View Full Version : Abortion sucks
08-06-2001, 06:36 PM
Not a pretty thing.But I have been through it.Women do what you must.I shall suppport any .I was sheltered the way It happened to me.I was "his" choice which sucked, now I'm childless but with him and happy...So I I'm sick...Now he regret's
Mad Producer
08-06-2001, 06:37 PM
Sometimes it's the only choice.
This message was edited by Mad Producer on 8-6-01 @ 11:41 PM
Circus Boy
08-06-2001, 10:32 PM
you know what really sucks about abortion...guys have no choice..sure they helped create the baby but its all the womans choice as to have one or women will find a guy...and he will impregnate them and they may have the kid and never tell him or tell him then charge him for it.....what if i want a kid but not the woman...i dont have that option..i dunno i hope i dont get hate mail for this post but this is something i think about alot...maybe it means i wish i could procreate?
Circus Boy with the Grubby Mobile
This is my temporary sig. pic so i dont get chastised by JJ.
08-06-2001, 10:51 PM
What sucks about abortion is that woman are made to feel bad by some if they choose to have one.
What also sucks is that some people make women who don't choose abortion feel badly as well.
The only thing that sucks is
not having abortion as an
option and a right of a
person. Thankfully, we do
have that right. Abortion
doesn't suck, but it sure
ain't fun or easy and isn't
something I'd want my girl to
have to go through again.
Live and learn I guess...ain't
life grand?
...sorry this ain't
funny...just topical.
This message was edited by Grim on 8-7-01 @ 4:05 AM
08-07-2001, 05:02 AM
Totally agree with HK. It's a personal choice and, most times (either way you choose), it winds up being a life-changing decision.
It's tough to impart a certain morality onto someone else's situation when they have to live with the consequences... you can only present them with the unslanted facts and let them decide.
I thought R&F & HK handled it VERY well...
"a lie? the truth? which one will i use?"
Mad Producer
08-07-2001, 07:14 AM
Abortion is a great opition and women should not feel bad about getting them. as a matter of fact more women should have abortions.
08-07-2001, 12:33 PM
the one thing that sucks the most about abortion is the vacuume sound coming out of the e.r.
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)
08-07-2001, 12:40 PM
what sucks about abortion? nothing. i feel we need this service.!
08-08-2001, 05:21 PM
CONDOMS !!!!!!! use them you f'n tools and you won't need the doctors
08-08-2001, 05:26 PM
abortions? sucks. but right to lifers suck more..everybodys got their own oppinion...i just hate religious fuckheads who kill doctors and harass chix...abort those f'ers
canadian chix suck!
08-08-2001, 07:24 PM
wow skull have you been there?
girl germs is dead
08-09-2001, 05:15 AM
i agree with the hordeking. what sucks is that women are made to feel like crap because of the choice they have made. what sucks is all the anti-abortion activists, all the pro-lifers that try to intimidate and dissuade women in their communities from getting abortions. what sucks is the way doctors who perform abortions are harassed by anti-abortion activist. what sucks is that there are still women in other countries that have no access to safe and legal abortions.
women should have every right to do what they want with their bodies. women who see abortion as their only choice should have the right to legal and safe abortions.
those who still think abortions are a crime are stuck in the 60's or something. you are the ones who should have been aborted.
08-09-2001, 12:28 PM
naa i used to have the home game that i liked too play, with the girl that lived down the block
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)
Rodcheese Dangerscrotum
08-09-2001, 12:36 PM
Abortion is awesome! The less morons the better. I wish we had more abortions. We can also use the dead lil' corpses to cure alzheimers.
Help me I'm dying,
F Wad
08-10-2001, 06:32 AM
abortion is a moral decision and should be left up to the two people involved the man and the woman not the polititions or the church. in the end they are the only ones who have to live their decision.
<IMG SRC="">
aka canweseeyourstuff from o&
This message was edited by F Wad on 8-10-01 @ 10:39 AM
08-11-2001, 03:43 AM
Doesn't anybody find it ironic that people that are anti-abortion won't give a shit after the child is born.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
08-12-2001, 09:52 PM
You ever eat out a chick who just had an abortion? The best is finding the bits the doctor missed...
<img src="">
<center><A HREF=>Click Here To Access The Music Project Server</A></center>
Captain Rooster
08-13-2001, 06:27 AM
abortion is very Sad!!
The baby is lost.
I have never met a woman who was honestly happy and satisfied after they had an abortion.
Pro-Lifers are NOT ALL BAD, but the radical pro-lifers that kill doctors and intimidate women are the only ones that the liberal media focuses on. Pro-Life should support the woman who is feeling alone and confused and help her make the correct decision.
Our culture is so ME, ME, ME oriented that we forget that there is a life and a baby that can't make a decision in the equation. What if the baby said, "hey kill the mother a let me live!"
LT Rooster
08-13-2001, 11:30 AM
LTROOSTER - No one (except the religious right who know everything) knows when "life" begins.
If you are of the opinion that an unviable fetus or even a blastocyst is life, then don't have an abortion. You have no right to force your beliefs on anyone else.
BTW, you say that you've never "met a woman who was honestly happy and satisfied after they had an abortion." Out of curiosity how many women have you met who have had abortions? How many have you personally spoken too? How many others have you not spoken too? Can you see that it is not appropriate to make a broad sweeping statement based on whatever minor contact you may have had?
Many cannot see past their socialization and believe that what is right for them is right for everyone else. RUBISH! It's frightening how many otherwise intelligent people feel this way.
What is appropriate for one person may be the worst thing for another. You may not impose an absolute standard. Every person must decide for themselves what is appropriate for themselves.
Captain Rooster
08-13-2001, 12:05 PM
Horde King... I have a woman in my family that kept her baby when she was told that she would basically be disowned if she kept her baby (they were forcing her to get an abortion)...she kept Brian and he is one of the greatest people in all of our lives in the family. I have a girl that I work with that has serious pain, regret and guilt for the choice to abort her baby...I have a good friend (Male) who paid for his girlfriend's abortion, HE regrets the decision.
I had a girl who was in college with me that basically had annual abortions at school. SHE is absolutely miserable!! How the hell can somebody use Abortion as birth control. You dont think that that is SAD?
Have you ever seen a woman speak in defense of abortion that actually had one?? probably not!! the ones that are Pro-Abortion are normally the ones that have some financial gain from the women that are coming in for the procedure. They only care when they are getting their money away from them for the procedure. many of the clinics also make HUGE money harvesting the parts of the babies that are aborted - what the hell is that?
HordeKing I respect your opinion, but much of it is flawed - many babies are aborted way past the stage of blastocyst - and if a fetus was unviable then there would be no reason to abort - the baby would already be dead.
Many babies are aborted by ripping perfectly healthy fetus' apart and pullnig out the parts. Don't attack someone that cares about both the mothers and the baby... Islandgrrl - I wish you only the best and I hope that you can move on
Again HordeKing - there's more evidence - Islandgrrl titled this discussion ABORTION SUCKS!!!
I rest my case...
LT Rooster
08-13-2001, 12:20 PM
NO! Do You Know What Sucks About ABORTION! That whole murder aspect of it. That little thing where a life is taken because someone was irresbonsible and wanted to save three dollars and not buy a condom. Abortion should not be a means for birth control.
08-13-2001, 06:23 PM
Lt.Rooster, there are so many generalizations in your post that I'm not even going to nitpick. Everyone has their own opinion, and you generalizing so much makes you sound ignorant and confused, whether you're going for that or not.
Anyway, for my two cents, I wouldn't want someone telling me what to do with my body or what to do with something in my body. It's a chick's personal freedom, b/c to tell you the truth, you have no f'in right to tell anyone what to do with something growing inside them. Case closed, that's my opinion.
<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>
<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"I wanna ditch the logical."--Eve 6~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">
08-13-2001, 11:03 PM
Radical Pro-Lifers? Isn't that an oxymoron? They should be called Reactionary Pro-Lifers.
Abortion is a woman's right to do. In fact I wish we could the RU-486 pill to get mass distribution so abortions would be much simpler and egg wouldn't be able to develop into the fetal stage.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
Captain Rooster
08-14-2001, 07:01 AM
Ok - our opinions have been posted - we are not going to create national policy on this friggin'post board.
Islandgrrl - I say again, I wish you the best.
LT Rooster
08-14-2001, 07:27 AM
You know what sucks about abortion... discussions that always lead to the same stale-mate.
Everyone... live your own life.. this is one issue that will not be settled for a very long time (if ever)
If you or someone else you love is put in the position where abortion is a possible solution... giude them with love and support... and let them make the decision for themselves.
And so it doesn't look like I am avoiding the issue... If I got a girl pregnant accidentally, I would hope she would have the child and I would take on the responsibility/blessing.
<img border="0" src="" width="200" height="100">
"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"
08-14-2001, 11:01 AM
The only reason why there is a stalemate on this issue is because some people insist on forcing their views on others.
Do what is right for you. Don't dictate what is right for other people.
Captain Rooster
08-14-2001, 11:07 AM
NO there is a stalemate because mothers are forcing their opinion on their unborn baby (not blastcyst, not unviable fetus). And Pro Lifers won't just sit on their hands and let that go on!
I need Sig Pic Help!!
LT Rooster
08-14-2001, 02:27 PM
Yeah, Rooster, how dare the mothers have a say at all. Barefoot and silent, that's what I say. Come here... ::SMACK::
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<center><A HREF=>Click Here To Access The Music Project Server</A></center>
08-14-2001, 05:07 PM
"Unviable" means that the fetus cannot survive on its own. Generally not until the start of the 3rd trimester. No abortion law permits abortion beyond that point.
Every fetus aborted is not viable.
girl germs
08-14-2001, 05:36 PM
<i>"I had a girl who was in college with me that basically had annual abortions at school. SHE is
absolutely miserable! How the hell can somebody use Abortion as birth control. You dont think that that is SAD?"</i>
what is sad to me is that she and her partner didn't find other ways of protecting themselves while having sex.
i am not just pro-choice, but i am actually very PRO-ABORTION and i don't feel bad about it. but i also won't force my own views down somebody else's throat.
i am also for the cutting of penises of guys who think that pulling out won't get the girl pregnant, that don't tell the girl that the condom broke, that forget that there are consequences that come with deciding to be sexually active, etc...
we don't need anymore idiots running around. and if you are in your teen years and you really want a baby badly, buy a fuckin doll.
<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>
Captain Rooster
08-15-2001, 06:50 AM
girlgerms - I hear what you are saying, the girl I knew in college was really messed up from her choices.
I have a real hard time when I see families begging, pleading, praying to God that they can have a healthy baby, and so many women are throwing away a potential life that could bring so much joy to a family in search of sister in law was unable to have children and she was forced to adopt 3 children from Korea and China because she was unable to adopt a baby that was from America and caucasian.
If you buy the ticket - ride the ride - sex=babies - this is not a new concept to our selfish minds that are more worried about the sensation in our penis than the potential life we may create.
PUT A RUBBER ON - or girlgerms will cut you penis off - that has a real ring to it.
I need Sig Pic Help!!
LT Rooster
08-16-2001, 08:10 AM
<h3>facts about abortion</h3>
--- Most abortions (89%) are obtained in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fact, over half of all abortions are obtained within the first 8 weeks. Fewer than 1% occur after 21 weeks, and almost all of these are done before 23 weeks.
--- Despite the claims of some anti-abortion activists, women have access to abortion in the third trimester only in extreme circumstances. Fewer than 1% of abortions are performed after 20 weeks, and they are extremely rare after 26 weeks of pregnancy. Very few abortions are provided in the third trimester, and they are limited to cases of severe fetal abnormalities or situations when the life or health of the pregnant woman is seriously threatened.
--- Young women between the ages of 11 and 19 account for about 21% of all abortions; women 20 to 24 account for another 34%; and about 22% of abortions are obtained by women who are 30 or older. Calculating abortion rates, older teenagers and young adults have the highest abortion rates, while women younger than 15 and older than 35 have the lowest.
--- Anti-abortion activists claim that having an abortion increases the risk of developing breast cancer and endangers future childbearing. They claim that women who have abortions without complications will still have difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy, will develop ectopic (outside of the uterus) pregnancies, will deliver stillborn babies, or will become sterile. However, these claims have been refuted by a significant body of medical research. Furthermore, they are not considered warranted by organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, or National Breast Cancer Coalition.
Please do not let anyone tell you that all abortions invlove "ripping apart the fetus". They do not. The abortion procedure that uses forceps to remove parts of the fetus that are too large to be removed via suction is only performed after 20 weeks. If you look at my stats above, less than 1% of abortions are performed after 20 weeks. These are facts. If you have ever had the experience of driving where there are pro-life protestors holding signs of "aborted babies", those pictures are usually of stillborn babies.
I had to put my 2 cents in. This is a topic that I feel very passionately about. If anyone needs/wants more information, feel free to email me. :)
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
*~*~Big A.S.S. Member #111~*~*
Soy un pendidor.
Captain Rooster
08-16-2001, 08:19 AM
Angry Missy
Have you ever seen the movis "Silent Scream"
with actual abortion footage..very disturbing
must post...must post...must post...
LT Rooster
08-16-2001, 08:58 AM
***If you have had or are considering having abortion DO NOT look for "The Silent Scream" on the internet. It is a disgusting video used to scare women out of abortions or make women feel guilty for having abortions***
"The Silent Scream" is a video put together by pro-lifers. They show a late-term abortion, which they claim is a first-trimester abortion, and the video is riddled with medical inaccuracies and lies. This is a video that they will show unassuming women who have unwanted pregnancies and go to "pregnancy counseling centers", which are usually run by pro-lifers. It's sick. But I will answer your post with FACTS. Below is a review of medical inaccuracies in the film. The statements, answers, and expert opinions are provided by a roster of doctors with impressive credentials. I listed their names at the bottom of this post.
Medical Inaccuracies in The Silent Scream
Misleading Statements, Exaggerations and Innuendoes in The Silent Scream
Questions and Other Problems
Medical Inaccuracies in The Silent Scream
Claim: The 12-week fetus experiences pain.
Facts: At this stage of the pregnancy, the brain and nervous system are still in a very early stage of development. The beginnings of the brain stem, which includes a rudimentary thalamus and spinal cord, is being formed. Most brain cells are not developed. Without a cerebral cortex (gray matter covering the brain), pain impulses cannot be received or perceived. Additionally, experts find that newborns at 26-27 weeks' gestation (24-25 weeks' fetal age) who survive have significantly less response to pain than do full term newborns.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Statement on Pain of the Fetus
We know of no legitimate scientific information that supports the statement that a fetus experiences pain early in pregnancy.
We do know that the cerebellum attains its final configuration in the seventh month and that mylenization (or covering) of the spinal cord and the brain begins between the 20th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. These, as well as other neurological developments, would have to be in place for the fetus to receive pain.
To feel pain, a fetus needs neurotransmitted hormones. In animals, these complex chemicals develop in the last third of gestation. We know of no evidence that humans are different.
Claim: The 12-week fetus makes purposeful movements (e.g., agitated movement in an attempt to avoid suction cannula).
Facts: At this stage of pregnancy, all fetal movement is reflexive in nature rather than purposeful, since the latter requires cognition, which is the ability to perceive and know. For cognition to occur, the cortex (gray matter covering the brain) must be present, as well as myelinization (covering sheath) of the spinal cord and attached nerves, which is not the case.
An example of the reflex withdrawal without pain occurs in an anencephalic (absent brain) newborn. Another known example of the reflex movement at this stage of human pregnancy is thumb sucking in utero.
What is termed "frantic activity" by the fetus is a reflex response of the fetus resulting from movement of the uterus and its contents induced by operator manipulation of the suction curette or the ultrasound transducer on the abdomen. This same type of response would likely occur with any external stimulus. A one-cell organism such as an amoeba will reflexively move or display a withdrawal reaction when touched.
In addition, experts in ultrasonography and film technology have concluded that the videotape of the abortion was deliberately slowed down and subsequently speeded up to create an impression of hyperactivity.
Claim: Ultrasonogram depicts the open mouth of the fetus.
Facts: The mouth of the fetus cannot be identified in the ultrasound image with certainty. The statement that the screen identifies the open mouth of the fetus is a subjective and misleading interpretation by Dr. Nathanson. His conclusion is not supportable.
Claim: The fetus emits "The Silent Scream."
Facts: A scream cannot occur w
Captain Rooster
08-16-2001, 09:17 AM
amoeba! amoeba! amoeba! A baby is compared to an amoeba. nice! Last I looked I don't see Amoebas playing in a playgrounds or developing into future leaders, mothers, fathers...
Zealots - pro-choice is zealous and the death toll for their insanity is high. The genocidal tendencies of SELFISH generation supported by liberal media. SAD!
the needs of the mother? personal choices
If the mother is not goin to die as a result of a pregnancy - they should carry their baby to term and allow that child to live!
WATCH "SILENT SCREAM" - it wil open peoples eyes to the end result of abortion - dead BABIES nor AMOEBAs
must post...must post...must post...
LT Rooster
Captain Rooster
08-16-2001, 09:19 AM
where the heck is IslandGrrl during the entire debate!!
must post...must post...must post...
LT Rooster
08-16-2001, 09:21 AM
apparently you missed the point - the silent scream is riddled with medical inaccuracies. This is going to be an endless argument, but. I'm just presenting the facts. The Silent Scream is not FACT. Have you been through an abortion? Ever found yourself pregnant and didn't know what to do? Ever had the condom break and become pregnant? If you had to go through the pain of an unwanted pregnancy, you might just change your mind. I know at least 3 people who were totally pro-life - until they got pregnant and realized the enormity of their situation. Try and put yourself in a woman's shoes.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
*~*~Big A.S.S. Member #111~*~*
Soy un pendidor.
Captain Rooster
08-16-2001, 09:49 AM
never been in the situation...I use birth control, and i understand that if I am going to have sex, a baby is a possibility. The enormity of the situation to most women is, ooooh MY LIFE?, what about my life?, what will my parents think?, what will the neighbors think?, what about my career?
If the enormity of the situation is too great - don't have sex!!! - have some self contol and think about a person that has no rights in this world, a person that is unwanted, alone, and has the entire world telling his/her mother - WORRY ABOUT YOUR SELF!
I am done on this topic -
if you read my other posts, you will see that I have people very close to me that have gome through "the enormity of the situation"
Have you ever met a woman that has a testimonial about how they are so happy that they got rid of that pesky little baby that they had growing within them - I hardly think so. It is a trajedy - and woman are forever scarred. If you had an abortion or know somebody who has - Love that person with all of your heart and help in any way to heal their suffering. Let people know the false information that is out there is just liberal mumbo jumbo.
respect life and we will have less violence, hatred, and eveil in this world.
Do not continue to desensitize the youth of today to believe that they should only take care of numero uno!!!
I really need to ignore this thread - I joined to laugh and read funny all the members - I love you all! take care of each other!
let me ask you a question... and be i make you horny baby?
LT Rooster
08-16-2001, 10:04 AM
normally i'm not such a bitch. every time this topic comes up i turn into one. it's a touchy subject for me. besides for this, i'm the most unpolitically correct person in the world.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
*~*~Big A.S.S. Member #111~*~*
Soy un pendidor.
Captain Rooster
08-16-2001, 10:12 AM
Love ya AMB -
PS you are a cutie pie - I saw your picture on RFBABIES
let me ask you a question... and be i make you horny baby?
LT Rooster
girl germs
08-17-2001, 12:05 AM
angrymissy, i love you!
<a href="">this is really fucked up</a>
<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>
08-17-2001, 06:30 AM
that site is totally fucked up... I've heard about it before. When I went to the abortion clinic in westchester (I was taking a friend to get an AIDS test actually), protesters were screaming at us while we were smoking a cigarette in front. One of them started snapping with a camera. My friend walked over there said "don't you dare take a fucking picture of me" and snatched the camera. She went to rip out the film and... suprise, suprise. No film. I've been seriously thinking about joing the pro-choice protesters in front of the clinic.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
*~*~Big A.S.S. Member #111~*~*
Soy un pendidor.
Captain Rooster
08-17-2001, 06:46 AM
AMB - GG - Don't pat anny attention to militant Jackasses that are harassing the women that are going into the clinics
Those people are just giving Pro-Life a Bad name!
let me ask you a question... and be i make you horny baby?
LT Rooster
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