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I just found out.... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : I just found out....

04-27-2003, 08:05 PM
My friend got busted for possession of pot the other night.

They were in my other friend's back yard having a fire, and the cops showed up because it was too big or something.

There was some papers laying around (morons!) and they saw them, so they searched my friend, found some pot on him, and arrested him.

I don't know how some papers laying around would be probable cause to search someone, since papers are legal and all, but I heard this through someone else so who knows what's going on.

This kid also got a DWI a month ago. He's really on the road to success.

Death Metal Moe
04-27-2003, 08:08 PM
That sucks. I think a cop can make up any excuse they want to search people. And they're going to for sure if they've been called out to someone's house.

YOU MUST ALWAYS CLEAN UP THE ECIDENCE!! Not a CRUMB! No seeds, no papers, no stems, no little clips, no bats, no screens, NOTHING like that.

That's just being careless man.

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<font size=2 color=333366>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>DEATH FACTION 4 LIFE!!!</marquee>


04-27-2003, 08:14 PM
These kids are morons, so I'm really not surprised. They were having a fire in this kid's backyard, and I'll put some money on it that it was some massive fucking bonfire, and I bet they're bitching that it's not their fault.

04-27-2003, 08:14 PM
It was kind of a normal thing to hang out at this kid's house, drink some beers, have a fire in the backyard, etc., so I can see why they weren't nervous.

But for the police to come to his house after all the times that people have hung out there is pretty unusual. They must have been careless assholes with it.

04-27-2003, 08:15 PM
I don't know how some papers laying around would be probable cause to search someone

luckily there wasn't a tube of Cruex or Preperation H laying around...

on a more serious note I would be curious to see how this gets handled in the Court...

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Death Metal Moe
04-27-2003, 08:16 PM
Sounds like career stoners.

Sorry about your friend man. I didn't want to make it sound like I thought he deserved to be arrested. I think pot should be legalized. Petty pot posession cases and the like are clogging up our legal system for no good reason.

But leaving out bags and buds is careless. Plus, drawing attention to your pot smoking with a huge fire is down right retarded. But I think you already knew that.

<IMG SRC="">
<A HREF=""></A>
<font size=2 color=333366>
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>DEATH FACTION 4 LIFE!!!</marquee>


04-27-2003, 10:03 PM
I think a cop can make up any excuse they want to search people.
There you go. So be careful what youre doing when a cop's around. If youre caught doing something illegal, well then, guess what? If the cops are there and they catch u, fess up, at least to yourself. Enough with the, "but I thought cops couldnt--" The truth is--YOU couldnt! And I agree with Moe's statement directly above mine. (off the record of course)

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This message was edited by ChrisTheCop on 4-28-03 @ 2:08 AM

04-28-2003, 01:06 AM
Remember-Cops are your enemy. They Really do have nothing better to do than to hunt down innocent people who are only minding their own business and practicing their rights as written in our beloved Constitution!! They are sworn to harass us and to make sure that we are living in a Police State!! They take great pleasure in making sure that we remain subjugated under their rule and that they have a steady supply of free donuts!!!!


04-28-2003, 06:21 AM
Thank God the protests will start winding down.

THANK GOD. *Whew!*

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD. >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

04-28-2003, 08:15 AM
There was some papers laying around (morons!) and they saw them, so they searched my friend, found some pot on him, and arrested him.

did this take place in one of the 5 buroughs? cuz if it did no one was supposed to get arrested. you would get a summons, and then depending on ur record u would get a fine. ive had this experience a couple of times. also the incident is of ur record after 6 months. god i love decriminilization.

but thats not and my roommate save all of our dutch boxes each semester, we have about 60 rite now, and cops have stopped by and sat in awe of us. we also usually have our Gravity Bong sitting around for easy use, and the last time cops showed up they took the slide but they didnt care about the chronic.

<IMG SRC="">
"smoking weed, smoking weed doing coke, drinking beers
drinking beers, beers, beersrolling fatties, smoking bluntswho smokes the blunts?we smoke the blunts." -Jay

05-07-2003, 05:57 AM

just curious, how is your friend making out?


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05-09-2003, 10:05 AM
well then he's an idiot and he deserves it. Harsh, i know.

<img src="" width=300 height=100>

05-11-2003, 07:06 PM
Remember-Cops are your enemy. They Really do have nothing better to do than to hunt down innocent people who are only minding their own business and practicing their rights as written in our beloved Constitution!! They are sworn to harass us and to make sure that we are living in a Police State!! They take great pleasure in making sure that we remain subjugated under their rule and that they have a steady supply of free donuts!!!!

I'd have to agree with you completely there.
City cops I have tons of respect for, but not suburban New Jersey cops. These guys have nothing to do at all but give tickets for tail lights being out, so they'll nail anybody for anything they can.

I haven't heard anything new on this though. It's been kind of "hush hush". Nobody really talks about it. I'll try to find out though.

05-11-2003, 07:12 PM
Remember-Cops are your enemy. They Really do have nothing better to do than to hunt down innocent people who are only minding their own business and practicing their rights as written in our beloved Constitution!! They are sworn to harass us and to make sure that we are living in a Police State!! They take great pleasure in making sure that we remain subjugated under their rule and that they have a steady supply of free donuts!!!!

I'd have to agree with you completely there.
City cops I have tons of respect for, but not suburban New Jersey cops. These guys have nothing to do at all but give tickets for tail lights being out, so they'll nail anybody for anything they can.
I haven't heard anything new on this though. It's been kind of "hush hush". Nobody really talks about it. I'll try to find out though.

It was a joke, Courage!! I used to walk that side of the street!!!!!


05-11-2003, 09:30 PM
Oh my, Reeshys a ..a SHOCK POSTER!! Oh my word how dare you say such things

Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
<img src="">

Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.

05-12-2003, 02:52 AM
Eat me, Wadd!! Now I'm going back to sleep cause I'm off from work and you're not!!!


05-12-2003, 04:09 AM
Oh my, Reeshys a ..a SHOCK POSTER!! Oh my word how dare you say such things

Better than being a DIPSHIT poster who wants to bang EVERY single girl that he sees on TV

ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>

05-12-2003, 10:14 AM
Let's face it, some cops are dicks.
Not all, but some.

05-13-2003, 07:34 AM
Way to back-peddle, Courage

<img src="" width=300 height=100>

05-13-2003, 09:26 AM
I used to walk that side of the street!!!!!
Now he just works the street corners.

<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>

05-24-2003, 09:24 AM
Okay, he goes to court on the 3rd I hear.

I also found at that my friend whose house it all went down at got a $750 fine for having the fire.

Fucking pricks!

05-24-2003, 01:24 PM
My Grandfather told me a story about one of the many bookies that worked in the Colgate Plant. This particular bookie had gotten into some trouble and was up on a serious charge. Can't remember all the circumstances but it took a 15,000 dollar bribe to the Judge to get him off...

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