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Favorite Specialty Matches [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-01-2003, 04:17 PM
HBK vs Razor Ramon in the Ladder Match from WM 10

HBK vs Taker in the very 1st hell in the cell from Badd Blood

Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black

05-01-2003, 04:34 PM
The original Hell in the Cell. HBK vs Taker


"They always win in the end."

05-01-2003, 04:35 PM
-Taker vs. Foley Hell in a Cell King of the Ring '98

-Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian Ladder Match No Mercy '99

<img src="">

05-01-2003, 09:30 PM
Last year's 3 & 1/2 tag team TLC match. We saw Jericho take a plunge from inside the ring on a ladder to the floor, several finishers from off a ladder, RVD being stretched on top of the ladder by Y2J, and a Van Terminator...all on RAW!

It would have been the Raw finish of the year if it weren't for HHH (& Katie Vick).

SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.

Death Metal Moe
05-01-2003, 09:37 PM
They're all special to me.

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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>DEATH FACTION 4 LIFE!!!</marquee>


RF Godfather
05-02-2003, 03:41 AM
HBK vs Razor Ramon in the Ladder Match from WM 10The best ever.
"Very good Pavlov, all your dogs have barked when you rang the bell. Your test was successul."-Triple H to Rock after one of his catchphrases

This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 5-2-03 @ 7:42 AM

The Nature Boy
05-02-2003, 08:24 AM
Are we talking actual matches or the kinds of matches? For me, it's hard to beat TLC 2, Taker vs. Mankind and the Royal Rumble 1992 as actual matches.

But for types of matches, here are my votes:

1. Weapons Cage match(I saw it used in ECW, I"m sure they didn't invent this one, but Vince should steal this one. Reminds me of Max Max: Beyond Thunderdome.

2. The War Games: The Match Beyond(grown on me, helped that the feuds that launched this match were so damn hot, and it made it worth while.

3. First Blood match(these used to be so dramatic, but have lost some steam recently, but I used to get a big kick out of these)

4. I Quit Match(damn I should have this higher but I don't feel like retyping shit. Pinacle of wrestling to me, and who can forget Magnum TA putting the broken chair in Tully Blanchard's eye

5. Cage Match(just a good old fashioned cage used to be so symbolic in wrestling. They didn't go to the cage at the drop of a hat, it was only when absolutely necessary. When this feud NEEDED to end, would be go to the cage and whoever survived won. It used to mean guaranteed sell-out. However, like any good idea, these companies beat them into the ground. And in the interest of TV speed, they neutered the scariness and violence of the cage. And to their credit, they've gotten away from cage matches of late, hopefully to have them return with some meaning at a later time.

Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!

05-02-2003, 08:36 AM
hardcore porn

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Thanks Fallon!

05-02-2003, 10:43 AM
Virtually every single War Games match up to around 1995 (once we got to Hogan vs. the Dungeon of Doom in the cage, it went downhill fast).

Here's another one for you: the "Chamber of Horrors" match from WCW Halloween Havoc 1991. Pure insanity. You have to see it to believe it.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-02-2003, 11:23 AM
My favorite is the Barbed Wire Spider Net Baseball Bat Thumbtack Bed of Nails Scorpion Cactus Lightbulb Scaffold Death Match...not it's not. I just wanted to be an "In the know" Smark.

No matter how much you polish, decorate or dress up a's still a turd.

05-02-2003, 12:37 PM
Favorite Match Types-
-Cage Match/Hell in a Cell
-Chain/Dog Collar

Favorite Matches involving a specialty
-Snuka-Backlund- Cage
-Michaels-Razor-Ladder 1 & 2
-Michaels-Taker-Hell in a cell
-Axl Rotten-Ian Rotten-Tai Pei Death Match
-Piper-Valentine-Dog Collar
-War Games 1987
-Gangstas Paradise Cage Match

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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

05-02-2003, 12:50 PM
The Ultimate Submission Match:

Kurt Angle
Chris Benoit

Some of the best technical wrestling I had ever seen.

"It's always better when served Spicy..."

05-02-2003, 01:55 PM
My favorite is the Barbed Wire Spider Net Baseball Bat Thumbtack Bed of Nails Scorpion Cactus Lightbulb Scaffold Death Match...not it's not. I just wanted to be an "In the know" Smark.

You've been watching CZW?

Here are two recommendations:

Cage of Death 2, Lobo vs. Justice Pain. AWFUL match, but the sheer bizarreness that is the "cage" defies descriptions, and the amount and quality of plunder used would have given Dusty Rhodes an orgasm. A CACTUS IS USED, people.

The infamous "Fans Bring the Weapons" match from "UnF'nbelievable" (2001). "Sick" Nick Mondo & Jun Kasai v. Justice Pain & Johnny Kashmere. Probably one of the most unique and brutal matches I've ever seen. I've never seen lightbulbs quite used that way before.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"By the laws of this very government - whether they want to accept it or not - every American is complicit in the darkness that this country spreads across the rest of the world - simply by paying taxes." -- Inali Redpath
"That's terrorist double-talk and I, for one, am SICK of listening to it." -- Captain America

"We have become too civilised to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil."
---George Orwell

05-02-2003, 04:50 PM
Any Cactus Jack Deathmatch in Japan are classics, especially when it involved Terry Funk

In the US, I thought Raven's Clockwork Orange house of horrors match was good, though there is still room for improvement...

Al Snow v. Boss Man in the Kennel from hell match had so much hype going into it, I wish it went off better, it had unlimited possibilities!!!!

<img src="">

<marquee><b> IM me at Evilpete66 if you know what's good for ya!!!</b></marquee>

This message was edited by Evilpete on 5-2-03 @ 8:54 PM

05-04-2003, 05:23 AM
sixman tag that started and created the force to take down the wwe... and did at the time. 1996.

nash-hall-mystery partner

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 5-6-03 @ 12:48 PM

05-05-2003, 07:27 AM
Does that mystery partner happens to be Hulk Hogan at the start of the nWo in 1996?

"It matters not how straight the gate,
How charge with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate;
The captain of my soul."

05-05-2003, 07:27 AM
Does that mystery partner happens to be Hulk Hogan at the start of the nWo in 1996?

"It matters not how straight the gate,
How charge with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate;
The captain of my soul."

RF Godfather
05-06-2003, 07:55 AM
Ladder match and/or the Hell in the Cell.
"Very good Pavlov, all your dogs have barked when you rang the bell. Your test was successul."-Triple H to Rock after one of his catchphrases