View Full Version : Stereotypes about your nationality that you hate
04-24-2003, 10:48 AM
almost evey nationality has stereotypes. Being of italian heritage, i fall into some of the stereotypes, the one that i hate the most is the whole guido thing. I hate freestyle music, never owned an iroc, and I despise gold chains
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
Def Dave in SC
04-24-2003, 10:56 AM
I too have a large bit of Italian heritage, and I have a lot of pride about it. Plus, i have fun with the stereotypes, although i really don't like track suits at all.
Also, my mom is jewish, so when people hear that, they say "Oh your a Jew" and then they assume every stereotype is true and that anybody with Jewish Blood (although that cant be possible since its a religion, not a race) is some sort of Super Jew.
The simple fact is that i really consider myself Catholic, but once anybody hears that my mom is jewish, it seems like they become fixated on that and refuse to let me be catholic.
So thats one stereotype that really bothers me.
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
04-24-2003, 10:57 AM
The short scrappy irishman.
I'm 6'4". everyone in my family is well over 6'2"
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
04-24-2003, 11:16 AM
Stereotypes are funny, if you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at? I'm Italian and I think those stereotypes are funny as hell. Do I fit into most of them? No, but who the hell cares cause I've seen people who do and it's really fucking funny.
By the way, Def are a jew
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04-24-2003, 11:55 AM
It really annoys me how people continue to spread the rumor that we Jews are cheap and have small penises.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to go pick up some loose change on the flor with my elephant trunk like member.
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It made my heart sing.</center>
04-24-2003, 12:02 PM
Not all Dominicans look like Sammy Sosa.
I would like to shove the plantains that I see draped on cars in commeroration of the Dominican Day Parade up the car owner's asses.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
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04-24-2003, 12:03 PM
I am the only person on earth with Itallian heritage that hates pasta of any kind.
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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
04-24-2003, 12:06 PM
Now I got really fucked. I am 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Polish. So of course now I am a dumb guido. I would make you an offer I can't remember.
Thanks mom and dad.
"They always win in the end."
04-24-2003, 12:07 PM
although that cant be possible since its a religion, not a race
uh, doesn't horde king consider himself jewish yet he doesn't believe in god. plenty of 'jewish' people don't practice the religion.
not all white girls have flat asses, just look at silera :).
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This message was edited by Aggie on 4-24-03 @ 4:17 PM
04-24-2003, 12:15 PM
I hate the stereotype that all of us italians go to olive garden, and that its BETTER than mothers cooking, well now thats complete bullshit. I dont know if this counts but assuming that everyone black uses slang terms and listens to rap music is crap, and thinking that white people are proper and dont act black unless they are paid lots of money in a movie is just completely wrong. You should look at my cousin, complete wigger.
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Shit, if it's going to be that kind of a party
I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes
04-24-2003, 12:19 PM
once anybody hears that my mom is jewish, it seems like they become fixated on that and refuse to let me be catholic.
thats bc in traditional terms the child would take the religion of their Mother.
My Dad is a Guido.....bad taste in everything.
I refuse to wear gold anything.
But i agree with what HHH said, if you cant laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?
<center>Jesus Dont Want Me For A Sunbeam
<IMG SRC=></center>
<center>And if you don't agree with me, fuck you too, cause you forced-happy motherfuckers make me just as sick.-FTL
04-24-2003, 12:37 PM
I like to laugh at stereotypes, too, but I admit to getting a little pissy when they're overdone. I'm 100% Italian, yet I have the skin tone of an Irishman, never wear gold, never have driven a sportscar, would rather stick hot pokers in my auditory canals than listen to the music that usually accompanies those stereotypical Dago-mobiles, and never left my house wearing a satin jumpsuit, Cavaricci pants, whatever the hell the shoes that went with them were, or whitebeater t-shirt as my only upper-body garment.
However, the minute I curse in Italian (out of habit & family conditioning, not to draw attention), I get ridiculed for being a WOP. I don't know, maybe I just need to hang out with less drunken Irishmen.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
04-24-2003, 01:25 PM
I'm 100% Irish-American. What burns me is that when someone meets me for the first time at a social gathering, they assume that I'm going to drink myself into oblivion!!!! I know at least 2 Irishmen that don't drink, dammit it-wait one of them is dead!!!
This message was edited by reeshy on 4-24-03 @ 5:27 PM
04-24-2003, 01:28 PM
I live and grew up in Bergen County, New Jersey. My surroundings have always been kinda like a melting pot. Excuse my frankness but I have found stereotypes alarmingly accurate for many, not all. For the record, there are also MANY positive and complimentary stereotypes as well.
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04-24-2003, 01:44 PM
that people of my nationality are sex freaks and perverts i really hate that!
I think sterotypes are hilarious. I'm Puerto Rican and my best friend is %75 Polish/ 25% Irish. I always say things like he's stupid most of the time and drunk the rest! And one time, I was complaining that I needed a shower cos I was out all night and went straight to work, and he said "Why dont you take a Puerto Rican shower? Spray on tons of cologne!" Ooowee! Good hearty laugh, I tell ya!
But I can see why it would get annoying if people are actually serious about it.
Ralphy Ramone
04-24-2003, 05:28 PM
I heard the Swedes think they know everything and like to collect hundreds of those orange painted wooden horses.
Just urban myth I suspect.
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It's T.V.'s fault I am this way.
Death Metal Moe
04-24-2003, 06:26 PM
I guess it would have to be the whole terrorist thing people with parents from Middle Eastern countries get.
Oh well, like is fucking tough. Gotta take me medicine.
Maybe I can sue someone for being intolerant.
Yea, that's the American dream these days, right? Frivilous lawsuits.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>DEATH FACTION 4 LIFE!!!</marquee>
04-24-2003, 08:27 PM
I was once in a Jewish Neighborhood in Brooklyn. My friend was driving his car. (Note
I am Jewish) He was looking for this kosher pizza shop so we were asking people who
we saw in the street. None of which were Jewish. And none of them knew where this
pizza shop was. He said I can't believe we can;t find a Jew in this neighborhood
because a Jew would know where this pizza shop is. I said you want Jews.... I will get
you Jews. I went into my pocked and tossed 5 pennies out the
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-25-2003, 02:43 AM
Ok my turn.
-Not all Puerto Ricans are un-employed.
-Not all Mexicans wash dishes.
-Not all Japanese enjoy watching "anime" (I hate it, too boring).
Unwanted Member of the Makai Club
Oakland Athletics: 2003 World Champions
04-25-2003, 06:54 AM
A lot of people think, and it's also over-portrayed in film and on TV, that English people are elitist, cruel, aristocratic, arrogant snobs who walk all over the lower classes and don't give a shit about anyone without some sort of pedigree. This really kinda pisses me off. I mean, I know that we all have to take our lumps, and I bust peoples' balls using stereotypes constantly, but I would like to see some other aspects of English people shown in the media. I mean for Christ's sake we did civilize the world. If it wasn't for us 80% of the globe would still be living in the trees.
If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!
<marquee><font color=red>2%</font color=red> - White people are so scared of blakjeezis - <font color=red>2%</font color = red></marquee>
04-25-2003, 07:17 AM
hate to say it im a living irish stereotype
ahh to be a short, drunk leprechaun, life is good when ur stuck halfway in a bottle of jose cuervo
lets go mets!!!
deport benitez
mijn penis maakt me kwaad
mi pene me hace malvado
04-25-2003, 08:43 AM
Stereotypes don't bother me at all.
They're mostly true.
My mom's family is 100% Irish, and 5 out of her 7 brothers and sisters are recovering alcoholics/addicts.
My dad's half Irish as well, and 3 our of his 5 brothers and sisters are recovering alcoholics/addicts.
They've all got big problems, and used to be big time scrappers.
This is why I feel the right to stereotype anyone in any way I want.
04-25-2003, 09:30 AM
I'm 100% German, but I can't think of too many stereotypes except the whole regimented/orderly/very punctual ones. Oh, and that whole, all Germans hate Jews/loved Hitler thing. Well, I am punctual and orderly, but I don't hate all Jews. What are some other German stereotypes?
Def Dave in SC
04-25-2003, 10:49 AM
but I don't hate all Jews
Yeah because it would be bad to hate them ALL
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
04-25-2003, 10:55 AM
im half offended at the dumb pollok one, half of me is like im not dumb and the other half enjoys the mob stereotype.
<img src="">
I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.
"Don't hold strong opinions about things you don't understand."
04-25-2003, 12:10 PM
hate to say it im a living irish stereotype
ahh to be a short, drunk leprechaun, life is good when ur stuck halfway in a bottle of jose cuervo
My mom's family is 100% Irish, and 5 out of her 7 brothers and sisters are recovering alcoholics/addicts.
My dad's half Irish as well, and 3 our of his 5 brothers and sisters are recovering alcoholics/addicts.
Brother? I also have red hair and a bad temper. God damn genetics.
<IMG SRC=""width=300height=100>
Kool and the mother fuckin gang.
The Chairman
04-25-2003, 02:52 PM
English people are elitist, cruel, aristocratic, arrogant snobs who walk all over the lower classes and don't give a shit about anyone without some sort of pedigree. This really kinda pisses me off.
True. But what about your teeth...Jersey Rich is the only English person I know with good choppers....
My dad is 100% Italian Catholic from Venice, Italy.... born and raised. My mom is American (Jewish..but it's not a nationality, true.)
The stereotypes don't bother me. Sometimes they can be funny, and if hurtful I just feel sorry for the person's ignorance.
<img src =>
slanted and enchanted...
a skidmark production sig!
04-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Brother? I also have red hair and a bad temper. God damn genetics.
That's a stereotype that pisses me off!
Not all Irish people have red hair, damn it.
Out of like 40 people on the one side of the family only one person has red hair.
On the other side there isn't a single person with red hair.
My best friend who isn't Irish at all has bright red hair.
04-25-2003, 09:01 PM
Hey Starling I am glad you don;t hate all Jews. I heard there were one or two good
ones. Can you please point them out to em please. You are one of the worst type of
racists (yes they are all bad but this type gets me sick) You are racist and don;t even
realize it. You get me sick!!!!!!! If you are going to be a racist know it. Don't lie to
yourself and say you are not!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-25-2003, 09:05 PM
Hey blakjeezis if it was not for the white man 80 percent of the world would still be in
trees and then you say the white man is not a snob. You to get me sick. maybe I
can clean your shoes or something like that. Climbing trees. I hope you are just
joking because if not you are a MO-ron!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-25-2003, 09:19 PM
Shut the fuck up.
04-25-2003, 10:29 PM
Kaga's a jew
<img src=>
04-25-2003, 10:42 PM
I had that when people hear that I am Jamaican they 1. Think I smoke a boat load of pot
2. I must love Bob Marley
3. I know sometype of voodoo
4. I say silly things like "ya mon"
5. That I have a huge member....
Hold on I like that last one.
04-25-2003, 11:14 PM
Shut the fuck up.
Kaga's a jew
This thread is coming together nicely, maybe by tomorrow night we can have all the morons, potty mouths, and jews segregated to a different part of the board.
<center>Jesus Dont Want Me For A Sunbeam
<IMG SRC=></center>
<center>And if you don't agree with me, fuck you too, cause you forced-happy motherfuckers make me just as sick.-FTL
04-26-2003, 07:49 AM
Since I'm Italian and Irish, I'm the "beer drinking pig", although, I dont really like patatos, I dont drink, and I don't have a really big appetite.
I think we're all Americans (except JerseyRich), so we have the sterotype of eating greasy big foods like hamburgers, and sitting around on sundays eating ribs and drinking bears while watching sports.
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Alice S. Fuzzybutt
04-26-2003, 07:58 AM
I really hate when people think Russians are nothing but a bunch of depressed, untrusting, vodka swilling peasants.
Oh, wait...
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thank you dcpete!
I'm a big wheel down at the cracker factory.
04-26-2003, 09:52 AM
What's inacurate about that stereotype?
swiss miss
04-26-2003, 11:42 AM
Blonde jokes aside, being swiss i hear ALL the time about being picky and a prefectionist. And something about hiding Nazi gold or whatever.....ah who knows.
**thank you to that SWEET secret sig pic fairy for my bouncing star, you ROCK**
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