View Full Version : Bad Blood PPV Game season 3 game 4 of 6**RESULTS**
06-15-2003, 07:28 PM
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What a night! OK...Bad blood was pretty much Bad Wrestling but whatever!! The main event was bloody, and it was cool to see Flair and HBK beat the piss out of eachother. Foleys God and HHH cant let go of that belt.
Anyway, here are the results of the MEMBER MATCHES!!!!
You can see the points you all made for this PPV by <A HREF="">Logging in</A> and clicking "View Scores" Thanks again to JustJon for writing the program for the PPV game
Member Matches
RFW Championship
-The Duff
Special Guest referee PanterA - 20 points + RFW Championship
The Tag Team Tournament FINALS!
-Peachy / Crippler
-Cozmokramer / Iamnotatool
20 points + Tag Titles
3 Tier Steel Cage Match - Intercontinental Title
-The Knicks
-Walking Joint
-Trojan Rabbit
20 points + Intercontinental Title
I Quit Match
10 points
-Tall James Won all the matches
10 points (if you beat James you get 10 points, he gets 10 points for each person his points are higher then)
Table Match
10 points
Battle of the 30 pt club
Freebird - 3rd
Tazz - 1st
Hosp - 5th
jocefus - 2nd
fluffernutter - 4th
15 points to the highest point winner, 10 points to second, 5 points to 3rd, 0 points to 4th & 5th.
Se7en & Blakjeezis
FatTony & gamegirl
10 points
8 points
8 points
This message was edited by PanterA on 6-16-03 @ 2:36 PM
06-15-2003, 07:29 PM
<img src="">The Duff - 151
<img src="">Crippler - 122
<img src="">WintersEmbers - 118
<img src="">Cozmokramer / Iamnotatool
cozmokramer - 124
RonFez Mark - 117
Tall_James - 116
Peachy - 105
Iamnotatool - 96
walking joint - 84
TheKnicks23 - 78
toddevf - 77
TrojanRabbit - 76
PanterA - 71
Tazz - 67
jocefus - 61
FatTony - 57
Freebird - 56
WWFallon - 50
JustJon - 47
DarkHippie - 40
hatetreehighway - 35
Cybersoldier - 34
Hosp - 33
SuperClerk - 33
phixion - 32
fluffernutter - 31
PhishHead - 28
gamegirl - 24
Se7en - 24
kingofny33 - 21
gameguy - 15
Chino C. - 14
Blakjeezis - 12
RedruM - -8
newport king - -8
The Duff
06-15-2003, 08:33 PM
[The Duff, Pantera & Tall James are seen in back celebrating with bottles of champagne]
The Duff : The Duff leaves for hollywood, films his movie & comes back in time to defeat RFM without breaking a sweat. Then my buddy Tall James demolishes all his competition, putting him right in line to bring more gold to The Administration. Time to go out & celebrate Adminstration style.
Legacy, we're not thorugh with you yet though, we have plans for you at the next PPV, just wait & see...
[They exit into a limo, laughing all the way home as the PPV ends...]
06-15-2003, 09:06 PM
*Winters is seen heading to the back, belt over his shoulder, bloody, beaten and broken....*
WE: It took all i had, but i told you id be back....the Wintercontinental Belt is right where it belongs....and the Ice man ready for you all, any type of match....any time....any place.....just remember.....i will not go quietly into that good nite......fear what you dont know....
I will not go quietly into the nite...
06-15-2003, 09:46 PM
Crips, Peach, great match. I've never been put through a table 4 times, and I'd like to complain about that blind referee, but when Peachy gave me her patented AssBomb through the table, it was the sweetest pain of my life. ;)
Great match, its an honor for me and the Coz to be the first champs, and we'll be holding them for a while.
Nice to know we wont hear from HTH for a month, and his unfunny poorly typed posts, after getting his ass beat down handily.
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
06-15-2003, 10:05 PM
Did DAMAGE,INC. have a chance after all? Oh well, congrats to everyone. Hammerhead, Winters, Duff, TallJames, Todd, Tazz, Fat Tony & Gamegirl, Fallon, Pantera and most importantly my right hand man: Iamnotatool.
I have no plans on going for singles gold as long as Tool doesn't. We will stay the first champs for a long long time. We will be setting up a screening process for contenders soon.
Peachy & Crippler: All the respect in the world for making it this far, Maybe we will see you again down the line.
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<p><font size="3" face="if" color="333333">The Thorpedo</font></p>
RF Godfather
06-16-2003, 01:10 AM
-First of all, I have to say that was the worst PPV I have seen this year! Wow... sloppy and poor matches with too much interference and the like. Now I know why I'am a Smackdown backer myself. I'm I didn't pay for that crap! Stephanie McMahon presents... Vengeance is coming, thank the Lord!
-Congrats to all the winners this month... cosmo/tool you outlasted the finest the Legacy had to offer in Peachy and Crips, the new Wintercontinental Champion, Tall James, lol... Hammer, Todd Tazz, FatTony, gamegirl, Fallon, Pants... and to you Duff brother... you beat me by just one match but you did beat me. I noticed the only difference we had was the Dudley Boy/ Mack-Now match. Dammit I should have changed that match when I saw that altercation on Heat. Oh well, what are you are goin' do? Good job Duffster.
-Do I still get a shot at a title at the next PPV? :|
"My heart beeps for my peeps!" -Christian
06-16-2003, 01:33 AM
Woohoo, my best showing yet. Still waaay out of the title race though.
<center><img border=1 src=""><font color=#0033FF>
"Hey slut! I'm writing a letter to your mother telling her you're a whore!"</font>
<b>-Martha Stewart</b></center>
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06-16-2003, 05:22 AM
nice match tazz. we all faught til the end but you came out w/ the win....
sig courtesy of amy
honk if your horny
knockin boots and shootin pool
06-16-2003, 05:46 AM
Congrats to all the winners and especially to those holding new gold!
Hmmmm...what's that I smell? Is is a...
<img src=><img src=>
This message was edited by Tall_James on 6-16-03 @ 9:57 AM
06-16-2003, 05:56 AM
(Back of the arena)
Pantera and the rest of the Administration team are whooping it up, celebrating their victories when the limo that is to take them to the victory celebration arrives. Tall James, then Duff enter the limo. Pantera stands alone outside of the limo for a second...savoring the moment. He smiles and says to no one in particular...
Pantera - "It's all going according to plan."
He laughs and gets in the limo, to be sped off to parts unknown and parties reknowned.
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This message was edited by Tall_James on 6-16-03 @ 9:59 AM
06-16-2003, 03:48 PM
Well, in one helluva match, where no one should be ashamed of their performance, Cozmo & were the better men.
[O.O.C.: a fucking DQ in an I.C. Title match just one month after its' return?!!!...are you fucking kidding me?!?!...way to build a champion, you clueless fucks....especially after you did the same disappointing thing with the fucking World Title last month/PPV?!!!....Fuck you Vince & your sad, unimaginative, cowardly writing team. But I digress....]
I'm sure we will, indeed, see you both somewhere down the line for another showstopper. As it stands, we're one of the few teams that would be within striking distance for a title shot, unless the Commish decides to give another RFW star or two his new "insta-push".
But for now, the task at hand will be to defend my World Title, and for the second time in three PPV's, it appears I will be across the ring from my fellow Legacy member, RFMark. Too bad that the Commish's little plan to garauntee his personal giant a title shot fell just one point short of the title they were aiming for. Even though he tried his best to hand-feed James some choice RFW veal, including one opponent he got credit for beating who didn't bother showing up for his whoopin'.
Now, to my tag team partner, Peachy...thanks for a great run. Next time we see each other in the ring will likely be for gold again...whether it's one-on-one for my gold, or in a joint effort for those elusive tag straps, I'm sure it'll once again be the highlight of the night.
Finally, congrats to WinterEmbers on his new title. You certainly raged against the dying of the light...but be careful, 'cause now you're wearing a bull's-eye & a giant has you in his sight.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
This message was edited by Crippler on 6-16-03 @ 7:50 PM
Heather 8
06-16-2003, 04:18 PM
I just noticed something, Mr. Commish. The top singles competitor, Cozmokramer, also happens to be the co-holder of the tag team championship. Now, presuming that Coz and Tool will be defending their newly won belts at the next PPV, wouldn't that make Coz a wee bit too busy to make a challenge for a singles belt, and thus then by facto would bump the three people behind him (RFM, Tall_James and.... hmmm... a certain member of the Legacy who's never lost a singles contest) into possible title contention?
If I'm mistaken, feel free to correct me, but I'm merely observing...
This message was edited by Peachy on 6-16-03 @ 8:20 PM
Wow, my best predictions to date, only one wrong!!
Good job Jocefus. Slowly on my way back to my title, soon, it will happen.
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06-16-2003, 04:29 PM
[O.O.C.: a fucking DQ in an I.C. Title match just one month after its' return?!!!...are you fucking kidding me?!?!...way to build a champion, you clueless fucksremember, this same company had a new "Undisputed" champion every month.
<center><img style="backround:COLOR" style="color:BLACK" style="border style:double 3px" src=""></center><center><b>I Crush The Rush, I Rule You Fool</b></center>
This message was edited by PanterA on 6-16-03 @ 9:20 PM
06-16-2003, 05:23 PM
I have no plans on going for singles gold as long as Tool doesn't. We will stay the first champs for a long long time.
Is one month really that long a time? You better train, you'll need it to take on The Wrecking Crew.
This message was edited by PanterA on 6-16-03 @ 9:48 PM
06-16-2003, 09:05 PM
Wrecking Crew? What Wrecking Crew. Y'all ain't half the team The Crip and the Bitch were, and they got beat down. Who's next?
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
06-16-2003, 09:58 PM
Nice work, Tazz! Damn me for a fool!! I made two critical mistakes...I forgot to set my points to bet on the Goldberg match (and I always have maxed out) and I must have changed my mind when making my picks, because I was CERTAIN I chose Triple H!!
Now I'm starving
I'm about to turn it up a notch!
06-17-2003, 08:38 AM
Dear Mr. Commish,
After taking out HTH and shutting him up for a whole month. I would like to request a title shot at the I.C. champ, I know I don't have the points but I would think you could hook a brother up for single handly shutting up HTH. Thank you.
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Thanks ToDd EvF
"I'll kill
This message was edited by HAMMERHEAD on 6-17-03 @ 12:39 PM
06-17-2003, 10:39 AM
A black screen.
Tall James walks into frame holding a kendo stick that looks a lot like Crippler's.
"Hey Crippler....did you lose something?
Come get it..."
Screen fades to black.
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This message was edited by Tall_James on 6-17-03 @ 2:40 PM
06-17-2003, 10:43 AM
::Todd sits in a stairwell, he wears a sleaveless faded black "Evil Inside" shirt, ripped blue denim shorts, and his anarchy converse. He also wears a championship belt::
Jon, that was a good match. A damn good match. I would like to congratulate all those who won their matches. Peachy, Crippler, I think you two should be in line for a rematch, but then again, i think that Peachy should get a nice title shot for lets say. . . the Intercontinetal Championship. She's definately deserving of it.
Walking joint, you put on a damn good show. Sure you didn't come home with the gold, but it doesn't really matter. All that matters is you got that title shot. I'm still proud of you.
::he smirks::
What happened RFM? Couldn't do the job well enough? You got punked down, hopefully this will make you think. The Duff kicked your ass very well.
But anyway, Tall_James, I must say that was a hell of a Diggstown Style Match. You kicked ass. I know you and I haven't seen eye to eye, but I definately see you with that Wold Championship around your waist by maybe the end of the Next PPV.
Now on to the real business. Hatetree, you challenged me last month to a match. And well, i had Jon to take care of. But this month I'm free. You and Me, in Thunderdome! Come on, you can't be too scared to take me on, huh? Accept my challenge, i dare you
::Todd stand up and realizes he still hasn't talke about the belt::
Oh, you might have wondered where i got this, well. . . yesterday i had a big title match for this one fed and i won. they are called LSW. Its unrecognized here. And i suppose I never needed to bring it here, but i did.
::he grins evily::
::end segment::
[center][b]<font size=2 color=333366>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatiz
06-17-2003, 10:48 AM
for the world championship title
Cozmokramer / Iamnotatool (Damage Inc.)
JustJon / Trojan_Rabbit (The Wrecking Crew)
for Tag Team Titles
for IC championship title
The Duff will have a non title match because nobody is close enough in points to get a title shot.
There will also be a 10 man battle royal for high points. More details to come.
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This message was edited by PanterA on 6-17-03 @ 3:18 PM
06-17-2003, 10:53 AM
**scene opens with Winters sitting in the back**
So i've got two memebers of the "Legacy" for my Wintercontinental title, well thats just fine by me....seems Pants doesn't want me clawin my way back up to gettin to his lil superstar the Duff, i guess thats fair, but come hell or high water ill be back up there, with the big strap round my waist, mark my words....RFM, Peachy, Just Bring the Beer and Barbwire, ill do all the rest
I will not go quietly into the nite...
06-17-2003, 11:24 AM
BTW Hammerhead, I'm sorry, you did a great Job with HTH but I always said that having the roleplaying, will never change the way title matches are chosen. I have to stay with that, but if you would like you can either get a non title shot against the duff, or enter into the battle royal.
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walking joint
06-17-2003, 06:52 PM
[walking joint heads down to the ring]
WJ: well, another PPV and another disappointment in my match. if it wasn't for the other two members in our match keeping me down the gold was mine. but this PPV i want something different. not gold....but respect. Duff isn't giving defending his title, but i want him ONE on ONE in the ring. if i win i get a title shot...if not i'm out of the title hunt for a year...***reset my points to 0***. [joint drops the mic and walks to the back]
06-18-2003, 08:49 AM
::Todd sits in a hotel room. He sits on the bed, dressed in a pair of dress pants, a red collarless dress shirt, and dress shoes::
Walking Joint, I respect you very much, thats why I run with you. Your my boy and I will watch out for you. That drastic step is a very ballsy move.
Now, to a man who runs his mouth with poor pronouncation and terrible linguistic skills. Of course, I'm talking about Hatetree Highway. You haven't taken my challenge yet, i guess Thuderdome is very drastic and insane, well i have an even scarier match for you.
::he pauses::
::he laughs::
One way or another, I will descimate you at the next ppv. This war will end at Vengence. So come on cheesemo, take the challenge.
:Slowly he stands::
Sorry I can't rant on for longer but I have an engagement to go to.
::he walks out of the room.::
::end segment::
[center][b]<font size=2 color=333366>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized</marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
06-18-2003, 04:42 PM
Now, to a man who runs his mouth with poor pronouncation and terrible linguistic skills. Of course, I'm talking about Hatetree Highway. You haven't taken my challenge yet, i guess Thuderdome is very drastic and insane, well i have an even scarier match for you.
HTH has been silenced as a result of his loss at Bad Blood. Mercifully. For the rest of us.
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The Duff
06-18-2003, 09:29 PM
[The Duff is seen in the back talking on his cell phone]
The Duff : Do you see these losers who think they deserve to get in the ring with me? Please! Walking Joint has about as much of a chance in the ring with me as Crippler does against Tall James. No Chance In Hell! Besides, what do I care if walking joint loses all his points? Plus i can't even guarantee him a shot if he doesn't have enough points to challenge me.
I know what we can do. Here's The Duff's open challenge. Any legacy member looking to make a name for themselves, sorry I can't keep track of all the luchadores in RFW's LWO, the legacy, is free to challenge me and try to make a name for themselves. If you win, you'll be able to say you defeated the Rookie of The Year, Royal Rumble Champion, youngest RFW Champion ever & the first to pin The Duff in one on one competition.
If you lose, not only will you be The Duff's personal assistant/lackey, but you'll be the newest member of the Administration. It's a win-win situation. Come on Legacy, I've defeated your leader and you all know where the power lies. Join us...or be destroyed!
06-19-2003, 08:55 AM
back from commercial
Funaki: This is SMACKDOWN #1 announcer Funaki, I am here with HAMMERHEAD. Double H how good did it feel to here HTH say I QUIT after you put him in the HammerClaw and know that you wouldn't have to here his crap for a whole month?
HH: Well to tell you the truth Funaki, I was sad.
Funaki: SAD? Why were you sad HAMMERHEADson'
HH: Did I say I was sad? I'm sorry I meant that he was sad, You see for some one who talks so much shit HTH you sure as hell don't back it up. You can try and crack on people all you want. But when in comes time to put your money were your mouth is you write checks your ass can't cash. In our match at Bad Blood I PUT UP & Shut You Up. Now you gotta deal with my boy the TODDSTER, and you know what, he is gonna take you out Thunderdome style.
Funaki: O.K. , you ask the commisioner for a shot at the I.C. title and were rejected. But he did offer you a non-title shot at The Duff or a spot in the upcoming Battle Royal what are you gonna do?
HH: First of all, Mr. Commish I understand your position & I respect your decision. As far as what I am gonna do I have decided that I may not be ready yet to face THE DUFF so Walking Joint he's all your's. But I would like to take this time to announce my entrance into the Vengance "Battle Royal".
Funaki: Thank You Hammerhead
HH: Anytime Tajiri!!!!
Camera goes back to Tazz & Michael Cole
M.C. : Well Tazz it looks like we have our first entrant in the Battle Royal at Vengance, and a heck of an entrant it is.
TAZZ: Yeah Cole, but who else is gonna be in this thing? You never know what could happen here in RFW.
<img src=>
Thanks ToDd EvF
"I'll kill
06-19-2003, 09:23 AM
::Todd walks into the Masterpiece of Chaos's locker room. Walking Joint is being massaged, in the background. Hammerhead sits there reading a contract for something::
Right now, we are 3 strong. We have Joint is a non-title match, from the way its looking. Hammer's in the Battle Royale. And me, I have the silenced human excrement in a Thunderdome Match.
::he smirks evilly::
Oh i forgot to mention that earlier. To protect himself from the MOC, he placed a restraining order on us untill the PPV. But because we are always here, he cannot come and run his mouth. I can't wait to take my hands and wrap them around his neck and squeeze, as i try to ramp his skull through the dome.
Don't let such good news get the best of you. I took care of him last month. Hell, I had him crying as he gave up and quit
I know. But still just think of how much this is going to kick ass. We're going to have a huge upset, a battle royale winner, and then a man who will put hatetree on the shelf. And then we can focus on someone else
and who is that?
Don't worry you'll see.
::end segment::
[center][b]<font size=2 color=333366>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized</marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
06-19-2003, 10:03 AM
I'M B-A-C-K..................
HTH-HAS TODZYS NUMBER....thunderdome your head will be trapped between the bars and you will be screaming for your boyfriend put on your pants...
oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 6-19-03 @ 2:30 PM
06-19-2003, 07:38 PM
[Walk by PanterA blasts through the arena]
PanterA, The Duff, Tall James, Just Jon, and Trojan Rabbit walk down the ramp extremely cocky and all with wide smiles.
JR: ...And we're live folks here in Charlotte North Carolina, and what a way to start off Raw! The General Manager and all the members of The Administration are making there way into the ring, listen to this crowd as we kick it off..."
The Administration enter the ring a get in formation with PanterA in the middle. Suddenly a series of explosions and fireworks go off behind them.
King: "Woah!"
The fireworks end and the arena is filled with smoke. The members of The Administration strut around the ring celebrating there huge entrance as the crowd gets extremely rowdy. PanterA grabs a mic.
PanterA: "Well, there's so much to talk about so let get right into it!"
The crowd is still rowdy, cursing can be heard.
PanterA: "First I would like to congratulate Damage Inc., for becoming the first ever RFW Tag Team Champions."
The crowd give a huge pop for the Tag Team Champions.
PanterA: "Anyone that can keep The Legacy from holding gold gets my respect. But that respect comes to an end when you are standing in the way of me and The Administration! It was a nice little ceremony we gave you at Bad Blood. With all the fruity confetti and the sparkly fireworks and all. You see The Administration is not about fruity confetti and sparkly fireworks, it just isn't our thing. We understand how people such as yourselves like those things." PanterA trots around the ring limp wristed as The Administration laugh there asses off.
JR: "Oh come on what is he implying!?"
PanterA: "So Damage Inc. it was cute and all but come Vengeance, I want those belts shined up real nice cause The Wrecking Crue will strip you of those belts!!"
The crowd boos and The Wrecking Crue climb the ropes and raise there hands and signal that the belts are going to be around there waists.
PanterA walks towards Tall James with his head down and stops right in front of him. He slowly pans his head up to look Tall James in the eyes and smiles.
PanterA: "7 foot 2. 500 pounds. RFW's true monster! The momentum stopper, the crowd popper, a true legend in this business, and there's is nothing that can stop this beast from championship gold! There is only one man that stand in the way of RFW's next big thing....Crippler!"
The crowd gives a huge pop for Crippler and Tall James stands in the middle of the ring pounding his fist in his hand and giving a wicked evil grin as his body shakes in anger.
PanterA: "Woah calm down big man. All in good time my friend...You see Crippler, you stand less of a chance in the ring with my giant then you did in the ring against Damage Inc.! At Vengeance I promise you will exit that ring broken and bloody! You will be carried out of here in a stretcher! And to guarantee this, The match between Crippler and Tall James will be a stretcher match for the RFW World Championship!!"
JR: "This is not fair King! How is Crippler expected to carry Tall James's 500lb massive body out of the ring on a stretcher!?!"
PanterA waits for the crowd to die down a little...
PanterA: "And that brings me to the man of the hour. RFW's rookie of the year. The man whose never been beat. The man who cant be beat. The man who single handily destroyed the lead of The Legacy..."
The crowd goes nuts for the mention of The Legacy and PanterA doesn't like it.
PanterA: "...The man who in this very ring pinned RFM..."
The crowd gets even louder as chants of "You screwed Mark" can be heard.
JR: "Well the crowd is reacting to poor referee skills Mr. PanterA shown in the match against Duff and RFMark. Take a look at this replay as you see PanterA conveniently turned his back and The Duff hit RFM with the hardest chair shot I've ever seen!"
King: "What do you mean JR, I don't see a chair"
JR: "Yeah well then you're just as blind as PanterA.. I also think he should leave the refereeing to the officials!"
PanterA: "No no no, I didn't screw Mark...Mark
06-19-2003, 08:44 PM can keep the kendo stick, consider it a parting gift from an old friend. But one thing I won't be giving up freely is the 20 pounds of gold that sit on my shoulder.
Let's look at your accomplishments recently, shall we, big man? What have you done in the RFW in the past few days? You've proven you can rip through the flotsam & jetsam of the fed in grand style...& you're quite adept at petty larceny.
Oh, & I almost're also very good at taking title shots you don't deserve. But I choose to overlook the Commish's selective mathematical skills because it gives both RFMark & Peachy much-deserved title shots. Even if it conveniently gives our new tag champs a match against a team of jabronis who's collective rank doesn't add up to one of the champs...& forces me to go toe-to-toe with a giant.
All I've heard for months is how the members of the Legacy play "step-n-fetch-it" for RFMark. But as I watch the weeks unfold into months since your departure from our friendship, all I see is one really big man, grunting, snorting, & making funny faces while doing the bidding of one angry, little man. You've decided to hitch your wagon to the boss...that's like rooting for MicroSoft.
You began making your mark in RFW as an unstoppable you jump in line when the boss snaps his've become all that you mistakenly perceived & dispised about the Legacy. It's almost comical.
As for our's quite ironic that it's now been deemed a stretcher match. See, I have no dillusions of grandeur when it comes to my chances in a brawl with a man who stands over 7 feet tall & weighs 500+ pounds. You're the one man in this fed who I look small when I'm standing next to. So, no, I didn't plan on utilizing many t-bone Crippler-plexes...& I know that a straight right hand will have little affect.
But beware, big man, 'cause the moment I get you off your feet I'm gonna stretch you like the cheap leather on a pair of Starr Jones' PayLess sandles. When you're sinched into the Crippler-cradle...& the cradle begins to rock, you'll wish tapping out were amongst your options. How will I get your big ass on a stretcher? Well, I'll employ a fork-lift, a crane...shit, I'll rent a goddamn dumptruck if I have to. But I will get the job any means necessary.
Remember, this month you're not facing some random houseshow're facing RFW's Excellence of Execution. So bring your best, and pray that it'll be enough.
Quoth the Crippler, nevermore.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
06-20-2003, 08:10 AM
todzy.. come out and play-ya...
i answerd your weak challenge...THUNDERDOME
ala-cart .... soup and salad ... is all you will be able to digest after vengence...
hth-step up- or get stepped onn..
TODZY-i don't understand..
todster owns this match-yet i own todzy.......
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 6-20-03 @ 1:00 PM
06-20-2003, 11:44 AM
todzy.. come out and play-ya...
i answerd your weak challenge...THUNDERDOME
ala-cart .... soup and salad ... is all you will be able to digest after vengence...
hth-step up- or get stepped onn..
TODZY-i don't understand..
todster owns this match-yet i own todzy.......
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 6-20-03 @ 1:00 PM(OOC) Learn to honor a bet. You lost, deal with it and shut up for the month, or I will block you out of the game for the rest of the season.
<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>
06-20-2003, 12:19 PM
::Todd is walking down a corridor in the arena will about 3 cops. He sees Hatetree.::
There he is, he's violating the restraining order. He knew i was here and came to violate it. Take him out of here
::the three cops walk over to hatetree and arrest him. as they are walking past Todd hatetree spits at todd:
Hey hatetree, i hope you enjoy that night in jail, all expense paid. don't become someone's bitch
::he laughs, and the cops haul off Hatetree. todd continues down the hallway and walks into Pantera's office::
::end segment::
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
06-20-2003, 01:14 PM
::Todd is walking down a corridor in the arena will about 3 cops. He sees Hatetree.::
There he is, he's violating the restraining order. He knew i was here and came to violate it. Take him out of here
Bravo! Well-played!
<img src=>
06-21-2003, 09:49 AM
Bravo! Well-played!
Thank you. Thank You
::he bows::
I'll be here all week. But seriously, that was a Vince McMahon circa Austin-McMahon era. Those were the days.
And on a sidenote: I must say that most of the roleplayers here are better than the WWE's writers at working angles and making storylines
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
06-21-2003, 02:16 PM
Thank you JON,
(OOC) Learn to honor a bet. You lost, deal with it and shut up for the month, or I will block you out of the game for the rest of the season.
Just goes to show you what kind of person HTH really is!!!! :8o:
<img src=>
Thanks ToDd EvF
"I'll kill
06-22-2003, 03:47 AM
This is your second warning. You made a bet last PPV that the loser of the match has to shut up for a whole month. No honor the bet or stop playing
This message was edited by PanterA on 6-22-03 @ 11:27 AM
06-22-2003, 11:53 AM
HTH I know you are reading this. Doesn't this suck? Can't bless us with your unintelligible nonsense, your poorly typed vague threats are surely to be missed. NOT!
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
06-22-2003, 04:36 PM
:: Todd walks from his limo and is stopped by Teri. Todd wears his new T-shirt, which has the on the front and on the back, the shirt is white::
Todd: Whats up Terri, you wanted to talk about my big match at the PPV?
Terri: actually, yes. how do you feel about it?
todd: well, i feel damn good that i mwill take out that degenerate once and for all. I'd like to talk longer, but i have an important meeting to go to.
::todd walks away::
::end segment::
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
06-27-2003, 11:43 AM
::Todd sits in his stairwell,l sporting his new t-shirt, a pair of ripped blue denim shorts, and anarachy chonverse chuck taylor allstar hi-tops::
Vengence approtches. Vengence for me, vengence for all. I have Hatetree in Thunderdome,and i wouldn't have it any other way. he will be another worm crushed by The Masterpiece of Chaos. Another sacrifical lamb. but i'm looking for the biggest sacrifice, the biggest insect to be crushed. Ron Fez Mark. and i will take him out down the road.
::he slowly stands up, cracking his neck a little::
Whose next after Hatetree? well. . . maybe I will have to think about thast a little. but i guarentee it will not be an easy match. I have been in meetings all week, lots of people want Todd Evf to advertise there products, and i'll say i'm not a sell out.
::he reaches down and picks up a can of Mountain Dew. he holds it so the label can be read and he sips the can::
Ahh. . . that mountain dew hit the spot. Anyway, Hatetree, i know your listening. I will destroy you. I will put you on the shelf. I will make you scream in pain. And from what i heard you scream pretty loud to begin with. remember last month how you lost in the i quit match. hahaha thats nothing. i will make sure you can't walk away after the match.
::todd sits back down::
Just remember, i'm here and your in jail. So just remember these letters TILC. It stands for Take It Like a Champ. but i bet your good at that anyway.
::he laughs maniacaly::
::end segment::
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30></marquee>
<marquee>I miss my quote marquee :( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
07-01-2003, 09:20 AM
silent but deadly
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Thanks Fallon!
07-01-2003, 09:44 AM
silent but deadly
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
Ban this deadbeat...IMMEDIATELY! Either he's too stupid to honor his bet or he thinks he can get away with it.
<img src=>
07-01-2003, 10:19 AM
ban me from the ppv game...whatever...............
your a bunch of little kids...
have fun in your sandboxes.....
your ultimate heel of the thread wont be here...
everybody can talk smack about me i lash out,and im stepping over the modz line...........................
yeah im stupid long tall sally ... for staying around for this damn long at this freakin ppv nonsense........................................
want me gone pull your powertrip crap.......
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
07-01-2003, 10:23 AM
HTH what you dont seem to understand is that you made a bet on whoever wins the match at the last PPV the loser has to stay away from this thread until next PPV.
No MOD has made that bet for you, you did it yourself.
<center><img border=2 src=""></center><br><font color=white>
walking joint
07-01-2003, 10:28 AM
HTH...just honor the fucking bet you made. you have said you were done with the PPV game before. all we ask is you stay quiet for the month. you made the bet.
you know you're not done with the game. you can't help but come back. just make it after the next PPV.
07-01-2003, 10:43 AM
"ALL WE ASK"... everybody has so much freakin power in this thing.... i have ta take on the whole forum.. cause your all included in "WE"
TRUST ME.......".just make the todzy match""
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 7-2-03 @ 11:44 AM
07-01-2003, 09:40 PM
HTH, total fucking flake.
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
07-02-2003, 02:51 PM
Thank god
<img src=>
Thanks ToDd EvF
"I'll kill
07-02-2003, 03:54 PM
you got the match with ToddEvf
Thunderdome style
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