View Full Version : I want to go back....
03-06-2003, 10:03 PM
I want to go back to the 5 and 10 and get me a hot dog and soda on a Saturday afternoon.
I want to go to the local mall and smell the soft pretzels being made and get me some records and maybe an action figure.
I want to go back to the arcade and chill out for a few hours and play Ms. Pac-Man and Mr. DO and outduel my friends for the high score only to see it erased the next week.
I want to go back to the community park and have a pick up game of touch football or maybe even tackle and get all dirty and not have a care about anything in the world.
I want to go back to being able to come home to my Mom AND Dad and watch a little TV right before sitting down to a FAMILY dinner.
I want to go back to Gino's and get me a GIANT burger and fries and maybe the Mike Schmidt Little Leauge bat so I could show off to all the kids on the team.
I want to go back to when me and my friend could get a lot of sodas out of the Coke machine by me tipping it and him turning the knob so the sodas would keep rolling out.
I want to go back to when I could get 15 baseball cards and maybe just one Phillie for 35›
I want to go back to sneaking through the "new" supermarket and shaking all of the sodas and then taking the caps.
I want to go back to the mall pizzaria where the atmosphere was just.....tinted yellow a bit but man was the food good.
I want to go back to DIALING a phone number because I would always count the clicks for each number.
I want to go back to my high school just to use the urinal that went all the way down to the floor.
I want to get a Clean Plate Award for having a clean plate when I go out to eat for a family dinner.
I want to go back to when community MEANT something and you could visit your neighbor and be welcomed with open arms.
I want to go back to my Lincoln Logs that were made from REAL WOOD and build thing along with my Lego's to create different worlds from MY imagination.
I want to go back to a time before the computer because I want to see kids playing outside again in pick up games of street hockey and basketball.
Sometimes all we have to hold onto are memories. Life is nothing but a series of moments. In some cases, really REALLY fond moments.
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Death Metal Moe
03-06-2003, 10:48 PM
I do miss my Legos. They were BOSS!
I do miss my afternoon schedule being the Disney Afternoon followed by some bike riding and Nintendo. No responsibility was cool when you were too young ot want anything more out of life than some cookies and a cool birthday present.
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03-06-2003, 11:01 PM
I want to go back 10 years where id play baseball outside with my brothers and we'd all see who could throw the ball over the highest Telephone pole wire
I also want the last 6 years of my life back but thats not going to happen anytime soon
We Say Stand Together, Not To Fight Just To Exist
I Miss My Heroin :(
<marquee>"If I Cut Off Your Arms And Cut Off Your Legs, Would You Still Love Me Anyway? If Youre Bound And Gagged, Drained And Displayed, Would You Still Love Me Anyway?"</marquee>
03-09-2003, 05:55 PM
I was helping a friend move out of his house the other day and I came across a coleco vision fully intact! I hooked it up and it works. I forgot how much i missed playing zaxxon. The old game systems still rule. Its so unfortunate that the kids nowadays will never see the beauty of pong.
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much thanks to todd evf and dc pete!!!
Prepare for rejection, You'll get no direction from me. -BR
Alice S. Fuzzybutt
03-09-2003, 06:10 PM
I want to go back to the 5 and dime and buy my brand new school supplies and my new bookbag.
I want to go back to when it was safe to leave your house and play until dark.
I want to go back to when a Snow Day was about 8 foot snow drifts.
I want to go back to when I had an upset tummy and my mom gave me ginger ale and toast.
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thank you dcpete!
I'm a big wheel down at the cracker factory.
I want to go back to the days when a kid could walk all over town and not have to worry about being kidnapped or worse.
I want to go back to Benny's luncheonette where'd I'd meet my friends for a few games of pinball and then buy a stack of baseball cards and comic books for $2.
I want to go back to the days of riding my bike with my transistor AM radio hanging from the handlebars, blaring 770 WABC for all the latest hits.
I want to go back to Kay's Pizzeria, where you could get two slices and a coke for a buck.
03-09-2003, 06:20 PM
I want to go back to rainy Saturdays when my Dad would drive me and my little brother to the library and I would help him to learn to read!
I want to go back to 2 sewer stickball with all my friends on the block-then later the Good Humor man would drive down Edison Ave. and we'd yell "Wait up!"
03-09-2003, 06:20 PM
i want to go back to a time when i didn't have to worry about bills, college, my future, and dating.
i want to go back and play tag, man hunt, handball, or football.
god is an absentee LANDLORD!!!
03-09-2003, 06:21 PM
I want to go back to playing stickball in the school yard
down my old street.
I want to go back and save my old Star Wars lunch box
from the garbage can.
I want to go back and relive my first kiss.
I want to go back and miss all the deer I hit with my car
in Pennsylvania.
I want to go back with some lottery numbers and get
I want to go back to vacations with the grandparents
almost every weekend.
I want to go back and stock pile Snapple Tru Root Beer
before they discontinued it.
03-09-2003, 06:35 PM
> playing under the pumps on a hot summer day
> christmas mornings when i believed in Santa
> buying my first car and listening to the brand new 8-track radio, power booster, and speakers I had installed
> playing Little League for the team named Pepsi Cola
> helping my Grandfather make wine
> playing army tag with the gang
> chomping on one of them garlic pickles you bought at the corner store
> getting a new outfit on Easter and going out to eat with my family
> shopping for school clothes with Mom(although i didn't always like to go back then)
> Dad would take us to South Street Seaport alot. Can't believe The PEKING is still there...
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03-09-2003, 08:21 PM MORE things!
I want to go back to walking through the dark train tunnel in Perkasie after school sneaking a cigarette and the rush I would get from it.
I want to go back to thinking I looked so FUCKING cool rocking out to my favorite metal CASSETTES on my walkman as I waited for my High School crushes bus to drive past.
I want to go back to the Roy Roger's or McDonalds in the mall that was NOT a part of the food court.
I want to go back to the Wednesday evening dinner at McDonalds with my Grammy when my Granpop would go and play golf.
I want to go back to my security blanket and Garfield puppet............wait, I still have those! :)
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i got one of those old phones/radio/clock and it makes that clicking sound....i use to listen to ron and fez on it too :(
11-02-2003, 05:18 PM
I want to go back to watching Abbott & Costello movies on Sunday morning before I went to 12:30 mass.
I want to go back to taking the tennis nets down at the elementary school so we could play roller hockey.
I want to go back to sitting in the balcony of the old Lynbrook movie theatre and watching "House of Wax" with my Mom and a big box of Milk-Duds.
I want to go back to listening to A.M. radio under the covers after bedtime.
I want to go back to riding my bike everywhere.
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Mike Teacher
11-02-2003, 05:22 PM
coolest thread
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11-02-2003, 05:28 PM
Oh my goodness! I posted something of interest! Aye!
I can now say that I want to go back to Veterans Stadium since after January it will be no more. My first implosion. Ahhhh.
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To know about the Giggleloop, is to become part of the Giggleloop
11-02-2003, 05:34 PM
I want to go back to Roy Rogers (none are around me). I want a roast beef sammich, and a bacon cheese burger...and omg their chicken ruled!
I want to go back to playing handball with my friends in grade school.
I want to go back to the school yard where everyday kids would throw up the baseball cards they didn't want in the air and everyone would scramble to grab as many as they could to see if there were any that were missing from their collections. On the flipside of that the other game we'd play would be where we would flick baseball cards towards the wall and the person that threw the one that leaned against the wall got to keep all the others that didn't.
I want to go back to Woolworths and get a grilled cheese sandwich at a soup at their lunceonette with my mom.
I want to go back to Arby's (none are around here) now I'm friggin' starvin'!!!!!!
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<B>Horde King Forever!! <strike>The Oracle Never!!</strike></B></center>
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>
11-02-2003, 05:38 PM
I want to go back before there were video games and the internet, when all the neighborhood kids would always be playing outside with eachother.
you hardly see kids playing outside anymore, its upsetting.
<center>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
[b]I'm doing the happy dance, I'm doing the happy dance.
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<font color=blue>110% Shenannigans</font>
Mike Teacher
11-02-2003, 05:54 PM
Build Estes and Centuri model rockets and go to a field and shoot them into the sky...
Go to the Two-Guys in Neptune and have grandma slip me a couple bucks...
Go with my Dad to take the car and park it outside of Ocean Grove on Saturday afternoon because they would chain the town shut on Sunday, and not only could you not drive, you could not have a car that could be seen...
Play in the streets [see above]...
Go and play and NOT think about Lyme's, poison Ivy, ticks, mosquitos.
Stand on the Observation Deck and look north...
Play bombardment in gym...
Ask out all the girls I didn't have the nerve to...
Stand on line with a few 100 others at the Ticket-Tron at the Somerville Circle at 4am to get Van Halen/Kiss/Peter Gabriel...
Get wasted with my friends and then take a tour of the neighborhood pools at about 3am on a hot July night that is Starless and Bible Black...
See two or three concerts a week, being walking distance from the Convention Hall in Asbury Park. After a trip through the Casino, and the Bumper Cars, and the Spinning wheels and the Tunnel of Love and the Palace Amusements, and the artist who who draw you, and the smell of the Planters...
Go back to when summer vacation stretched on forever...
Walk through the heart at the Franklin Institute...
Go build a fort...
Ask Sean and Mike what the Fuck they were thinking...
Build a few dozen Revell and Aurora Models of Airplanes, Dragsters, Monsters...
Listen to Jean Shepherd on WOR on a Tood-A-Loop...
Go see a WNEW concert in Asbury where 100,000 students throughout the state blow off school...
Listen to all-music WABC and wear the $25,000 button...
Buy an entire Box of Wacky Packages...
Do the Mid-6am Saturday night shift on WHTG FM 106.3 and play any fucking song they wanted.
Watch the New Happy Days on Tuesday night...
Roll change we all grabbed from our houses to buy a dime bag...
Come home from school; eat Ring-Dings and go watch the 4:30 movie on Channel 7, especially when it was Godzilla Movie week...
Go around the block selling greeting cards with visions of getting a Mini-Bike if I could only sell 800,000,000 cards, as seen in Boys Life...
Fill out that weird Insurance form you used to get on the first day of school...
Go to a concert at the Garden where the smoke is so thick you can hardly see the other side, and Frisbees are flying, and Beachballs are bouncing, and the ticket was $8.50...
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11-02-2003, 06:12 PM
Take the cushions off all the couches and surround a table with them and make a fort and hang out inside.
Go down to the appliance store and take a huge refigerator box and walk it home and make a robot out of it or slide down a snow covered hill inside it with my firends.
Climb on top of my garage and grab a tree branch and swing down to the ground on it ala Tarzan.
Hang out down at the railroad tracks and squish pennies on the tracks.
Hang out at the swamp and collect frogs.
Flip over abandoned cars with my friends.
Drop M80's down a man hole and blow stuff up with them. (be carefull!)
Trying to build a car out of wood and bike wheels and carriage wheels like the Little Rascals and roll it down a hill.
Take the front wheel off a ten speed and putting a front wheel of a little kids bike on and pedal around like its a "chopper"
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<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>
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This message was edited by sr71blackbird on 11-2-03 @ 10:13 PM
Mike Teacher
11-02-2003, 06:59 PM
to before my 1000th post.
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11-02-2003, 07:04 PM
Joe Walsh's "Indian Summer" should be playing in the background of this thread.
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11-02-2003, 07:57 PM
I want to go back to taking all of the sheets and blankets off my bed and make tents to cover my whole bedroom.
I want to go back to listen to WPLJ when they played cool music not Top 40 crap.
I want to go back to playing street hockey on the avenue using the neighbors garbage cans as goals.
I want to also go back to Tony's pizza on the corner for 2 slices and an Orange Crush for 1.15. (good one Gvac)
I want to go back to walking to school and going to the drug store to buy Bubble Yum so you could sell it for a nickel maybe a dime a piece.
I want to go back to playing bingo with my grandma in Massapequa and have her play her 20 boards and keep an eye on my 5 boards.
I want to go back to playing marathon games of risk with my friends and using poker chips (25 men) when all of the regular wooden tokens ran out.
I want to go back to Kemp Mill records and buy albums Joe Jackson, The Beatles, Missing Persons, The Clash, The Stones, Pistols, Kinks for 5.99 a piece.
I want to go back and play kickball, and hit a slow and bouncing ball into the out field for a homerun.
I want to go back to the block parties and hang out with my neigbors in Amityville and West Babylon (when neighbors talked to each other).
I want to go back to camping out in the backyard with your best friend.
I want to go back to when kids were still kids and they did not have to grow up so fast.
Great thread Fluff.
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11-02-2003, 08:10 PM
i wanna go back to the hung jury pub and the dc space and the old 9:30 and see 3 bands for 3 bucks in a hot crowded beer/leather stenched rooms and dig on black market baby, scream, government issue,marginal man, dag nasty , bad brains, beefeater, mfd..
i wanna go back to playing basketball with the friends i grew up with.
i wanna go back and do it all over.
just like eddie money says.
Love the one you hate
11-02-2003, 08:16 PM
I remember going to the Kemp Mill at the Potomac Mills Mall when I was in high school. They had such a great selection of stuff too.
I actually went back to one of the old school malls a few weeks ago and there was a Baseball Card Show there. I t was the McDade Mall on Concord Pike in Delaware County, PA. They had the hot dog stand in the middle of the mall along with a soft pretzel stand too. It is amazing that after all these years I remembered what it was like to get the SuperDog with the kraut and cheese substance and bottle of pop. That took me right back. There was even still the community stage for use on the weekends by local school and AND the local doctors office that would be there in the mall as well. Like the optometrist that was right next to the Pearle Vision Centre. I think the one mall by me when I was kid had a Dentist's Office in there too.
This is the kind of stuff I really want to capture with my cartoons if they ever get off the ground. Taking myself and others back to a time when things were "cool" and not so much of a diluted PC and Video Game diluted society where we foget what it was like to go out and experience community and small town life. You may go back and say "O it sucked and this is LAME" but you can't deny that things have gotten so polluted recently to the point where you don't see the kids outside playing Street Hockey and having "Game ON" and "CAR!" being said in our streets.
I vent. I vent.
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Yes, Lamb of God is that good. As the Palces Burn is the metal record of the last 10 years!
To know about the Giggleloop, is to become part of the Giggleloop
11-02-2003, 08:29 PM
-To Toys"R"Us to buy the cool new LEGO set.
-To the day I hit my only home run in Little League.
-My first look at a Playboy magazine.
-Bike riding through the woods up to "Gun Hill" to play army.
-Sloppy Joes in the lunchroom in 5th grade.
-He Man on TV after school.
-First time I met my chick.
-my first concert.
-When family vacations were fun.
Thanks to Reefdwella for the great Sig Pic.
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11-02-2003, 10:24 PM
I want to go back to the Sunday mornings where channel 5 would have Three Stooges at 11AM, followed by one of the thousand Tarzan movies at Noon.
I want to go back to when dress pants were itchy, and cardigans made you look gay. Er.
I want to go back the days when the Good Humor wouldn't come to any of the neighborhoods I lived in.
I want to go back to when GI Joes were small.
I want to go back to when everybody had Transformers, and I was the rebel douchebag with GoBots.
I want to go back to that year when everyone wore the Chuck Taylor Converse that cost 30 bucks, yet my mom cheaped out, took me to Payless and bought what were soon labeled
"Fake-Me-Out Chucks". The sole fell off my right, "starless" black imitation chuck a week later.
I want to go back to when both the Bateman siblings had hit TV shows.
I want to go back to when JFK had overnight replays.
I want to go back to the days of Ritalin.
I want to go back to when I wasn't scared of a seesaw mishap squahing my sack.
I want to go back to the days of stealing candy bars from the Chevy Chase pharmacy.
I want to go back to watching the Goonies everyday after school.
I want to go back and not tell people that the foam you see on creek beds is cocaine dumped by Peruvian druglords whose plans were aborted. It could happen.
I want to go back to when I was scared of falling down while ice skating because I was sure that someone would skate over my hand, severing fingers that you would need to get back up.
I want to go back to the Chesapeake Bay Seafood House. It was where On The Border is now on Rockville Pike in MD. They had the best hush puppies ever. Ever. Plus they had Shinobi which I played while waitin.
I want to go back to the first time I smoked pot, in Breckenridge CO, and not let the 4 lb teacup poodle get high. And I would change the joint, into a gravity bong.
11-03-2003, 03:19 AM
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
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<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>
Mike Teacher
11-03-2003, 05:01 AM
I actually went back to one of the old school malls a few weeks ago
Cool. One of the local NJ malls that i used to haunt; Seaview Square Mall down hereat the shore doesnt even exist anymore.
Any how lame is this? I can't even go back to my old high school for old times sake or to see my teacher's because it does not Exist anymore!!!!
Bridegwater-Raritan HS East in Somerset County closed. I was crushed.
Good news: people are mentioning things that have COMPLETELY escaped my memory; I mean big, Chapter-type parts of ones life. Amazing.
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11-03-2003, 05:50 AM
I want to go back:
to beating golfballs with my dad in the fields at Gruman, and then him teaching and letting me drive the 3 speed Econoline.
to a wiffle ball game that lasted all summer.
to all day bike hikes.
to spotting Burma Shave Signs as we drove across the country.
to the sleepouts in the backyard when I first heard the opening notes of Mr. Tambourine Man and a few years later went exploring with my first girlfriend.
to every drive in movie I ever was at.
to opening up Rolling Stone and reading the first part of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" for the first time.
to being able to hitchhike all up and down the eastcoast to go to concerts.
to being able to call into and listen to my favorite show on the radio in real time.
" editing posts since day one"
Bill From Yorktown
11-03-2003, 06:05 AM
-watch the 4:30 movie marathons of Godzilla or Planet of the Apes, and Dr Who on saturday nights at 6
-get a bowl of neopolitan ice cream, and stir it up into a brown mess then eat it
-wait until the first warm day in late spring and go out for Carvel vanilla soft serve
-run around the back yard and jump thru the sprinkler
-ride my bike all afternoon until the street light came on
-go to little league and have sabretts kept warm in a thermos
-have the time to do nothing on a saturday afternoon and actually be bored
-Legos around the time they introduced those little men, before the kits got so complicated and expensive
-a shovel, bucket of water, and a couple dozen army men or astronauts were all you needed for an afternoon of fun in the backyard
-atari 2600 when it was raining out
-Star Wars and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on NPR playhouse saturday mornings
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11-03-2003, 06:37 AM
This message was edited by Furtherman on 9-29-04 @ 2:34 PM
11-03-2003, 06:38 AM
-Legos around the time they introduced those little men, before the kits got so complicated and expensive
Yeah man, how fucking cool was that.
Those were awsome and didn't have little faces on them. What the hell are these new ones doing?
What the HELL is that?!? WHAT IS THAT!?! They are too detailed for Lego people. Lego was simple. A SIMPLE fucking thing! Blocks for goodness sakes! Kind of like painting details onto my Lincoln Logs and my Tinkertoys. If they have, I don't know.
On a completely unrelated topic although it has beome about as fake as the new Lego men:
I also want Sportscenter to come back and to be a show that I can be proud of watching again. Stuart Scott needs to be taken to vocabulary school and learn how to speak properly. Cool right shizzle, you may have been raised in the inner city and have your own lingo. I have NO fucking idea anymore what you are talking about. When did "McNabb with a long pass downfield to Freddie Mitchell become "McNabb shizzle with the flow to Freddie Mac Mitchell to take it to the hiz-ouse" Shut up already. Give me Bob Ley, Tom Mees (R.I.P.) and Chris Berman and give it to me straight. Do we live ina hip-hop influenced society now? I sure hope not.
I vent. I vent.
<img src="">
Yes, Lamb of God is that good. As the Palces Burn is the metal record of the last 10 years!
To know about the Giggleloop, is to become part of the Giggleloop
This message was edited by fluffernutter on 11-3-03 @ 10:40 AM
11-03-2003, 06:06 PM
snake pliskin
<center> </center>
<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>
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11-03-2003, 06:15 PM
<center> </center>
<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>
11-03-2003, 06:30 PM
Curious George books before bed.
Showing off my new cool toys at show and tell.
Trading baseball cards with my friend David.
My Grandmas pool in Florida.
Original Nintendo.
The day the training wheels came off my bike.
Coloring books.
Jusy being a little kid.
Thanks to Reefdwella for the great Sig Pic.
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11-04-2003, 06:31 AM
I want to go back to when wrestling had it's own cartoon.
I want to go back to when school let out at 3:00.
I want to go back to when looking up a girls' dress was the biggest thrill ever.
11-04-2003, 06:41 AM
I want to go back to when looking up a girls' dress was the biggest thrill ever.
Its still pretty great.
Thanks to Reefdwella for the great Sig Pic.
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Mike Teacher
11-04-2003, 07:14 AM
What the HELL is that?!? WHAT IS THAT!?! They are too detailed for Lego people.
I'm a Lego Purist. The challenge is to make something really cool, and maybe even 'realistic' using just the good ole Legos.
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11-04-2003, 08:02 PM
I want to go back to the Caldor's around the block from the house i grew up in and blow 10 dollars on pure crap in the quater machines outside.
I want to go back to middle school when i spent all the time on the phone with my friends. And then fall asleep while on the phone. I miss when your friends meant so much. And I miss thinking that theyd be there through everything.
i need a sig, if anyone wants to make me one that would be super!
i wish i could go back to when foundry chat use to get 24 people people in it and that was when it wasnt even at peak...
11-05-2003, 03:32 PM
The challenge is to make something really cool, and maybe even 'realistic' using just the good ole Legos.
I put forth the challenge of some of us getting together with our OLD LEgo's and building stuff. Maybe even turning it into a competition. Too bad R & F don't have an accompanying TV show casue I would just love to watch that even while having conversationa bout all things old school and what we miss.
I want to go back to Jamesway and Kiddie City.
<img src="">
Yes, Lamb of God is that good. As the Palces Burn is the metal record of the last 10 years!
To know about the Giggleloop, is to become part of the Giggleloop
high fly
11-06-2003, 09:37 AM
I wanna go back to when a naked Barbie doll gave me a woodie...
To when it was just fine to give a kid a toy gun as a gift...
To when Rolling Stone was printed on newsprint before Jan Wenner hadda go and change the logo and move to NY to be closer to his coke dealer....
To when there was none of this rock music at baseball games...
To when we'd pull around our red Radio Flyer wagons collecting bottles to return for the deposits and spending it on candy...
" and they ask me why I drink"
This message was edited by high fly on 11-6-03 @ 1:42 PM
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