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When did the WWF lose you? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : When did the WWF lose you?

The Nature Boy
05-04-2003, 10:22 PM
I think the vast majority of us are currently off the Fed.....err, The Entertainment(?) bandwagon. Do you remember when you first got off, or at least considered it? What was the turning point to the current bullshit that they try to pass off as WWF wrestling?

For me, it was Wrestlemania X-Seven(the Houston one I believe). I was thinking about their current state today, and I heard "My Way" on the radio(the Limp Bizcuit version, not the Sinatra). The theme,and then it dawns on me that the shit hit the fan on this card. Very hot card up and down, probably the best match for match card in Wrestlemania history(or right there). And to cap it off, we have Stone Cold Steve Austin, back from a legitimate neck injury against the hottest man in the company at the time, The Rock. WWF Title. Sold out Astrodome. The Rattlesnake returns from career-threatening oblivion to challenge for the top prize in the land. Crowd hot as hell, for 30 minutes. And then what happens? Stone Cold finally sells out to Vince and joins him in a roundabout fashion. What the fuck? To this day, I can still remember screaming what the fuck at my TV. Some will say, "Great Booking, it made you react". To them I say bullshit. I said "What the fuck" when Rocky joined the corporation at Survivor Series 1998, but it was the best kind of What the fuck and it all made sense. This was totally wasting what could have been an incredible angle for the WWF, Austin sells out. You have a Houston crowd half cheering, half on their hands, all confused, not knowing what the hell happened. 70,000 people just wanted to cheer their Texan after a stunner and flip the bird, and the WWF didn't have the brains to realize. It's never been the same since this brainfart.

We move into Austin, the champ, somehow being second fiddle to HHH who paid to have him run over by a car? The badass who fucking shoved Mike Tyson is cowering to Captain Crotchchop? The entire sweater came undone at that entire Austin angle thread. First Rikishi is responsible, killing his awesome face heat. Then the whole thing is dropped. And it's been a Chinese Fire Drill in bookers room ever since. I've been waiting for a long time to get their shit back together, but things look bleak, especially if the L.O.D. are considered the savior to the company.

When did you lose faith that these guys knew what they were doing?

Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!

05-05-2003, 04:34 AM
"Oh my God, Tazz, Hulk Hogan has climbed the mountain one more time...and HHH is hugging his idol!"


SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.

05-05-2003, 05:37 AM
I would have to agree with Crippler when Trips hugged Hogan. But I stuck with it and really lost it when they bought wCw and I watched as my favorite wrestlers were thrown to the waste side. Plus the horrible Invasion angle did nothing to get me back.


"They always win in the end."

05-05-2003, 05:44 AM
When the pandas won the rights to the WWF name

05-05-2003, 07:17 AM
If I had to pick a moment, I'd probably choose the miserable WCW / ECW "invasion."

Could have been the greatest wrestling angle EVER, but it was fucked from the very get go thanks to Vince's ego.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-05-2003, 09:28 AM
Yeah I didn't like how they fucked up the InVasion either. Was a very promising angle and Vince was too cheap to hire the real WCW guys (which he has now and its too late).

ECW should have been alone and not formed the Alliance. Made them look like pussies.

<center><img border=1 src=""><font color=#0033FF>
"Rikishi must have eyes in the back of his head, and the front of his head because that would be a health issue if he didn't have eyes in the front of his head."</font>
<font color=#FFFFFF>

05-05-2003, 10:46 AM
The seeds were planted when HHH won what seemed like 10 PPV's in a row. Why watch if I know who's gonna win?

And I guess when they really lost me was when they 'merged' with WCW and ECW....there were just too many guys and they didn't handle it as well as they should have. My TV viewing has dropped off since then.

<IMG SRC=" ">

05-05-2003, 10:52 AM
the nite Paul Heyman brought back ECW only to have them merge with WCW an hour later...thats the one that did it for me, i got to mark and where my old ECW t-shirt for an hour...after that it just hasnt been the same

<img border=1 src=>
I will not go quietly into the nite...

05-05-2003, 11:29 AM
when it was still called the WWF

<img src="" width=300 height=100>

05-05-2003, 11:29 AM
The night that all the wrestling businesses came together, from then on i knew it would be crappy, too many wrestlers, too little broadcast time, and The Rock and Stone Cold were gone.

<img src=>

Cannot kill the family.
Battery is found in me.


El Mudo
05-05-2003, 11:33 AM
It turned for the worse when it was found out that Rikishi of all people had run over Austin. Rikishi's move as a heel was a complete and utter disaster, and they had to bring in HHH to save the angle...

Imagine if they had someone like Jericho as the person who ran over Austin...that woulda been something to see

05-05-2003, 02:22 PM
First it was the invasion angle, but they really lost me was when they decided to do the roster split... got 2 words for that... NO GOOD!!!!!

Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black

05-05-2003, 03:56 PM
I think that the WWE lost me when they almost immediately got rid of the Undisputed Championship. I would have liked to just have one champion. Then you wouldn't have to get rid of the mid-card titles.

"It's always better when served Spicy..."

05-05-2003, 04:05 PM
That brings a point to me. Chris Jericho should be known as the only man to hold the Undisputed Title.


"They always win in the end."

Heather 8
05-05-2003, 04:13 PM
When they got rid of the Intercontinental title.

Insert SuperClerk's phrase-that-pays here.

''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99

05-05-2003, 04:40 PM
When Vince and his family decided they wanted to be wrestlers. Damn this family of spot-light hoggers (every hugh angle gotta involve one of them).
Also when the pay-per-views became more of a common occurance (what is it like one PPV per month) and the fact that they showed parts of the matches or highlights the next night on T.V. Plus over-saturation of the wrestling product on t.v.( Do we really need 2 primetime 2 hr. wrestling shows? RAW and Smackdown). Keep one and drop the other.

05-05-2003, 04:47 PM
They lost me at hello.

<IMG SRC="">

For being the #1 market, New York radio sucks. Aside from R & F and O & A, there is nothing worth listening to.

Now we have NOTHING!!!

See Ya, DrewP

05-05-2003, 05:04 PM
ECW should have been alone and not formed the Alliance. Made them look like pussies.

The sad truth (for ECW fans) is that ECW WAS NOT NEEDED AT ALL.

All Vince had to do was hire a couple.....JUST A COUPLE!!!....of the WCW heavies, like Goldberg or Sting, or hell, even Nash *shudder*.....and then - you know - actually have the WCW folks WIN a match or two, instead of getting jobbed out to everyone and their WIFE (I will never forget, Dallas, I will never forget or forgive them for what they did to you), than the angle would have worked.

Bringing in the ECW folks did nothing, seeing as outside of RVD they were all jobbers or lower midcarders anyway.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-05-2003, 05:38 PM
When they got rid of the Intercontinental title

Guess you found the WWE again.

Heather 8
05-05-2003, 05:40 PM
Not necessarily, Teenweek... the battle royal idea could either turn out great or downright disasterous... bare in mind, Test is a former I-C champion, and I live in fear of Chyna returning someday.

(Damn, I really need to do something about my pessimism... it's even beginning to grate on my nerves)

''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99

This message was edited by Peachy on 5-5-03 @ 9:49 PM

05-05-2003, 06:12 PM
When Moondog Spot replaced Moondog King.

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I am now blessed with an ADF sigpic

shamus mcfitzy
05-05-2003, 06:35 PM
the invasion made me doubt that I should watch wrestling every week, twice a week (before that i think i missed only a half dozen RAWS in its 6 or so years). Then the fact that HHH never drops the title has made me decide that RAW probably isn't worth watching, and now it isn't even a priority anymore.

05-05-2003, 06:45 PM
I've always the love/hate relationship with the WWF. I'm like a battered wife married to the WWF I let go for a while then I always come back.



Later On,

05-05-2003, 09:08 PM
Considering I still watch every week I don't think I'm completely turned away from the WWE.

Up until the roster split I watched Raw and SmackDown! religiously, even Heat too. There was nothing to get excited about each week, nothing that kept we at the edge of my seat the whole night. Sure you've got the great wrestlers (Benoit, Jericho, and Angle), but there were no good gimmicks to folllow those acts for a main event.

<img src="">

05-05-2003, 09:28 PM
Man there were so many moment when the WWE lost me....

Chyna winning the I.C. Title...
HHH being the center of everything
Jericho going from midcard to undisputed champion to midcard again
The Dawn Marie /Torrie Wilso angle
WWF turning into the WWE
Vince bring in nWo
They way they ran DX into the ground
Vince and his family wrestling
Ric Flair in wrestling tights
the Katey Vick angle


05-06-2003, 04:40 AM
If you are still watching, it did not lose you. Regardless of how you feel, they still are the deepest, most talented roster in the history of wrestling. Yes, I don't like the split. Yes, I don't like people like Big Show and Albert getting pushed, Yes I don't like HHH winning every match, Yes I don't like Kane and RVD not being at Wrestlemania, Yes, SMackdown has had a dramatic decline since Heyman was taken off thew writing team, yes, they have blown tons of things like ECW, the Invasion, buying of WCW, but you know what every Monday and Thursday night I still watch them to be entertained and for the most part they do.

I like Austin, I like Goldberg, I like HHH and Jericho and RVD and Booker T and Hurricane and Kurt Angle and Benoit. I like wrestling, I like the storylines, I like comedy skits, I like promos. The internet is a bunch of negative nancy's. You guys bitch and moan but like someone stated above, like a battered wife you keep coming back. The reason you do, because when all hope is lost, they always do something to bring back the fans. They have been doing it for over 20 years. They are in a downtime now. Everyone who has ever competed with them has fallen by the way side. NWATNA has not even been around for a year. Does anyone see them making 20 or more.

Yes they have had their bad segments, but I am too much of a fan to ever miss a show. I am 30 years old and I have had some great entertainment from the WWF/WWE in the last 20 years or so. I will continue to watch them.

05-06-2003, 07:17 AM
Believe it or not, the closest I ever came to turning it off for good was right after Survivor Series 1997. I was a huge Bret Hart fan/mark. I thought, and still think, that Vince could've shown Bret a little more respect. Here was a guy who through all of the bad gimmicks (Dink,Mantaur,Blu twins,Lawrence Taylor,) still managed to be that one wrestler who would always remind me that the name on the marquee is wrestling. During the days when the Kliq was running amuck and ruining careers, Bret was still the only saving grace. I agree that Bret could've done what was best for business, but he did have the right to refuse to put over HBK in Montreal. I truly don't want to believe that he was going to show up on Nitro with the WWF belt. After the screwjob, I felt that if Vince would treat his number one star this way, he obviously didn't care about his fans either. I stopped watching completely for about a week. I wasn't fooling myself. I went back to watching, but I never felt the same enjoyment until after Wrestlemania 14. Once the attitude era began, I started enjoying it a lot more again. Then Owen Hart fell to his death in May 1999............

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

05-10-2003, 10:54 PM
WWE's been so bad that I've lost my smile.

DAMN THE MAN! - Empire Records

The Nature Boy
05-11-2003, 07:39 AM
If you are still watching, it did not lose you

This is the WWF, uh E's problem. Yes we still tune in once in a blue, but their ratings are down 50 percent, wrestling's Monday Night Ratings are down 66 percent. Now yes, a rating in the mid 3's is better than the old rating in the mid 1's, but they've lost many. And it's not like we left because it got boring, or we got sick of it, it's because THEY fucked it up. On several occasions in all sorts of spectular, collossal blunders. And THEY'VE admited as much, with the recent internet surveys to figure out what their fans want.

Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!

05-11-2003, 07:46 AM
When HHH won that match after the last Wrestlemania to get Stephanie kicked out of WWF TV, it bought them more time. I said then if they EVER brought her back to an on-camera role, I'd never watch again. The RAW before Stephanie was named Smackdown GM was the last wrestling show I ever saw. I will never watch WWE again.

05-11-2003, 07:49 AM
double j getting screwed
goldberg and austin pals
bringing the millionaires club in
this includes-pump-nash-hogan-piper-ect...
the split
the vick slit situation
team angle
not pushing the young talent
return of sable to save smackdown-is chyna next
jr and king fighting in the ring
no return of shane
no dx reunion
nwo coming
split of shows is going to be the death of them

thats enough for now

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

05-11-2003, 05:55 PM
Wrestling lost its appeal for me when the creativity went out. In tag team matches you could almost predict the exact progression of the match. To sacrifice for time constraints the matches became ordinary and each one more like the last until eventually they all merged as one. Thats when it lost that edge of you never know what might happen in a match and lost my appeal. It just became routine and had no edge or uniquness to the matches