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05-03-2003, 06:21 PM

Over the last few months, there have been small rumblings about the possible WWE return of The Road Warriors. During the last online interview with Road Warrior Hawk, he mentioned that the LOD were interested in a WWE return.

Last night on the "In The Ring" radio show based out of Canada, Pierre Carl Ouelette was a guest. During the interview he stated that the Road Warriors will sign with WWE. He continued to say that we will see them back on WWE TV within a few weeks.

Sources I spoke to today are stating that there have been a few discussions between The Road Warriors and the WWE. Several people are saying that Vince wants them to work a dark match, and see their in ring work before signing them to a deal. However if Vince signs them, he wants to keep it under wrap and bring them in as a surprise.

My problem with this "dark match" talk, is that Vince can bring these guys in anytime he wants. Before a house show, in Stanford, etc and have them work out without any fans around. This way Vince can check them out and decide without fans being "spoiled".

Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black

05-03-2003, 06:39 PM

"It's always better when served Spicy..."

05-03-2003, 06:45 PM
I thought animal was in jail?

<marquee>"And there are times when you are walking/ and looking and seeing/ everything in a brand new light/ Like trees with three trunks wrapped around each other tight/ Like her legs 'round my body in the middle of the night" --"Colleen's Song", <a href=>Osvaldo Oyola Ortega</a>
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>

05-03-2003, 06:58 PM
If this is serious, and if Vince brings him back, this will prove that Vince has officially gone senile.

Look at the two recent signing fuckups: Steiner and Nathan Jones.

Steiner is a total failure as a main event star due to his inability in the ring (you know you're bad when HHH has to carry you through the match), and now his only useful purpose is to put over midcard workers like Test and Chris Nowinski. That's hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain.

And take Jones. There is NO MORE PERFECT example of everything that is wrong with the WWE's hiring practices than Jones. He's got a good look, and he's big - both elements sought after by Vince and J.R. So he gets a big contract. Meanwhile, the geniuses never bothered to watch him wrestle, so they neglected to notice the fact that he's so utterly godawful and devoid of talent in the ring that he literally can't work a match without injuring his opponent, and thus the entire length of in-ring time he's had on WWE TV in the months since his debut can be counted in minutes on ONE HAND. Now they're stuck with a worthless hoss who has no perceivable redeeming quality.

And let's not even go into Goldberg, who's total lack of work ethic pissed off the Rock immensely - Rock being the one who was most influential in getting Goldberg his deal. Analyze THAT. Analyze the fact that the Rock is someone upset at the work quality of another.

Christ, the WWE has become such a goddamn parody of itself. It's become the modern day equivalent of WCW - and that's coming from a WCW mark.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-04-2003, 03:44 AM
i hear bullsheeet that warrior or savage will make a return. anyone else hear this..

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

05-04-2003, 06:23 AM
I've been hearing talks about Savage coming back for almost a year now.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

The Nature Boy
05-04-2003, 09:25 AM
I"m the biggest L.O.D. mark you'll ever find, and I think they are unquestionably one of the top 2 tag teams to ever wrestle(with the Bulldogs). And on top of that, I'm actually big time digging the Hogan/Piper/Vince angle going on right, as a waltz down memory lane. But these guys were washed up when they came back to WCW in 1997. Since then, two very lackluster WWF runs, and the last we saw of Hawk, he was about 280 pounds and falling off the Titantron as a member of L.O.D. 2000, the biggest disgrace this side of the "New" Midnight Express.

These guys were washed up 6 years ago. Being in their mid-40's won't improve matters at all, and the WWF booking doesn't help. If you are going to bring them into be Monsters who wipe everything out, great. But they somehow think they are going to teach an old dog new tricks and get these guys who made their living in their prime on offense start selling for the Guerreros?

Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!

05-05-2003, 07:19 AM
Instead of the Road Warriors why not bring in the Hellraisers?

No matter how much you polish, decorate or dress up a's still a turd.

05-05-2003, 07:23 AM
). And on top of that, I'm actually big time digging the Hogan/Piper/Vince angle going on right, as a waltz down memory lane.

I wouldn't mind it so much if Sean O'Haire wasn't smack dab in the middle of it and doomed to be the Goblin's job boy.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-05-2003, 07:24 AM
jumpin jesus on a pogo stick...who's next, leaping lenny poffo??!!
sig courtesy of amy

honk if your horny

knockin boots and shootin pool

Heather 8
05-05-2003, 04:28 PM
who's next, leaping lenny poffo??!!

With fans tuning away in droves and the ratings sinking,
I have only one question... Vince, what the fuck are you thinking?

''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99

05-05-2003, 04:43 PM
jumpin jesus on a pogo stick

My sides still hurt form that one...

"It's always better when served Spicy..."

05-05-2003, 04:52 PM
What's next- Mr. T and Hogan to fight Piper and Piper's bodyguard? Gimme a break brother! No wonder wrestleing sucks now. I saw all of this back in the 80's. Seperate the WWE roster again and make one of the divisions the grapefruit league like they got in baseball.

05-06-2003, 04:42 PM

Yup. Looks like they are going to get a tryout.

Currently thinking of a new sig pic idea.