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Ann Coulter has offically gone batshit insane. [Archive] - Messageboard


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06-19-2003, 07:44 PM
Not that this woman was any bastion of logical thinking to begin with. But this IS insane.

Nor do I look at her as some kind of conservative spokesperson. She's a fanatic, and a rather illogical and laughably and impossibly supportable one at that.

Check this piece from her wonderfully titled new book, "TREASON: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism".

"The myth of 'McCarthyism' is the greatest Orwellian fraud of our times," Coulter pounds. "Liberals are fanatical liars, then as now. Everything you think you know about McCarthy is a hegemonic lie."

"Liberals denounced McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like animals...

"McCarthy was not tilting at windmills. Soviet spies in the government were not a figment of right-wing imaginations. He was tilting at an authentic Communist conspiracy that had been laughed off by the Democratic Party. "

Oh my. But WAIT...of course there's more...

If any other religious cult knew so few basic facts about its own seminal beliefs as the liberal cult does about Joe McCarthy, Janet Reno would gas them.

Despite the left's creation of a myth to defeat legitimate charges of treason, McCarthy had so badly stigmatized Communism, his victory survived him. In his brief fiery ride across the landscape, Joe McCarthy bought America another thirty years. For this, he sacrificed his life, his reputation, his name. The left cut down a brave man, but not before the American people heard the truth.

Go ahead.

Let it sink in.


What th-?!?

Of course, I guess it kinda makes sense. When you make baseless, inflammatory claims like...

Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America's self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant. Fifty years of treason hasn't slowed them down.

...inevitably you're going to realize you're nothing but a witch-hunting agitator. Better back it up by whitewashing one of the most awful politicians in our nation's history, a man a thousand times more dangerous and evil than the phantom Communists he claimed to be chasing.

Normally I can just ignore pundits for the empty-headed morons they are, but this is ridiculous. Coulter is no less than indicting all "liberals" (ie-Anyone who isn't a hardline, extreme conservative) as literally criminals against the country itself.

This woman never has any facts. EVER. She makes blanket statements without any kind of back up. She relies on her "power" to insult anyone she views as a "liberal" and the fact she's the only ultra-conservative pundit that has a vagina that isn't older than the Sphinx's lost nose.

"Ann, what do you think of the charges that the current administration may have exagerrated or falsified information pertaining to Hussein's WMD capabilities?"

"Well, I'd consider it...EXCPET THOSE PEOPLE ARE SADDAM-LOVING QUEERS. Liberals are idiots. They get off on being traitors. If they could have tea with Hitler, they would. BUT CONSERVATIVES HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG. EVER. Remember that. Liberals are trying to open a wormhole that will turn our galaxy inside out. I heard Bill Clinton went to college with Galactus. TRAITOR."

The scariest part of this is that people will actually absorb this hateful, despicable drivel as their new mindset. People don't want facts or even their opinions anymore...they want to be able to say, "oh, Coulter said this. Hannity said this. Oprah said this. Donahue believes this. O'Reilly thinks this way." Nobody has the balls to say "*I* think THIS way" anymore, and let these pundits (Nothing more than political SHOCK JOCKS) speak and think for them. And THIS is what they're going to take in.

Absolutely insane.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "Y

Death Metal Moe
06-19-2003, 07:46 PM
<p>I'd bang her though. </p><p><a href=""></a></p>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:33 PM</font>

Death Metal Moe
06-19-2003, 07:48 PM
<p>Yea, she's kinda kooky. I've seen her on FOX and she makes good points, but that is a little out there. I'd like to ask her if the Holocaust actually happened next.

She reminds me of Mike Savage. They both make good points and then just take it to extremes that are rediculous. </p><p><a href=""></a></p>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:33 PM</font>

06-19-2003, 07:50 PM
silly coos.

06-19-2003, 08:04 PM
WHAT good points?!?

Savage I'll give you.

Hannity, sure.

Those guys at least attempt to trot out some kind of stats/poll/fact/evidence to back their points up. I've NEVER seen Coulter do this. She's a SHOCK JOCK!, plain and simple. The crux of her non-existent "points" are to simply insult everyone who isn't an American ultra-conservative. She has no solutions. She has no ideas of her own. She simply exists to hate.


<img src=""width=450>

Enjoy the genius.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors.

Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy.

The only beef Enron employees have with top management is that management did not inform employees of the collapse in time to allow them to get in on the swindle. If Enron executives had shouted, "Head for the hills!" the employees might have had time to sucker other Americans into buying wildly over-inflated Enron stock. Just because your boss is a criminal doesn't make you a hero.

COULTER: I take the biblical idea. God gave us the earth.

PETER FENN (Democratic strategist): Oh, OK.

COULTER: We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees.

FENN: This is a great idea.

COULTER: God says, "Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours."

FENN: Terrific. We're Americans, so we should consume as much of the earth's resources...

COULTER: Yes! Yes.

FENN: ... as fast as we possibly can.

COULTER: As opposed to living like the Indians.

I love Texas Republicans!" she said. "They're these beautiful women, they're so great-looking, they're completely loaded. They're dripping in this gorgeous jewelry, they're really funny and sarcastic and smart. Americans are so cool, and they're such parochial idiots here in New York.

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Since when does this uppity high class twat speak for "real Americans"? She claims to be defending the true patriotism and character of salt-of-the-earth Americans, yet she herself couldn't be further from the truth in her violent, inflammatory spin. DIE.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-20-03 @ 12:06 AM

Death Metal Moe
06-19-2003, 08:09 PM
I meant that in the discussions I'd seen her in on TV, she made some good points. She wasn't talking like that. Talk like that is hard to miss.

And on second thought, looking at her again, I don't think I'd bang her.&nbsp;
<a href=""></a>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:33 PM</font>

06-19-2003, 08:11 PM

Is it Treason to Slander others, or Slander to accuse others of Treason? I get those two mixed up.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


This message was edited by Yerdaddy on 6-20-03 @ 12:12 AM

06-19-2003, 08:18 PM
isn't Ann Coulter the Asian chick off the Today show? Man I didn't know this broad had so many ideas.

06-19-2003, 08:20 PM
OH NO! She's on to us! Burn the documents! Discard the unused fetuses! Burn the Nazi and Soviet flags! Hurry, comrades! FOR THE MOTHERLAND!!!!!!!!

06-19-2003, 08:22 PM
There is a reason I've never posted Ann Coulter here: it will increase her fan base.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


06-19-2003, 08:31 PM
I meant that in the discussions I'd seen her in on TV, she made some good points. WHAT?

I'm a politcal show-junkie, so I see this woman FAR too often, and she never fails to go raging off the deep end with nary a legitimate point in sight.

LET THIS ONE GO, MOE. She's not good for anyone.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-19-2003, 08:31 PM
this is why i despise being catergorized as a republican just because i think reagan rocks...ugh right wingers suck major ass...wheres my cave to crawl into...

"now if alec baldwin was in the store it would be a big deal"
lets go mets!!!
deport benitez

06-19-2003, 08:32 PM
Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours

We have. AND HOW!!!!!

06-19-2003, 08:35 PM
this is why i despise being catergorized as a republican just because i think reagan rocks

Trust me, this woman is no Republican. She gives Republicans nothing but a bad name, and then some. Talk show hosts love her because she'll say such gonzo things, and that's about it.

And yes, I realize a lot of this goes against my whole "don't like Hillary? Don't read her book" theory, but I'm sorry, this is absolute madness. I defy you to find anything in Hillary's book even remotely close to trying to defend and justify the actions of Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism itself. THIS is dangerous.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-19-2003, 08:37 PM
I have to agree with Moe. Ann Coulter is a little nuts, but has some very good ideas. Listening to her is a lot like reading Marx. Some shit makes a lot of sense, and the rest is off the fucking wall. But to dismiss everything she says is only cheating yourself.

One of the best interviews I saw her on was a debate with someone oppsed to US policy in Iraq. This person criticized the fact that Cheney's company won a contract to drill for oil in Iraq. Coulter just said "Do you know of a company more qualified?" A blank stare followed by silence, followed by "I don't know". Abolutely fucking priceless.

"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater

06-19-2003, 08:37 PM
I feel bad enough defending Nixon as one of America's best presidents outside of Watergate, but you can't fucking defend McCarthy. Unless it's ANDREW McCarthy!

<img src="">

06-19-2003, 08:41 PM
Coulter just said "Do you know of a company more qualified?"

Does she? Or does she know that this company IS the best for the job? She played a gamble. Stupid, clueless pundits can smell their own. Where's anything that backed up what SHE just said?

Where has she existed to do ANYTHING except insult and antagonize? She's a blight on American politics. A ZERO. A NOTHING. She wants slander? SHE'S GOT IT. FUCK HER AND THE NON-EXISTENT HORSE SHE RODE IN ON.

Come on. Seriously. What does this woman accomplish except to turn people against each other?

But to dismiss everything she says is only cheating yourself.

Of WHAT? Non-madness?

Look, I'll even grant that sometimes she has a legitimate point. But ultimately, her evil uselessness FAR outweighs anything she's contributed. What's with the halfhearted defense here? Regardless of her politics or those of anyone here, come the fuck ON. Let this one go. It's not her's HER. It's obvious she's a useless nut. Let's come together over SOMETHING.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-20-03 @ 12:46 AM

Death Metal Moe
06-19-2003, 08:43 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px;">quote:</font>
have to agree with Moe. Ann Coulter is a little nuts, but has some very good ideas. Listening to her is a lot like reading Marx. Some shit makes a lot of sense, and the rest is off the fucking wall.

Yea, I mean, even Hitler got the trains to run on time.

To be honest, I'm starting to see Mojo's point about her more and more. She seemed like just another Right Wing political analyst when I saw her on Hannity and Coles and The O'Reiley factor. But knowing she's been saying things like that really makes me think twice about taking anything she says seriously agian.

I must admit I never read her book. I didn't know she was saying things like that. She may represent the old part of the Republican party that I am at odds with more than I know. The Elitists and Racists.&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;</p><p>
<a href=""></a>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:34 PM</font>

06-20-2003, 05:27 AM
Let's come together over SOMETHING.

Fine. She's a wacko. A hot wacko. She has some good points at times, but you have to weed them out of the bullshit she normally talks about. Of course she is no different than James Carville, who regularly spews out pure retardation which I consider dangerous as well. How about some equal time there? All sides have idiots.

I still think she's kinda hot.

06-20-2003, 05:37 AM
I'm reminded of something that happened a few years ago, when that piece of crap Matt Drudge came on the scene. He was giving a press conference and and just blowing shit up with mistakes and inaccuracies. Finally, a reporter said to him:

"With all due respect Mr. Drudge, in the past half hour you have been inaccurate 8 to 10 times-- about history, government, the media. You said there were no suits approved by a president, no profits in early newspaper and radio. Do you think that journalists should have any minimum eduacational requirements?"

I'd love to see Coulter try to back up her claims with facts. My guess is she'd come of worse that the Drudge report.

<marquee>"And there are times whe

06-20-2003, 05:47 AM
Of course she is no different than James Carville, who regularly spews out pure retardation which I consider dangerous as well. How about some equal time there? All sides have idiots.

I have no time for Carville. And as much as I despise him, I can't honestly say in all seriousness that he has ever said anything even remotely close to being as awful as defending Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism.

Again, this isn't about "equal time" or being partisan. I don't view her as a spokesperson for the Republicans or conservatives, as much as she wants to be one. This is just an issue of sheer, monstrous idiocy, and nobody else comes close. I don't give a damn what she thinks "her side" is...she's just a madwoman.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-20-2003, 05:59 AM
I was better off not knowing she existed.

Thanks Mojo.

<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">

06-20-2003, 06:18 AM
Maybe she wouldn't be so bitter if someone fucked her gently.

<IMG SRC="">

A Skidmark production.

Captain Stubing
06-20-2003, 06:21 AM
I have no time for Carville. And as much as I despise him, I can't honestly say in all seriousness that he has ever said anything even remotely close to being as awful as defending Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism.
I would say that Carville is smart enough to write much more carefully then he speaks......but anyway, like a few others here I'd say that despite the fact that I agree with her general political philosophy Coulter isn't among my favorite pundit's.....she's like George Will's really, really dumber (and younger!) sister.

That being said, I think there is room to debate the truths and untruths about Joe McCarthy. When you get beyond the platitudes about the stranglehold McCarthyism put on the country ('Red Scare') and the ad homonim personal stuff ('Do you think this dress makes me look fat?') there was some substance to his claims about certain people being involved in/associated with Communism, both in the government (State Department as I recall) and in the entertainment biz. Whether anyone should have really been all that concerned is a different question altogether.

And, Mojo, you've been at this long enough to know that you can engander support for any wacko by slamming them on this board.....

Fezaesthesia - Prognosis poor...

06-20-2003, 07:35 AM
if you want conservative LOGICAL blonde haired blue eyed female to listen to i choose Laura Ingram. At least Laura has a sense of humor.

06-20-2003, 08:43 AM
there was some substance to his claims about certain people being involved in/associated with Communism, both in the government (State Department as I recall) and in the entertainment biz.

This is where things get fuzzy. There were undoubtably people working for the Soviets, "part time" communists, or had "tried" communism in the past who were working for the government and Hollywood at the time. It was pretty much a safe bet at the time, so in that regards, yes, McCarty had something to go on. But history has shown that nothing indicates that he had any inkling of SPECIFIC "threats". It was more of a blanket, "there's commies in them thar hills!" statement than him actually knowing who or what to go after. Even worse, there was no distinguishing between the "threat" levels. In Joe's mind, someone who had dabbled in a communist politcal group (Or one with communist leanings) briefly in their youth in the 20's or 30's (A suprisingly common occurance at the time. Early 20th century US politics were pretty varied and radical. People did a LOT of "dabbling") was essentially already tried and convicted as a spy for the Soviets and a traitor against the country. Joe was saying that ANYONE who was a communist or had communist leanings was automatically working for the Soviets and actively committing treason, no matter how much of a role communism actually played in their lives in their past or at the present time. It was a witch hunt, plain and simple, and as baseless, hurtful and brainless as the Salem trials that it was so often compared to.

And yes, everyone is right that even the craziest nut job will find supporters here, and that's pretty much why I didn't bother bringing her up before, but reading the promo copy of her book at my store just drove me up the wall. This newest argument is essentially the equivalent of a "well, at least Mussolini got the trains to run on time!" line of thought. UGH.
<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-20-03 @ 12:46 PM

06-20-2003, 09:17 AM
she's no Nancy Grace...

<img src="">

I'm Your Captain yeah yeah yeah yeah

06-20-2003, 09:20 AM
Ann Coulter is paid off by the Democrats to make all conservatives look bad. It's all the liberals fault.

/Neocon apologist

Captain Stubing
06-20-2003, 09:22 AM
It was a witch hunt, plain and simple, and as baseless, hurtful and brainless as the Salem trials that it was so often compared to.

There is, of course, one crucial distinction - there were no witches.

A better metaphor than Salem might be MonicaGate. All the key elements are there: accusations, counter-accusations, conspiracy accusations, counter-counter accusations, 5th Amendment invocations, Congressional hearings, extensive media coverage, and, amongst all this background noise-

-an objective truth. Inescapable reality. And, plenty 'O shame about it.

Fezaesthesia - Prognosis poor...

06-20-2003, 09:26 AM
This newest argument is essentially the equivalent of a "well, at least Mussolini got the trains to run on time!" line of thought. UGH.

And here is the founder of that school of thought:

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A Skidmark production.

06-20-2003, 10:54 AM
This is a good example of what's wrong with Coulter's thinking: (from an <a href="" target="_blank">Interview</a>)

A: One of the strange things, odd things about the terrorists is they really don't seem to have that precise an understanding of America, and they are knocking out all the strongholds of anti-American sentiment.

Q: Ann, you know what it is? They saw that map from the elections in November and they figured they'd hit the blue areas first. And then if they had time and resources, they'd get to the red areas.

A: Evidently. It really has been kind of heart warming how the rest of the country takes an attack on Manhattan as an attack on America. I happen to be in Manhattan, and I can assure you if it had been the Sears Towers, this feeling would not have been reciprocated. I mean, Manhattan has been referred to as "an island off the coast of America." And now, Brokaw, Dan Rather, Tom Dashle . what next? Are they going to nuke Berkeley?

Message: New York is liberal, therefore it is anti-American and thus if Chicago had been attacked on 9-11 New York would not have been supportive. I'm not even from or in New York and I'm repulsed by this comment! She's accusing a city of 8 million people of being anti-American because she percieves there to be alot of liberals. Also, note that this interview took place on November 4, 2001. So three weeks after 9-11 Coulter was already prepared to attack New York's patriotism if it fit into her agenda to cash in on the demonizing of liberalism. Nice fucking priorities, cunt! Of course, nobody in the media evokes 9-11 more than Coulter, and usually she's playing up the tradgic aspects in order to front-load the attack on whatever group she's demonizing in the statement. But when it suits her agenda, she has no problem downplaying the tradgedy and demonizing the targets of 9-11. What I'd like to see is an American public that is capable of seeing through this kind of ideological opportunism and demagoguery and relegate this Goose Step Barbie to the same politcal fringe wasteland that John Birch occupies.

I would like to pee in her butt though.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


This message was edited by Yerdaddy on 6-20-03 @ 2:55 PM

06-20-2003, 06:27 PM
More on Coulter

What's curious is that Coulter's comments aren't all that different, in tone and style, from hundreds of others she's made over the years. But in the past, her ire was directed at her domestic political enemies---for which she drew fulsome praise from conservatives. Last year, the Media Research Center presented Coulter with its "Conservative Journalist of the Year" award. The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute bestowed upon her its annual conservative leadership award "for her unfailing dedication to truth, freedom and conservative values and for being an exemplar, in word and deed, of what a true leader is."

Are these awards considered meaningful, or are they basically fluff? I ask only out of curiosity.

On Rep. Christopher Shays (d-CT) in deciding whether to run against him as a Libertarian candidate: "I really want to hurt him. I want him to feel pain."---Hartford Courant 6/25/99

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."---MSNBC 2/8/97

I can't imagine this cunt being a Libertarian.

06-20-2003, 07:26 PM
Ann Coulter is a little nuts, but has some very good ideas. Listening to her is a lot like reading Marx. Some shit makes a lot of sense, and the rest is off the fucking wall.

I don't think this statement could have hurt my head any more if it had started with, "If it wasn't for my horse...."

And as I see from Mojo's last post, the Republicans do consider her some kind of "champion" of thier politics and agenda. I've never written her off as a nut, because she's poisoning the minds of an easily manipulated "T.V. zombie" public into a bunch of future democrat lynching nazis. I see it everyday on this board, and I fear for what our country will become

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<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet an

06-20-2003, 08:11 PM
And as I see from Mojo's last post, the Republicans do consider her some kind of "champion" of thier politics and agenda.

Actually, I don't see this as the case. She has suprisingly little support from the party itself...she's merely held in such high regard by conservative PUNDITS, who like to THINK of themselves as politicians, instead of the fake job-having gasbags they are.

I don't blame conservatives or the Republicans for her. She's an extremist, if you will...and that's dangerous no matter which side she's on. I simply can't stand HER. Her evil stands alone.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

high fly
06-21-2003, 12:41 PM
A few years ago, I read some of the interrogations by McCarthy. It was quite chilling at times, especially in light of the way many today see nothing wrong with what he did and how antithetical McCarthyism is to basic American ideals.
One humorous q&a was when they were grilling a folk singer of the day, Pete Seeger or Woodie Guthrie or one of those cats; and the guy was just ridiculing them beautifully cuz they objected to his singing songs to guys on strike or trying to form a union or something.
I seem to recall that McCarthy caught exactly ZIPPY commies in the government.
Anyone know what happened to his "list" of all those thousands of commies in the government that McCarthy squawked about?

" and they ask me why I drink"

06-21-2003, 05:31 PM
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.

I find this idea intriguing.

Personally, I just dismiss anything Ann has to say (she's no Debbie Schlussel!). But to whomever brought up Carville - I frankly am disgusted by that man as much as Mojo is by Coulter. He's just retarded.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

06-21-2003, 09:35 PM
I frankly am disgusted by that man as much as Mojo is by Coulter. He's just retarded.

Count me in. The guy is like Hunter Thompson, except without being amusing, and he actually helps people become president. YIKES. Shocker he was played by fellow redneck nutjob Billy Bob Thornton in "Primary Colors". he EVIL like Coulter? I still maintain she's in a class all on her own.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-21-2003, 09:46 PM
All Conservatives aren't programmable dittohead fucking robots, Mojo. This is the kind of shit that really pisses me off. Nobody tells me what to think or feel. I have a fucking brain, asshole. I can form my own opinions. I consider myself a conservative because of things that I failed to consider when I was single. Marriage and children caused me to see that the left was against me, not pricks like coulter or rush or hannity. Grow up.

06-21-2003, 10:15 PM
Lighten up Francis. The only people Mojo's trashed in this thread is Coulter and Carville. Get that sand out of your vag.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


06-21-2003, 10:20 PM
Bullshit. Mojo said that people would take Coulter as gospel. That's a general insult. I take virulent exception.

06-22-2003, 12:21 AM
Bullshit! I said that. I'm tired of that fucking Mojo horning in on my idological contempt. Jive-ass mother f-er.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


06-22-2003, 07:13 AM
All Conservatives aren't programmable dittohead fucking robots, Mojo.

I never said that. In fact, I went out of my way several times to say that I don't view her as a representative of most conservatives or Republicans. I've stated she is an ultra-ULTRA-conservative extremist, and all the blame for the insanity she spews falls right on HER, and only HER. Here's a few instances where I did this, just so you can maintain this whole, "I'm not gonna read the thread" thing.

Nor do I look at her as some kind of conservative spokesperson. She's a fanatic, and a rather illogical and laughably and impossibly supportable one at that.

Trust me, this woman is no Republican. She gives Republicans nothing but a bad name, and then some. Talk show hosts love her because she'll say such gonzo things, and that's about it.

Regardless of her politics or those of anyone here, come the fuck ON. Let this one go. It's not her's HER. It's obvious she's a useless nut. Let's come together over SOMETHING.

Again, this isn't about "equal time" or being partisan. I don't view her as a spokesperson for the Republicans or conservatives, as much as she wants to be one. This is just an issue of sheer, monstrous idiocy, and nobody else comes close. I don't give a damn what she thinks "her side" is...she's just a madwoman.

Actually, I don't see this as the case. She has suprisingly little support from the party itself...she's merely held in such high regard by conservative PUNDITS, who like to THINK of themselves as politicians, instead of the fake job-having gasbags they are.

I don't blame conservatives or the Republicans for her. She's an extremist, if you will...and that's dangerous no matter which side she's on. I simply can't stand HER. Her evil stands alone.

There you go.

And I DID say it is scary that people will take her as the gospel truth. I have no time for those people, and yes, I think they're weakminded fools. But I did NOT pigeonhole them as "conservatives". If they are willing to follow her babbling bullshit, they're off in the same random, ultra-right wing whacko tangent that she's in. Again, this woman does NOT represent the majority conservatives and Republicans. She's a NOTHING and a ZERO. She has nothing to do with Hannity or Savage or O'Reilly or any other pundits, liberal, conervative or otherwise. If you're backing her as some kind of figurehead who can't be criticized, you've got bigger problems than harping on me for my non-existent conservative bashing. Quit trying to make this into a battle it's not.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-22-03 @ 11:32 AM

06-22-2003, 09:07 AM
But to whomever brought up Carville

I did! I did!

06-22-2003, 11:24 AM
Well, Mojo defended himself pretty capably, but if I may chime in (why not, I'll do so anyway), he really never did say anything about Republicans or conservatives being dittoheads, etc. You can reserve that criticism for guys like JerryTaker or high fly.

Mojo's fair AND balanced. Don't be messin' with the 'Pin.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

06-22-2003, 09:02 PM
he really never did say anything about Republicans or conservatives being dittoheads, etc. You can reserve that criticism for guys like JerryTaker or high fly.

Actually, it's people in general who are dittoheads, not just the Conservatives, which is why it's dangerous that she is allowed a public forum to spout her drivel to the future...

Speaking of spouting drivel in public forums... I've been quiet about you for a while now, Se7en, but why don't you try intellegently refuting me once in a while instead of just attacking me and calling me an anti-conservative whacko? You've brought my name up too many times, and it makes me uncomfortable, like I'm being stalked or something....

<IMG SRC="">

<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet an

06-22-2003, 09:22 PM
Mojo's fair AND balanced.

I'm disheartened that Moe has yet to take my pic and mutate it into the "MojO'Reilly Factor"...

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-22-2003, 09:24 PM
which is why it's dangerous that she is allowed a public forum to spout her drivel to the future...

Well, she's allowed to say whatever she wants, insane, evil, or dangerous. Them's the breaks here in America...I'll be more worried the day she CAN'T go off on another gonzoid rant...

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-22-2003, 09:32 PM
Well, she's allowed to say whatever she wants, insane, evil, or dangerous. Them's the breaks here in America...I'll be more worried the day she CAN'T go off on another gonzoid rant...

Very, very true, and perhaps I misspoke, as I was more riled about the Se7en thing than anything else at the moment. But really, We're into what, a second TV generation now? society has been bred to just spout out whatever they see on tv, and I see it here more and more. It's getting too dangerous. I wish I had the answer. People really just need to either get smarter and / or stop watching TV...

<IMG SRC="">

<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet an

Death Metal Moe
06-22-2003, 09:43 PM
I'm disheartened that Moe has yet to take my pic and mutate it into the "MojO'Reilly Factor"...

Life is full of disappointments.

<A HREF=""></A>

06-22-2003, 10:02 PM
So are we about to have a Spider-Clone-type twist where we find out that the real, EVIL Moe has been replaced for the last 6 months or so by a genetically-bred GOOD Moe?

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
06-22-2003, 10:08 PM

<A HREF=""></A>

06-22-2003, 10:59 PM
Remember...we do it iguana-style...

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-22-2003, 11:09 PM
Conservative women suck. Ever hear Monica Crowley on WABC? Man, she sucks too.

<IMG SRC="">
(fluffernutter draws good birds.)

06-23-2003, 06:34 AM
Speaking of spouting drivel in public forums... I've been quiet about you for a while now, Se7en, but why don't you try intellegently refuting me once in a while instead of just attacking me and calling me an anti-conservative whacko?

Maybe when you stop making so many anti-conservative whacko posts, I'll feel that you've earned that right.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

06-23-2003, 12:44 PM
Maybe when you stop making so many anti-conservative whacko posts, I'll feel that you've earned that right.

I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Perhaps you do too, but I'm, getting a little tired of seeing my name pop up in threads that I haven't posted to... as for intellegently refuting me, I've yet to see that...

<IMG SRC="">

<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet an

06-24-2003, 08:05 AM
Future Coulter Essays:

Mussolini: He only invaded Ethiopia, for chrissake, and the trains DID run on time!

Hitler: OK, Maybe he should have only killed the LIBERAL Jews

Genghis Kahn: He was only expanding his markets! The man was an entrepeneur, dammit!

The Spanish Inquisition: A misunderstood community building exercise. Who doesn't love a nice auto-de-fe?

Mojo and crew got most of her bon mots but here's a nice compendium:

The Wisdom of Anne Coulter (

I don't know the woman, but she strikes me as that needy type that will do anything to be accepted by the cool kids - eat a bug; shoplift CDs for the gang; blow the football team, etc. She's not as smart as Condeleeza Rice or Monica Crowley, not as hot as Laura Ingram (or Monica Crowley) so in order for her to distinguish herself she needs to be the most "out there". And I'll be damned if she's not making a nice living at it.

[b]You're only young once but you can be immature forever[b]

06-24-2003, 08:10 AM
NewsMax has been running a promo that says "it'll be a disaster for Hillary if Coulter's book outsells hers!"


Do they beat up Hillary and take back all the money and burn all the sold copies if she "loses"?

Ultra-conservatives are really weird people. Can't they ever just calm the fuck down? It's always, "this person needs to be stopped, these people are destroying the country, blah-blah-blah!" Lord, their music collections must really, REALLY suck.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-24-2003, 08:33 AM
Ultra-conservatives are really weird people.

Weird, but also crafty, determined and, frankly, winning. Equally bat shit crazy as Coulter is Tom DeLay and that fucker is running the House of Representatives of the US of A.

By using stalking horses such as Coulter, et al. the Conservatives keep dragging the so-called mainstream onto their home turf. What I am unable to understand is why so many people buy into the right-wing ethos when they are, more often than not, damaged by it more than they are helped.

[b]You're only young once but you can be immature forever[b]

06-24-2003, 09:30 AM
Weird, but also crafty, determined and, frankly, winning. Equally bat shit crazy as Coulter is Tom DeLay and that fucker is running the House of Representatives of the US of A.

Winning WHAT?!? Why are ALL sides talking like this is some contest to squash out the others? How do you expect to maintain our democratic republic without opposing views and opinions? It's like I said, I despise Coulter, but I'd be MORE worried if she COULDN'T say what she said. I can't stand her, but I don't want her to be silenced or to somehow "lose" at whatever the fuck this imaginary "race" everyone seems to be running.

My ONLY gripe with pretty much ALL conservative pundits (Not conservatives in general, just the talking heads on the radio and TV) is that they've essentially been given a free pass to say what they want. Now this is NOT to say there should be limits on what they can say. The problems lies in that they can make the most outrageous, hurtful, divisive, skewed and often flat-out wrong statements with little or no evidence to back them up (Or mountains of spin), but if anyone calls them on this, their standby is to simply fall back and scream, "ah-HAH!!! LIBERAL BIAS!!! LIBERAL BIAS!!! SEE?!?!" I'll readily admit that there is a "liberal" slant to many media corporations in America, but it's more in what they choose to cover or express, as opposed to what they're actually saying. Conservative pundits, on the other hand, are "allowed" to accuse, rant, insult, screw up, lie and scream about whatever they want because nobody wants to be labelled with the dreaded "liberal media bias" strawman label, and it's getting ridiculous.

There should be as many conservative pundits as possible. But they need to be able to take the same medicine they dish out without destroying any topic or debate by falling back on some petty universal "defense" that's just absurd.

I'd level the same thing against liberal pundits, but let's face it, they're not out there like the conservative pundits. They have little to no defining voices (Some reporter or celebrity who has an opinion is NOT a pundit. Know the difference) as the conservatives do. Most liberal views and agendas are addressed most vocally in book and print, and those pieces usually deal with the topics they claim to address. Let me put it this way...if you get a liberal book talking about the Israeli/Palestinian's usually talking about the Israeli/Palestinian issue. Yes, it'll probably have a liberal slant, but it basically focuses on the issue at hand. Conservative they in book, TV or radio, can rarely address the issue itself. It has to be from a "here's the issue...and here's how the liberals fucked it up" standpoint. EVERYTHING has to be broken down into an "us vs. them" mentality, which, quite frankly, I'm still baffled over.

Why does EVERY issue brought up by these people have to be about what liberals did or got wrong? It ALWAYS has to be slanted that way. And yes, I know I'm generalizing here, but it's true! Listen to Savage or Hannity or Limbaugh. I'm not saying that these guys can't be and often are right! What I AM saying is that EVERYTHING they bring up has to deal with liberals and what they did "wrong." A lot of times a conservative alternative isn't even offered. It's simply, "look what these guys did wrong NOW", and that's IT.

What purpose does this serve? Why don't you see ANY liberal pundits doing the same thing?

Liberal activist - "Here's the problem. Here's how I think we should fix it, or what we should do about it." This is NOT to say this person has the right idea or isn't wrong. But that's usually the liberal form of issue "attack".

Conservative pundit - "Here's the problem. Here's how the liberals caused it, how they're still doing it, and how they're going to fuck it up even worse."

So my question is this...why are there so few liberal pundits...and so few conservative activists? Liberals seem to want to act (Whether they actually do or not or are right or not is su

06-24-2003, 09:35 AM
So are we about to have a Spider-Clone-type twist where we find out that the real, EVIL Moe has been replaced for the last 6 months or so by a genetically-bred GOOD Moe?

the doppelgangers were the worst thing marvel ever came up with..

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

06-24-2003, 11:21 AM
Jeez Mojo, I'm sorry I made you take umbrage!

Winning WHAT?!? Why are ALL sides talking like this is some contest to squash out the others?

Because it is. The Conservatives, and I give them credit for it, now control the terms of political discourse in this country. By using a communication style that is a combination of wrestling bombast and patrician disdain for one's opponent, they have blurred, if not erased, the line between political commentary and entertainment. (Yes, liberals try to do it too but they don't do it nearly as well.) By rhetorically making "liberal" values (wealth re-distribution at the tails of the bell curve; inclusion of outsiders in the mainstream; some curbs on a pure market system - eg. environmental regulations, consumer protection) sound silly; while championing the values of "self-reliance", et al., they try to make people believe they are a hero in an Ayn Rand novel if they vote for the right kind of Republican candidate.

Fine. As you point out discourse is the lifeblood of a democratic republic. What bugs me, though, is that the monied class are using these methods to radically change the policies of the nation, essentially to undo the policies of the New Deal. If Bush's initiatives stand the Federal government will, in a relatively short period of time, essentially have its mandate essentially reduced to national defense (or offense, if one of them there fuzzy furriners gets out of line). The ability to set parameters for the market system will be forgone, wealth distribution will naturally accelerate to the upper stata as capital becomes more highly rewarded than labor and the idea that we owe each other something as citizens in the commonweal will be seen as a quaint delusion.

Now it may be that people who vote for Bush & crew know exactly what they're supporting. But I doubt most of them do. And if people are to be held accountable for their actions I don't suppose I should care.

Whew. Three bore-ass posts in one day. I need to lie down awhile.

[b]You're only young once but you can be immature forever[b]

This message was edited by Recyclerz on 6-24-03 @ 3:23 PM

06-24-2003, 11:25 AM
Winning WHAT?!? Why are ALL sides talking like this is some contest to squash out the others? How do you expect to maintain our democratic republic without opposing views and opinions?

This is what bothers me more than anything, I think... (but I could be wrong).
These conservatives, every word out of thier mouth is "kill the pinko, tree-hugging liberals! Run them out of office! Take away the livelyhood of anyone who's liberal! Micheal Moore should be run out of the country because he's a Liberal!" This is also where the McCarthy comparisons come into play, no random liberal simply pulled it out of his/her ass, it's something the conservastives brought on themselves with thier intolerance.

Conservatives' way of doing things is to eliminate the competition, rather than actually compete, look at the last senatorial race in NJ, where the Republicans fought tooth and nail to run unopposed by a Democrat.

<IMG SRC="">

<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet an

06-24-2003, 11:29 AM
Conservatives' way of doing things is to eliminate the competition, rather than actually compete, look at the last senatorial race in NJ, where the Republicans fought tooth and nail to run unopposed by a Democrat.

No, they fought the violation of state electoral law: "Sure Torricelli is the official candidate but he won't win so let's replace him with someone who can!"

<IMG SRC="">

A Skidmark production.

06-24-2003, 11:56 AM
Conservatives' way of doing things is to eliminate the competition, rather than actually compete...
As opposed to the Liberal's way of doing things: create a government entitlement and give a free handout (tax cuts to those who don't pay taxes, anyone?). Eliminate competition...what a joke.

06-24-2003, 01:57 PM
Conservatives' way of doing things is to eliminate the competition, rather than actually compete...

As opposed to the Liberal's way of doing things: create a government entitlement and give a free handout (tax cuts to those who don't pay taxes, anyone?). Eliminate competition...what a joke.


Like a bunch of fucking children.

My question/statement was based around political PUNDITS, not the general populace, so don't fuck that up with your ghey little "they said that, they did this" horseshit.

The question still stands...conservative pundits tend to be more analytical and based in commentary/criticism (Mostly directed at liberals)....liberal spokespeople usually are more based in "we need to act NOW" rhetoric, with little finger-pointing at the conservatives (There ARE exceptions...see the insults hurled at Bush during the war). Why is one side so focused on non-active or reactionary rhetoric from pundits, and the other from "pre-emptive strikes" from activists?

This is NOT a reflection of anybody who claims or thinks allegiance to either of these ideologies. It's a question pointed at those who have made themselves figuredheads/celebrities/pundits/spokespeople for these ideas. Anyone tries to steer it any other way and I'll bite your fucking shins off.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-24-03 @ 6:04 PM

06-24-2003, 02:02 PM
By using a communication style that is a combination of wrestling bombast and patrician disdain for one's opponent, they have blurred, if not erased, the line between political commentary and entertainment. (Yes, liberals try to do it too but they don't do it nearly as well.) By rhetorically making "liberal" values (wealth re-distribution at the tails of the bell curve; inclusion of outsiders in the mainstream; some curbs on a pure market system - eg. environmental regulations, consumer protection) sound silly; while championing the values of "self-reliance", et al., they try to make people believe they are a hero in an Ayn Rand novel if they vote for the right kind of Republican candidate.

Wow. Excellent, excellent points. The comparison between these talk show-style tactics and wrestling is dead on. Which links to my biggest concern over these talking head figures (No matter WHAT "side"), in that their OPINIONS are being taken as FACT. I hear political conversations all the time where people preface everything with "I heard this on Hannity" or "O'Reilly said this" or "Michael Moore was saying that..."...and that bothers me. People don't want to to actually hear things firsthand. We live in a time where people have more access to breaking news and media events from practically ANYWHERE in the country, yet so many still want everything filtered and spoonfed to them so that it's made "safe" and "acceptable". It's like they're afraid to disagree with anything, so as long as it's presented in a, "look what these idiots are doing! I'll show them!" kinda way, they don't have to form an opinion...someone's already done it for them.

Pundits STINK. They're killing the American political process almost as fast as the politicians themselves.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-24-03 @ 6:11 PM

Death Metal Moe
06-24-2003, 02:04 PM
Christ on his throne Mojo!

Will you stop your Liberal finger pointing at us Conservatives?!


<A HREF=""></A>

06-24-2003, 02:09 PM
"Hey there, cuddlebunch. This is my 'sex me good' look..."

<img src=""width=450>

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
06-24-2003, 02:14 PM
That's not you! Michael Jordan isn't in the background.

<A HREF=""></A>

06-24-2003, 02:30 PM

Turns out my parents' cat was all mobbed up, and she chewed out his kneecaps over some gambling issues.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
06-24-2003, 02:38 PM
I've wanted to do that to him for years just for Space Jam.

<A HREF=""></A>

06-25-2003, 05:29 PM
Batshit insane isn't necessarily a bad thing. One of the most influential politicians of the Cold War, IMO, Nguyen Cao Ky once said "I do not like Hitler because he was not handsome and not a lady-killer." That's a good type of batshit insane.

"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
<img src=>

06-26-2003, 03:54 AM
Batshit insane

aka guano loco ?

<IMG SRC="">

A Skidmark production.

06-26-2003, 07:16 AM
<img src=>

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-26-03 @ 11:17 AM

06-26-2003, 04:12 PM
After seeing Coulter on some news programs promoting her book, I've done a bit of a 180 on her.

I this one respect: I'd fuck her.

I'd bang the silliness right out of her.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

06-26-2003, 04:22 PM
I this one respect: I'd fuck her.

You so CRAZAY!!!She's like a less attractive Sarah Jessica Parker. I think she was born from from a fine filly and Mr. Ed. I'd rank fucking her only marginally more attractive than death.

06-26-2003, 05:05 PM
I'd fuck her too, and I hate her more than anyone. And if you ever see her on TV with a bruised neck and a shit-mustache, you'll know I did her.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


This message was edited by Yerdaddy on 6-26-03 @ 9:08 PM

06-26-2003, 09:52 PM

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
06-26-2003, 09:58 PM
Juan Valdez?

I thought it was the Dirty Sanchez.

<A HREF=""></A>

06-28-2003, 03:23 AM
Regarding Joseph McCarthy, you might find it interesting to know that no less than John F. Kennedy was a great admirer of his. At the 100th Anniversary of the Harvard Spree Club dinner, when a speaker likened McCarthy to the convicted Soviet spy Alger Hiss, JFK rose to his feet and declared "How dare you couple the name of a great American patriot with that of a traitor!" and walked out. The incident has never been denied by anyone who was there, and is accepted by JFK biographers Herbert Parmet, Thomas Reeves and Chris Matthews.

I love Ann Coulter. She is a terrific writer with a withering sarcasm, and she exposes much of the hypocrisy of the left to the one thing it cannot stand, humor buttressed by truth.

For example, when asked on ABC's "The View" if she had ever seen two women having sex, her response was:

"Not since Katie Couric interviewed Hillary Clinton - that was the last time."

<IMG SRC=""><br>"Still searching for America."

This message was edited by Dewey on 6-28-03 @ 7:28 AM

06-28-2003, 07:04 AM
I love Ann Coulter. She is a terrific writer with a withering sarcasm, and she exposes much of the hypocrisy of the left to the one thing it cannot stand, humor buttressed by truth.

For example, when asked on ABC's "The View" if she had ever seen two women having sex, her response was:

"Not since Katie Couric interviewed Hillary Clinton - that was the last time."

06-28-2003, 07:24 AM
Regarding Joseph McCarthy, you might find it interesting to know that no less than John F. Kennedy was a great admirer of his.

What's the big secret here?

It's well known that both JFK and RFK worked with McCarthy during his "hunting" days.

Still doesn't not make him a monster.

Still actually goes along with my next question...what are pundits always "exposing?" They make like they're revealing the secret at Area 51, and then it always ends up at another way to take a cheap shot at whoever they're pissed off that day. Nothing is learned or gained...and everyone just ends up mad and hating the otherside even more. Rah-rah-sis-boom-bah. Buncha useless sacks.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 6-28-03 @ 12:11 PM

06-28-2003, 07:29 AM
and she exposes much of the hypocrisy of the left to the one thing it cannot stand, humor buttressed by truth

And boy, if conservative pundits are known for ANYTHING, it's their ridicuously funny honesty.

I asked it of Moe, but I'll extend it to all...what has Coulter actually DONE? Or revealed? Or, as Dewey just put it, exposed? She's a bad comedian dressed up in a pundit's disguise. She rarely, if ever (In TV and radio spots) makes any kind of point or argument...she simply insults. Her books are different stories, because there she has a space to fully go off on...but even then it's laughable stuff like defending Joe McCarthy.

What is this dangerous, massive "hypocrisy of the left" that apparently everyone who even has liberal leanings is a part of? Y'know, "a massive left/right-wing conspiracy" sounds massively retarded BOTH WAYS.


She's the conservative Hillary! NOW it all makes sense. And NOW I understand why I can't stand her!

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-28-2003, 04:49 PM
HBox, how does a picture of your mother constitute a response? Does she agree?

P.S. She could use a new look.

<IMG SRC=""><br>"Still searching for America."

06-28-2003, 05:17 PM
Dewey, since you're the only admitted fan of Coulter, what's your excuse for her slandering New York just weeks after 9-11? (I posted the quote earlier in the thread.)

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


06-28-2003, 05:31 PM
She's the conservative Hillary! NOW it all makes sense. And NOW I understand why I can't stand her!

WOW. Now you've found a way to make me hate her too.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

06-28-2003, 07:18 PM
HBox, how does a picture of your mother constitute a response? Does she agree?

WOW!! How could I possibly match a reply of such supreme wit and unmatched whimsy!? BRAVO! The day is yours!

06-30-2003, 08:15 PM
HBox, how does a picture of your mother constitute a response? Does she agree?

WOW!! How could I possibly match a reply of such supreme wit and unmatched whimsy!? BRAVO! The day is yours!

You couldn't. I felt bad afterward about getting personal, and so apologize.

Yerdaddy, thanks loads for making me search page after page in this thread to find the quote to which you refer. Can ya throw me a bone here??? I agree with Coulter's sentiments. Prior to 9/11, Manhattan did see itself as a separate and superior entity to the rest of the bumpkins who happened to inhabit the U.S. All you have to do to understand this is look at those "New Yorker's view of the world" maps, which were funny because they were so true. 9/11 changed us all. It softened Manhattan in a good way: it made it less selfish and self-centered. And the outpouring of love and sympathy from the rest of the country brought the whole country much closer together. I would go so far as to say that in a very real way 9/11 made Manhattan a part of America and more, the heart of America, in a way that it had never been before.

<IMG SRC=""><br>"Still searching for America."

06-30-2003, 09:27 PM
whoa there buddy. I disagree. I feel that Manhattan was always part of America. God dammit, if your saying that it took a f'n terrorist attack to make it a part of America, I'd rather have it seperate. And about Ann, shes a damn good author. Of course, I invite all of you to read "The Savage Nation" by Michel Savage. He's f'n awesome.

R.I.P. Buddy Hacket. :(

"Gives ya a good buzz too"

06-30-2003, 10:11 PM
A: One of the strange things, odd things about the terrorists is they really don't seem to have that precise an understanding of America, and they are knocking out all the strongholds of anti-American sentiment.

Q: Ann, you know what it is? They saw that map from the elections in November and they figured they'd hit the blue areas first. And then if they had time and resources, they'd get to the red areas.

A: Evidently. It really has been kind of heart warming how the rest of the country takes an attack on Manhattan as an attack on America. I happen to be in Manhattan, and I can assure you if it had been the Sears Towers, this feeling would not have been reciprocated. I mean, Manhattan has been referred to as "an island off the coast of America." And now, Brokaw, Dan Rather, Tom Dashle . what next? Are they going to nuke Berkeley?
Looks to me like she's calling Manhattan "anti-American," not aloof, not selfish. If you like her politics of empty-headed demagoguery, then maybe you can pick out of the quote some softened version. But to me this is Coulter calling Manhattan a "stronghold of anti-American sentiment." And her not getting the Bill Maher Treatment is one more piece of evidence that the "liberal media" myth is a sham.

<IMG SRC="">
CZM productions


high fly
07-05-2003, 08:49 AM
Coulter is definitely unfuckable.
It is a well known fact that your conservative women just lay there motionless, gazing at the cieling, that is IF you can get one in bed.

Not even marriage is a guarantee, as most of them save "it" for their second husbands.
You can forget about any oral sex, giving or recieving.

" and they ask me why I drink"

This message was edited by high fly on 7-7-03 @ 11:15 AM

high fly
07-23-2003, 11:13 AM
Mad props on the above post should come rolling in any minute now......

" and they ask me why I drink"

07-23-2003, 11:30 AM
I think you overestimate your worth.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

10-22-2004, 06:46 AM
Two men ran onstage and threw custard pies at conservative columnist Ann Coulter (

I'll bet that's not the first time men have thrown custard on her.

<img src=>

A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

10-22-2004, 07:09 AM
I found the pictures of the 2 people who were responsible.

<img src="">
Much thanks to M1 for the sig.

10-22-2004, 08:10 AM
I can't believe there are no pictures of this incident circulating yet.

<img src="">
---------------------I plead the FiF!---------------------

10-22-2004, 08:24 AM
<img src="">

<BR><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="1">

10-22-2004, 08:40 AM
I can't believe there are no pictures of this incident circulating yet.

10-22-2004, 08:52 AM
I can't believe there are no pictures of this incident circulating yet.

Cousin Oliver attacked Ann Coulter!!

<img src=>

A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

10-22-2004, 08:59 AM
Did anyone figure out if it was the same guys or group that did this to both Ralph Nader and Bill Gates? Because if it's them again here, I have NO idea what they're trying to say.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-22-2004, 09:02 AM
Did anyone figure out if it was the same guys or group that did this to both Ralph Nader and Bill Gates? Because if it's them again here, I have NO idea what they're trying to say.

Maybe it's a call for anarchy. With pies.

Also known as Pie-narchy.

<img src="">
Thanks Reef

I'm allowed to mod here (

10-22-2004, 09:06 AM

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-22-2004, 09:12 AM

Coconut Creamunism.

<img src="">
Thanks Reef

I'm allowed to mod here (

10-22-2004, 09:24 AM
Chicken Pol-Pot Pie?

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-22-2004, 09:29 AM
Appletalism. (Sounds better)

<img src="">
Thanks Reef

I'm allowed to mod here (

This message was edited by Melrapuo on 10-22-04 @ 1:36 PM

10-22-2004, 10:33 AM
I can't believe there are no pictures of this incident circulating yet.
Just saw the video on Fox News. The guy who threw it has no aim. Looked something like this cat:

"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
<img src=>

10-22-2004, 10:38 AM

BRADY BUKKAKE !!! (Looks like Sam the Butcher's cream has curdled)

<img src=>
[center]"Freakshow Makes...Tall James Takes"

10-22-2004, 10:40 AM
..and officially, it's known as "Pastryotism"

<img src=>
[center]"Freakshow Makes...Tall James Takes"

10-22-2004, 10:43 AM
I prefer pastracide!

10-22-2004, 10:55 AM
Ann Coulter's Pie Assailants (

OCTOBER 22--Meet Phillip Edgar Smith and William Zachary Wolff. The Tucson men, both 24, were arrested last night after throwing cream pies at author Ann Coulter during her speech at the University of Arizona. One pie connected with the conservative commentator's shoulder. Smith, a UA student, and Wolff were charged with criminal damage, a felony, and misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct and assault. The felony charge resulted from damage to a backdrop that school officials estimated at $3000. The pie provocateurs were booked into the Pima County Adult Detention Center--where the below mug shots were snapped--and scheduled for a court appearance today. If you're wondering about the sheets Smith and Wolff are wearing, they're not Bedouins. As a courtesy, the Pima jailers use them to cover the lockup's standard-issue orange jumpsuits.

<img src=""><br>


10-22-2004, 11:02 AM
I can't figure out who the guy on the right more closely resembles:


Or Michael J. Pollard?

<img src=>

A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

10-22-2004, 11:05 AM
Strangely enough, I've always though Michael J. Pollard could pass as Flea's dad.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on radiobbq, weekdays 12-2 (

10-22-2004, 11:06 AM
I can't figure out who the guy on the right more closely resembles:


Or Michael J. Pollard?

<img src=>

A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

Yeah, Flea was exactly who I was thinking of. The guy on the left kinda resembles an angry Lloyd Dobler.

10-22-2004, 01:46 PM
The guy on the left looks like John Cusack, if he had Jack Black's angry little eyes and eyebrows.

<img src="">
Thanks Reef

I'm allowed to mod here (

10-22-2004, 01:55 PM
Just saw the video on Fox News. The guy who threw it has no aim.

I bet he was aiming right for the adam's apple.

<img src="">
Fuck it from behind.

10-22-2004, 02:14 PM
What Ann needs to realize is that it will never be enough. If "liberals" were to shift "right" enough to satisfy her conservative position, she would only move further down the spectrum... into even more "extremist" realms.

The fact is, for some people, segregation is the end. They must create differences in order to maintain a place for their hate. Patriot--traitor, conservative--liberal, black--white... whatever. Hate is the fuel that drives the passion. For Ann, and for many others, conflict itself has replaced peace as the greater goal.
"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali

10-22-2004, 02:25 PM
I bet he was aiming right for the adam's apple.
And along the way they met up with a chicken and something about a road, you unoriginal bastard.

"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
<img src=>

Mike Teacher
10-22-2004, 02:48 PM
What Ann needs to realize is that it will never be enough.

I think Ann realizes the clock is ticking on her 15 minutes and she should suck it dry for every dollar she can, while the name 'Ann Coulter' has some pull, coz historically, people like her can be here today, gone later on today.

And with a pie or not; I'd hit it.

<IMG SRC="">

shamus mcfitzy
10-22-2004, 03:23 PM
Did anyone figure out if it was the same guys or group that did this to both Ralph Nader and Bill Gates? Because if it's them again here, I have NO idea what they're trying to say.

maybe they're just trying to show their pie-related might. Probably considered these 3 as enemies to Kerry or at least Coulter and Nader. Gates because they also have gone through their 3rd X-Box in 3 years.

Really early in the thread Ann Coulter was compared to Marx. That's a great comparison because her ramblings of hate towards anyone on the left (and it is pure hate or at least there is a front of hate) makes her just as dangerous as you could consider Marx in spawning crazy people. Marx of course had actual things to say and could definitely be considered more influential than Coulter, but it would take just one whacko who's rich in social capital to grow up in a position of power thinking that she is saying things that are at all respected as human thought.

Her and McCarthy would seem to be real similar: sniveling political-scientist-wannabees who are clinging to an idea/set of ideas that can keep them in the public eye just long enough to warrant fame.

10-22-2004, 10:37 PM
Her and McCarthy would seem to be real similar: sniveling political-scientist-wannabees who are clinging to an idea/set of ideas that can keep them in the public eye just long enough to warrant fame.


And along the way they met up with a chicken and something about a road, you unoriginal bastard.

It can't be stressed enough. Have you SEEN the neck on that she-beast?

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-22-2004, 11:06 PM
Her and McCarthy would seem to be real similar: sniveling political-scientist-wannabees who are clinging to an idea/set of ideas that can keep them in the public eye just long enough to warrant fame.

And make a shitload of money off the hateful sheeple who worship her for telling them who to hate.

And along the way they met up with a chicken and something about a road, you unoriginal bastard.

Watch my "new" show, "The OC!"
<img src=""width=450>

<img src="">
Fuck it from behind.

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 10-23-04 @ 3:07 AM

10-23-2004, 02:44 PM
McCarthy was the man.

10-25-2004, 06:21 AM
I just read that she'll be speaking at Rutgers in Camden on 11/1, which brings 2 things to mind...

1) Show up early, bring Pies...

2) Ms. Coulter has NEVER heard anything about Camden, NJ. I'm pretty sure that if she did, she wouldn't be going.

EDIT: link for reference (

[The Patriot Act has decreed this sig indecent, and has put JerryTaker under suspicion]</B>

This message was edited by JerryTaker on 10-25-04 @ 10:24 AM

11-01-2004, 08:28 AM
Batshit Insane (

I don't know why I do this to myself.

<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">

11-01-2004, 08:48 AM
She very well may be out of her mind, but you have to admit, this paragraph is pretty funny for a politcal article:

The Kerry campaign is hemorrhaging black voters like teenaged girls fleeing an R. Kelly house party. None of the Democrats' top black leaders -- Jesse, Al, Bill Clinton -- has been able to stem the tide.[color=white]

11-01-2004, 09:09 AM
So, according to her...

With no fanfare, President Bush has placed black stars like Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell in top positions in his administration.


What the fuck is that?

And man, fuck her. She basically spearheaded this whole inane "liberal=insult" movement of the last decade or so, and it's too much. Being a liberal isn't automatically a bad thing, but people like her toss it out as if being branded a "liberal" is like being called a criminal.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-01-2004, 09:14 AM
black stars

There's supposed to be "Z" in there.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

11-01-2004, 09:23 AM
Ann's down wit' tha knowledge!

I also loved the following sweeping generalization...

By contrast, blacks -- like Republicans and most Americans in general -- not only believe gay marriage is wrong, but are willing to publicly state this belief.


Notice the running theme in pieces like this, where Republicans bash the Democrats for just stringing along the "black vote" (Which they do, to be honest)...they'll ONLY attack the Democrats relationship with the black community...but not attempt is made EVER to present some kind of contrast within the Republican party, which just leaves the uncomfortable unspoken message being, "yeah, we're just as insensitive as THEY are, but we're just gonna point at them being hypocrites and not actually change or offer any alternatives ourselves."

So, at the end of the day...the average black voter is screwed BOTH ways.


<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 11-1-04 @ 1:24 PM

11-01-2004, 09:25 AM
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was quite explicit about using abortion as a tool to reduce the minority population. She said the goal of Planned Parenthood was to "give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization." Even today, talk to any white liberal about abortion and within 60 seconds he will raise the black "overpopulation" problem.

She just makes up non sequitor anecdotes and pretends to make sense.

If it weren't for you Mojo, I'd have never known she existed.

I was better orff.

<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">

11-01-2004, 09:26 AM
I'm like Leadbottom that way.

But even more annoying.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-02-2004, 10:30 AM
So, at the end of the day...the average black voter is screwed BOTH ways.

Yup. Always makes me feel special when the collective black community gets played like a pawn in a game of political chess. None of them give a shit until its election time, then stop once they win.

shamus mcfitzy
11-02-2004, 11:42 PM
On the bright side, the Democrats offer black voters loads and loads of meaningless abstractions that will have absolutely no effect on their lives. "Jobs," for example.

i know that she kinda explains it in the next paragraph, but this is grand. I figure I can take it out of context like everything she says is such.

11-04-2004, 08:12 PM
Great. I have to listen to 4 more years of her being able to gloat.

02-07-2005, 04:31 PM
For those of you who would love to see Ann Coulter make even more of an ass out of herself, click here. (

[center]<img src="">
Thanks Reef

02-07-2005, 04:48 PM
Why does anyone pay any attention to her? She's obviously trying SO hard to get everyone's attention. Ignore her. Thats her worst fear.

BTW Mojo, documents released after the fall of the Soviet Union show that the Commies had spies in our Government through the 40's and 50's. Some were in CABINET positions in FDR's white house. So if you're going to be fair minded about it, and not just demonize him because everybody else does, you'd have to say McCarthy wasn't totally wrong. But he did definitely go too far.

And remember this. Dont look at it by today's standards. When someone can be a Communist and they're just your kooky Uncle. Back then was the height of the Cold War, they were spreading and we were trying like hell to stop them.

Ow! Hey! Get that net offa me! Ouch! Help!! Somebody HELP!!!!

02-07-2005, 08:22 PM
BTW Mojo, documents released after the fall of the Soviet Union show that the Commies had spies in our Government through the 40's and 50's. Some were in CABINET positions in FDR's white house. So if you're going to be fair minded about it, and not just demonize him because everybody else does, you'd have to say McCarthy wasn't totally wrong. But he did definitely go too far.

You're definitely right about the first part. The Spy Museum in downtown DC has some great info on that era, and just how deep the Soviets got.

The problem with Coulter's attempted defense of McCarthy is that "Drinkin' Joe" had no specific awareness or evidence of the ACTUAL spies in the government. He just targeted who he thought were communists, seemingly at random. He took an obvious general statement..."there are communists at work in the US government"...and ran completely in the opposite direction with that idea.

In short, he got nothing right, and was a monster.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 2-8-05 @ 12:23 AM

02-08-2005, 04:46 PM
We're better off to leave that stuff up to the FBI/CIA.
This is what happens when Senators go Commie chasing.
"Hey Joe! Get your own act! That's MY routine!!"

Ow! Hey! Get that net offa me! Ouch! Help!! Somebody HELP!!!!

02-10-2005, 04:09 PM
The Spy Museum in downtown DC has some great info on that era, and just how deep the Soviets got.
Veering off in that direction, what do you think of the Museum? I thought it was pretty good, but a little directed towards kids and a lot expensive.

"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
<img src=>

02-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Officer " Sign in here, please "
Mojo " Excuse me Sir, Is this the Federal Office Of The Officially Batshit Insane? "
Officer " Yes it is, how can I help you "
Mojo " I wanted to see if Ann Coulter is listed here "
Officer " Sure. Hmmm. . . . lets see Elizabeth Taylor. .. OJ Simpson . . . . Michael Jackson . . . Ed Begley Jr. . . . . . no, I dont see her any. ..wait there she is! Ann Coulter. Lives in Manhattan. She's been listed with us for quite a while."
Mojo " Thank you so much sir. I suspected as much "
Officer " Anytime Kid. Oh, one other thing Mojo. You're on page 124 "

Ow! Hey! Get that net offa me! Ouch! Help!! Somebody HELP!!!!

02-10-2005, 07:26 PM
The Spy Museum in downtown DC has some great info on that era, and just how deep the Soviets got.
Veering off in that direction, what do you think of the Museum? I thought it was pretty good, but a little directed towards kids and a lot expensive.

Overall I really was impressed, but you're right...the interactive exhibits were obviously geared towards kids and detracted from the overall museum.

Though I loved trying to crawl silently through the air duct.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

04-18-2005, 12:38 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_self"><img height="409" src="" width="304" border="0" /></a></p><p><a href="" target="_self"><img height="368" src="" width="304" border="0" /></a></p>

<img src=""><br>

04-18-2005, 12:41 PM
this woman is just constanly angry, according to the Drudge report shes unhappy with how the picture on the cover of time looks

Just remember babies dont cost money they make money, especially the little white ones - Jeri Blank

04-18-2005, 12:50 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>this woman is just constanly angry, according to the Drudge report shes unhappy with how the picture on the cover of time looks Like an anorexic muppet? who could be mad about that<br />
Thanks to Reef for my sig. You rock

04-18-2005, 04:05 PM
<img src="" alt="Necrophiliac" title="Necrophiliac" width="341" height="305" border="0" />

04-18-2005, 06:02 PM
<p>Would you fuck Ann Coulter? Be honest. </p><p>I'm not saying it has to be loving, romantic sex. It could be bend her over and get it over with sex. Or even better, ANGRY sex.</p><p>,%20The.jpg&nbsp;</p><p>Kathleen Turner &quot;Have you ever had angry sex&quot;</p><p>Danny DeVito &quot;Is there another kind?&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Would ya bang her? &nbsp;</p>

Does it bug you that your local pharmacy sells cigarettes and emphysema medicine?

04-18-2005, 06:06 PM
<p><font size="0" face="verdana" color="black">Would you fuck Ann Coulter? Be honest.</font> <br />
</p><p><font size="2">NO! I didn't
think there could be an uglier, more anorexic version of Sarah Jessica
Parker, but there she is. She's looks like Mr. Ed in the end stages of
AIDS.</font><br />

<br /><hr width="100%" />
People like me because I force them to,<font color="#ff0000"><em>WITH VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!</font></em></font></font><br />

I want to see a stewed tomato in the toilet by noon, or I'll be paying you a little visit!

Death Metal Moe
04-18-2005, 06:12 PM
<p>Dude, I would lay the Death Metal Dick of DOOM on that, for some reason.&nbsp; She's a little weird looking, but I just really want to get those legs of her's open for some reason after seeing&nbsp;that TIME picture.</p><p>Yea, she seems firey and angry.&nbsp; Gotta have her just run rampant on your junk.&nbsp; Until it's sore and bruised after awhile.&nbsp; Smack her around and just throw her down in a pile of blonde hair and sweat.</p><p>Jesus, I just creeped myself out.</p>

<IMG SRC="">

<A HREF=""></A>
<A HREF="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</A>

high fly
04-19-2005, 03:59 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>BTW Mojo, documents released after the fall of the Soviet Union show that the Commies had spies in our Government through the 40's and 50's. Some were in CABINET positions in FDR's white house. So if you're going to be fair minded about it, and not just demonize him because everybody else does, you'd have to say McCarthy wasn't totally wrong. <p>WRONG, Bulldog.</p><p>Which of those spies did McCarthy uncover, hmmmmmm?</p><p>What did McCarthy do that caused them to be uncovered, got any clues for the rest of us?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>McCarthy used the excuse of communism to strike out at those with whom he disagreed with politically, kinda like Bush &amp; Co. nowadays using the fears after 9/11 to club people on the left for being &quot;soft on terrorism&quot; if they opposed the invasion of Iraq.</p><p>Hauling innocent Americans before his committe to be grilled on whether any of their neighbors were communists, knew any communists, or had anything to do with a &quot;communist front&quot; organization helped not one whit in the Cold War, and did much damage.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>My favorite question of the McCarthy hearings was when, <em>in the interest of national security,</em> people were asked,</p><p><strong>&quot;Do you own or have you ever read books or articles by Lillian Hellman, John Fast, Ring Lardner Jr., Dalton Trumbo, Karl Marx, Dorothy Parker or any other un-American writer?&quot;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br />&nbsp;</p>

" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!

Death Metal Moe
04-19-2005, 04:10 PM
<p>McCarthy used the excuse of communism to strike out at those with whom he disagreed with politically, kinda like Bush &amp; Co. nowadays using the fears after 9/11 to club people on the left for being &quot;soft on terrorism&quot; if they opposed the invasion of Iraq.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>So you actually believe this shit?</p>

<IMG SRC="">

<A HREF=""></A>
<A HREF="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</A>

04-19-2005, 07:11 PM
<p>He's not wrong.</p><p>&quot;What are you, a COMMIE?!?&quot; can be turned into &quot;What, you don't support the TROOPS/PRESIDENT/AMERICA?!?!&quot; pretty easily.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;<img src="" border="0" /> 1979 &lt;&lt; On the streets of your town... &gt;&gt; &quot;You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad...&quot;</p>

<font color=black>This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 4-19-05 @ 11:13 PM</font>

04-20-2005, 05:43 AM
I personally know of 237 communists on this messageboard right now!

<img src="">

<img src="">

Death Metal Moe
04-20-2005, 04:32 PM
<p>ONE</p><p><br /></p>

<a href=""></a>
<a href="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</a>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:32 PM</font>

04-20-2005, 04:36 PM
<p>Moe. That was Really, Really GOOD!!</p><p>You got your PS down!!</p>

<img src=""border=0 align=right>
so does that mean that it was
See The Cruising Vessel (
Check out

04-20-2005, 06:51 PM
<p>I've got a five year-plan...FOR TAPPING THAT ASS!</p>

<img src="">
1979 << On the streets of your town... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
04-20-2005, 06:58 PM
<p>I just wish I had a better quality picture of Themojopin to work with.</p><p>Hey Mojo, can you send me some better resolution pictures of yourself so I can Photoshop them and use them to ridicule you?</p><p>Please?</p>

<a href=""></a>
<a href="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</a>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Death Metal Moe on 1-30-06 @ 10:35 PM</font>

shamus mcfitzy
04-22-2005, 12:10 AM
<p>I just can't believe that this woman can be such an attention whore. It's almost as if she felt that she needed to hype up this Time article by just yelling insanely. </p><p>I mean people will see it by themselves, Ann. You don't need to spew inane bullshit about looking unattractive when you are exposed as being a 3'6 AIDS patient on stilts. Oh.......and I'd still fuck her!</p><p>And Republicans do always use &quot;liberal=hates the troops&quot; nonesense. Voting against funding the war was used in&nbsp;a lot of Congressional elections as well as the national one. This is a direct appeal to voters who supported the war, one which a good number of people believed was for our safety and connected to 9/11.</p>

04-22-2005, 02:28 AM
<p><img height="322" src="" width="612" border="0" /></p><p><img height="802" src="" width="441" border="0" /></p><p>I'd fuck her.</p>

<center><IMG SRC="">

Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

04-22-2005, 02:39 AM
<p>Lets play &quot;Whats in her pants?&quot;</p><p>I say totally natural, not even trimmed. Fidel Castro in a headlock. </p><p>Pundits fancy themselves as intellectuals, she too busy solving the worlds problems to trim her Beav. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I fuckin LOVE a nice hairy beav. &nbsp;</p>

Does it bug you that your local pharmacy sells cigarettes and emphysema medicine?

04-22-2005, 02:51 AM
<p>She could have a poolrack filled with afro hair, I'd still bury my tongue up to my wrists in there.</p><p><img height="171" src="" width="197" border="0" /></p>

<center><IMG SRC="">

Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

08-30-2005, 03:12 AM
Coulter dropped from Arizona Daily Star (;imw= Y)</p><p><font>&quot;Many readers find her shrill, bombastic, and
mean-spirited. And those are the words used by readers who identified
themselves as conservatives,&quot;</font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I bet she's a great lay with all that hostility. Type of woman that'll fuck you back. Nice!&nbsp;</p>

My site Bully Baby (

"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address 'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald

08-30-2005, 09:10 AM
She's a cunt and I can't believe this thread is still alive. Stop wasting time on her.<div><br /></div><div>&quot;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: times new roman; font-size: 11.2px; ">As Republicans were saying repeatedly &mdash; captured on Lexis-Nexis for a year before it showed up in a Frank Luntz talking points memo in 2004 &mdash; the savages have declared war, and it's far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York (where the residents would immediately surrender). That strategy appears to be working. Then again, maybe it's just that it's so damnably hard to find parking in New York ...&quot;&nbsp;</span></div>

<img src="">

08-30-2005, 11:01 AM
she's probably as selfish and self-serving in bed as her opinions are.
she probably wants her orgasms like her money: handed to her on a
silver platter<br />

Sweet Queen Bee, I hope it comes quickly,
I hope your thoughts don't drift to me
I'll die in here, you now are free...

08-30-2005, 01:19 PM
<a href="" target="_blank">I fucked Ann Coulter in the ass...HARD.</a>

<center><img src="">
Too drunk to dream... << Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."</center>

08-30-2005, 01:26 PM
<p>And please, don't miss...</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Back in Ann Coulter's ass-saddle again!</a></p><font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote:</font><font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana" /><font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana"> <p>&lsquo;Don&rsquo;t you want to, I don&rsquo;t know, talk politics?&rsquo;&nbsp; </p></font>&lsquo;Don&rsquo;t you want to, I don&rsquo;t know, talk politics?&rsquo;&nbsp; <p>&lsquo;You think you&rsquo;ve got me all figured out in that box of shit you keep balanced on your neck, don&rsquo;t you?&rsquo;</p><p>&lsquo;Well I think I have an idea what flips your bingo switch, yeah, so if you want to discuss..&rsquo;<br /></p><p>&lsquo;No need. I listened to Clinton&rsquo;s &rsquo;92 acceptance speech in the car. I&rsquo;m as horny as the hat rack at a Viking bar.&rsquo; She stood naked and impatient before me. &lsquo;What&rsquo;s the matter?&rsquo;</p><p>&lsquo;I&rsquo;m a little freaked out by your hip bones&rsquo;</p><p>&lsquo;I still weigh what I did Freshman year at Cornell,&rsquo; she said proudly.</p><p>&lsquo;Have you eaten since?&rsquo; </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font></p>She's an unsettlingly lean, viciously mean, Liberal cock-loving machine! <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><img src="" border="0" /> <br />Too drunk to dream... &lt;&lt; Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends. &gt;&gt; &quot;You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad...&quot;

<font color=black>This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 8-30-05 @ 5:29 PM</font>

08-30-2005, 01:35 PM
<p>I'm sorry, but something this&nbsp;random can't help but be insanely funny...</p><p>My head was spinning. I noticed all of us around Ann had kept our socks on, and wondered what that was about. I felt really weird doing this in front of my friends. Everyone kept their eyes to themselves, like men at the open urinal troughs in the Dodger Stadium bathrooms. I was thinking about how cool it was to have John Cusack over, and how much I liked Grosse Pointe Blank. Judging by the way he casually smoked a cigarette, I guessed he had sex this way all the time.</p>

<center><img src="">
Too drunk to dream... << Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."</center>

Death Metal Moe
08-30-2005, 01:47 PM
She hasn't said anything inflammatory lately.&nbsp; It's coming, she can't stand to be out of the spotlight.

<img src="">

<A HREF=""></A>
<A HREF="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</A>

high fly
09-01-2005, 12:56 PM
I like how she and that Laura Ingraham try to out-bitch each other....

" ...and they ask me why I drink"

Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!

09-01-2005, 02:56 PM
<blockquote style=""><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px; ">quote:</font>She hasn't said anything inflammatory lately.&nbsp; It's coming, she can't stand to be out of the spotlight.[/quote]<br /><div>you don't think that comment I quoted about new yorkers is inflammatory? I think it is pretty offensive and stupid. oh well. ignore her.</div>

<img src="">

09-01-2005, 03:02 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px;">quote:</font> oh well. ignore her. <br />Is it possible to fuck her and ignore her at the same time? Without being married? <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="346" height="349" border="0" src="" /></p><p>Its all an act, folks. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a target="blank" href="">My site Bully Baby</a></p>

<font color=black>This message was edited by Bulldogcakes on 9-1-05 @ 7:04 PM</font>

Death Metal Moe
09-01-2005, 05:49 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>She hasn't said anything inflammatory lately.&nbsp; It's coming, she can't stand to be out of the spotlight.<br />*&gt;you don't think that comment I quoted about new yorkers is inflammatory? I think it is pretty offensive and stupid. oh well. ignore her. <div /><img src="" border="0" /> <p>I missed it.&nbsp; She's a political hack and she's kinda weird looking in a mildly hot way.&nbsp; </p><p>Next...<br /></p>

<img src="">

<A HREF=""></A>
<A HREF="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</A>

09-01-2005, 07:11 PM
Seriously, she's nowhere near being &quot;hot.&quot;&nbsp; And that has zero to do with her politics.&nbsp; She looks like Stern in a blonde wig.

<center><img src="">
Too drunk to dream... << Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."</center>

09-01-2005, 07:18 PM
She has the look of a person who vomits everytime
she looks in the mirror because she's disgusted by the shit that has to
come out of her mouth so people will continue paying attention to
her.<br />

01-28-2006, 12:32 PM
<p>Looks like our least favorite little attention whore needed a little fix:</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p></p><p>&quot;We need somebody to put rat poisoning in [Supreme Court] Justice Stevens' creme brulee,&quot; Coulter said. &quot;That's just a joke, for you in the media.&quot;</p><p></p><p><em>insert Opie's fake hearty laugh here.</em></p><p><em /></p>

<IMG SRC="">

[b]There ain't no asylum here.
King Solomon, he never lived 'round here[b]

01-28-2006, 12:45 PM
Ann Coulter looks like an anorexic transvestite. That's just a joke for you Coulter lovers out there.

01-28-2006, 12:49 PM
Conservatives stand for hate and deserve to die by being boiled in hot oil. That's just a joke for you conservatives out there.

Jesus was a faggot. That's just a joke for you Christians out there.

Ronald Reagan ate babies and molested children. That's just a joke for you Republicans out there.

Bill Clinton's brain is made of horse feces. That's just a joke for you Democrats out there.

President Bush should gets AIDS. That's just a joke for...................... nevermind.

01-28-2006, 04:04 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p>quote:<font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px;"></font><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&quot;We need somebody to put rat poisoning in [Supreme Court] Justice Stevens' creme brulee,&quot; Coulter said. &quot;That's just a joke, for you in the media.&quot;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><em><strong /></em><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>OK, I still want to fuck her. But now if she offers me a cup of coffee the next morning, I'll pass. &nbsp;</p><blockquote />

<A HREF=>My site Bully Baby</A>

"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Anon

01-28-2006, 04:07 PM
<p><img border="0" src="" /></p><p>this is all i can contribute.</p>

<img border="0" src="" />

<font color=black>This message was edited by suggums on 1-28-06 @ 8:08 PM</font>

01-30-2006, 04:37 AM
In this book I'm reading, &quot;Republican like Me&quot;, this guy goes undercover with this white supremacist group.&nbsp; He was reading their monthly newspaper, and in it they actually review one of Coulter's books.&nbsp; They were wild about it.&nbsp; Their only problem though, was that they felt that she should have substituted the word &quot;jew&quot; instead of &quot;liberal&quot;.&nbsp; Go figure.

01-30-2006, 06:23 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>quote: <font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana"></font><p>&quot;We need somebody to put rat poisoning in [Supreme Court] Justice Stevens' creme brulee,&quot; Coulter said. &quot;That's just a joke, for you in the media.&quot;</p><p>[Bulldogcakes]:&nbsp; <strong>OK, I still want to fuck her. But now if she offers me a cup of coffee the next morning, I'll pass.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong> </strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font size="2">Actually, creme brulee is a <strong>dessert</strong>, although it is very good with coffee (see below)</font></p><p><img height="240" src="" width="310" border="0" /></p><p><font size="2">I think I would agree about hitting it (unless that adam's apple thing is accurate)</font></p>


10-11-2007, 04:50 PM
COULTER: That isn't hateful at all. (,2933,301216,00.html)

10-11-2007, 06:49 PM
COULTER: That isn't hateful at all. (,2933,301216,00.html)

That could have been a fantastic philosophical debate between two religious leaders, but of course, in the hands of Ann, another honest spiritual discussion in the sewer.

10-11-2007, 06:55 PM
I think this is my only epic thread.

I'm very proud of it.

10-11-2007, 07:15 PM
but who killed jfk?

10-11-2007, 07:17 PM
you and me

10-11-2007, 07:17 PM
I think this is my only epic thread.

I'm very proud of it.

I think its very impressive as well.

10-11-2007, 07:21 PM
but who killed jfk?

I'd take credit for that thread, but Waddles technically started it. Between that and the long story thread, he really is the epic thread master.

10-12-2007, 03:48 AM
COULTER: That isn't hateful at all. (,2933,301216,00.html)

That's true. It's not like she said they need to convert to Islam (

10-12-2007, 05:57 AM
but who killed jfk?

you and me


10-12-2007, 04:39 PM
I think this is my only epic thread.

I'm very proud of it.

When I'm a big ass veteran poster, will I start threads like you Mojo?

I hope so.......... :tongue:

11-25-2008, 05:59 AM
Could we have a christmas miracle already?!

WE HEAR...THAT although we didn't think it would be possible to silence Ann Coulter, the leggy reactionary broke her jaw and the mouth that roared has been wired shut... (

Enjoy the silence!

11-25-2008, 10:35 PM
I hope her Adam's Apple is OK.

11-26-2008, 04:36 AM
Could we have a christmas miracle already?!

WE HEAR...THAT although we didn't think it would be possible to silence Ann Coulter, the leggy reactionary broke her jaw and the mouth that roared has been wired shut... (

Enjoy the silence!

I did hear she is very brittle!

11-26-2008, 04:46 AM
although i dont always agree with her view, i think she's hot.

11-26-2008, 05:28 AM
I hope her Adam's Apple is OK.

Does sleeping with Ann Coulter make you gay?

11-26-2008, 05:33 AM
Does sleeping with Ann Coulter make you gay?

No, just pathetic.

11-26-2008, 06:40 AM
No, just pathetic.

I post on message boards all day... I'm already pathetic

11-26-2008, 06:46 PM
Does sleeping with Ann Coulter make you gay?

As long as you avoid sucking on her "clit" when you go down on her.

11-26-2008, 07:22 PM
although i dont always agree with her view, i think she's hot.

I'll never understand you.

10-23-2009, 03:49 PM
linky (;_ylt=AgziqaKsT6eqv0fqe6Po5f L9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1ZHNqNzR2BGFzc2V0A3VjYWMvMjAwOT EwMjIvdGhlZ3JhdGluZ2NvbW11bmljYXRvcgRwb3MDMTcEc2Vj A3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawN0aGVncmF0aW 5nY28-)

In Ann Coulter's latest column she again blasts Keith Olbermann for having a degree in Communications:

"Again, in fairness to Keith, he's never been a "content guy." He was a communications major. (The agriculture school Keith attended offered a degree in this field.)"

Let's review the college backgrounds of some of our Conservative pundits:

Rush Limbaugh - college drop out
Sean Hannity - college drop out
Glen Beck - did not attend college

Keith should hang his head in shame!

10-23-2009, 03:59 PM
But if this is a college credentials pissing contest between her and him why would anybody else matter ?

Now I have no idea where she went but I'm guessing she fancies it better than where Olberman went.

10-23-2009, 05:34 PM
But if this is a college credentials pissing contest between her and him why would anybody else matter ?

Now I have no idea where she went but I'm guessing she fancies it better than where Olberman went.


She has a lot of nerve talking about ivory towers when she went to one of the ivoryistical of them all

10-23-2009, 07:23 PM
linky (;_ylt=AgziqaKsT6eqv0fqe6Po5f L9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1ZHNqNzR2BGFzc2V0A3VjYWMvMjAwOT EwMjIvdGhlZ3JhdGluZ2NvbW11bmljYXRvcgRwb3MDMTcEc2Vj A3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawN0aGVncmF0aW 5nY28-)

In Ann Coulter's latest column she again blasts Keith Olbermann for having a degree in Communications:

Let's review the college backgrounds of some of our Conservative pundits:

Rush Limbaugh - college drop out
Sean Hannity - college drop out
Glen Beck - did not attend college

All of the people in BOLD are the same. They are all horrid people devoid of soul or creadibility. They are all, what I term, "Media Shock Jocks" more interested in the almighty Dollar and ratings then anything relevant. They further the minless division of people into groups of "Right" and "Left". They make people think if they use their own brain they might explode, so subscibe to whatever trash they are spewing for your opinion.

Hate'em all

10-23-2009, 09:31 PM
I thought Beck attended Yale for about a week and dropped out. I could be wrong.

10-23-2009, 10:21 PM
I thought Beck attended Yale for about a week and dropped out. I could be wrong.

In other words, he didn't go to college.

10-24-2009, 07:44 AM
I like how the whole point of her article is lost because she insulted the higher education of Olberman.

How many millions of times have we heard how dumb George Bush was despite the fact that he graduated from an Ivy League school, which to many, although not all, are considered to be the best colleges.

Again the point she's making, and I don't know if it's true or not, is that they did not use the actual campaign commercial but instead used their own version of it.

If it is true then how could people not see that as being worse than what Fox News is ever accused of doing ?

Flat out lying about something, in my opinion, is a bigger transgression than showing only 1 side of a story.

10-24-2009, 09:45 AM
All of the people in BOLD are the same. They are all horrid people devoid of soul or creadibility. They are all, what I term, "Media Shock Jocks" more interested in the almighty Dollar and ratings then anything relevant. They further the minless division of people into groups of "Right" and "Left". They make people think if they use their own brain they might explode, so subscibe to whatever trash they are spewing for your opinion.

Hate'em all


10-24-2009, 10:44 AM
I like how the whole point of her article is lost because she insulted the higher education of Olberman.

How many millions of times have we heard how dumb George Bush was despite the fact that he graduated from an Ivy League school, which to many, although not all, are considered to be the best colleges.

Again the point she's making, and I don't know if it's true or not, is that they did not use the actual campaign commercial but instead used their own version of it.

If it is true then how could people not see that as being worse than what Fox News is ever accused of doing ?

Flat out lying about something, in my opinion, is a bigger transgression than showing only 1 side of a story.

That's the most amusing thing, for all the Beckian fantasies of Obama instituting Orwellian policies, its the GOP that historically has engaged in doublespeak.

10-24-2009, 11:12 AM
I like how the whole point of her article is lost because she insulted the higher education of Olberman.

How many millions of times have we heard how dumb George Bush was despite the fact that he graduated from an Ivy League school, which to many, although not all, are considered to be the best colleges.

Again the point she's making, and I don't know if it's true or not, is that they did not use the actual campaign commercial but instead used their own version of it.

If it is true then how could people not see that as being worse than what Fox News is ever accused of doing ?

Flat out lying about something, in my opinion, is a bigger transgression than showing only 1 side of a story.

I read the article too and I think she's not telling the entire truth about the ad(s). There was the one from the Bush campaign with the revolving door. Here's a link to it:

And then there was the one from the "National Security Political Action Committee" ran which did show Horton's mug shot:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Olbermann ran a version of the revolving door one that someone had added the mug shot to. But its not like there wasn't an ad runnning at the time that showed Horton was black. Coulter acts like there was no ads running that pointed out Horton's race until Olbermann doctored the Bush campaign one and that's bullshit.

10-24-2009, 11:19 AM
Ahhhhhhh this ad harkens back to some good old days, and makes me look forward to these New Jersey campaign ads. They are always the best when it comes to the shit slinging; because lets face the facts, it stopped being 'mud' years ago.

10-24-2009, 11:51 AM
I read the article too and I think she's not telling the entire truth about the ad(s). There was the one from the Bush campaign with the revolving door. Here's a link to it:

And then there was the one from the "National Security Political Action Committee" ran which did show Horton's mug shot:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Olbermann ran a version of the revolving door one that someone had added the mug shot to. But its not like there wasn't an ad runnning at the time that showed Horton was black. Coulter acts like there was no ads running that pointed out Horton's race until Olbermann doctored the Bush campaign one and that's bullshit.

So maybe there's a bit of hyperboyle on both sides, as usual, but I see no problem in showing his race either way because you know he was black.

So if somebody ran a campaign, say based on domestic terrorism, and brought up Timothy McVeigh should they not show his face or inply that he was white ?

10-25-2009, 02:40 PM
In other words, he didn't go to college.

I guess my point was just saying that he's not a dumb guy.

10-25-2009, 06:38 PM
I read the article too and I think she's not telling the entire truth about the ad(s). There was the one from the Bush campaign with the revolving door. Here's a link to it:

And then there was the one from the "National Security Political Action Committee" ran which did show Horton's mug shot:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Olbermann ran a version of the revolving door one that someone had added the mug shot to. But its not like there wasn't an ad runnning at the time that showed Horton was black. Coulter acts like there was no ads running that pointed out Horton's race until Olbermann doctored the Bush campaign one and that's bullshit.

In the past week, both Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann have rolled out the Willie Horton ad, claiming that it marked the beginning of vicious personal attacks in politics, as opposed to what it was: The most devastatingly relevant campaign commercial in all of American history.

You can always astonish college kids by telling them the true story of Willie Horton. Among the jaw-dropping facts are:

In the '80s, the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that a prison furlough policy had to be extended to convicted murderers, who were ineligible for parole.

Even the Massachusetts Legislature, which contained about three Republicans, realized this was insane, and quickly passed a bill excluding first-degree murderers from the weekend furlough program. But in a desperate bid for the ACLU's Brain-Dead Liberal of the Year Award, Gov. Michael Dukakis vetoed the bill.

Horton, who was later released under this program, was in prison for carving up a teenager at a gas station and then stuffing his body into a garbage can. (He had already been convicted of attempted murder in South Carolina -- through no fault of his own, the victim survived.)

Even after Horton used his Dukakis-granted furlough to rape and torture a Maryland couple in their home for 12 straight hours, the Greek homunculus issued a statement reaffirming his strong support for furloughing murderers.

The Bush campaign commercial about Dukakis' furlough program never showed a picture of Horton. In fact, the actors playing "criminals" passing through a revolving door in the ad were all white.

Voters considered it relevant that a candidate for president was so beholden to the ACLU that he backed an idiotic furlough program that released first-degree murderers.

Every informed student of the 1988 campaign knows that the Bush ad didn't show Horton's picture. And yet in Keith's discussion of Bush's allegedly vile, racist use of Willie Horton, he used a phony version of the ad, doctored to include a photo of Horton.

I don't think it matters if Horton was purple. An idiot vetoed a law that passed to prevent his crime completely by not letting murderers out of prison. I quoted the part of the article that matters. You're welcome.

10-25-2009, 06:58 PM
I don't think it matters if Horton was purple. An idiot vetoed a law that passed to prevent his crime completely by not letting murderers out of prison. I quoted the part of the article that matters. You're welcome.

I remember that ad, and it VERY much mattered that Willie Horton was black. That's why Lee Atwater used the example.

10-25-2009, 07:02 PM
So Bush doesn't win that election if Horton's a white guy ?

Or if that add is never run ?

Maybe he loses the election if you know Horton didn't rape and murder people.

10-25-2009, 07:03 PM
So Bush doesn't win that election if Horton's a white guy ?

Or if that add is never run ?

Maybe he loses the election if you know Horton didn't rape and murder people.

Dukakis was losing no matter what. However that ad doesn't get run if Horton is white.

10-25-2009, 07:22 PM
Because Americans, regardless of their color, wouldn't be put off by a white criminal being released and raping/murdering people while free on some ridiculous social experiment ?

And with regards to the program itself how could people that aren't even eligible to get out of prison be eligible for a weekend trip out from behind bars ?

10-25-2009, 07:28 PM
Because Americans, regardless of their color, wouldn't be put off by a white criminal being released and raping/murdering people while free on some ridiculous social experiment ?

And with regards to the program itself how could people that aren't even eligible to get out of prison be eligible for a weekend trip out from behind bars ?

Sure, but the grainy image of a black convict wouldn't scare the living shit out of suburban America? Its the ultimate in negative campaigning.

A white convict under the same program would be a great debate point, William Horton (the name he actually used) was political gold.

10-25-2009, 07:34 PM
Do you really think the country was that concerned with the race of a murder at the time ?

How many people's potential votes do you think were won on that ad ?

10-25-2009, 07:43 PM
Do you really think the country was that concerned with the race of a murder at the time ?

How many people's potential votes do you think were won on that ad ?

Lets just put it this way...Willie Horton being black made the furlough story gold.

Either way, it cemented a narrative that Dukakis was a pussy and weak on crime. Included in this narrative was this on the death penalty during the debates:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And of course this:

10-25-2009, 07:58 PM
Here's a few things from the Wikipedia entry ( yes I know not always the most reliable ) on Willie Horton.

The first person to mention the Massachusetts furlough program in the 1988 presidential campaign was Al Gore. During a debate at the Felt Forum sponsored by the New York Daily News, Gore took issue with the furlough program. However, he did not specifically mention the Horton incident or even mention Horton's name, instead asking a general question about the Massachusetts furlough program

Now somebody did make a distinction that the ad was not paid for by the Bush campaign directly and it appears the actual Bush campaign ad with the revolving door did not show Horton's pic :

Beginning on September 21, 1988, the Americans for Bush arm of the National Security Political Action Committee (NSPAC), under the auspices of Floyd Brown, began running a campaign ad entitled "Weekend Passes", using the Horton case to attack Dukakis. The ad was produced by media consultant Larry McCarthy, who had previously worked for Roger Ailes. After clearing the ad with television stations, McCarthy added a menacing mug shot of Horton, who is African American. He called the image "every suburban mother's greatest fear."[citation needed] Additionally, although Horton actually went by "William", the ad's creators changed his name to "Willie."[10] The ad was run as an independent expenditure, separate from the Bush campaign, which claimed not to have had any role in its production.[11]

On October 5, 1988, a day after the "Weekend Passes" ad was taken off the airwaves, and also the date of the Bentsen-Quayle debate, the Bush campaign ran its own ad, "Revolving Door", which also attacked Dukakis over the weekend furlough program. While the advertisement did not mention Horton or feature his photograph, it depicted a variety of intimidating-looking men walking in and out of prison through a revolving door.[12] The commercial was filmed at an actual state prison in Draper, Utah, but the individuals depicted — thirty in all, including three African Americans and two Hispanics, were all paid actors.

The controversy escalated when Vice Presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen and former Democratic presidential candidate and civil rights leader Jesse Jackson called the "Revolving Door" ad racist - a charge which was denied by Bush.

How could an ad that showed only 5 minorities out of 30 guys be racist ?

10-26-2009, 10:30 AM
Sure, but the grainy image of a black convict wouldn't scare the living shit out of suburban America? Its the ultimate in negative campaigning.

A white convict under the same program would be a great debate point, William Horton (the name he actually used) was political gold.

I wasn't paying much attention to the news/politics during Bush/Dukakis so I'm wondering....was there a white murderer that got out through the furlough program so he could spend a weekend raping and torturing people? Maybe his picture could/should have been used instead of Willie Horton's? Why doesn't the fact that Bush's campaign didn't pay for the ad have anything to do with the discussion when Keith Olbermann accuses his campaign of running it and pastes his face into the ad that was run by Bush's campaign? Why do you have such an issue with recognizing the dishonesty of editing the ad and pretending it's the unedited ad run by the Bush campaign?

10-26-2009, 11:08 AM
I wasn't paying much attention to the news/politics during Bush/Dukakis so I'm wondering....was there a white murderer that got out through the furlough program so he could spend a weekend raping and torturing people? Maybe his picture could/should have been used instead of Willie Horton's? Why doesn't the fact that Bush's campaign didn't pay for the ad have anything to do with the discussion when Keith Olbermann accuses his campaign of running it and pastes his face into the ad that was run by Bush's campaign? Why do you have such an issue with recognizing the dishonesty of editing the ad and pretending it's the unedited ad run by the Bush campaign?

1. I didn't see the Olbermann piece about the Willie Horton ad from 1988. For some reason I don't really give a shit about his take on that.

2. You are correct that it was a special interest group that ran the brutal version of the ad in 1988. However, to think that special interest groups in 1988 weren't in cahoots with the campaign would be insane.

3. I don't know the specifics of the Massachusetts furlough program in the 1980' I couldn't give you a list of offenders after the program was initially created by the republican governor in the 1970s.

Listen, I have no desire to debate a state-run furlough program in Massachusetts in the 1970s-80s. But I do find it odd that people are trying to deny the intent of that ad was to use race as a means to scare the shit out of surburban America. I distinctly remember how it scared the shit out of my parents at the time, and history tells us the same thing for the nation.

10-26-2009, 11:14 AM
But again I doubt his race changed any votes.

It's insanse, as you say, to think that people said " Wait a white guy was on furlough and raped a woman ? Ahh now big deal, lets vote for Dukakis. Oh, you said it was a black guy ? Everybody vote for Bush. "

Dude the story is about a murderer that raped a woman while he was released from prison on some ridiculous, regardless of who originally sponsored it, experiment.

He could've been the All American boy and it still would've had the same impact on 99% of the people to which the story would even matter.

10-26-2009, 11:27 AM
Please note that I started a political advertising thread as to not derail this fine thread about Ann Coulter's insanity.

10-26-2009, 11:57 AM
In Ann Coulter's latest column she again blasts Keith Olbermann for having a degree in Communications:

"Again, in fairness to Keith, he's never been a "content guy." He was a communications major. (The agriculture school Keith attended offered a degree in this field.)"

Let's review the college backgrounds of some of our Conservative pundits:

Rush Limbaugh - college drop out
Sean Hannity - college drop out
Glen Beck - did not attend college

Keith should hang his head in shame!

to be perfectly honest, who gives a shit if you have a college degree ?
their "industry" is non-tangible and all hypothetical / opinion based.

10-26-2009, 12:05 PM
to be perfectly honest, who gives a shit if you have a college degree ?
their "industry" is non-tangible and all hypothetical / opinion based.

I agree. This is like judging a WWE wrestler on their amateur wrestling career.

10-26-2009, 12:12 PM
Please note that I started a political advertising thread as to not derail this fine thread about Ann Coulter's insanity.

Instead of starting a "Keith Olbermann is a lying sack of crap" thread? I mean, it was after all, his being a lying sack of crap that she was writing about in the linked article that reopened the discussion on her "insanity". You're nothing if not loyal.

10-26-2009, 12:15 PM
Instead of starting a "Keith Olbermann is a lying sack of crap" thread? I mean, it was after all, his being a lying sack of crap that she was writing about in the linked article that reopened the discussion on her "insanity". You're nothing if not loyal.

he hosted sports center. since when ever, has his opinion ever been worth anything?

10-26-2009, 01:44 PM
Instead of starting a "Keith Olbermann is a lying sack of crap" thread? I mean, it was after all, his being a lying sack of crap that she was writing about in the linked article that reopened the discussion on her "insanity". You're nothing if not loyal.

wow - you have a weird definition of "lying". He used a doctored version of the commercial because he got it off some website. That's lying? Careless, I'll admit but not lying.

Now if you want a lie, here's one from Coulter's article:

"In fact, the actors playing "criminals" passing through a revolving door in the ad were all white."

Unless a few of them are in black face, that is a lie.

10-26-2009, 01:54 PM
Yes that appears to be a lie as 25 of the 30 were white.

10-26-2009, 02:01 PM
wow - you have a weird definition of "lying". He used a doctored version of the commercial because he got it off some website. That's lying? Careless, I'll admit but not lying.

Now if you want a lie, here's one from Coulter's article:

"In fact, the actors playing "criminals" passing through a revolving door in the ad were all white."

Unless a few of them are in black face, that is a lie.

Good point. Maybe Coulter lied. Olbermann, as usual, just has no idea what he's talking about. Thanks

10-26-2009, 02:08 PM
Ann Coulter is hilarious!

10-26-2009, 02:38 PM
Ann Coulter is hilarious!

Would you fuck her though?

10-27-2009, 12:22 AM
Would you fuck her though?

With your dick maybe.

Just kidding. I'd give it a spin, but I'd make it so there was no pleasure to me and use it as a form of punishment.

10-27-2009, 02:12 AM
Would you fuck her though?

Id let her teabag me.

10-27-2009, 02:14 AM
Would you fuck her though?

Can I use a time machine?

03-18-2011, 07:29 AM
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

03-18-2011, 07:37 AM

high fly
03-22-2011, 02:56 AM
Has Coulter ever been known to date?
Men or women?

05-24-2013, 04:42 AM
Ann Coulter = WF ?

Coulter: America Has Too Many Latinos (

05-24-2013, 04:52 AM
Ann Coulter = WF ?

Coulter: America Has Too Many Latinos (

Only if she posted that article after being asked her thoughts about the tragedy in Oklahoma.

05-24-2013, 05:38 AM
Illegal Latinos

As well as illegal Whites especially from Russia and Ireland

05-24-2013, 05:42 AM
There's no doubting that our welfare state has attracted people to come here from the 3rd world and it's correct that many immigrants went back to their home countries if they couldn't make it here.

The article mentions "racist" quotas but fails to mention the impact of chain migration post 1965

05-24-2013, 07:14 AM
O&A bus trip to branson states "no bitches' however their love guru Coulter should be ok to go.

05-24-2013, 05:53 PM
Would you fuck her though?

YEs - without question

05-24-2013, 06:23 PM
Would you fuck her though?

I'd help her put another bulge in her throat.

05-24-2013, 06:32 PM
I'd help her put another bulge in her throat.

That's a tranny Adam's apple!

05-24-2013, 06:49 PM
YEs - without question

Well, you're not really known for your high standards.

05-24-2013, 08:25 PM
Only if she posted that article after being asked her thoughts about the tragedy in Oklahoma.


05-28-2013, 08:53 AM
Well, you're not really known for your high standards.

come on I mean you act like hw banged his sister or something.... :devil2: