View Full Version : Protesters disbursed with rubber bullets
04-07-2003, 09:05 AM
Some people on the board have been calling protesters cowardly, but these people are risking their well-being to voice their opinion.
And if you think that these things don't hurt, they are the same weapons police use to non-lethally take down suspects in some areas of the country. they are meant to incapacitate. Firing them into a crowd is asking for someone to get trampled.
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
04-07-2003, 09:13 AM
rubber bullets?! Damn protester-loving cops...
<img src="">
<marquee>Free Yerdaddy </marquee>
This message was edited by furie on 4-7-03 @ 1:17 PM
04-07-2003, 09:20 AM
Whatever happened to the good old fashioned billy club?
Kudos to the cops for a job well done.
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This message was edited by HordeKing1 on 4-7-03 @ 1:23 PM
04-07-2003, 09:23 AM
It could have been worse they could have used lethal ammo.
Director of the C.Y.A. Society.
Field Marshal of the K.I.S.S. Army
04-07-2003, 09:26 AM
bust out the fire hose and smoke grenades....
this is another reason why the hell angels should do security work....
sig courtesy of amy
honk if your horny
knockin boots and shootin pool
04-07-2003, 09:29 AM
Brian Stewart 13, of Turf Lodge, Belfast, died in hospital six days after he was struck by a British army plastic bullet yards from his home. His inquest heard that the soldier did not know the rules governing use of baton rounds. ...
Stephen McConomy, 11, Derry city, died three days after being hit by a plastic bullet in April 1982. Witnesses said Stephen was standing with his hands in his pockets when he was struck from a distance of 17 feet. ...
Michael Donnelly, 21, of Falls Road, Belfast, a dedicated social worker killed in Leeson Street in August 1980. No riot was in progress. The high court in Belfast heard the plastic bullet was fired "at a time when it was uncalled for and unjustified". ...
Frank Rowntree, 11, of west Belfast, died four days after being struck by an allegedly doctored rubber bullet in April 1972 fired by a member of the British army. His inquest heard a British army representative admit he did not know at what distance it was permissible to fire a rubber bullet gun or at which part of the body it should be aimed. ...
Tobias Molloy, 18-year-old Strabane Republican, killed by a rubber bullet fired by a soldier at the Camels Hump border crossing in July 1972. Rubber bullets were fired at youths attending his funeral. ...
Thomas Friel, 21, of Derry city, died in May 1973, five days after being struck on the head by a rubber bullet as he returned home after a night out. ...
Stephan Geddis, 10, of west Belfast, died in August 1975, two days after being struck on the head by a rubber bullet. ...
Paul Whitters, 15, Derry city, died in April 1981, 10 days after being struck on the head by a plastic bullet fired by the RUC. ...
Julie Livingstone, 14, of Lenadoon estate, west Belfast, struck by a plastic bullet as she returned from a shop near her home in may 1981 and died the next day. Witnesses said rioting in the area began AFTER she was shot. ...
Carol Ann Kelly, 12, of Twinbrook, west Belfast, was struck by a plastic bullet near her home in May 1981 and died two days later. She, too, was returning from a store and was carrying a carton of milk when she was shot. ...
Henry Duffy, 45, from Creggan, Derry city, was hit on the head and chest in the early morning of May 22, 1981, and died the same day. ...
Nora McCabe, 30, struck by a plastic bullet fired from an RUC Land Rover at 7.45 one morning in July 1981 and died next day. An RUC superintendent, a front seat passenger in the vehicle, told an inquest no shot was fired. A Canadian television crew provided footage to prove he had committed perjury. He was later promoted. ...
Peter Doherty, 33, of Divis Flats, west Belfast, was standing at his kitchen in July 1981 when British Marine Commandos fired a plastic bullet through the window, striking him on the head. He died seven days later. ...
Peter McGuiness, 41, of Shore Road, north Belfast, died minutes after being hit by a plastic bullet in his front garden in August 1981. ...
John Downes, 23, from Andersonstown, west Belfast, killed in the most public fashion when he was struck on the chest at point blank range by an RUC plastic bullet in front of television cameras at a Republican rally....
Keith White 20 years, Houston Park, Mourneview estate, Lurgan, County Armagh, hit by a plastic bullet fired by a member of the RUC at an Apprentice Boys parade in Portadown on 31 March 1986. He died in hospital two weeks later on 14 April....
Seamus Duffy, 15, of Oldpark, north Belfast, was struck in the rib cage as he ran from RUC vehicles in the New Lodge area in August 1989. He died shortly afterwards. ...
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I Hate Sequences and Series!!!.
04-07-2003, 09:40 AM
see? plastic. be thankful they use rubber!
<img src="">
<marquee>Free Yerdaddy </marquee>
This message was edited by furie on 4-7-03 @ 1:45 PM
04-07-2003, 09:45 AM
see? plastic. be thankful it's rubber!
I don't get your point several of the deaths ARE from Rubber bullets
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I Hate Sequences and Series!!!.
04-07-2003, 10:08 AM
it was a joke, therefore i didn't have a point.
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<marquee>Free Yerdaddy </marquee>
04-07-2003, 10:20 AM
Well, at least the cops are practicing safe-disbursement...
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04-07-2003, 10:22 AM
Maybe next time they try some other type of non-lethal like sticky foam or some sort of sonic device.
Director of the C.Y.A. Society.
Field Marshal of the K.I.S.S. Army
04-07-2003, 10:36 AM
How 'bout some rubber batons and rubber handcuffs.
I think as part of police training they should take a shot in the nads from 30 feet. (well they do tests with tear gas on themselves dont they?)
Big bird is Ferrall's bitch
04-07-2003, 10:39 AM
All I can say is GOOD!!!
What heroes they truly are, DarkHippie.
Are these the same people from the "Vomit-In" from San Fransisco?
04-07-2003, 10:41 AM
I don't get your point several of the deaths ARE from Rubber bullets
a strikingly important point that you failed to realize is that all but 2 of the deaths that you highlight occured over 20 years ago, the 2 more recent deaths occured over 14 years ago, also these deaths all occured in Europe. Police atleast in New Jersey, use non-lethal rounds to stop criminals in many situations. But also consider other options that could have been used in Oakland; tear gas which also would have caused a rampage. Basically my opinion is that these "peaceful protests" are a day late and a buck short. Our country is already at war protesting now is a bit late. Shut up and support the troops.
"God looks after drunks, fools, and the United States."
high fly
04-07-2003, 03:36 PM
Those weenies that got hit with the rubber bullets will be trying to cadge free drinks from the story of how they bravely faced down "the man"for years to come.
When protesters get together, they'll use it to establish their "protester cred".
Some people.
" and they ask me why I drink"
04-07-2003, 03:47 PM
Make with the bean-bag guns! Those things are ADORABLE...
They were blocking private property, and refused to disperse. Whoops.
<img src="">
2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
"We gave our dispersal order, we gave them an order, we gave them ample time to disperse," said police spokeswoman Danielle Ashford. "When we give our dispersal order, that's pretty much it. (If) there are safety issues involved, that's when we step in."
I can understand the protestors being upset, no one likes being shot with rubber bullets, but it seems the police acted appropriately.
<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "turn turn turn" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Can't we all just get a lawn?</center>
Def Dave in SC
04-07-2003, 06:36 PM
These cops could easily be firing METAL bullets. Also,with the deaths, other than the point already mentioned (they occured years ago, happened in Europe) is that those deaths were a minute representtion of all the peoplewho have ever been shot with rubber bullets.
Also, sticky foam can be lethal as well. If a person catshes foam in the face, they can suffocate.
There is no such thing as a "non-lethal" weapon. But, be thankful the police dont pull a Kent State. Sometimes i wish they would
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
I think Def Dave has gone off the deep end tonight.
<center><a href = ""><img src = title = "turn turn turn" width = 300 height = 100></a>
Can't we all just get a lawn?</center>
04-07-2003, 06:54 PM
got this off CNN... these people got to learn to cover each other's backs and when somebody says DUCK!, they fucking mean it...
she was in Oakland Ca...
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This message was edited by FUNKMAN on 4-7-03 @ 10:56 PM
04-07-2003, 06:59 PM I'm horny.
Def Dave in SC
04-07-2003, 07:05 PM
I think Def Dave has gone off the deep end tonight
How else can i become a shock poster, huh? ;P
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
This message was edited by Def Dave in DC on 4-7-03 @ 11:07 PM
That chick has the worst case of herpes I've ever seen.
04-07-2003, 07:57 PM
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04-07-2003, 08:02 PM
Rubber bullets and liquor.
Peace through superior firepower...
04-07-2003, 08:11 PM
"What do you want for nothing...a rubber bullet?"
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04-07-2003, 09:39 PM
You know what I'd like to see the cops use? Badgers. Rabid badgers.
I bet those fuckers would disperse a crowd like nobody's business.
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I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago
04-08-2003, 04:02 AM
We don't need no stinking badgers!
04-08-2003, 06:47 AM
Maybe next time they try some other type of non-lethal like sticky foam
In a related story, Paste Pot Pete has been recruited by state police...
Seriously, you people who are calling for the deaths and mutilations of protesters, I'd like to see what happens if one day <I>you</I> have to stand up for something you beleive in... heaven forbid you be in the minority...
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<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">Wet and raving, The needle keeps calling me back.. To bloody my hands forever. Carved my cure with the blade That left me in scars, Now every time I'm weak, Words scream from my arm</marquee>
Maybe the war supporters can protest for more war when this one is over. That would be interesting.
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Thanks Bobimpact and CZM!
04-08-2003, 10:20 AM
Why can't anybody throw pies anymore? Back then, pain was delicious...
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2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
04-08-2003, 10:25 AM
This just in the prostesters that were protesting the war have decided to protest the use of rubber bullets and instead want the cops to use nerf balls and nerf darts inless it has to do with a real movement like civil rights or homosexual marriage then they can go back to the rubber
jratt AKA johnbravo a big black dude with a cool car. I go by the name "nigger". dont be shy.
as for people wishing they were you...
Nobody wishes they were a mistake.
04-08-2003, 10:32 AM
Sounds to me like somebody's got a little sand in their vagina...
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04-08-2003, 10:51 AM
Sounds to me like somebody's got a little sand in their vagina
no no no you got it all wrong i just put some sand in my bearded clam i have as a pet to see if i can make a pearl
jratt AKA johnbravo a big black dude with a cool car. I go by the name "nigger". dont be shy.
as for people wishing they were you...
Nobody wishes they were a mistake.
04-08-2003, 11:07 AM
That chick has the worst case of herpes I've ever seen
That has to be the fucking funniest thing I have read on this thread!!!
Did the scene look anything like this:
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
04-08-2003, 12:27 PM
Hey doog, that's a pretty accurate painting of the boston massacre. It's even got a dead Crispus Attucks in the corner.
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
04-09-2003, 04:19 AM
Up your nose with a rubber bullet
jratt AKA johnbravo a big black dude with a cool car. I go by the name "nigger". dont be shy.
as for people wishing they were you...
Nobody wishes they were a mistake.
04-09-2003, 05:32 AM
a strikingly important point that you failed to realize is that all but 2 of the deaths that you highlight occured over 20 years ago, the 2 more recent deaths occured over 14 years ago...
actually 9 of the deaths highlighted by worm were under aged. the victims were between the ages of <b>10</b>and <b>18</b>.
thanks fallon :)
<a href="">my poetry and other thoughts, a diary</a> I'd trade the sea for the breaze......
04-09-2003, 04:35 PM
So they were young. Big deal. Terrorists have been using children as shields and attackers for decades. When the kids are killed (as they should be along with the adults who sent them out or used them as shields) the terrorists go running to the news media talking about how savage the response to their terrorist attacks was as it resulted in the death of "innocents". The fact that these inncoents have plastic explosives strapped to them, or that they are literrally used as shields, or that the terrorists go out of their way to target civillians is somehow negelected
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04-09-2003, 04:57 PM
I missed the part where protestors suddenly became terrorists and children deserving of death...
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This message was edited by TooCute on 4-9-03 @ 8:58 PM
"What do you want for nothing...a rubber bullet?"
Bravo Sir!
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
04-10-2003, 05:19 AM
horde king- so you're saying that a 10 year old <b>child</b> deserved to die?
Stephen McConomy, 11, Derry city, died three days after being hit by a plastic bullet in April 1982. Witnesses said Stephen was standing with his hands in his pockets when he was struck from a distance of 17 feet. ...
Tobias Molloy, 18-year-old Strabane Republican, killed by a rubber bullet fired by a soldier at the Camels Hump border crossing in July 1972. Rubber bullets were fired at youths attending his funeral. ...
Julie Livingstone, 14, of Lenadoon estate, west Belfast, struck by a plastic bullet as she returned from a shop near her home in may 1981 and died the next day. Witnesses said rioting in the area began <b>AFTER</b> she was shot. ...
Carol Ann Kelly, 12, of Twinbrook, west Belfast, was struck by a plastic bullet near her home in May 1981 and died two days later. She, too, was returning from a store and was carrying a carton of milk when she was shot. ...
Peter Doherty, 33, of Divis Flats, west Belfast, was standing at his kitchen in July 1981 when British Marine Commandos fired a plastic bullet through the window, striking him on the head. He died seven days later. ...
this man was in his kitchen, what was he doing to justify being killed?
thanks fallon :)
<a href="">my poetry and other thoughts, a diary</a> I'd trade the sea for the breaze......
This message was edited by nellie on 4-10-03 @ 9:49 AM
04-10-2003, 06:01 AM
he was in the kitchen with Dinah
But seriously if you protest and block people from entering their job they deserve what they get, they were told 8 times to disperse some did while others took an aggresive stance towards the cops
what those people needed was a good old fashion hippie whommping
<IMG SRC="`k1.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Fire meaning breathing like a dragon and it seems that im falling into a world of my own
04-10-2003, 07:53 AM
But seriously if you protest and block people from entering their job they deserve what they get, they were told 8 times to disperse some did while others took an aggresive stance towards the cops
read the article, and don't make up stories as fact. What, do you write for Faux News or something?
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
Def Dave in SC
04-10-2003, 12:00 PM
this man was in his kitchen, what was he doing to justify being killed?
He could have been doing anything in his kitchen that would warrant a killing.
Like touching himself. God says that's a sin.
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
04-10-2003, 01:46 PM
Actually i heard the news as it happened on my XM radio as Fox News was reporting right after it happened and this was from the FOX news correspondent in Oakland
However you dont refute the point that they were obstructing the workers from getting into their jobs, but thats ok right
<IMG SRC="`k1.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Fire meaning breathing like a dragon and it seems that im falling into a world of my own
Def Dave in SC
04-10-2003, 02:30 PM
UHH uh wait. What?
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
04-10-2003, 06:50 PM
Too Cute, there's a whole bunch of quotes on page one, some repeated on page 2 regarding people, mostly young, who were killed by plastic bullets about 20 years ago.
Who is to blame? The "innocent" child placed in harms way by the parent? Or the cop who fires and accidently hits the child intended as a human shield?
In the Arab/Muslim world the children are abused at a very early age by being used as human targets. Lately, little kids (5 or 6) are being trained as suicide bombers. This generation is lost. The US must go in and rework their entire education system with a goal of eliminating the poison the kids are currently being taught, and teaching them how to get a job and earn money to buy food. It wouldn't be as popular a course as "Suicide for toddlers 101" but what can you do?
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04-10-2003, 07:01 PM
rubber baby buggy bullets
rubber baby buggy bullets
rubber baby buggy bullets
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04-10-2003, 07:21 PM
Hey doog, that's a pretty accurate painting of the boston massacre.
Actually the painting I displayed was a propoganda one made up by Paul Revere and is very innacurate. It shows the British Captain, Thomas Preston, ordering his troops to fire...this is far from the truth. Preston was doing everything possible to stop the troops from firing on the people.
Who was the lawyer who would defend Preston and two british soldiers for the Boston Massacre??
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
04-10-2003, 08:32 PM
Who is to blame? The "innocent" child placed in harms way by the parent? Or the cop who fires and accidently hits the child intended as a human shield?
In the Arab/Muslim world the children are abused at a very early age by being used as human targets.
Uhm, those were IRISH kids and adults, NOT Arabs, in the examples, killed in NON-aggressive situations on their part. Sic the dogs of war for one thread, hater-man...and how the hell are you a "human shield" in your own goddamn kitchen?
<img src="">
2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 4-11-03 @ 12:59 AM
The US must go in and rework their entire education system with a goal of eliminating the poison the kids are currently being taught, and teaching them how to get a job and earn money to buy food.
Fahrenheit 451 anyone?
04-10-2003, 09:20 PM
The US must go in and rework their entire education system with a goal of eliminating the poison the kids are currently being taught, and teaching them how to get a job and earn money to buy food.
That sounds more like an introduction into American Consumerism and Consumption if you ask me.
When it comes to down to's East vs. West and never shall they meet in the middle.
Who was the lawyer who would defend Preston and two british soldiers for the Boston Massacre??
John Adams wasn't it?
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
04-11-2003, 04:01 AM
John Adams wasn't it?
Ding ding ding AJ, you got it...
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
Ding ding ding AJ, you got it...
Whaddya know: all those school fieldtrips to Boston and Lexington paid off!
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
04-11-2003, 04:56 AM
The US must go in and rework their entire education system with a goal of eliminating the poison the kids are currently being taught, and teaching them how to get a job and earn money to buy food.
It'd be great if we could do that for US citizens as well.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
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04-11-2003, 05:01 AM
It wouldn't be as popular a course as "Suicide for toddlers 101" but what can you do
In the intrest of not repeating Mojo I'm going to suggest you go read his post re: the rest of your last post, but I'll reply to this sentence, at least.
I would start by not advocating mass genocide for Arabs in a thread about peace protestors and rubber bullets.
HK, we all know damn well that you don't want a reorganization of the education system in Arab countries. You want them all dead. I mean, who is going to go to your fantastic new American schools when all the children are dead, as you wish them to be?
Take a good long look at yourself, HK. This is a thread which started being about peace protestors. It then moved on to examples of innocent Irish folks, some children, who were killed by rubber bullets, used as examples of how rubber bullets can in fact kill.
Somehow you take this and turn it into "Arab/muslim children deserve to die because their parents are all terrorists".
I find the way you express your hatred of arabs to be extraordinarily offensive. It is one thing to make posts stating the reasons why you don't like Arabs. It is one thing to posts why you think Israel is "right" in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
It is quite another to make disgusting posts cheering the death of people (Like in the Al-Jazeera bombing thread) and advocating the murder of children - particularly in a thread that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Arabs/muslims.
If you aren't yet completely blinded by your hatred, I suggest you take a look at your recent posts and consider whether they're as offensive - offensive to all members, mind you, not offensive to you, since I forget where it says that all posters must agree with the Horde King - as the posts of other people you have banned from the board for being "anti-Semitic".
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This message was edited by TooCute on 4-11-03 @ 11:39 AM
04-11-2003, 07:54 AM
stop whining and bite the rubber bullet
it was not a holy jolly Chirstmas that year, for many were killed
04-11-2003, 08:05 AM
too cute is right, i was put on "extended Vacation" for pretty much the same thing, disagreeing with you and since you have mod power i got banned. Now im not going to rehash that because i think we worked that through, but dont use your power on the board to silence others, remember Jeff even put himself on extended vacation for being to offensive
<IMG SRC="`k1.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Fire meaning breathing like a dragon and it seems that im falling into a world of my own
04-11-2003, 02:04 PM
Personally, I find the overwhelming majority of threads and posts in this forum, to be based on ignorance, foolishness and in best-case-scenerios idealism. They are offensive not just to me, but to many people.
I've only banned one person for a period of two weeks for posting anti-semetic comments - I let him back in, warning that any other anti-semetic posts will result in a permenant ban. Apparently, even though "free" he cannot find anything to say w/o resorting to the rehtoric of the anti-semite.
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04-11-2003, 02:26 PM
I've only banned one person for a period of two weeks for posting anti-semetic comments - I let him back in, warning that any other anti-semetic posts will result in a permenant ban. Apparently, even though "free" he cannot find anything to say w/o resorting to the rehtoric of the anti-semite.
Why should anyone have such restrictions on their posting when your disgusting hatred is allowed to run so rampant? Put yourself on a two week vacation, think things over, and come back when you can put the same restrictions on yourself.
I and many other people find your posts infinitely more offensive than the most anti-semitic post on this board (and I honestly can't think of a genuinely anti-semitic post. I can think of posts where people have suggested that Israel is not as innocent and palestine/arabs not as guilty as you state they are, but no posts cheering the death of Israelis and advocating their mass genocide). How is it that you can be so rational and intelligent about other subjects, and yet be such a blatant hypocrite about this?
You expressed pleasure at the death of people. I don't care if they're a murder or a child who is going to grow up to be a terrorist or anyone else. There is something profoundly wrong with feeling a sentiment of joy. I can understand a feeling of sorrow at the necessity of killing one life to save others, but I will never, ever comprehend cheering death. I hope most other people ever have to comprehend that, either.
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04-11-2003, 02:34 PM
hey every one dont worry be happy(hum the song now....................................good i hope it is stuck in your heads all weekend)just chill i honestly dont think any one on this bored would truly beleave it i ok to kill children of any race in less they were a threat cause we are an opened minded group of lads and lasses but if someone truly feels that way then thats there opion and i hope they never have children cause karma's one bad mo'fo
jratt AKA johnbravo a big black dude with a cool car. I go by the name "nigger". dont be shy.
as for people wishing they were you...
Nobody wishes they were a mistake.
04-11-2003, 02:44 PM
A child can be as deadly as an adult.
I cheer for the death of all terrorists, and as noted above, murderers, child abusers and rapists as well. Any death of a terrorist prevents the death of potentially hundreds or more of innocents.
How can you not cheer when a terrorist is killed?
Now you will ask how can you say the kids are all terrorists. OK, I know you haven't read the links showing the Arab textbooks proclaiming kill alll Jews. I know you haven't heard the speeches of the religious leaders calling on kids to kill themselves via suicide boming Jews in the name of Allah.
I won't repeat it.
I will however, parrot your question back at you? How can you be so intelligent about other matters and completley in the dark about this? Idealism? Unwillingness to face tough pragmatic choices? I don't WANT to kill them, I recognize the necessity of it. It's a war that can have only one outcome, unless Klatu and Gort come to the rescue.
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04-11-2003, 02:47 PM
I find the overwhelming majority of threads and posts in this forum, to be based on ignorance, foolishness and in best-case-scenerios idealism.
I hang my head in shame for all those pictures I put up...I just trying to break up the tension
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
04-11-2003, 02:57 PM
How can you not cheer when a terrorist is killed?
Because terrorist or not, it is still a life. I feel sorrow that their life was wasted. I feel sorrow that they were killed because they were raised into something that necessitated it. I might feel relief that they will not kill more people. I'm not happy that they were killed.
Now you will ask how can you say the kids are all terrorists. OK, I know you haven't read the links showing the Arab textbooks proclaiming kill alll Jews. I know you haven't heard the speeches of the religious leaders calling on kids to kill themselves via suicide boming Jews in the name of Allah.
How on earth can you possibly know any of this? I understand that religious extremists have children. I understand that they raise their kids to be like them. Where did you THINK that the terrorists to replace those that blew themselves up came from? But does this mean that I must feel joy at the death of Arabs?
I will however, parrot your question back at you? How can you be so intelligent about other matters and completley in the dark about this? Idealism? Unwillingness to face tough pragmatic choices?
I recognize it is a difficult situation. I disagree with you that extermination of all Arabs (and be realistic: is that even POSSIBLE?) is the answer.
I don't WANT to kill them,
No, you just want to watch other people kill them, and cheer when they do.
I recognize the necessity of it.
but not the impossibility of it
It's a war that can have only one outcome, unless Klatu and Gort come to the rescue.
Or we change the bloodthirsty minds of people like you.
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04-11-2003, 02:59 PM
Doogie - If only you had posted more pictures...
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04-11-2003, 03:01 PM
Doogie - If only you had posted more pictures.
Thanks HK...I think
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
04-11-2003, 03:03 PM
Relieving tension is a good thing.
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04-11-2003, 03:05 PM
dont worry be happy du du du du dudu ....du du du dudu duuuu duuud uuu dont worry be happy
jratt AKA johnbravo a big black dude with a cool car. I go by the name "nigger". dont be shy.
as for people wishing they were you...
Nobody wishes they were a mistake.
04-11-2003, 03:09 PM
I will however, parrot your question back at you? How can you be so intelligent about other matters and completley in the dark about this? Idealism? Unwillingness to face tough pragmatic choices?
Because again, for God-knows-how-many times, I can only go with what I know and experienced. I've grown up with and worked with and schooled with Arabs and Muslims who may have been exposed to the very same propoganda , and either they or their parents chose NOT to accept and chose to make their OWN decisions regarding the people around them and the rest of the world. Even if those kind of people only represent a minority, it still throws your blanket declaration of "all hope being lost" out the window. Genocide is never a "pragmatic" decision except for the truly hateful and deranged, no matter what the circumstance. I too shall parrot your own questions and wonder how someone so smart and obviously wanting to help so many people so willingly cater to and behave in the same manner as the people he constantly and overwhelmingly condemns on a global scale? You sound like a terrorist. You sound like a hateful, nonsensical extremist. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, that's how it comes across. How can you actually sink to their level essentially, and then honestly think that your own mentality and morality won't be just as corrupted? You stated that the death of 100,000 "innocent Arabs" would be what level would it become UNACCEPTABLE? At what point would your basic sense of human decency step in and make you realize, "what have I done?!?"
You're confusing and spinning things. I for one want as many terrorists as possible dead. But if we start killing people because they MIGHT be terrorists, or might give birth to terrorists down the line, or MAY know some terrorists or simply part of the same religion or from the same city/region/country, we not only sacrifice the nobility and morality and tolerance that supposedly makes us Americans, but also the common intelligence and decency that simply make us reasonably intelligent human beings. You can't have it both ways. I just hope you honestly realize what you're sacrificing if you seriously think this is a possible and acceptable scenario.
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2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 4-11-03 @ 7:18 PM
04-11-2003, 03:23 PM
Wow. From cry baby protesters to something with real meat. Only on God bless this board.
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04-11-2003, 03:32 PM
I don't believe much in religion or Judaism for that matter. Does this now affiliate me with terror groups? Will my children be hateful and attempt to kill Jews?
HK, your kind of logic is exactly why certain studies have shown Zionism is racist. Cause just as much as you say you want Israel to live in's at the deaths and sparing of another race to do so. Zionism is no worse then the Intifada. Same shit with a different variation on belief.
04-11-2003, 03:44 PM
There should be some clarification that extremist Zionism is far, FAR different from the Judaism practiced by most Jews around the world, including Israel...FiveB isn't trying to just parrot the moronic "Zionist" tags that people like Saddm Hussein level at ALL Jews, period. He's simply noting that there ARE extremist Jewish factions that are in the extreme minority of the world's Jewish population. No different than extremist Christians, Hindus, Muslims or even Buddhists. No matter how peaceful the religion, you always get some bad apples in the bunch who are going to take the "good words" the wrong way.
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2% << FREE YERDADDY! >> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
04-11-2003, 06:58 PM
HordeKing, if you banned Yerdaddy for "antisemetic remarks" (which they certainly were not!!!) then you should be banned many times over. Why do you think everyone has "free Yerdaddy" on their banners? because her was unjustly banned, and refuses to come back to a board that endorces racism. that endorcement comes from you, HordeKing. You hijacked my thread, as well as many others, you've banned people you've peceived to be a threat to you. You are a moderator, and your actions reflect on the board. But goddamn it's a dirty image!
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
04-12-2003, 11:09 AM
Mojo...thank you...some people don't recognize the entire spectrum of the people involved.
Hippie...I agree 100%. That's BS; and HK you are a mod, not the police of beliefs. Act fair to everyone...not just the one's who agree with you.
04-12-2003, 11:38 AM
Relieving tension is a good thing
Preach on brother man!!
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>The Jedi Master and an incredible hound dogga</marquee>
Drudge Jr.
04-12-2003, 04:17 PM
horde king, i have a lot of respect for you, you've helped me out a few times in the past. but i just can't believe you'd endorce this american life is more valuable then an arab life nonsense. you say that children who are being taught to hate jews deserve to die? that's oddly remeniscent of something opie and anthony were saying after 9/11, that the us should just flatten the middle east, and they meant it. later they took it back at which i was much relieved, but hk you are basically supporting a type of genocide, against entire communities. i just cant believe you would do that
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04-12-2003, 06:26 PM
this must be that girl from page 1's boyfriend...
You have the Clump's, these two are the Lump's...
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