View Full Version : TOP 10 WRESTLERS OF ALL TIME
04-19-2003, 04:24 PM
Here's my list
1. Ric Flair
2. Harley Race
3. Bruno Sammartino
4. Nick Bockwinkle
5. Vern Gagne
6. Lou Thesz
7. Antonio Inoki
8. Dusty Rhodes
9. Bret Hart
10. Tatsumi Fujinami
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
04-19-2003, 04:28 PM
That I have watched in my 20 years of wrestling. I am assuming you mean real wrestling and not sports entertainers or high flyers.
1)Kurt Angle
2)Bret Hart
3)Chris Benoit
4)Ric Flair
5)Shawn Michaels
6)Curt Hennig
7)Eddie Guerrero
8)Chris Jericho
9)Dean Malenko
10)The Rock
04-19-2003, 04:37 PM
I alway get called a wrestling nerd when I do this but I can't resist. Note that this is a list of the best wrestlers whose work I've seen, not the best of all time.
1. Dean Malenko
2. Arn Anderson
3. Mitsuhara Misawa
4. Ric Flair
5. Jumbo Tsuruta
6. Ricky Steamboat
7. Kenta Kobashi
8. Bret Hart
9. Toshiaki Kawada
0. Stan Hansen
04-19-2003, 04:45 PM
definitely talking talent wise, not someone like hulk hogan
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
04-19-2003, 05:00 PM
Jasmin St. Claire didn't make the list? If you ask me, she's a pretty good mat wrestler.
04-19-2003, 05:26 PM
Can I name my personal top 10 favorite wrestlers ? For myself mic skills and personality goes a long way. Or, are you looking for strictly a top 10 list based on ring skills ?
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04-19-2003, 05:46 PM
ring skills, but feel free to name top 10 fave wrestlers/most popular wrestlers
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
04-19-2003, 05:47 PM
1.) Ric Flair
2.) Roddy Pipper
3.) Randy Savage
4.) Ted DiBiase
5.) Terry Funk
6.) Cactus Jack
7.) Scott Hall
8.) Kurt Angle
9.) Dusty Rhodes
10.) Sandman
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This message was edited by Steels on 4-21-03 @ 8:56 PM
04-19-2003, 06:02 PM
1. Dean Malenko
2. Arn Anderson
3. Mitsuhara Misawa
4. Ric Flair
5. Jumbo Tsuruta
6. Ricky Steamboat
7. Kenta Kobashi
8. Bret Hart
9. Toshiaki Kawada
0. Stan Hansen
The only thing I'd really change from your list is change Malenko to Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger, and Anderson to The Destroyer (old school baby!).
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I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago
04-19-2003, 06:07 PM
Granted. I think that Liger deserves a spot as do Benoit and my indy fave Low Ki.
My first two choices were personal preferences.
There are only 10 spaces available and I've been much more fascinated with Dean Malenko's wrestling than other cruisers. I don't think Dean ever had an off night.
And if Malenko was the perfect cruiserweight wrestler then Arn Anderson was the perfect heavyweight, even if he neve quite made it main event status. My first exposure to WCW was an Arn Anderson match. He may have made me a wrestling fan.
Johnny Fontane
04-19-2003, 06:44 PM
I can name a few of my favorite from the WWWF days of the late '70's: Bob Backlund, Superstar Billy Graham, George (The Animal) Steel, Dusty Rhodes, the Wild Samoans, and all the generic good guys that always got their ass kicked.
"Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day."
04-19-2003, 07:01 PM
This is a list of BEST wreslters not best techniquins... So i will list The BEST 10 wrastlers
I ever saw... menin who had the best careers/... Sorry dean Malenko winning the
cruiser weight belt just does not cut it.
1. Hulk Hogan (clearly the Diominent Wraslter for over 10 years)
2. Austin
3. Ric Flair
5. Rock
6. S. Micheles
7. Bret Hart
8. Goldberg
9. Andre The Giant
10. Sting
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-19-2003, 07:13 PM
CYYYYYYYYYYFYYYYYYYYY wake up you are missing the Dean Malenko train.
04-19-2003, 07:18 PM
Best Wrestlers based on skill and ethic
1-Ric Flair
2-Bob Backlund
3-Bret Hart
4-Shawn Michaels
5-Ricky Steamboat
6-Antonio Inoki
7-Randy Savage
8-Chris Benoit
9-Kurt Angle
10-Terry Funk
Best Wrestlers based on draw and charisma
1-Hulk Hogan
2-Steve Austin
3-The Rock
4-Ric Flair
5-Bruno Samamrtino
6-Andre the Giant
7-Shawn Michaels
8-Roddy Piper
10-Dusty Rhodes
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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
This message was edited by SuperClerk on 4-19-03 @ 11:28 PM
Heather 8
04-19-2003, 08:01 PM
Mine's based mostly on skill and match quality:
1. Ric Flair (GOTTA be the top man, baby!)
2. Lou Thesz
3. Ricky Steamboat
4. Bret Hart
5. Kurt Angle
6. Dean Malenko
7. Arn Anderson
8. Jushin Liger
9. Harley Race
10. Chris Benoit
Honorable mention: Shawn Michaels (could have been in my top ten, if I hadn't been witness to far too many house shows where he performed horribly in a drug-induced haze during his ''prime'')
''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99
This message was edited by Peachy on 4-20-03 @ 12:10 AM
04-19-2003, 10:48 PM
Top ten (in no particular order)
Ric Flair
Chris Benoit
Kurt Angle
Curt Henning
Bret Hart
Shawn Michaels
Ricky Steamboat
Mick Foley
Steve Austin
Randy Savage
P.S. Austin can wrestle with the best of them when the match is given time. Malenko would have had a bigger career if he wasn't so damn short. I'll be honest, my only good memories of him were in WCW, but the little I saw was great.
DAMN THE MAN! - Empire Records
04-19-2003, 11:28 PM
heres my 10 in no order
Dynamite Kid
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Roddy Piper
Hulk Hogan
Curt Hennig
Ric Flair (definitely the best of all time)
Ricky Steamboat
Ted DiBiase
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Free Yerdaddy
04-20-2003, 04:15 AM
the hate list so it is said so it is written.....
1.the unpredictable johnny rodz
2.rene goulet
3.jose estrada rooster
5.big swede hanson
6.baron miguel sicluna-from the isle of malta
7.shannon moore
8.lash leroux
9.steve lombardi
10.barry o
PS-if ya got no savage to your list you don't have a list .......
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Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 4-20-03 @ 8:30 AM
04-20-2003, 05:09 AM
I can't stand all you SMART wrastling fans kissing Malenko's ass. He is a solid
technician but there are many better than him. He never used the top ropes. He is
slow. He did not have an array of kicks. Could not do the frankensteiner. There are
many more talented than him but all you guys want to look so smart. Oh yes Dean
Malenko is a great technician. NO! He really does not have a 100 moves. Yes, he had
a great feud with E. Guerro in ECW but that is it! Jerricho is a better tech than him.
Regal is a better Tech. Perfect. Angle. Mysterio. Tajarri. If you want to believe a
slow white who only had a ground game that wasn't even that amazing is the best
then you have fell for the trap. You think you are being smart but the only reason why
you think he is so great is because they kept telling you he was. THINK PEOPLE. On
that note I would say Malenko is a very good tech. But when I am naming great
wrastler.... Dean won;t be considered
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-20-2003, 05:45 AM
I have been a big Dean Malenko fan since his ECW feud with Eddie Guerrero. He is an excellent technical wrestler. But so was Curt Hennig and Ted Dibiase. I don't consider any of them top 10 of all time. Close though. Malenkos problem was that he was a little too small. I'll never understand why Pro Wrestling Illustrated ranked him number 1 in the 1997 PWI 500.
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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
04-20-2003, 05:53 AM
isle 4 needs a clean uo clerk.....
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Thanks Fallon!
04-20-2003, 07:04 AM
I loved watching Malenko wrestle, especially with Eddy or Jericho, or as ECW tag champ with Benoit. But the only person I can put in my top ten who has ever made me cringe during a promo is Benoit (he rises above his mic skils, even in WCW when he had less than none...but Malenko & RVD don't).
Here's my list, based on who I would drive or go out of my way to watch wrestle, even though some of them had limited skills:
1. Ric Flair: any wrestling list begins & ends with the Nature Boy.
2. Kurt Angle: never seen him make a mistake & can wrestle with anyone.
3. Chris Benoit: technical to a tee, can fly, can make a match with the Big Slow look mildly entertaining.
4. Chris Jericho: all around sound (come on, he's the master of 1,004 holds, after all!), and does the little things that go almost unnoticed (i.e., hold a shaky ladder with his feet during a great, but clusterfuck, of a ladder match).
5. Shane Douglas: helped make the fed that was the most fun I've ever been a part of, for that he'll always rank with me.
6. HBK: without him, there is no RVD today.
7. Bret Hart: truly the excellence of execution.
8. Jake Roberts: best psychological wrestler ever.
9. Randy Savage & Ricky Steamboat: almost feel guilty listing them together, but together they made a lot of wrestling fans for life with one match.
10. Cactus Jack: Sound for a guy who was as agile as a street a hardcore wrestler, few were even in the same atmosphere...perhaps no one was better on a mic than Foley in his ECW days (I dare you to watch his Best of Cactus Jack in ECE DVD & not laugh your ass off at some of his promos..."Come on Raven, Whitebread babyface!").
11. Hulk Hogan: I hate him beyond comprehension, but without him, there is no worldwide wrestling phenomenon.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
This message was edited by Crippler on 4-20-03 @ 11:35 AM
The Nature Boy
04-20-2003, 11:07 AM
I"ve been a fan for 20 years myself, and my personal favorites are:
1. Ric Flair(The Nature Boy baby, who else?)
2. Mick Foley(this should really be 1a, such a combination of determintion, humor, and self sacrifice, his first title win remains my favorite wrestling moment)
3. The Rock(I've soured on him lately, but there was none better on the stick when he was good.)
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin(again, this should be 3a, because he's right there with the Rock. Singlehandedly brought a generation of Wrestling fans out of the closets and took over bars to watch Monday Night Wrestling wars. Imagine that happening today)
5. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat(pure joy to watch in the ring, and one of the great pure faces to ever wrestle. In the era of tweeners and cool heels, I think he could still pull off the whitebread face if he were wrestling today. Simply as charasmatic and hardworking as they come)
6. Sabu(The Michael Jordan of wrestling, as he was the first to bring the Rock and Wrestling fans back from the Doink/Skinner/Crush oblivion by simply redefining what we saw in the ring. There may have been other guys who did moves off the ring ropes, but I never saw them. The most suicidal, homicial genocidal maniac to ever lace up the boots, and a shame he never got the true respect he deserved)
7. Shane Douglas(I was watching some Franchise tapes the other day and it's clear HHH has stolen his whole gimmick. Should have been this generations Ric Flair, but politics and his own persona probably tripped him up. But when he wrestled in a 1000 seat ECW arena, it felt like a main event)
8. Rowdy Roddy Piper(I hated him as a kid, but I couldn't believe the face pops he used to pull in as a kid. Perhaps the first "cool" heel, and one of the best talkers to ever get on the mic. He loves to toot his own horn that Hogan never would have gotten so big without him, but it is so true)
9. Jake "The Snake" Roberts(the first heel I ever personally rooted for. One of the great gimmicks of all time, and so solid in so many ways. He's deterioated to a sad state, but I'd highly recommend to anyone "Beyond the Mat" when he so expert explains psycology and how to hold a crowd in your hand. Probably the smartest wrestler, inside the ring, ever, and one of the dumbest outside of it, but a rich, engaging personality nonetheless)
10. Randy "Macho Man" Savage(like Aerosmith, the 90's went a long way to undue all the greatness they had achieved in the previous decades, but at his peak, there were few better. Incredibly intense mix of a great worker, technican, high flyer, brawler, interviewer and heat machine to ever work. With the possible exception of Hogan or Andre, no one generated greater geniune passion in heel heat and face pops than Savage, and that's saying something)
Honorable mentions:
Arn Anderson(workman like, role model)
Tommy Dreamer(ditto AA)
Hulk Hogan(lightening rod of love and vitriol, would have been ranked number 11 on the list)
Road Warriors(fearsome guys who were great)
Andre The Giant(gotta respect the big man's contributions, and his legacy is cemented by the colassal flop that the Big Slow has been, proving it's more than size to make the man)
Dusty Rhodes(always intensely involving matches)
The Sandman(any ECW fan must give props where due)
Brian Pillman(The real shame of this list. Imagine a healthy Loose Cannon wreaking havoc in the "attitude" era. The big 3(Austin, Foley, Rock) would have been a big 4 if he had lived. RIP to the Rogue Horsemen)
Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!
Heather 8
04-20-2003, 04:49 PM
HTH, how DARE you leave off the great Barry Horowitz? :)
I'll never understand why Pro Wrestling Illustrated ranked [Malenko] number 1 in the 1997 PWI 500.
I always took it as a sign of apology for ranking Hogan as #1 in the very first PWI 500.
''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99
This message was edited by Peachy on 4-20-03 @ 8:59 PM
04-20-2003, 07:15 PM
isle 4 needs a clean uo clerk.....
Hi HTH. Nice to meet you.
I always took it as a sign of apology for ranking Hogan as #1 in the very first PWI 500
What about ranking Diesel #1 in 1995? I never understood that either.
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Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
04-21-2003, 11:54 AM
CYYYFYYY, I'm sorry I must have missed the announcement that made you the only person that had an opinion that mattered when it comes to wrestling on this board. I apologize for having a different opinion than you oh lord of wrestling gossipers.
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thanks to ToDd eVf
"I'll kill myself for you, I'll kill you for myself"-Phil Anselmo
04-21-2003, 12:03 PM
These go from ten to one, ten being my somewhat favorite, to whom I think is the best of all time
10. Hogan
9. Ted DiBiase
8. Jake Roberts
7. Austin
6. The Rock
5. Superstar Billy Grahm
4. Larry Zbysko
3. Arn Anderson
2. Ric Flair
1. The man who started it all, Ed "The Strangler" Lewis
"It's always better when served Spicy..."
04-21-2003, 12:27 PM
1. Bruno Sammartino
2. Steve Austin
3. Ric Flair
4. Lou Thesz
5. Harley Race
6. Bret Hart
7. Andre the giant
8. Hulk Hogan
9. Randy Savage
10. Kerry Von Erich
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thanks to ToDd eVf
"I'll kill myself for you, I'll kill you for myself"-Phil Anselmo
04-21-2003, 01:51 PM
Hammer Oh I am sorry I chose to debate things on this thing. I think debating is fun.
I just have no idea how dean Malenko would beat Hogan, Goldberg, Lesner, Warrior,
savage, Andre the Giant, Kevin Nash, Yokuzuna, DDP, Rock, Helmsely, Hitman, S.
Micheles in matches. Not only is he too small but he isn't even that quick and has not
top rope abilities at all. Heck I can't remember him using a drop kick unless he did it on
someone's knee which I did think was cool. There is liking a wrestling but saying he is
one of the greatest is just silly..........
P.S CYYYFYYY is back and feel his wrath!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
04-21-2003, 02:09 PM
This is based solely on who I consider to be the most consumate and entertaining in all aspects of the profession, i.e. who I would like to see in the ring, on mic, all the things that make a wresler great, etc . . . in their prime.
1. Ric Flair
Tied for 2nd: Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Arn Anderson, Sabu, Steven Regal, Rick Rude, Ted DiBiase, Chris Benoit, Jyushin 'Thunder' Liger, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, The Sandman, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, the list goes on and on . . .
If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!
<marquee><font color=red>2%</font color=red> - White people are so scared of blakjeezis - <font color=red>2%</font color = red></marquee>
Heather 8
04-21-2003, 04:35 PM
Hammer Oh I am sorry I chose to debate things on this thing. I think debating is fun.
Got a belt? I'm in the mood for a good, old-fashioned Ken Patera-style debate.
''If you're asking if I would ever date a wrestler, certainly I would. However, it wouldn't be good business for me to get romantically involved with anyone in any aspect of our business.''--Stephanie McMahon, Off The Record, 6/3/99
04-24-2003, 08:33 AM
tony mr usa atlas and jessie the body ventura.
arm wrestling match... jessie the body kept pulling away saying....
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Thanks Fallon!
04-24-2003, 08:43 AM
#10 being my favorite....and going downhill from there...
9)Macho Man Randy Savage
8) The Rock
7) Rey Mysterio Jr.
6)Bret Hart
5) Owen Hart
4) Air Juvi
2)Triple H
1)Ric Flair
"get the fuck up outta here with that bullshit!"
04-24-2003, 11:49 AM
teddy long
the whole LWO CLIQ in SAP
playboy buddy rose
mr fuji
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Thanks Fallon!
The Z
04-25-2003, 11:32 AM
I almost completely agree with Crippler, except I would have put Rob Van Dam on that list somewhere.
04-25-2003, 11:35 AM
rvd please... hes been in the fed how long and has gone no where... and will never.. and hes on someones list... maybe for best smile or best flip... nothin else... all time COME ONN NOW.. maybe if ya started watching rasslin last weekeknd.....
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Thanks Fallon!
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