04-09-2003, 03:03 AM
This is funny.
- Piper's Pit. Vince introduces himself as Piper's special guest this week. Piper says let's get one thing clear: nobody but nobody named Piper or Piper's Pit except him. Vince makes fun of Piper's belly saying the last time he saw a belly that big, Mae Young was nine months pregnant. Vince then asks Piper if he wants to join the Kiss My Ass Club but then changes his mind. Piper then talks about Vince's failures - the bodybuilding federation, the XFL, etc. The only job Vince has been able to hold is the one his daddy gave him. Vince says that they have one thing common though - their dislike for Hogan. Roddy says that Vince did make Hulkamania, he created everything about you. Vince puts his arm around Piper so Roddy tells him to get his arm off him because he hates Vince too. McMahon calls Piper a son of a bitch so Piper says it takes one to know one. They end up shaking hands and Roddy says he hates Hogan too. Vince's music hits so Roddy asks for it to stop and says that even though Vince created Hulkamania, he did something that even Piper himself couldn't do - he got beat by Hogan 1-2-3. Rikishi then comes out with a coconut and asks him if it looks familiar. Since he was a little kid, he's remembered a lot of things. For 20 years, he remembers what he did to Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Piper says that's not between you and me, but Rikishi says he's one of his family members. As this going on, Sean O'Haire comes from behind and clotheslines Rikishi. He uses a chair to Rikishi's gut and back area, laying him out. Piper then says "you wanna be like Snuka" and then smashes the coconut over Rikishi's head just like he did to Snuka 20 years ago.
- Piper's Pit. Vince introduces himself as Piper's special guest this week. Piper says let's get one thing clear: nobody but nobody named Piper or Piper's Pit except him. Vince makes fun of Piper's belly saying the last time he saw a belly that big, Mae Young was nine months pregnant. Vince then asks Piper if he wants to join the Kiss My Ass Club but then changes his mind. Piper then talks about Vince's failures - the bodybuilding federation, the XFL, etc. The only job Vince has been able to hold is the one his daddy gave him. Vince says that they have one thing common though - their dislike for Hogan. Roddy says that Vince did make Hulkamania, he created everything about you. Vince puts his arm around Piper so Roddy tells him to get his arm off him because he hates Vince too. McMahon calls Piper a son of a bitch so Piper says it takes one to know one. They end up shaking hands and Roddy says he hates Hogan too. Vince's music hits so Roddy asks for it to stop and says that even though Vince created Hulkamania, he did something that even Piper himself couldn't do - he got beat by Hogan 1-2-3. Rikishi then comes out with a coconut and asks him if it looks familiar. Since he was a little kid, he's remembered a lot of things. For 20 years, he remembers what he did to Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Piper says that's not between you and me, but Rikishi says he's one of his family members. As this going on, Sean O'Haire comes from behind and clotheslines Rikishi. He uses a chair to Rikishi's gut and back area, laying him out. Piper then says "you wanna be like Snuka" and then smashes the coconut over Rikishi's head just like he did to Snuka 20 years ago.