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WWE hands out survey to fans at Smackdown tapings [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : WWE hands out survey to fans at Smackdown tapings

04-23-2003, 07:23 AM
Kind of interesting. I thought it would be cool if we filled it out as well for the hell of it.

-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? Yes. (Even Triple H on occasion)
-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? Absolutely

-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE? Only if done in good taste

-Would you like to see new divas? Sure

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? Yes. If used in the right context

-Would you rather see more sexual content? Not really

-Would you rather see more in-ring action? Of course!

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? Sometimes

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? Only if they can move and wrestle. Otherwise the age of the big man is long over

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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

04-23-2003, 07:39 AM
-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? <B>In Moderation, especially the Rock and Triple H, their interviews are too long</B>

-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? <B>Bad examples. I enjoy Hardy, but Cena is horrible, and Brock shouldn't be world champion, though I enjoy his matches, I don't want to hear the name "Brock" in <I>every</I> segment.</B>

-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE? <B>Talent is talent, if they're good, yes, if they just waste my time, no</B>

-Would you like to see new divas? <B>There are enough now, and if you consider Moolah and Mae Young "Divas," then God, no</B>

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? <B>NO, NO, NO. Save what's left of their dignity and keep them out of the ring</B>

-Would you rather see more sexual content? <B>no</B>

-Would you rather see more in-ring action? <B>there can't possibly be any less without negating the word "wrestling" on the marquee. Yes, much more</B>

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? <B>no</B>

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? <B>no, I want to see athletecism, not a bunch of muscleheaded giants stumbling all over each other.</B>

<B>And while we're here, lynch Micheal Cole and Coach.</B>

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<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet and raving, The needle keeps calling me back.. To bloody my hands forever. Carved my cure with the blade That left me in scars, Now every time I'm weak, Words scream from my arm</marquee>

04-23-2003, 08:26 AM
-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?BRING BACK DUH MIDGITZ?!?!?!!?

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<marquee><b> IM me at Evilpete66 if you know what's good for ya!!!</b></marquee>

04-23-2003, 08:40 AM
Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?
Well, I don't mind Rock, Austin, or Taker, but Triple H has to drop that belt (and not to Nash). Maybe Raw would be better if he wasn't on top for most of the past SEVEN months. Stir things up a bit, christ.

Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?
Yes, more so than the established guys. Brock should be the focal point of the WWE.

Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?
If they are entertaining, it doesn't matter the race.

Would you like to see new divas?
No, the ones they have are useless enough.

Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?
Yes. If used correctly. This does not however, mean that I EVER want to see Sting again. Ugh, I shudder at the thought.

Would you rather see more sexual content?
Not really.

Would you rather see more in-ring action?
Depends on who it is. Do I want to see Flair wrestle anymore? No. Do I want to see Goldberg wrestle? No.

Would you rather see more back stage drama?
Maybe, I would prefer more backstage comedy. I miss it.

Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?
Only if they can wrestle as well as him. If it's another Nash, hell no.

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Heather 8
04-23-2003, 04:20 PM
-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? I dunno... does Chris Jericho count as established? If so, then why doesn't WWe treat him that way?

-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? Oh, how glad I am that you didn't include A-Train on this list!

-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE? Only if you can resist the urge to create yet another offensive character or angle.

-Would you like to see new divas? If they can wrestle, yes. If they can act, yes. If all they have going for them is a good set of fake tits, then no.

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? No, yes, and yes.

-Would you rather see more sexual content? I could take it or leave it... but I'd really prefer to leave it.

-Would you rather see more in-ring action? Um, duh!

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? If you can get some decent writers with good long term memories and a good knowledge of wrestling history, sure. If it's more of the Steph & Brian Gerwitz brand of drama, no thank you.

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? Could you make your fetish any more obvious, Vince?

''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99

This message was edited by Peachy on 4-23-03 @ 8:28 PM

walking joint
04-23-2003, 04:40 PM
Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker?
Rock yes. Austin...yes. HHH and Undertaker no.

Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock?
without a doubt.

Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?
i wouldn't say i would rather see other nationalities or races...i don't care who is wrestling.

Would you like to see new divas? ones are fine. as long as they don't take up any more TV time than they do already.

Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper?
not really...just stick with the younger guys

Would you rather see more sexual content?
not more...there is enough now. just make the time used better. they ruined a wet t-shirt contest

Would you rather see more in-ring action?
yes...actually give the guys who can wrestle a push

Would you rather see more back stage drama?
with only 5 matches on Raw..i think there is enough back stage drama

Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?
i'd like to see people who could wrestle...big or small

shamus mcfitzy
04-23-2003, 04:47 PM
-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? If you could somehow manage to push established stars without they in turn holding down everyone else.

-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? Of course. You can't have Undertaker wrestling for the next 20 years, can you? (I hope)

-Would you rather see different nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE? Yes, if they're not portrayed as car thieves {cough Booker T} or pick pockets {cough Guerreros}

-Would you like to see new divas? Yes if they can wrestle.

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? if they're used right. They shouldn't be in ppv main events unless in a retirement match.

-Would you rather see more sexual content? no, not if you consider HHH fucking a mannequin sexual content

-Would you rather see more in-ring action? YES YES YES

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? a little

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? i think the requirement for a wrestler is that they are able to do a moonsault. I think that's fair.

This message was edited by shamus mcfitzy on 4-23-03 @ 8:59 PM

04-23-2003, 05:02 PM
-Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? Yes

-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE? Only if they arent segregated in a racial manner.

-Would you like to see new divas? No, unless they actually fight.

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? Only if they stick with their own storylines from the past.

-Would you rather see more sexual content? Doesn't mater to me

-Would you rather see more in-ring action? Hell Yes

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? Not unless its imperative to a storyline

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? Only if they fight well, have a varied fighting style, and arent cheap.

<img src=>

Shit, if it's going to be that kind of a party
I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes

04-23-2003, 09:12 PM
Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? for the most part, but they shouldn't be the main focus on the programming
-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? Yes, the young wrestlers should be developed more
-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?as long as whitey is on top...
-Would you like to see new divas? as long as they are under 30
-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? on occasion and only in non-wrestling roles
-Would you rather see more sexual content? as long as it isn't freaky things..[b]
-Would you rather see more in-ring action? [b]yes

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? no

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars? as lomg as they are atheletic

<img src="">

<marquee><b> IM me at Evilpete66 if you know what's good for ya!!!</b></marquee>

04-23-2003, 10:33 PM
Do you enjoy watching established superstars i.e. Rock, Triple H, Austin, Undertaker? As far as Austin, hell yes...and as for the Rock...You seriously fucked up your arm with that tribal tattoo,'re done. Undertaker? You're getting too'll soon be making your way to the ring in a motorized wheelchair, not the cycle.

-Do you enjoy watching younger stars i.e. Cena, Matt Hardy, Brock? I enjoy fresh talent...You can spot a future star most of the time, and watch them grow.

-Would you rather see differnet nationalities or races portrayed in the WWE?Race doesnt matter at all, it's all about talent and acting..

-Would you like to see new divas? Doesn;t really matter to me, to be honest.

-Would you like to see more older superstars i.e. Hogan, Flair, Piper? Perhaps if they stopped the continuous returns...they're old, let them grow older...

-Would you rather see more sexual content?
I don't quite care, i'd like to see more attention in the ring.

-Would you rather see more in-ring action?
As i stated above.....^^^^

-Would you rather see more back stage drama? There isn't enough time for a substancial amount of matches as is, why lower it any further?

-Would you like to see bigger i.e. Brock Lesnar superstars?
Perhaps if they could actually wrestle, and pull off their roles correctly..such as Austin does.(gimme a hell yah!)