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Heel or Face [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-16-2003, 08:09 AM
Wrestlers change all the time from face to heel and vice versa. I will give you a list of 15 wrestlers and say whether you like them better as a heel or a face. And if you can say why.

Ric Flair
Hulk Hogan
Kurt Angle
Chris Benoit
Steve Austin
Chris Jericho
Scott Steiner
Dudley Boyz
Rob Van Dam
Shawn Michaels
Brock Lesnar

05-16-2003, 09:26 AM
lesnar could never be a heel.. yeah yeah with heyman he was but wasnt.....

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Thanks Fallon!

05-16-2003, 09:30 AM
I thought he was better as a monster heel and he let Heyman do all the talking for him and he did all the asskicking.

05-16-2003, 09:41 AM
a great heel needs his own mic skills....
heel to short to be a heel candidate..

savage is my pick of all time....

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Thanks Fallon!

The Nature Boy
05-16-2003, 10:40 AM
Ric Flair- Silly Question, obviously a heel. Got more pops as a Heel than 80 percent of faces anyway.

Undertaker-Heel, anyway you slice it. The Deadman or as the heel he played in late 1999 when he was teaming with the Big Slow were his two best runs in my book.

Hulk Hogan-It was awesome finally seeing him play the heel and do so well, but as long as he's in the WWF, he is now and forever, the king of the hill of all faces. You could have Stone Cold hit the stunner on Osama Bin Laden in MSG, and all Hogan has to do his cup his ear for the same pop.

Kurt Angle- Never got a true face run, I'd like to see him not playing the goofy face, so heel by default. But I think I'd like him playing a serious face.

Chris Benoit-never really cared, has as much charisma as sheetrock.

Rock-definately a heel, but is a top 3 face of all time(along with being a top 3 heel)

Steve Austin(hands down heel. The early Bret Hart feud was his best work)

HHH(fuck this bitch, I like him best eating a bullet)

Chris Jericho(heel, awful awful face)

Scott Steiner(see HHHIV)

Dudley Boyz(ECW heels, when they'd get the crowd riled up. Ridculous heat for these boys.)

Rob Van Dam(decent face, awesome heel)

Edge(now more than ever, heel edge rules)

Shawn Michaels(definately a heel, pussy boy face)

Brock Lesnar(heel I guess, haven't watched him enough.)

Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!

Heather 8
05-16-2003, 02:42 PM
Ric Flair: Heel. Space Mountain 4 Life.

Undertaker: Heel, although I don't really care for him either way.

Hulk Hogan: Face. Even though a lot of fans and workers perceive him to be a prick in real life, the red-and-yellow persona comes easier for him.

Kurt Angle: Love him either way.

Chris Benoit: Pretty good either way, although I thought he was at his best intensity-wise when feuding with Angle.

Rock: Heel.

Steve Austin: I thought he was at his best when he was a tweener.

HHH: Pre-quad tear heel.

Chris Jericho: Brilliant either way.

Scott Steiner: I miss his lightweight babyface days.

Dudley Boyz: ECW-style heels.

Rob Van Dam: cocky ECW-style tweener

Edge: Face, although I'm probably the only person on earth who thinks his goofy gimmick with Christian didn't reek of heinousity. :)

Shawn Michaels: Partner-kicking-through-plate-glass-window Heel.

Brock Lesnar: Does it really matter?



This message was edited by Peachy on 5-16-03 @ 10:06 PM

walking joint
05-16-2003, 02:54 PM
Ric Flair- heel...the greatest of all time in my opinion

Undertaker-heel. really nothing much more to add.

Hulk Hogan-face. he just tried to hard to be the hip heel...and i couldn't stand it.

Kurt Angle-heel without a doubt. he cracks me up as the wiseass heel

Chris Benoit-i like him neutral. whether heel or face it doesn't seem to change him much. just more good wrestling.


Steve Austin-heel...though it turned him face. i liked him alot at the start of the Bret Hart feud, but once the masses got behind him i stopped liking him.

HHH-face. was funnier then. his heel speaches are all the same....and way to long

Chris Jericho-heel. my favorite wrestler.

Scott Steiner-neither really

Dudley Boyz-ECW style heel. still my favorite thing about the ECW shows were the Dudley matches. and even if they weren't in the biggest match of the night they always seemed to come on last to send the fans home happy. i miss those Elk Lodge shows

Rob Van Dam-not sure. i like the Stoned RVD

Edge-heel. him and Christian were fucking funny.
Shawn Michaels-heel. to faggy as a face

Brock Lesnar-heel again. i also liked him with Heyman as the mouthpiece.

so i guess i'm more for the heels than the faces.

05-16-2003, 03:34 PM
HHH(fuck this bitch, I like him best eating a bullet)

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the forgotten 98%

05-16-2003, 08:56 PM
Ric Flair- Without a doubt, one of the best heels ever!!!

Undertaker- I think I'm the only person who loved the "Angry Amish" Ministry leading 'Taker. He was an awesome heel in this role.

Hulk Hogan- Face, I guess

Kurt Angle- Either way. He has so much personality, that he is near perfect in both roles.

Chris Benoit- Heel. He doesn't get any face heat anyway. So he might as well stay a heel.

Rock- Either way. The fans will cheer him regardless. He's much more entertaining as a heel though.

Steve Austin- Either one. Just as long as he doesn't say "What?" ever again

HHH- Heel circa 1999-2000. Right up until the feud with Kurt Angle. That's when he was at his best.

Chris Jericho- Heel all the way. Bring back Ralphus. Armbar......

Scott Steiner- Either one. Just as long as it's not with WWE.

Dudley Boyz- As ECW heels, they ruled. In WWF, the first face run was good.

Rob Van Dam- Fans will cheer regardless. He was awesome as a heel in ECW in 1997.

Edge- Heel. Only if reunited with Christian.

Shawn Michaels- Heel. 1992-1995

Brock Lesnar- Heel by default.

<IMG SRC="">
Fallon Rules!!!!

05-17-2003, 05:20 AM
Ric Flair- There really was no time in his career where he was a face. Everything he did was something a heel would do. Even though people loved him, they loved the heel Ric Flair.

Undertaker- He was at the top of his game when he was the evil phenom. The deadman really never got over as a face. The sadistic Undertaker was the top heel for a reason.

Hulk Hogan- Even though he did do amazing as Hollywood Hulk Hogan and did bring some recognition to the nWo that it wouldn't have gotten otherwise, too many people still love this guy. Whether you love him or hate him, when you heard I am a real american, you too marked out.

Kurt Angle- Either way he is going to be loved by the crowd simply because he puts his everything into every match. He never has any backstage problems, he does his job in the ring and on the mic and thats it. Hope he recovers soon.

Chris Benoit- This is kind of tough. He isn't a charismatic wrestler such as the other mentioned above. He is never really a face or heel but more of a tweener. Which is a good thing.

Rock- He makes a way better heel this time around then he does when he joined the Nation years ago. He is very entertaining but he often gets confused with being a babyface because of his promos sometimes.

Steve Austin- As Stunning Steve Austin, no one could top him. A lot like Ravishing Ric Rude as a heel, Austin could piss off just about everyone. But once the Stone Cold era hit, the fans saw what they had been missing out on.

HHH- I don't even think this guy could go back to being a face. Not that he really ever got over as one. The fans truely hate him to much ever to cheer him.

Chris Jericho- See also The Rock. People love to hate this guy therefore I would say he is a better heel. He is another one who fits into the Ric Rude mold of always getting under your skin.

Scott Steiner- Blah...what a waste. Better arogant heel than babyface.

Dudley Boyz- Alltime best heel tag team in the history of pro wrestling. People just started loving these guy, but they were hated in ECW. No one could cause a riot quicker than these two.

Rob Van Dam- Way better babyface due to his high spots. People love high spots therefore they are going to cheer him.

Edge- Never really was a heel. Always been a babyface.

Shawn Michaels- Thats a tough one. Superkicking Marty Janetty through a pain glass window made you hate him. But Degeration X made you love him.

Brock Lesnar- Can't really tell. Didn't have long enough to build up his heel character. Though a feud wth destroying Undertaker was pretty good way to start.


"They always win in the end."

05-17-2003, 06:30 AM
Ric Flair - Like him best as a heel...greatest heel ever, never should be anything less.
Undertaker - Like him best as "Off-TV-due-to-injury Guy"...but if I have to see him, I like him as a heel...he's too big & his character too dark to be a good face.
Hulk Hogan - Like him best as a retired legend. But the only time I could stomach him was as a heel...I still detest him either way, but at least he had an entertaining run as a bad guy for the first time in WCW...although it got old quick. I've never been a Hulk-a-maniac, and I twitch as a I type it.
Kurt Angle - Like him best as a heel, but he's been good either way. If you can wrestle like he & Benoit can, it makes no difference.
Chris Benoit - Like him best as a face...but I like him anyway I can see him more often as a contender.
Rock - Like him best as a heel...he's more entertaining when he's being a dick.
Steve Austin - Like him best as the character he created, the face-tweener. He's not nice, but he's not really a heel. As a true heel (siding with Vince to keep his title, etc. or as leader of the alliance) he was too goofy.
HHH - Like him best as the smaller, more athletic heel who first won the title...but since he'll never go back that way, I like him best as a cadaver.
Chris Jericho - Like him best when he's on TV. He's brilliant either way & that goes back to his days as a cruiserweight champ in WCW. When he was a face (not often) I loved him, when he was a heel, I HATED him, but couldn't wait to see what he would do next & was always entertained.
Scott Steiner - Like him best as unemployed...he has no redeeming qualities since he went blonde & lost all mobility.
Dudley Boyz - Like them best as heels...they were never better than when they were the object of every ECW fan's resentment.
RVD - Like him best as a face because he was a dick as a heel in ECW...but even as a face he's always had that obnoxious quality made him almost a tweener...especially when he & Sabu were tag champs.
Edge - Like him best as a face...he's too pretty to play a good heel.
Shawn Michaels - Like him best as a heel...HBK was amazing as the champ, while fucking with Bret and/or Austin & simultaneously pissing off Vince with DX.
Brock Lesnar - Like him best as a heel...again, too big & Neanderthal-like to pull off a good face. He needs to be nasty & destructive to be enjoyable.

SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.

This message was edited by Crippler on 5-17-03 @ 10:50 AM

05-17-2003, 09:38 AM
Ric Flair - Will ALWAYS be better as a heel. But that's the OLD Ric Flair, not this abomination that must act as HHH's toady.

Undertaker - Annoying either way. But I'll choose heel, specifically the Ministry of Darkness Undertaker. That's really the only version of Taker I liked.

Hulk Hogan - Better as a face. Although nWo Hogan was fun for the first couple of years, cause it was different from the Hogan we had seen for the past decade prior.

Kurt Angle - Sooooo much better as an obnoxious, arrogant heel.

Chris Benoit - Good either way. Slightly better as a pure, badass face.

Rock - HEEL. Face Rock go unbelievably stale and repetitive. He works best as a heel. He worked so goddamn good as heel the first time around, they had to turn him FACE, the crowds loved him so much.

Steve Austin - Believe it or not, heel. Another guy who was so good at being a heel they had to turn him face. When they did turn him face, he eventually got stale. THe problem with Austin is that, if you look at his early career in WCW, and his run in 2001 as a heel - he works better in that role. SMARTER in that role. But he's the sort of guy, much like Hogan, in that fans just want to cheer him, so he's pretty much stuck as a face.

HHH - Heel, I guess, because he's too much of an asshole to be cheered.

Chris Jericho - Good either way. More charismatic and SWANK~! as a heel though.

Scott Steiner - In the first part of his career, face. Ever since the injuries racked up, and for the last few years, heel, because he seems like a genuine bastard.

Dudley Boyz - STALE either way - their talent shortcomings really work against them. Better as evil heels, though.

Rob Van Dam - Fun either way. But better as the cool face, he's slightly more charismatic that way. Fans love him no matter what he is.

Edge - MUCH BETTER AS A HEEL. Why? Because I can't stand what they've made of Face Edge. Every - EVERY - Face Edge match goes like this: Heel gets advantage, Edge makes comeback, heel gets advantage, Edge comes back and hits his same signature moves (exposing his limited moveset), Edge wins OR Edge loses, but loses ONLY because the heel cheats. Every Face Edge feud goes like this: Heel wins 3 or so matches, by cheating in each, Edge wins 29 matches cleanly.
At least as a heel they didn't book him so goddamn protectively.

Shawn Michaels - Heel. Who doesn't buy him as an arrogant ass? Even the Jebus Shawn we're seeing today?

Brock Lesnar - Better heel. It shouldn't be in his character to care about the fans. At BEST he should be an Austin-type anti-hero face.

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Cap sez: The mods are all Nazi fascist cocksuckers drunk with power. Does THAT fit inside 3 lines, asshole?