View Full Version : if you could change one day in your life?
07-04-2003, 12:37 PM
if you could change one day in your life? what would it be?
i would like to go back to friday the 13th of september. i was having a great time 2morrow would be the day of my life was going to play against a power house division 3 soccer oppenent and then down to boston with dinner with my girlfriend and then to propose to her.(was going to do it before school but decided against it)
my roommate like you know today is friday the 13th but nothing could break me down o so what i thought.
i go to my class and i'm on the computer talking to my uncle fiancee when the worst news came about my now ex-gf tina told her to tell me that she can't go with this long distance relationship. totally killed me i was in such pain. so i went to soccer practice that day not feeling all well couldn't speak didn't say a word. during shooting drills i would yell there names but instead i was just pointing one kid takes a shot and i grab went to drop kick it just as i did i saw a bal about 2 feet in front of me ..................
whack right smackdown in the kisser did a complete flip and just layed there for 15 minutes everything was a blur i could hear everybody talking to me but couldn't respond ambulance firefighters were they on the scence and then all of a sudden i got up and they all were trying to put me down telling me to stand still. they asked me a whole bunch of question and wanted me to go to the hospital i told them i didn't want to and told me it wouldn't be a good idea not to but gae me a paper to watch out for certain stuff and was told not to go to sleep or take any pills
that night i went out and was having a headache i grabbed some pills out of this girl purse and went to the bathroom i just looked at thinking about all the stuff that happened to me this day and went ahead and took 20 pills. leaving only her with 3 pills left i went back out there and told them i wanted to go back to the dorm went to sleep and woke up the next morning like what the hell did i do.
no matter how bad things are going allways remember there is somebody life who is muched messed up as yours
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<b>4Sport Athlete!</b></center>
07-04-2003, 03:00 PM
this goes along with what i posted in my most life altering moment but ill post it here too...
since what happened to me was meant to happen i cant realy change it but if i wished for a day to be different id wish i never have gotten hit by a car and broke my leg. soccer wouldnt have been taken away from me and id probably be in school right now and a lot happier. stupid fucking broken leg. :mad:
<center>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
[b]I'm doing the happy dance, I'm doing the happy dance.
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<font color=blue>110% Shenannigans</font>
07-04-2003, 04:57 PM
Dec. 23, 1999- Lost somebody very near and dear to me- I'm still lost!!!!
Johnny Fontane
07-04-2003, 07:26 PM
Flashback, November 1983
I was living in my dorm at Rutgers, freshman year. I was madly infatuated with the girl next door, Denise. She had been seeing this guy Tim from downstairs earlier in the semester, but she assured me that they were over and done with; she said he was a jerk.
So one night I'm hanging out with Denise and her roommate, I guess we had a few drinks, and then we get back to the dorm. We run into Tim, and the next thing you know she's kissing him.
So I just basically go back to my room, feeling jealous and hurt, and as I'm walking in the door they ask me if I want to go downstairs to play cards or something, and I say something like, "no, I don't feel like it."
Now, as I'm walking in my room, I thought I heard them laughing at me. So I went inside, tried to cool down, but it wasn't happening.
So I go downstairs and knock on the door of this card game, with the intention of talking to Denise in private, and again I think I hear them laughing at me. So that was it, I start banging on the door like a maniac, and I yell "I've got all fucking night!"
Well, fortunately, nobody opened the door, and I didn't have all fucking night. I went back upstairs to my room.
But the damage was done. Apparently I scared the hell out of Denise. We talked it over after the fact, and we managed to stay friends, but at this point it went without saying that she had no interest in me.
And one more thing - she told my friend John after the fact that if she had known that I liked her, things might have been different.
Come to think about it, if that was the one day I would change, I've been pretty lucky.
"Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again."
Don Corleone to Sonny
This message was edited by Johnny Fontane on 7-4-03 @ 11:51 PM
07-04-2003, 07:36 PM
The day I met my soon to be Ex wife.
Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
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Johnny Fontane
07-04-2003, 08:06 PM
The day I met my soon to be Ex wife.
Johneewadd, ex-wife?! I thought you were a youngster!
since what happened to me was meant to happen i cant realy change it but if i wished for a day to be different id wish i never have gotten hit by a car and broke my leg. soccer wouldnt have been taken away from me and id probably be in school right now and a lot happier. stupid fucking broken leg.
I hope the leg is better Amy. You're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Life is good.
And remember, you rock grlNiN's socks.
Lost somebody very near and dear to me
She's with you Reeshy. She's in your heart. She will always be with you.
"Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again."
Don Corleone to Sonny
Bob Impact
07-05-2003, 04:09 AM
It's a toss up.
Either the day I started doing hard drugs or the day I quit.
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Thanks, FlufferNutter and C
07-05-2003, 06:34 AM
I regret nothing!
[center]<IMG SRC="">
We both reached for the gun
07-05-2003, 06:36 AM
june 1997- had the chance to go in the marines... passed it up..
sig courtesy of amy
This message was edited by jocefus on 7-5-03 @ 10:39 AM
Death Metal Moe
07-06-2003, 12:43 PM
..........just one day?
So many regrets to choose from.
<A HREF=""></A>
07-06-2003, 05:38 PM
I'd go back to 6th grade and kick Lenny Balducci's ass!!
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07-06-2003, 06:38 PM
My best friend was dying of cancer and I was supposed to drive out to Cleveland to see her. I got caught up in traffic, got pissed and went home. She died a few days later and I never got to say goodbye.
07-06-2003, 07:08 PM
It's far too fuckin' complicated to get into right now, but OH you can BET YOUR ASS there's a day I'd change. I'd change it in a fucking heartbeat. February 14th, 2002 (no relation to Valentine's Day, just a coincidence).
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07-07-2003, 03:21 AM
November 26th, 2001. I combined an abundance of pills with wrist slashing and landed myself a nice vacation in Monmouth Medical Childrens Crisis Unit. Yeah, they really helped me figure out my lifes "problems".
<br />
<font size="1">Thanks Pants! <3</font>
<font size="2">Meow what Is So Damn Funny?</font><font color="blue" /><font color="blue">110% Shenannigans</font>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by grlNIN on 4-24-06 @ 9:19 PM</span>
..........just one day?
So many regrets to choose from.
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A Skidmark production.
01-15-2004, 05:11 PM
Hey man, it's me Lenny B, and ther can't be too many of us with the same name. I mean, 6th grade, we're talkin St Stephen's in Kearny NJ, if I'm the Lenny you're looking for. Who the fuck are you and come on down to Florida and I'll buy you a beer before you take a shot at me. How's that sound, old buddy?
01-15-2004, 05:32 PM
Thats it Lenny, Im done with you, you stole my girl and now, after 20 years you show up and act like nothing happened? I hope she was good Lenny, I hope she was good. Because she has the aids Lenny, she had the aaaaaiiidddsssssss
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<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>
01-15-2004, 05:39 PM
june 25, 2000. i broke the heart of my soulmate, and fucked up our relationship forever.
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01-15-2004, 05:45 PM
i broke the heart of my soulmate, and fucked up our relationship forever.
Me too but it happened sometime in 1997....or was it in 1998? No wonder it got f*cked up. But it wasn't always my fault. (At least in my opinion).
(Place YOUR AD here) Call now!
01-15-2004, 07:35 PM
If I could go back and change one day, it will probably be to go back and stop myself from paying see "Wild Wild West". UGH!!!
Worst movie ever!!!!!!
"Give up the Half-ling, She-Elf!!!"
01-25-2004, 07:44 AM
September 1996. Freshman year at Seton Hall University. Always had been a pot head in high school, had fun with acid and shrooms, but that was it. In walks my roomate and turns out there is nothing the guy won't ingest into his body. He introduced me to Devil's Dandruff, and my life was over for the next three years. Failed out, had to move home with the folks, started robbing the folks for $$$, basically lived the shittiest existence possible. I guess I would change the day I decided to live on-campus and not commute.
"Dying tickles" - Ralph Wiggum
East Side Dave
01-25-2004, 07:49 AM
I wish I hadn't tried to give my dog a liver transplant when he was pretty healthy in the first place and don't use a potato peeler if you want to perform home-made surgery thank you....
<img src=>
Big Ass Mafia
Click this link ( to hear my show on Jersey's 90.5 The Night FM; (weeknights)-
Sunday night/Monday morning through Thursday night/Friday morning- 3 to 5 AM.
01-25-2004, 08:11 AM
The day I was conceived.
01-25-2004, 08:12 AM
April 29, 2000...I did something really stupid that began a downward spiral in my life. And I did it for no apparent reason. I cite that as the basis of when all my problems began, when I opened my own personal "Pandora's Box". But I must report that I have majority of them whooped...still I didnt have to go down that road in the first place
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks
01-27-2004, 12:10 PM
August 9th 1994. I had asked my then Ex wife to marry me. I knew I should not have...I had serious hesitation. But she had such a mind-fuck on me she had me convinced that she was the only woman who would have me.
Looking back now.....I would have rather stayed single.
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Bowie, Md.: Berkeley, I'm so glad you're back!; I've really missed The Far Side all these years.
Berkeley Breathed: Yes, thank you, but I don't draw Far Side. I draw Calvin and Hobbes.
01-27-2004, 12:29 PM
This message was edited by Furtherman on 9-29-04 @ 2:29 PM
walking joint
01-27-2004, 12:39 PM
i was young...around 8-9 and my oldest sister was having major trouble and was in and out of the hospital as an anerixic. she was horrible to my parents so i resented her for making my parents cry all the time. one day she was home and i was watching TV. she came in and changed the channel....i said something dumb, but innocent like "move cow"...knowing it would piss her off and it really did. she was like 15-16 and came after me. she hit me in the head a few times, didn't really hurt, but i threw my hands up to protect myself. i grabbed her hands and twisted breaking 3 of her fingers. we didn't talk for a few years and it was really something dumb. i didn't mean to hurt her, but she felt the whole world was out to get her at the time. she is fine least as fine as she will be.
finally a sig...SatCam rules
01-27-2004, 12:43 PM
Wow walking Joint you have some life..First the Mother-In-Law Story now the sister any others?
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01-27-2004, 12:45 PM
I have so many days that affected me badly in my life. There are many to choose from. However, each one of them was necessary to bring me to this point in my life. If changing a single day in my past would jeopardize what I have right now in my life (my wife and kids) I would never even contemplate doing it.
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Why am I always on a plane or a fast train
Oh what a world my parents gave me
walking joint
01-27-2004, 12:57 PM
Wow walking Joint you have some life..First the Mother-In-Law Story now the sister any others?
nope...that's about it. sorry if its not enough for you. as my goal is to please you.
finally a sig...SatCam rules
01-27-2004, 01:28 PM
My girlfriend had tickets to Nirvana (supposedly good seats), and I didn't feel like going and like 3 months later Kurt was dead. That, and I would've loved it if I could've somehow stopped Sex for Sam 3, but what're you gonna do?
01-27-2004, 01:43 PM
It would have to be the day back in little league when i struck out to end the game instead of hitting the game winning homerun. Cause if that happened i would be some CEO or something in some big corporation with this cool car and a trophy wife. However I would have missed out on the life that i live now with the women that i truly love......hold on no that wasn't me this is my story i was working at a tire store and i was married to T'ea Leonie and something happened and were were never married and didn't have a kid together but we met at the airport and talk it all out and then something else happened but throught hte whole thing i kept hear that song same as it ever was
ok this time it is the true story I try to live my life with no regrets everything that has happened has happened for a reason and i and happy the way everything has turned out and if i change something i would be afraid that I would be as happy as i am now
Did i ever tell any of you about the time i worked at The Saveing and Loan office and we lost a lot of money? i'll save that one for another day
NJ's Sexiest Bicycle Mechanic
01-31-2004, 09:26 AM
August 20, 2000
I had this female friend and knew she liked me. But I was really shy and I was a virgin at the time. If I knew what I knew now I would have tapped that ass. Now she is married with kids. I mean I just want to satsifaction of being around her man and knowing I banged his wife at one time. In fact I would like to take back all the times in my life now when I turned down pussy.
A Special Kat make this for me
02-02-2004, 03:25 PM
[quote]August 9th 1994. I had asked my then Ex wife to marry me. I knew I should not have...I had serious hesitation. But she had such a mind-fuck on me she had me convinced that she was the only woman who would have me.
Looking back now.....I would have rather stayed single.
Ironic. I was just married this year on August 9th
"Dying tickles" - Ralph Wiggum
02-02-2004, 03:41 PM
In fact I would like to take back all the times in my life now when I turned down pussy.
I'm sure its a short list, don't worry.
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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
02-02-2004, 04:32 PM
that day when someone threw a rock through the window and hit my girlfriend in the breast...
broke three of my fingers
biggest 'down' day of my life was '3 weeks into boothcamp' when i got called into the Company Commanders office and he said my 'pisstest' came back positive for cocaine. I didn't do it in the Navy but approx a day and a half before flying to San Diego. I was in the Unit that was going to lead the Graduation Parade and i was passing all my tests and really having a great time meeting new people. I received an Honorable Discharge with a certain code on it.
My parents had thrown me a big party before i left and i had to lie to them. I told them i had an ankle injury and it put me back a week and it meant that i wouldn't be getting the schooling i was promised and i could 'opt out'. I'm sure they didn't believe me but they didn't press me on it. My Mom cried like a baby whenever one of us went into the service( had 2 older brothers who were in Navy and Marines) and i think they were glad to have me home.
After a week and a half in boothcamp i actually got a staff infection in my leg and let it go for several days til i couldn't bear the pain. They sent me to the "sick Unit' and the paperwork said 5 days. The doctors couldn't believe i let it go as long as i did but when i saw the infection travel from my foot up to halfway up my shin i knew i had to do something. As i walked to the Sick Unit i changed the 5days on the paperwork to 2 days cause i was afraid i'd lose my unit and i just stayed on the antibiotics til i got better and went back to my unit after 2 days. During the time i was in the Sick Unit i got emotional and began crying when i was on the phone with my Mom. Her voice told me she wanted to be there for me.
I then took a bus from SanDiego back to Jersey. I met some cool people on that trip as well.
It took 3-days and nights.
My older brothers friend had given me a gram for a parting gift and just before i left i was partying with the PeurtoRican neighbors til 4 or 5 am. I was drinking, we shared the coc, and we danced all night and morning. There was a young PR girl(supposedly a virgin) who was going to marry a guy 20years older(he looked 40 years older) than her in about a month, she was there but he wasn't. When i danced slow dances with her she would let me kiss her but as soon as i slipped her the tongue she would bite it. We did this for a couple hours, 'kind've funny'. She didn't speak any english and i was giving her that look that i wanted to fuck her and she smiled and i nodded my head toward the other room and she smiled again. Then my neighbors wife(Lucy) said "NO NO"
good times
<img src="">
i got sig'd about three weeks ago by the sweetest Kat...
more cowbells
02-02-2004, 06:21 PM
That's true....there is several, but one that comes to my mind right now is the day I was in the Navy and I had the choice of doing 4 more years in the navy and doing some awesome traveling, or leaving it altogether, so here i am.
I hate this fuckin' world we live in. I'd rather be traveling...
<img src=""><br>Bring back RON & FEZ to N.Y.C.!
more cowbells
02-02-2004, 06:25 PM
That, and I would've loved it if I could've somehow stopped Sex for Sam 3, but what're you gonna do?
Nice answer, Mercury29! I like that.
<img src=""><br>Bring back RON & FEZ to N.Y.C.!
06-19-2004, 09:57 PM
the first day of first grade- from then on it was down hill....
What did the 5 fingers say to the face..
SLAP! I'm Rick James BITCH!
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dammit i got two of them ah well i will say them both
8/23/01 Burned uo my legs on a tredmile on addicent and the next day i went on vaction to San Diego....
6/6/03 Not seeing my grandpa in the hospital 2days before he died....Eventhough i went almost every weekendto the hospital up till that day he died 6/8/04....i still feel i should of went..
This message was edited by Duke 04 on 6-25-04 @ 11:55 AM
06-25-2004, 08:27 AM
Sometime in April of 2001. It was a Monday. And the day I decided to never talk to someone again. High school would've been so much better if hadn't stopped talking to her.
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Thanks M1
06-25-2004, 08:44 AM
I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, but I'm pretty fucking shocked that no one said Sept 11, 2001. Without question, that's the day I'd change.
<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>
This message was edited by BrownTown on 6-25-04 @ 12:47 PM
06-25-2004, 12:57 PM
One of them has to be the day I was diagnosed with MS. It sucked having my dad carry me, 14 at the time, into the doctors office.
Also, last summer really sucked. The girl I was/am in love with hooked up with the kid who I hate more then anybody. She didn't do it again, and she said it was only a quick kiss, but it broke my heart and when I think about it now it still hurts.
<a href="" target=_new>My Blog</a>
06-25-2004, 01:07 PM
If I wasn't such a macho guy, I would be crying right now after reading all this.
I was gonna list mine, but instead, I think I'll put my head in the oven.
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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
06-25-2004, 01:09 PM
I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, but I'm pretty fucking shocked that no one said Sept 11, 2001. Without question, that's the day I'd change.
Unless you held some power in office that was a day unfortunately NO ONE could change.
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"At 16 I was masturbating in a sweat-sock"-Jay Mohr
06-25-2004, 01:24 PM
Unless you held some power in office that was a day unfortunately NO ONE could change.
True, but the whole concept of "changing the past" is based in fantasy anyway. My fantasy (though obviously huge) is no more of a stretch beyond capabilities than any other, because no one can change anything that's already happened.
<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>
06-25-2004, 01:40 PM
August 9th 1994....
WOW i was 13 in the summer of '94
What did the 5 fingers say to the face..
SLAP! I'm Rick James BITCH!
<IMG SRC="">
AIM- yelowrose1981
Mike Teacher
06-25-2004, 02:07 PM
I was gonna list mine, but instead, I think I'll put my head in the oven.
leave room for me in there; wow this is depressing and no way am i adding; starts to sound like a 'hey i can top That'.
But regarding 9-11-01; based on Contingency, I doubt very very much that a single person, even if transported back to that day [or day before for sake of debate] could have done anything to stop what happened.
Chrichton's 'Timeline' has a good sub-chapter on exactly this; how much one person could really change if they could go back in time for a day or so, and when you study it a bit, you cant do much really.
Contingency is a field that fascinates me forever:
If we could we rewind the 'tape of life' to say 100 million years ago, and replayed it, would things have turned out this way? Was 'this' earth and humans an inevitability, or are we, as Wim Keyzer called us in his Most Excellent science series: 'A Glorious Accident'?
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06-25-2004, 04:27 PM
If I could go back in time, I would have studied harder so I could understand Mike's post.
<a href="" target=_new>My Blog</a>
Today, I'd go back to 11:00am and listen to the show at its original time-slot.
04-24-2006, 03:54 PM
<p>June 9, 2003: First date with a guy who will most likely always be a dark cloud over my life and someone I will strongly dislike for the rest of my life. God I wish I could go back in time and just tell myself "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO..... not him!"<br /></p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by ShelleBink on 4-24-06 @ 7:56 PM</span>
Don Stugots
04-24-2006, 04:14 PM
i was going to say that i would change Nov. 5th 1999. it was the day of my first wedding (it lasted 6 months) but I truly dont regret anything that has happened in my life. It is what has made me the man that I am today.
04-24-2006, 04:39 PM
I wish I would have gone to more O&A and R&F events earlier, I would have met my love faster and I would have been happier in life a lot faster.
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