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COINCEDENCE...or something more? [Archive] - Messageboard


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02-26-2003, 05:51 PM
A friend of mine got married to a girl I truly hated. We kinda stopped hanging out once he got married. A year later, I joined the Army and was stationed in Germany. For almost 2 1/2 years, my friend and I had totally stopped speaking. No letters. No emails. No phone calls.

One morning, I woke up at 5:40am (my time) and I said to myself: "I wonder how long he is gonna stay married to that crazy woman!". Later that day, I checked my email and, lo & behold, there was an email from my old friend. It basically said "I know we haven't spoken in a while, but I thought you should know that my wife & I are splitting up. etc etc"

The weirdest part of this story is:
He sent that email at 11:40pm (his time). That is the EXACT MINUTE that I was thinking about his shitty marriage!

Is there a logical explanation for coincedences like this? I mean..... just aboot everyone has a wacky story that involves an amazing coincedence, right?

What gives??

Fez 4 Prez!!

02-26-2003, 06:01 PM
the guy with the email sent your brain a CC

<marquee bgcolor=red width=300>I will not <b>DIE</b>!</marquee>
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee bgcolor=red width=300>You will <b>burn</b>!</marquee>
Hairy Elvis: Sig #30 [2.20.03]
<A HREF=>>>Sig Pic Archive + RnF Site</A>

02-26-2003, 06:06 PM
It's simple. The chip the government implanted in your brain, at birth, is 'wired' into the net. He was sending you this email from an Army base somewhere overseas. The government mostly uses foreign bases as the location where they issue their MICO's (Mind Implant Control Orders) from and he could have unkowingly been using a MICO terminal to send you this email. Inwhich case you would receive both messages simultaneously.

Love to Fluffernutter for the sig
A dollah eighty-two!?!?! These mus' be Long Island prices!
<marquee>White people are so scared of blakjeezis</marquee>

02-26-2003, 06:13 PM
I'm not one to believe in "supernatural" occurences, but I've had far too many of incidents like the one you just described to just dismiss them away as coincidence, Fezident.

There's got to be some kind of link between two people who are (or were) really close, or how else could you explain getting a phone call or e-mail from someone you haven't spoken to in years just as you're thinking of them?

It's an interesting subject, and maybe one day science will explain what we view as "mystical."

Death Metal Moe
02-26-2003, 06:16 PM
Jesus, Mary and Joseph

<IMG SRC="">
<A HREF=""></A>

02-26-2003, 06:17 PM
<b>I</b> think that you didnt accually think about your friend at 11:40. When you read the email, your brain thought "i thought about him last night" even though you didnt.

I always question my dreams. If I wake up the next day and think "I had this dream". I think "did I really have it, or did I just think it up 5 seconds ago and thought I had it"

Its weird but if your me you understand it.

<marquee bgcolor=red width=300>I will not <b>DIE</b>!</marquee>
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee bgcolor=red width=300>You will <b>burn</b>!</marquee>
Hairy Elvis: Sig #30 [2.20.03]
<A HREF=>>>Sig Pic Archive + RnF Site</A>

02-26-2003, 06:20 PM
what we view as "mystical."

I think you're mystical, Gvac. And maybe even a little dreamy.

Love to Fluffernutter for the sig
A dollah eighty-two!?!?! These mus' be Long Island prices!
<marquee>White people are so scared of blakjeezis</marquee>

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 2-26-03 @ 10:21 PM

02-26-2003, 06:20 PM
Is there a logical explanation for coincedences like this? I mean..... just aboot everyone has a wacky story that involves an amazing coincedence, right?

You said aboot.


02-26-2003, 06:23 PM
OMG! at 4:40am(GMT) I pointed the egyptian symbol Ank (crudely fasioned out of a wire hanger) at Stonehenge and was struck by a blue beam. How odd!

<img src="" width=300 height=100>
<marquee><font size=2><b><font color=green>Using the bore worms on you for over 5000 posts. Free Yerdaddy</b></font>

02-26-2003, 06:31 PM
The chip the government implanted in your brain, at birth, is 'wired' into the net.

I never new that...i should stop imagining peoples death

<img src="C:

This message was edited by Dan-E on 2-26-03 @ 10:33 PM

02-26-2003, 06:35 PM
I think you might be right about that idea of chips being implanted in our brains-just this morning I was thinking about cheating on my taxes this year and lo and behold-this afternoon I received a letter from the IRS informing me that I'm getting audited-truly amazing!!!!!


02-26-2003, 07:19 PM
Is there a logical explanation for coincedences like this? I mean..... just aboot everyone has a wacky story that involves an amazing coincedence, right?

The NYT had an article about this last summer called The Odds of That. I can't link to it but you can go look it up.

The gist of it was that a mathmetician would tell you that there are a lot of things happening all the time so that so seemingly related things happen closely together by chance on a regular basis; a psychologist would tell you that you happen to remember those few instances of coincidence because they strike an emotional chord while you filter out & forget all the uneventful random occurences and a biologist would tell that our brains are wired by evolution (we're all descendants of successful hunter-gatherers) to take random data points and make patterns out of them, even if they don't exist in an objective sense.

Of course, I am none of those things so I'll tell you it's the VOO-DOO, man. You gotta watch out for that spooky shit.

[b]Free Yerdaddy![b]

This message was edited by Recyclerz on 2-26-03 @ 11:33 PM