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The Best and Worst Class Field Trips That You Remember [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : The Best and Worst Class Field Trips That You Remember

08-06-2001, 02:01 PM
I remember going to the planetarium and of course to different parks sometimes. We also probably went to a farm or two, and visited some historic battlefields. The worst were those field trips that didn't even last the whole day, like you'd go at 8:30 or so and be back at school by 12...those were the worst! I think once we went to the Courier News Headquarters in about boring!

Anyone else remember any of the old field trips that they went on as a kid?

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<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--E. Roosevelt~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

Mad Producer
08-06-2001, 02:04 PM
Why did you bring this up?
My childhood memories. ouch!
I went to school in South Jamaica, Queens..
Worst field trip: They actually took us to an all dirt field in May as a treat, great playing in dry rocky dirt, and then we had to go back to school for the rest of the day, WEAK!!
Best trip: They took us to see Star Wars one of the best days of my miserable childhood!

This message was edited by Mad Producer on 8-6-01 @ 8:23 PM

08-06-2001, 02:12 PM
Another horrible trip was freshman year in high school...they took us out to collect rock samples, so we could learn about them in science class. We'd have to classify them as sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic...god that trip was torture, just looking at rocks.

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>

<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--E. Roosevelt~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

08-06-2001, 04:19 PM
well we went too the planetarium.but we didnt get into the main building.we spent like 4 hours in the lobby cause some paper work was messed up.
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)

08-06-2001, 06:13 PM
waterloo village...i passed out when they showed us how bloodletting was performed. fun, though:)

Circus Boy
08-06-2001, 10:51 PM
god i went to the land of make believe in NJ when i was in kindergarten...anyone ever been there?..its a white trash excuse for a theme park

Circus Boy with the Grubby Mobile

This is my temporary sig. pic so i dont get chastised by JJ.

08-07-2001, 05:37 PM
I remember waterloo village! I don't know why they took us to these weird places...I don't think I learned all that much from em.

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>

<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--E. Roosevelt~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

Mike from Bklyn
08-08-2001, 09:55 AM
I went to catholic school and we were taken to some kind of holy retreat with nuns. FUN FUN FUN....
Best trip freshman year in H.S. When we smoked pot for lunch and Dorney park rides.

<img src = "">

F Wad
08-08-2001, 02:38 PM
Best was a three day trip to DC in 8th grade worse trip to sunken forest on fire island it rained the whole efing day

<IMG SRC="">

aka canweseeyourstuff from o&

This message was edited by F Wad on 8-8-01 @ 6:41 PM

08-08-2001, 02:57 PM
3 best class trips:
1. spain in 11th grade...underage drinking and hot clubs is always a good time
2. dc in eigth grade 3 days of mayhem and the first overnite coed sleepover for many of us
3. Stew Leonards grocery store in kindergarten, we got free food and drink, free ice cream and we got to see how the milk is put into cartons and there was a petting zoo

Worst field trip: The connecticut supreme court in bridgeport ct. that sucked a fat one. the prisoners who were in their cells who had been transferred to from jail for their trials were cat calling at all the girls. they sucked

<img src=>

<a href="">Nine-Zero.Com</a href>
"We Lookin For a Treasure Cat, he blue and speak the dutch and have a monacle."- Mr. Wong
Big Ass #510

The Blowhard
08-08-2001, 07:52 PM
Worst: Going to West Point in 6th grade and puking on a cadet..I was bus sick.
Best: Going to Shea Stadium with my 5th grade class and seeing a hotdog vendor trip and fall down 20 steps in the upper deck, with hotdogs and buns flying all over the place!

08-09-2001, 08:13 AM
hey i thought i heard some people diss dc. (AAAAAAH)

Well we always went to the f***ing planetarium every f***ing year!!!

"I am 'iscream22' your fearless washington DC ron and fez reporter.

08-09-2001, 04:06 PM
Coolest class trip was to
the Statue of Liberty and
NYC. On the way down the
steps in the Liberty,
someone pushed my dad
and he fell and it his head.
We had to take him to a
hospital in NYC for stitches.
After leaving the hospital we
walked to SouthStreet
Seaport and who do we
bump into but Whoopie
Goldberg! She talked with
us for a while and was
really cool!

Worst has to be Amish
Country. effin
boring. The only thing
decent about it was we
were in a town called
Intercourse, PA. ;)


This message was edited by EffMeBoobs on 8-9-01 @ 8:10 PM