View Full Version : The F-ing UN
03-26-2003, 11:50 AM
I just listened to the Iraqi embassador's speach at the UN on BBC's website feed. What the F, he is going on and on about our "Zionist aggression", "how could the council members blindly follow the blood thirsty US and UK actions" Women and Children are dieing because of the US and UK aggression"The UN is the biggest load of shit now- they let their resolutions be broken. Simply a bunch of grandstanding cowards. Hey a-holes pay some of those parking tickets. I think we should tell them to move the UN to Paris. Let the dam Frogs foot the bill. Kofie Annan? what is he doing in charge his country's GDP probably equals bill Gates stock options.
BTW the bbc live web feed at 3pm est is quite informative for fellow news junkies
This message was edited by Bigden on 3-26-03 @ 4:01 PM
Why is the whole UN at fault for what the Iraqi embassador said?
03-26-2003, 03:07 PM
You should realize when the US disagrees with the UN, the UN becomes worthless. But when they agree with the US...they are a respectable diplomatic institution.
03-26-2003, 03:51 PM
There is a solution already at hand:
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
This week's Onion would be funny if it weren't true.
03-26-2003, 05:24 PM
Why is the whole UN at fault for what the Iraqi embassador said?
Yes, it's the UN's fault. They could have protested the comments, refuted the idea with the concept that many "zionists" nations were against the war and that the US and Britain, unlike Iraq is populated by the likes of all religions as well. And the UN has never been very supportive of US initiatives, so I hope it does go the way of the league of nations. The UN now is about coruption, and voices being heard that shouldn't speak. For example, France, Zimbabwe's president, China, Lybia, and the likes.
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Nothing...i have nothing!
This message was edited by spoon on 3-26-03 @ 9:37 PM
Def Dave in SC
03-26-2003, 05:36 PM
his country's GDP probably equals bill Gates stock options
Most countries' GDP equals Bill Gates' stock options
The Montgomery County Mobster
<img src="```def.gif?mtbrand=AOL_US">
Much Love to my Homie dcpete
Its Like Having a Football Helmet Inside Your Head
Death Metal Moe
03-26-2003, 05:56 PM
The UN's reputation to solve REAL problems around the world has forever been damaged to AT LEAST us and the UK. And that's bad.
The actions of France, Russia and Germany have also shown us who we can count on in hard times.
I will not soon forget.
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03-27-2003, 04:25 AM
Well for all you cynics and UN supporters on the board-
A Russian made Cnet Anti-armor weapon was used in the latest firefight in Iraq against our servicemen. For all of you who don't know that is a very modern weapon, and the military was surprised they had it. I guess the Russians were only acting in the spirit of peace when they abjected to our war to disarm Iraq. I think Putin would have signed the bill of lading himself the ex-KGb Mother F-ER. All of you who think the UN is an effective body for world peace are simply being simple.
France- $5 billion owed to it by Saddam, extensive oil contracts, infrastructure contracts
Russia- Well I guess anti-armor missles to start with, oil and military sales. Those tanks we are facing in Iraq were sold out of Moscow.
Germany- I feel like turning in my Audi at the dealer because these people really suck- They built Saddam's palaces while the Iraqi people starved. Extensive infrastructure contracts, and the Precision milled aluminum cylinders used in chemical munitions, as well as the equipment to make chemical munitions.
China- They built all the bunkers that Saddam and his evil buddies are holed up in now.
My point is they all are simply thinking of their own self-interest monetarily when they went against us in this war to disarm Iraq. They have essentially let the world know that the UN is nothing but a bunch of sniviling diplomats who don't care about anything but the buck. Well in a post 9/11 world that is not acceptable- stand and be counted to keep the world safe or shut-up and get out. The UN IS FINISHED.
03-27-2003, 06:24 AM
My point is they all are simply thinking of their own self-interest monetarily when they went against us in this war to disarm Iraq.
You carefully failed to list the US's involvement in propping up Saddam Hussein all the years leading up to the Gulf War.
Are you trying to imply that our only interest in Iraq is currently altruistic and has nothing at all to do with a desire to get a stronghold in the middle east for tactical purposes as well as have a MAJOR say in its oil industry for the next 10-20 yrs?
Are we there to disarm them, liberate their people, or defend ourselves?
I really wish our Government would decide why and stick to it.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
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Are we there to disarm them, liberate their people, or defend ourselves?
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A Skidmark production.
03-27-2003, 06:35 AM
Why them and not Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan or Tajikistan? These are dictatorships we currently aid.
Are they next? When will we get North Korea and China?
We are after all, out to rid the world of all evils.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
Why them and not Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan or Tajikistan? These are dictatorships we currently aid.
With the exception of Pakistan, which has long been a U.S. ally, none of these countries was as close to acquiring NBCs (nuclear/chemical/biological) weapons as Iraq is/was. That, coupled with its links to terrorism (real or suspected) made it the biggest "threat."
As for who's next: probably other states that sponsor terror or seek to acquire or proliferate NBCs. Maybe that will be Saudi Arabia and North Korea...who knows. I think the outcome of operations in Iraq, and the subsequent analysis of said operations, will determine future courses of action.
Your points are certainly valid. I'm just trying to offer an answer to your question.
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A Skidmark production.
03-27-2003, 06:43 AM
A Russian made Cnet Anti-armor weapon was used in the latest firefight in Iraq against our servicemen. For all of you who don't know that is a very modern weapon, and the military was surprised they had it. I guess the Russians were only acting in the spirit of peace when they abjected to our war to disarm Iraq. I think Putin would have signed the bill of lading himself the ex-KGb Mother F-ER. All of you who think the UN is an effective body for world peace are simply being simple.
Bigden, you forget that Russia has been invloved in a war with Chechnya for many years now, a former state of the USSR. Just as likely that Russia sold a weapon to Iraq is that Chechnya did. Chechnya is not part of the UN, not bound by any embargo, and is Muslim. If they had the stuff, they could sell them to fund more terrorist operations.
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
03-27-2003, 06:57 AM
Your points are certainly valid. I'm just trying to offer an answer to your question.
I know.
I'd just rather have our tax dollars stay here, used for people here and not on military actions abroad that seemingly have no end and no focus.
If I want to protect my house, I buy an alarm system, install a fence, lock the windows, maybe get a dog. I don't leave all the entrances open and run out into the streets with a rifle after every robber, or person that buys stolen goods, or pawn shops that receive them.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
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In the future I don't think we'll necessarily invade countries like we're doing in Iraq but we'll most likely use Special Forces to take out training camps and the like as a preventative measure.
As for Iraq -- I posted in another thread my wariness about CENTCOM as an occupation force in Iraq. We were lucky that flew in Europe and Japan after WWII and during the Cold War. It will NOT go over well in the Middle East.
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A Skidmark production.
03-27-2003, 07:13 AM
Dark Hippie, that is a good argument but what I have read is that the Anti-armor weaponry was cutting edge. Russia would undoubtably not allow it to be sold to the Chechen rebels and have it used against the Spetznatz- or worst in a terrorist attack against Russia.
03-27-2003, 08:40 AM
good point, bigden, but its possible that the Chechens got the weapons when they "seceded" (hell, i don't even think we know where all of Russia's old nukes are) or they could have captured them. I just read an article on Rueters (i'll see if i can find the link) on how the Russians are trying for a treaty now. They've had it pretty rough, alot rougher than any of us realize (how often does our media report on Russia?)
I think this is also why the Russians didn't want to fight in Iraq. They're about to sign a treaty in Chechnya, if they supported us, it couldn've killed their chances at peace.
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
03-27-2003, 09:52 AM
Wow dark hippie a chechen treaty I was not aware of that. I would guess that they still are pretty mad about the Moscow theater incident. The Spetznaz did not figure the proper dosage level on that gas to stun instead of kill. F-ing tragic many innocent children were lost. If it was our military the press would have been all over it, but I guess Russia hasn't changed much.
This message was edited by Bigden on 3-27-03 @ 1:57 PM
Death Metal Moe
03-27-2003, 01:58 PM
Quick note. The argument that We're evil and equally at fault in this because we sold arms to Iraq years ago is not going to win you anything.
Just because we didn't have a crystal ball to see the future donesn't make us at fault.
But what makes Russia, France and Germany at fault is that after Iraq was identified as a problem, hell even up to the beginning of our war, they gave aid, weapons and other things to Iraq. That's the big difference.
So your argument that "Hey, didn't we give them weapons too" isn't going to cut it.
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Quick note. The argument that We're evil and equally at fault in this because we sold arms to Iraq years ago is not going to win you anything.
Just because we didn't have a crystal ball to see the future donesn't make us at fault.
The argument isn't that we are evil because we sold Iraq weapons. But we do have to accept some responsibility(THAT DOESN'T MAKE US EVIL!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!! THAT DOESN'T MAKE US EVIL!!!!!). Only the most extreme would say that. But we can't completely ignore it. We can't be selling weapons to every third world dictator who just so happens to be on our side of a conflict every so often.
And don't give me crap about a crystal ball. Iraq was using chemical weapons and WE KNEW IT. And we still supported them against Iran. We didn't exactly need a crystal ball to know this was going to end up horribly wrong.
And none of that changes the fact that we have been the most active country in the world in trying to stop Saddam over the last 12 years. So there. We fuck up, but we fix it.
Death Metal Moe
03-27-2003, 02:54 PM
HBOX said-And none of that changes the fact that we have been the most active country in the world in trying to stop Saddam over the last 12 years. So there. We fuck up, but we fix it.
I just had to put it in MY post so you couldn't edit it later.
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