View Full Version : Germophobes
On the show last night, Fezzie harangued me about giving his chicken finger dipping sauces the germy voodoo. I didn't actually touch the sauces, just kinda hovered there and wiggled the digits. I think people are way too uptight about germs.. I don't even use antibacterial soap. Still, if I drop my toothbrush on the floor, that sucker is going in the garbage. I guess we all have our germ limits.
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Do you know the way to San Jose?
I think people are way too uptight about germs..
Guilty as charged.
I hate when people touch my food. I can't stand people who don't cover their mouths when they cough, sneeze or yawn. I use paper towels to open the door after using public bathrooms.
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A Skidmark production.
05-23-2003, 06:13 AM
i wouldnt call myself a germophobe by any means, i think i fear germs in moderation. while i do use antibacterial soap, and don't like to eat things after they've fallen on the table, i wouldnt freak out about someone putting their fingers over my dipping sauces.
during this discussion last night, fez inspected my fingers, and determined that he would allow me to stick my fingers in his dipping sauces... so i think that makes me pretty damn special.
of course, ronnie said he'd eat off my ass, but i think that's another thing entirely...
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
05-23-2003, 06:45 AM
There's a woman at work who's a germophobe. She's a nutcase to begin with, but she also walks around opening doors with paper towels, and her chair is wrapped in plastic. Everytime I walk by her cubicle or have to talk to her, I start coughing and sniffling. It's fun to watch her freak out
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eat me
05-23-2003, 08:43 AM
While I refuse to use the public restroom at work unless in EXTREME emergencies, I'm pretty laid back when it comes to germs. I'm definitely in the George Carlin, "I WANT germs to toughen up my body" school of thought. When using the bathroom, unless there's shit or piss ON my hands, odds are I won't wash them. I only wash every so often before I eat. If I dropped a toothbrush on the floor of the bathroom (Which I clean each week or so), I'd just run it under scalding water for a minute or two and use it again. No biggie.
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2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
05-23-2003, 10:12 AM
unless there's shit or piss ON my hands, odds are I won't wash them.
With that out of the way, I'm in the healthcare business now. I deal with critically ill patients all day long. I follow Universal Precautions meticulously. But on the other hand, I don't go around obsessing on all the germs around me-if I did, I wouldn't be doing what I do for a living!!
Thanks Reef
Mike Teacher
05-23-2003, 11:23 AM
On the show last night, Fezzie harangued me about giving his chicken finger dipping sauces the germy voodoo. I didn't actually touch the sauces, just kinda hovered there and wiggled the digits. I think people are way too uptight about germs.. I don't even use antibacterial soap. Still, if I drop my toothbrush on the floor, that sucker is going in the garbage. I guess we all have our germ limits.
It's hopeless. People who think they can get germ-free may not realize you have Good germs too and if you didn;t have em you'd be dead as dillinger real quick.
Sadly, anti-biotics and anti-bacterial soaps can't tell the difference and kill them all. The over-prescription of Antiboitics has caused bacterial strains to evolve that are increasingly resistant to the anti-biotics, to the point that theyre useless. This is serious stuff.
Seems kids and people have all these multiple-chemical-allergies. I'm wondering about a link between this Antibiotic overkill with that...
Oh, and as for your toothbrush; you actually got the floor dirty when you dropped it. By far, easily, no contest; the dirtiest orifice in the human body is the mouth. Bites can become deadly serious, literally, in terms of infection.
Why so dirty? Well there's those Good germs in there helping you digest food and other essentials biological functions. And bad ones. And the germs of all the others you're breathing in all the time. And benign ones, and then there are the 1000s of mites living in your sheets, and the creatures that live on your eyelashes, and the other creatures that burrow into your skin....
All of us. No exceptions. Even if you lived in those NASA-type clean rooms where they suit-up the astronauts, your body is Covered with micro-organisms.
In fact; if the human body were to disappear, but the epidermal/dermal/follicular micro-organisms remained, you'd see a perfect shell of the person's body, made up of all the creatures listed above, and many many more.
French Kiss, anyone?
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05-23-2003, 12:13 PM
There's a person I know that's a big time germophobe. He won't eat food from a public place. But when he's forced to it's the funniest thing I've ever seen. If he's eating french fries he'll make a pile of little ends that touched his fingers, doesn't eat them.
Opens doors with paper towels on the knobs. Eats everything with the wrapper still on it, what a physco.
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"I WANT germs to toughen up my body"
That reminds me of a study I saw a couple of months ago. It said that asthma rates in children are rising because kids are getting sick less. They are not being exposed to as many childhood illnesses as in the past and therefore their lungs are more sensitive, leading to asthma. Has little to do with this thread, but I found it interesting.
05-23-2003, 12:26 PM
There's a person I know that's a big time germophobe. He won't eat food from a public place. But when he's forced to it's the funniest thing I've ever seen. If he's eating french fries he'll make a pile of little ends that touched his fingers, doesn't eat them.
Opens doors with paper towels on the knobs. Eats everything with the wrapper still on it, what a physco.
I knew someone just like that. Yeah, they were total psychos. Also Jack Nicholson's character was just like that in As Good As It Gets
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
05-23-2003, 12:28 PM
If i meet some1 for the first time, usually a male, I can not shake his hand..
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<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "2%" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Def Dave in SC
05-23-2003, 08:06 PM
Wow, you captured Fez's essence with that ADF!
Abba Zabba, you my only friend
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Much Love to my Homies dcpete, Todd EVF, PanterA, and Tall_James
05-23-2003, 08:16 PM
When using the bathroom, unless there's shit or piss ON my hands, odds are I won't wash themyou disgust me. i do not understand people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. that's really nasty. and then, you say that you dont always wash before you eat? you're eating your own shit, mojo. good job.
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
05-23-2003, 09:06 PM
There's fecal matter on EVERYTHING, dammit. You're essentially eating piss/shit/snot/spunk if you touch ANYTHING before you eat, so it might as well be my own...
And those are some hairy chicken fingers, ADF.
<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
05-23-2003, 09:15 PM
If i meet some1 for the first time, usually a male, I can not shake his hand..
That's cause your too busy with his dink.
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you're eating your own shit, mojo. good job.
I hope you don't leave your toothbrush in the same room as your toilet, because you would be brushing your teeth with not only your shit, but anybody's shit that had been deposited in your toilet.
Mike Teacher
05-24-2003, 04:28 AM
I hope you don't leave your toothbrush in the same room as your toilet, because you would be brushing your teeth with not only your shit, but anybody's shit that had been deposited in your toilet.
I frickin LOVE how these posts evolve; takes only a few posts to get from simple hand washing to scatology toothbrushing! Ha!
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05-24-2003, 06:12 AM
I hope you don't leave your toothbrush in the same room as your toilet, because you would be brushing your teeth with not only your shit, but anybody's shit that had been deposited in your toilet.i shut the toilet lid before flushing, and encourage everyone to do the same.
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
05-24-2003, 07:09 AM
One of my students throws tantrums when he is sat near the "dirty kid" in our class and the "dirty kid" makes any kind of contact with him. We were playing Pass the Bean Bag, and when the "dirty kid" passed it to "germaphobe" he held it between the tips of two of his fingers and threw it at the next person disgustedly. He has obsessions about showering and washing his hands. He takes four showers a day. When he gets home from school, he changes his clothes six times in a row! Of course some of this has to do with autism, the rest are some OCD behaviors.
<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton. My step-dad's not mean, he's just adjusting.</marquee>
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<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a><br> <a href="" target=_new>Little Bill & The Beckley's Web Page</a>
I really have too much time on my hands.
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<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "2%" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Do you know the way to San Jose?
This message was edited by ADF on 5-27-03 @ 11:15 PM
Death Metal Moe
05-27-2003, 07:27 PM
No, I have too much time on my hands. I did my best ADF standing next to Al Dukes impression.
<A HREF=""></A>
05-27-2003, 07:36 PM
moe, you're missing the wink. then you'd be all set. even so, i'm a little confused as to who to have sex with...
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
Me! Me! Pick me to have the sex with!
<center><img src =>
<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "2%" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Death Metal Moe
05-27-2003, 07:41 PM
DAMN! The wink! I KNEW I missed something. I think we can forgive the lack of a suit, but the WINK is a MUST! Oh well, I'll get creating tomorrow.
<A HREF=""></A>
05-27-2003, 07:53 PM
Me! Me! Pick me to have the sex with!well, i'm going to reserve judgment until i see moe's submission tomorrow but, so far, adf's got a nice sized... lead.
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
Death Metal Moe
05-27-2003, 07:56 PM
I think even I'd rather have sex with ADF.
<A HREF=""></A>
05-27-2003, 08:05 PM
I think even I'd rather have sex with ADF. i thought you were the only straight guy left on the board...
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
Death Metal Moe
05-27-2003, 08:20 PM
Oh no, I meant if I were you.
<A HREF=""></A>
05-27-2003, 08:33 PM
i have this theory that you have to take in some germs so your body can build a resistance and continue to build the antibodies...
it's like people who bundle up in winter with a hat, coat scarf, and gloves. they are mostly going from their house to a car, then the car to work, they are only out in the elements for a short time. So what happens, they sit in the car sweating their ying-yangs off because they have all this clothing on(which you would normally never wear indoors) and now they jump out in the cold, "no good"
only wear that stuff if you plan to be out in the elemenets for long periods of time, otherwise just tough it out for the few minutes it takes a car to warm up, wear something light and bring the heavy stuff along just in case you get stranded...
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Death Metal Moe
05-28-2003, 10:43 AM
Here ya go Arienette!
I hate to make your life hard, but you have to choose between the rugged chin and boyish good looks of ADF, or THIS!!!!
It's the pose that gets em' all!
<A HREF=""></A>
05-28-2003, 10:51 AM
Somebody got a new camera and computer!!!
Death Metal Moe
05-28-2003, 11:27 AM
Naa, I always had my Grandma's digital camera available to me. It's just that I have USB ports now. So I installed the software on my comp. Now I can borrow the camera and trasfer them right on my comp, edit them and post them on my website.
So expect more of Moe!
<A HREF=""></A>
05-28-2003, 12:36 PM
So expect more of Moe!
Like "Pokemon: The First Movie", this can either be an exciting promise or a terrifying threat.
<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
05-28-2003, 02:45 PM
Here ya go Arienette!
I hate to make your life hard, but you have to choose between the rugged chin and boyish good looks of ADF, or THIS!!!!well, you've got the pose down... maybe a little more smiley than adf, but not bad. and you've even got the dimple.
do i really have to decide? i have very good stamina...
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
Death Metal Moe
05-29-2003, 10:44 AM
Well, I'll post it here to. This has become the Lure Arienette to the Dark Side thread. How deliciously immoral!
<A HREF=""></A>
The Chairman
05-29-2003, 12:15 PM
I had to read through the entire thread b/c I assumed someone would have mentioned Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
I never use the word "normal", but some sort of aversion to germs is healthy. But when people obsess about them to the point of washing their hands 20-50 times a day, taking 10 showers using antibacterial soap a day, walking around with a bottle of antibacterial hand gel, refusing to shake hands with people or wearing gloves, then we're talking an unhealthy aversion to germs to the point of OCD (Jack Nicholson, for example, in As Good As It Gets, had OCD).
An entire industry has emerged in the last 10 years or so catering to people with germ phobias. Everything tends to be antibacterial something or other.
Here's the scary part: Triclosan, the active ingredient used in most of these antibacterial products, has be found to actually do more harm than good, in that it creates supergerms, much like Mike The Teacher references i.e. antibiotics.
There are myriad articles on the web that reference a landmark study conducted at my alma mater which discusses the issue of overuse of antibacterials and germ aversion.
Just put the words "Tufts University Medical School" and "Germs" in Google and read away.
Top start you, here's a link:
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Ride 'em hard and put 'em away wet.
Mike Teacher
05-29-2003, 01:48 PM
That gif/animation of Fez eyeballing the chicken fingers is the Most Fucking Hysterical thing I've seen in a LONG time.
I can't stop watching it. Help!
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This message was edited by Mike Teacher on 5-29-03 @ 5:51 PM
Ha, that pic of Moe on my head is so eerie.
<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "2%" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Do you know the way to San Jose?
05-29-2003, 07:51 PM
This has become the Lure Arienette to the Dark Side thread. How deliciously immoral!what are you talking about? i'm one of the original coven triad. i'm evil, damn it!
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
Death Metal Moe
05-29-2003, 07:54 PM
i'm one of the original coven triad. i'm evil, damn it!
Evil? Please.
An EVIL person who can't make phone calls?
And a TRULY evi person would have beaten that bitch in your salad story, carved her up and served her in the chef salads.
<A HREF=""></A>
05-29-2003, 07:58 PM
An EVIL person who can't make phone calls?i CAN make phone calls, i just dislike it. and when i do make them, i'll have you know that they are quite evil.
And a TRULY evi person would have beaten that bitch in your salad story, carved her up and served her in the chef dont mean that.. i think you just need a nice, big death metal hug.
<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
sometimes the wind blows through the trees
and i think i hear you calling me</center>
This message was edited by Arienette on 5-30-03 @ 12:01 AM
Death Metal Moe
06-03-2003, 02:05 AM
i think you just need a nice, big death metal hug.
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