that games not tooooo bad. :) I dont know how you found that link..but very good. Thank god 1985 is old school to me though!
<IMG SRC=""><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
08-12-2001, 09:35 AM
Hey Five Pumps,
Dude you so stole my next game from me. I was gonna mention Baseball Stars. That really was one of the best baseball games. Simplistic controls, kept stats, built up players, the fielding was way cool ( even when you dove and could " catch " a ball with your knees or foot, LOL ) and the different batting stances. It was awesome. The Lovely Ladies, tht Japanese team in the ninja suits, The American Dreams. Good stuff.
They actually made a sequel that I never played. It supposedly had 4 different stadiums. More teams and could keep more stats. I'll find it on Ebay and buy it someday.
I do have balls !!!
08-12-2001, 10:04 PM
NES-Wizards and Warriors or Ice Climbers
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<center><A HREF=>Click Here To Access The Music Project Server</A></center>
08-12-2001, 10:49 PM
Arcade- Gauntlet
Atari- Pitfall, Missile Command
Intellivision- B17 Bomber
C-64- Blue Max, Beechhead
NES- Tecmo Super Bowl
Sega- EA NHL 95
Quit clowning around<br><img height=100 width=200 src="">
girl germs
08-13-2001, 12:16 AM
contra...definitely contra.
<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>
08-13-2001, 08:12 AM
Do ya'll remember a game called Impossible Mission on the Commodore 64 ??
When the game began the computer used to say :
" Another visitor. Stay a while .......... stay forever !!!!!!!!!! "
It had like robots and elevators and stuff.
I never figured out what the hell you were supposed to do. You'd collect like puzzle pieces but they never went together.
I do have balls !!!
Brother Rat
08-13-2001, 08:16 AM
Anyone remember Crazy Climber, where you had to move the guy up the side of a building, and people would open windows and drop stuff on you? I was also thinking about two old favorites, GORF and Wizard of War. For that matter, Boot Hill was one that got a lot of quarters out of my and my little brother!
Circus Boy
08-13-2001, 10:30 AM
hell yeah i forgot all about tecmo bowl and tecmo super bowl...what about racing games...i used to be able to play super mario cart for days straight.....also i dont know if anyone had commodore 64 but California Games was the best game for it
Circus Boy with the Grubby Mobile
This is my temporary sig. pic so i dont get chastised by JJ.
08-13-2001, 12:42 PM
Five Games I lover were
Metroid-classic game hard to beat
Kid icarus- another cool game
excite bike was kinda sweet
KUNGFU-has anyone played this one it was awsome
golf was cool as well
Five Pumps
08-13-2001, 01:04 PM
Wow <i>Impossible Mission</i>, i totally forgot about that game! I remember being over some kids house (someone my my would babysit for after work) and he had it, i dont remember much about it, just that opening line of "stay awhile...stay forever!" :) very good!<br>And i have to agree with you on <i><b>Super Mario Cart</i></b>, my freshman year of college my friend in the next room had it, holy shit, we played that game night and day, it was always on, drinkin whatever, that was the ultimate "hanging out" game..Another cool game was an arcade game <b><i>Operation Wolf</i></b>, im pretty sure it was the first game with a force feedback gun where it would shake and stuff, sooo cool!<br>And by the way, the screen pass to walter payton in tecmo bowl was probably the best play in the game, where you'd drop back like 35 yards, and payton would be standing by the sideline, and when mcmahn would throw it, it wouldn't arc, it was like a seed right to him :) NICE
<IMG SRC=""><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
08-13-2001, 01:09 PM
anybody play bad dudes for nes?i loved that game.also the legend of cage.even though i played it a couple of years ago and it kinda blew.was anybody else addicted too street fighter 2 when it first came out?
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)
08-13-2001, 01:20 PM
Do you guys remember 10 Yard Fight for the NES ??
You couldnt throw a forward pass w/out it being picked.
You used to have to drop down like 50 yards and let it fly.
When they ran they used to make that
tickt tickt tickt tickt tickt sound.
The level of play never changed, just the distance that the computer kicked to, ending in the endzone.
Terrible !!!
I do have balls !!!
08-13-2001, 04:08 PM
if we're talking atari 2600 then we have to go with Combat; the game that came with the console. I mean come on! Tanks with shots that richocet! and how about those biplanes!
-- Furie
Today's Subliminal
Message is:
08-13-2001, 06:00 PM
I had PONG before Atari2600
came out, that was old...
Five Pumps
08-13-2001, 06:04 PM
That game <b><i>Bad Dudes</b></i> was awesome..Remember when they would pose and say "I'm Bad" :) Verrrry Funny..<b><i>Legend of Kage</b></i> was another great game, jumpin threw the trees slashin anything that moved! And the origional <b><i>Metal Gear</b></i> was cool, very good story, very good concept for a game! Who punches Dogs though? :)
<center><IMG SRC=""></center><br><center><i>Streaking Towards Tens of Posts</i></center>
The Blowhard
11-01-2001, 07:35 AM
<embed src="" width=300 height=100>
pootertoot inc.
RF Godfather
11-01-2001, 07:52 AM
Tetris, Duck Hunt, Contra, Guerilla War, Double Dragon, TMNT, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid and the original Super Mario.
New sig thanks to WWFallon.
11-01-2001, 08:17 AM
Best game ever? Krazy
Shootout on the Atari 800. LOL
I loved that game. And I loved
my Atari 800. It came with a
cartridge for Basic and it had
a built in keyboard, so you
could program on it! It also
had a casstte recorder type
deal, and to play Hockey and
Sammy the SeaSerpent, you had
to play tapes. It also had Pac
Man. but still, Krazy shootout
was the best!!!!
<img src="">
11-01-2001, 08:31 AM
Mega Man for NES,
Zanac for NES,
Congo Bongo for Atari 2600,
How about Zaxzon for Coleco?
Did anyone have the Vextrex the first vector based game system? It had it own screen which was black and white but each game came with a color overlay that would make the games color. Now it is kinda cheesy but back then it was the coolest thing ever. It even had a light pen that you could draw on the screen with and make little animated movies and pictures with.
Everybody wants to be a Tigger till the cops show up.
11-01-2001, 09:32 AM
PAC MAN!!! I still play that at least once a week. It is timeless. I've always thought games like Pac-Man, Phoenix, and Meteor will always be popular because their simplicity and the skill needed will be entertaining for millions of years.
The MEGA-MAN series is great. The concept of taking the weapons of the guy you just beat is great.
Also, the multiple player arcade games were THE BEST. Anyone remember RAMPAGE, where you are a monster that attacks buildings? THE SIMPSONS, X-MEN, JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA, SPIDER-MAN, and BUCKY O'HARE were some good ones.
Shooting games are always fun. I like the more recent ones like AREA 51 and POLICE TRAINER.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
"Nietzche is dead"
This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 11-1-01 @ 1:43 PM
11-01-2001, 09:41 AM
Mine are Frogger, Pac Man, Bump 'n Jump, Pitfall, and Burger Time
11-01-2001, 09:58 AM
My favorite old school sports video game has to be Tecmo Bowl. Who can forget the 90 yard football passes. Great game!! BAM!!
reason is a created thing, imposed with faith upon the world, and the stars promise nothing to No one
No Obstacles...........Only Challenges!!!
11-01-2001, 11:20 AM
Yars Revenge for Atari
-- Furie
<img src="">
11-01-2001, 11:39 AM
Contra for genises ruled!!!!
up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-b-a select down start for infinite lives
<img src="">
RF Godfather
11-02-2001, 10:33 AM
Hey Mighty Matt, correction. The code is up up down down left right left right select start. Scratch out the last down!
You all probably forgot this invincibility code for Contra: A, A, up, B, B, down, and Start.
Hey anybody owned the Powerglove? If so, why are there so many buttons on that sucker?
New sig thanks to WWFallon.
The Blowhard
01-24-2002, 10:16 PM
"It takes good taste to truly appreciate bad taste"-John Waters
01-25-2002, 04:04 PM
Galaga and Galaxian.
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The weather up here is fine. Thank you for asking.
Big Jim
01-25-2002, 07:04 PM
TAPPER, the beer filling and catching empty mug arcade game. That and Arkanoid...i never did get past level 11.
Dumb Donald was so dumb. Instead of praying to God at church, he prays to... <img src = ""> Thank you Jersey Rich for this sig!SEEEEEYUH!!
01-25-2002, 07:35 PM
I remember Tapper that was some good shit. Pitfall was my favorite.
I know tis is gonna sound dumb but I ALWAYS Loved Ms. Pacman, ever since I was a young kid I remenber my own Mother playing that game in front of me and beating the ever loving piss outta me in that game, besides that game I was in love with that tank game on Atari,oh and I cant forget playing Sega genisis, my favorite game was Sonic the hedgehog, I remember getting the cheat codes for that game and having A ball with it(up C down C, Left C right C.........UP down left right up down left right,hear coin souns and press start)
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I sound Like Frighty Fright? How?
Belly Shirts are a privlage, not a right!
01-26-2002, 02:19 PM
Asteriods! Something very Nitche-sque about doing your futile best to postpone death.
The better to c u with.
01-26-2002, 02:19 PM
Asteriods! Something very Nitche-sque about doing your futile best to postpone death.
The better to c u with.
The Game
01-27-2002, 08:43 PM
For me, the best old-school games were:
"Mike Tyson Punch Out"
All the "Contra" games
Bad Dudes (which I'm glad many people here agree)
and the Tag-Team wrestling Arcade game with the boot-legs characters that look and act like certain WWF characters of back in the days. It also had that huge action button that you had to press repeatedly.
Anyone remember that old wrestling Arcade?
Now can you Dig that!!!
The Blowhard
08-20-2002, 11:07 PM
I once started a barroom brawl by simply unplugging a "Tron" game in a bar. The guy playing blamed someone else, chaos ensued! I took their quarters.
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08-21-2002, 06:26 AM
Texas Chainsaw Massacre! yes it was a game, for the 1st or 2nd Version of Atari.
Goddess Ari's Bitch
Bill From Yorktown
08-21-2002, 06:36 AM
atari 2600 - adventure and asteroids - a friend dusted off her 2600 and had an atari party a few months ago - when it was my turn I just zoned on asteroids for about 20 min until I rolled the counter over, then quit for the night...
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08-21-2002, 12:10 PM
Super Mario Brothers 3 and Super Mario World
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Mario Fan Since Day 1
09-01-2002, 06:14 PM
You know your days are numbered when you remember PONG. I remember playing it at the college pub when it was just out. <P>
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09-02-2002, 03:37 PM
I remember playing Pong with those controllers with the wheel thingy and the original Space Invaders, now I feel very, very old.
I've always liked bonks adventure for Turbo Grafx-16!
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"When we say nuts we're not talking about human testicles."
12-23-2006, 04:28 AM
<p>Hey there Too Cute, a buddy sent me a link to this thread...I wrote that ol' video game Krazy Shoot-Out a million years ago, glad to hear it was one of your favorites :), it was a blast to write, in fact it took forever to finish 'cause we keep playing it way too much.</p><p>Have Fun!</p><p>~My Proclivity</p><p> </p>
03-01-2007, 08:14 PM
There are three best old school video games and they all hold up to today's standards: the oldest is Asteroids; then comes Defender; then one of the all-time-bests, Zaxxon....the Golden Age of Arcade Games...
03-01-2007, 08:19 PM
<p><font size="1">That small grey cartridge that brought me hours of Super Mario Bros. AND Duck hunt,,,, </font></p><p>Forever a place in my heart for that original NES.... Remember Blowing the dust out of the cartridge before putting it in the console?... No Kid today could even fathom having to do that.... </p>
03-01-2007, 08:22 PM
I would have to say my fav alltime game is Mike Tysons punchout got to love a game made about a rapist...also i cant go wrong with a nice tecmo bowl
Judge Smails
03-01-2007, 08:30 PM
<img src="" border="0" width="300" height="359" />
03-02-2007, 11:52 AM
Double Dragon!!!
03-12-2007, 02:21 PM
03-12-2007, 04:46 PM
re reading this...I forgot about most of the games I loved!
03-13-2007, 07:55 PM
<p>Here's my favs:</p><p>1. Tempest</p><p>2. Centipede (Table top version is best)</p><p>3. Space Invaders</p><p>4. River Raid</p><p>5. Q-bert</p><p>6. Pac-Man</p><p>7 Asteroids</p><p>I had the Atari 5200- yes I was a spoiled brat groing up. My dad bout it for me for christmas but more for the reason that we had to be better than the neighbors who had the 2600 </p><span class="post_edited"></span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by ppanda on 3-14-07 @ 12:00 AM</span>
03-25-2007, 09:10 AM
without a doubt, my favorite game for the Atari 2600, and perhaps my favorite of all time was Star Raiders. A kind of Last Starfighter set up.
03-28-2007, 11:36 AM
4d boxing is pretty old school i like it cause you get to create your boxer
03-28-2007, 12:14 PM
My favorite has to be Galaga.
06-01-2007, 05:27 PM
06-06-2007, 08:02 AM
06-06-2007, 08:44 AM
did anyone ever blow on the bottom side of the games?
for some reason, when I was younger...we did that. I'm not sure if it actually helped, but sometimes it seemed to.
06-06-2007, 09:05 AM
anyone remember Star Controll for the genesis?
06-06-2007, 09:09 AM
I would have to say my fav alltime game is Mike Tysons punchout got to love a game made about a rapist...also i cant go wrong with a nice tecmo bowl
My favorite has to be Galaga.
I have a Wii, and I spend way, way too much time playing the NES versions of Punch Out! and Galaga on the virtual console.
06-06-2007, 11:06 AM
Good call on Gunsmoke, joethebartender.
06-06-2007, 11:53 AM
did anyone ever blow on the bottom side of the games?
for some reason, when I was younger...we did that. I'm not sure if it actually helped, but sometimes it seemed to.
Oh hell yeah man.. It was to get all the dust out to make a better connection.
I just took a Nintendo apart last Christmas and changed the Pin Connector... just about all the old games are working beautifully now :)
06-06-2007, 12:10 PM
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaank you! Not to be confused with the inferior Tecmo Bowl.
P.S. You have to put your shirt over the cartridge before you blow on it. It just works better.
06-06-2007, 12:30 PM
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaank you! Not to be confused with the inferior Tecmo Bowl.
P.S. You have to put your shirt over the cartridge before you blow on it. It just works better.
Until I played ESPN NFL 2K5, no other football game even came close for the fun aspect. TSB is hands-down my all time favorite.
06-07-2007, 10:36 AM
i like spy vs spy (nes) or john elway's quaterback (nes)
06-07-2007, 10:51 AM
I loved the really old arcade games like the football ones with the X's and O's that you controlled with a track ball. Also, there used to be this target game where these images of bottles appeared on a screen and you would shoot at them with a rifle that you had to cock before each shot.
I know that these are pretty old but so am I:smile:
06-07-2007, 11:11 AM
I loved tecmo bowl and my favorite was the game "baseball stars"
I remember there being a super all star team and some other teams were all girls or japanese.
06-07-2007, 11:18 AM
I loved tecmo bowl and my favorite was the game "baseball stars"
I remember there being a super all star team and some other teams were all girls or japanese.
Baseball Stars was awesome. You could create your own teams and upgrade your players through winning games.
I was always a big fan of Baseball Simulator 1.000 as well.
06-07-2007, 11:26 AM
Baseball Stars was awesome. You could create your own teams and upgrade your players through winning games.
I was always a big fan of Baseball Simulator 1.000 as well.
Talking about this led me to the site below which lets you play. Its amazing how old it looks. It takes a while to get used the controls but its the real game.
Baseball Stars (
06-07-2007, 01:42 PM
Another NES classic...
06-07-2007, 06:01 PM
Rastan was a great game that I used to play at a local Gas Station as a kid. It was a Conan looking game and was tons of fun.
06-07-2007, 06:10 PM
I loved tecmo bowl and my favorite was the game "baseball stars"
I remember there being a super all star team and some other teams were all girls or japanese.
I will second Baseball Stars. That shit was the best. MY whole neighborhood had a league. It was so fun.
Also I loved NARC.
06-12-2007, 01:30 AM
I know we're talking video games, but does anyone remember this little gem? (I already know that I'm old.)
06-13-2007, 11:01 AM
Rastan was a great game that I used to play at a local Gas Station as a kid. It was a Conan looking game and was tons of fun.
They had that at the Pizza Hut across the street from me. Very fun game.
I know we're talking video games, but does anyone remember this little gem? (I already know that I'm old.)
Hell yeah.
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