View Full Version : The WWE needs more titles
03-02-2003, 08:20 PM
Some of the WWE former championships like the European Title and Hardcore title really didnt carry that much meaning to them.
However the WWE needs to bring back a mid level belt like the intercontinental title, and put some respect back in it. I remember when someone won the IC belt, it was that first step to a major push to make that wrestler the World Champ in due time look what it did to the careers like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Austin, and the Rock. It was stupid to make some people like Albert the IC champ. If they decide to bring back the IC championship, there should be a tournament. Not giving a title away like they did wih HHH.
Both Shows need the IC belt, but if for example raw gets the IC title on their show, smackdown should have something like the North American title
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
03-02-2003, 09:21 PM
If they follow the present trend, SmackDown would get the IC belt (but PLEASE let Reggie Park give it a redesign...the last one was awful), and Raw could re-instate the old US Title (along with the old IC belt, one of my favorite designs).
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
03-02-2003, 09:32 PM
I am definitely one of those who think that the WWE needs more titles. Specifically, they need to have some titles that the mid-carders can hold and fight to obtain. Having these lower belts allowed the wrestlers and the creative team to see how a wrestler can perform with a title, maybe even see if they have what it takes to be a champion.
There is also the hardcore title, which should be set for a particular type of wrestler. I would have liked it if you had some mid-card level wrestlers that even the top stars were afraid to fight in a hardcore-style match, with a reaction of "Hey, I'm a world champion/former world champion, and I don't need to fight with those lunatics!" Matches like the Raven-Rhyno match (I don't know which PPV it was) really elevated the hardcore title for a while because those two busted their asses to make a great show.
It is not enough to give some wrestlers some tv time, the right performers can make these belts shine by really giving their all to win it. For example, Matt Hardy has really begun to shine with 'mattitude' but it would have much more punch when he wins or defends a belt (hence giving him the Cruiserweight title, but what other options do they have?) I am thinking of Regal and Snow as European champions; RVD, Kane and Big Show fighting for the Hardcore belt.
What I would like to see is the IC title returned to active status, but since the name itself doesn't really make sense, make it an Inter-Promotional title. One of the great things about last week's RAW battle royale was that we got to see a Smackdown performer fighting the RAW wrestlers. I would think it a good thing to mix things up a bit. You could have a RAW or Smackdown wrestler hold the belt, and the other promotion would have to send someone to the other show to win it and bring it back to theirs.
Clearly, I think too much about things like this. I need a real job. =)
Now I'm starving
What are they gonna do now?
03-03-2003, 01:21 AM
I have no clue what they were thinking when they merged all of the titles into the World Title on RAW. Triple H really must have been on an ego trip that night when he was banging Stephs head against the bed post and offering that idea for the creative team.
"They always win in the end."
03-03-2003, 12:49 PM
The intercontinental title has a history that's just as important as the Heavyweight title. The list of legendary wrestlers that held that belt is staggering and for them to do away with it sickened me. I'm surprised they didn't let HHH absorb the tag team and the women's belt too. I think that the way they should have handled the intercontinental title, the tag team titles, and the women't title is the same way they handled the undisputed title in the beginning. The champ was the one man who could go on whatever show he wanted. Having that kind of power and prestige gave the title meaning and made it something worth fighting for. And then HHH wanted to have his own belt and they gave it to him...and the rest is shit.
What do you want from us? We're EVIL! EVIL!!!!!!
03-03-2003, 01:08 PM
here is my thoughts on this perticular topic
IC Belt - Raw or smackdown should have it
TV Title - If raw gets IC, then Smackdown gets the TV, or vice versa
Hardcore title - Definately a RAW belt, due to the fact of Smackdown having the Cruiserweight belt.
If they do those three things, then well i might start watching more often
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