04-10-2003, 08:53 PM
Mostly thanks to the oh-so-effective "Drug War"...
So at what point is it acknowledged that the "system" needs a little tweeking, because SOMETHING ain't working. As the 20th century began, America was hailed for its advanced and reolutionary penal system, and it was copied around the world in stunning acts of social reform. I think we should step up again and show the world how things are done and try something to actually get our prison population to DECLINE...any ideas? Toos out "three strikes" laws? Re-evaluate the misfought "war on drugs" and how it can often send people to jail for years, decades or life simply over somthing like marijuana? Examine how our prison can toughen up and focus more on actual rehabilitation instead of just acting as "time outs" for career criminals? How is a criminal motivated to reform if he's sent to prison in a place that has cable and high speed internet access?
So...any ideas?
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2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
04-10-2003, 09:00 PM
This is a great example of how seemingly 'good policy' can go wrong. We are locking up small time drug offenders longer than rapists and killers. The US has the largest prison population of any industrialzed, modern nation...whoo hooo.
Many of the US's drug problems are actually caused by our growth of exports to South America and Central America. We virtually force them to import many of our foods, crops, grains, etc...making their agricultural outputs worthless to live off of or profit worthy. So people turn to harvesting drug related crops in loosely governed areas and nations. Many are supported by their governments, in which indirectly the US supports via aid, loans and trade. Controlling drug trafficking, growth and harvesting of them isn't as simplistic as just placing guards at the borders and seas. If you think the drug problems are all related to foreign nations sneaking drugs in, you are incorrect as well. Look at the rise of drugs like crystal method and ecstasy...all home grown and uncontrolled.
So...any ideas?
Thin the herd and execute the murderers, rapists, and child abusers.
Mixing drug dealers among those guys isn't going to rehabilitate them.
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A Skidmark production.
04-11-2003, 07:45 AM
first of all we need to deal with Corrections Officers. They are the worst criminals in the Pen. CO's are given too much power and leeway..they are allowed to use physical violence and any other means 'necessary' without any chance of investigation. We need to set up an Internal Affairs unit for CO's.
Next we need to diversify the CO population, well actuallly this is only for New York. we have a bunch of racist rednecks looking over mostly black and minority prison population....isnt this just waiting for shti to go bad? We need to import some downstate CO's to upnorth facilities.
Next we need to stop seeking vengeance and start seeking justice. we need more lenient sentences for convicts. also we need to start using what is there for us to use....DNA testing can overturn thousands of 'guilty' verdicts. next i seriously think we need to castrate rapists adn kidtouchers...once they were we should allow them to go free...
and finally the gov't needs to start selling us drugs. once that is done crime will plumet. every crime associated with drugs and all those ppl who are arrested for drugs would b walking around free.
finally we need to level the playing field a bit.... too many poor ppl do crimes simply cuz they feel its their only way out.... if there were more jobs maybe they wouldnt resort to crime and such.....
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"smoking weed, smoking weed doing coke, drinking beers
drinking beers, beers, beersrolling fatties, smoking bluntswho smokes the blunts?we smoke the blunts." -Jay
04-11-2003, 10:14 AM
Thin the herd and execute the murderers, rapists, and child abusers.
I still like my "turn Alaska into our own Siberia" idea better...if Bush is so gung-ho about drilling for oil up there, make these animals do it...with their HANDS.
<img src="">
2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
I still like my "turn Alaska into our own Siberia" idea better...if Bush is so gung-ho about drilling for oil up there, make these animals do it...with their HANDS.
Works for me -- though you'd be taking jobs away from the Inuits.
Like Ted Kennedy said in '72: "Eskimo Power!"
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
04-11-2003, 10:23 AM
I feel safer already.
<center></center><marquee><font color=red size=4>2%</font></marquee>
04-11-2003, 11:15 AM
As the 20th century began, America was hailed for its advanced and reolutionary penal system, and it was copied around the world
<font color=purple>Huh, huh, huh, you said penal.
The 3 strikes rule is retarded, each case should to be judged on its own merit (as radical a concept as that may be).
Drugs, especially marijuana, need to be decriminalized. As does prostitution and other victimless crimes.
Instead of a set time period, I'd have no problem with prison sentences being based on archiving some preset goal, i.e. "Mr. Mojo Pin is here-by remanded into the state's custody until such time as he completes an anger management course, compiles 30 college credits and comes to fully support the war on iraq."
In prison, the idea of a general population is a mistake. In fact, we need to bridge the gap between minumum and maximum prisons all together.
People serving time for say murder two or rape shouldn't be mixing with those who are there for non violent offenses. Often time, mixing the two does nothing more than create a harder, more seasoned criminal of someone who was a border line case going in.
The idea that prison should be a hell of the inmates own making also warrants a 2nd look (especially within my proposed prisons for those who could either way). Simply accepting the fact that a certain number of convicts are going to be beaten, raped, or otherwise victimized makes hypocrites of us all.
If it was wrong for you to rape somebody on the outside, it's wrong to allow you to be raped on the inside. Maybe not as wrong, but wrong enough.
We simply can't hope to rehabilitate someone while allowing them to be demoralized at the same time.
I go watch Latin Girls Gone Crazy now.
Much thanks to CZM for the killer sig
>>Fuck YERDADDY, Free Our POWs<<
04-11-2003, 11:27 AM
I go watch Latin Girls Gone Crazy now.
I want my fucking royalty checks.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
04-11-2003, 12:08 PM
Instead of a set time period, I'd have no problem with prison sentences being based on archiving some preset goal, i.e. "Mr. Mojo Pin is here-by remanded into the state's custody until such time as he completes an anger management course, compiles 30 college credits and comes to fully support the war on iraq."
In prison, the idea of a general population is a mistake. In fact, we need to bridge the gap between minumum and maximum prisons all together.
People serving time for say murder two or rape shouldn't be mixing with those who are there for non violent offenses. Often time, mixing the two does nothing more than create a harder, more seasoned criminal of someone who was a border line case going in.
The idea that prison should be a hell of the inmates own making also warrants a 2nd look (especially within my proposed prisons for those who could either way). Simply accepting the fact that a certain number of convicts are going to be beaten, raped, or otherwise victimized makes hypocrites of us all.
Damn straight, on ALL of the above. Nice post, Gary.
<img src="">
2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
04-11-2003, 02:02 PM
Rapists, murderers and child abuse should be entitled to a speedy trial and if found guilty, to a speedy bullet to the back of the head.
It's deterent value is a matter of debate. What is unquestionable is that it prevents that person from killing, raping and/or abusing again.
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04-11-2003, 03:40 PM
<font color=purple>People found guilty of child abuse should be put to death? Rapist, too?
I'm certainly not an advocate of either crime, but I think you're being ridiculous here.
Slapping a child in the face could legally constitute child abuse; you're saying that the penalty for that should be the same penalty we impose for cold blooded murder?
And if somebody deserves to die for child abuse, what do we do to those convicted of child molestation? Kill them and their spouses? Maybe the family dog, too?
And all rapist? Somebody who's found guilty of date rape, or statutory rape, they too deserve to die?
Putting aside the 8th Amendment for a moment, and as heinous a crime as rape is, you don't feel that what you're saying here sounds just a little too similar to the way some of those Arab countries you and I are both so repulsed by deal with crimes?
I can understand the sentiment behind what you're saying, but maybe you need to re-think this?
Much thanks to CZM for the killer sig
>>Fuck YERDADDY, Free Our POWs<<
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