View Full Version : A call for US to disarm
02-25-2003, 06:21 AM
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Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has launched a scathing attack on the "born-again colonialists" of the United States and the United Kingdom.
The US should lead by example and dismantle its weapons of mass destruction, before demanding the same of Iraq, he said.
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<marquee><font size=2><b><font color=green>Using the bore worms on you for over 5000 posts</b></font>
02-25-2003, 06:30 AM
Better listen to him, Dubya. HE'S THE PRESIDENT OF ZIMBABWE!!!!
<b>Osama Bin Laden, you can kiss my royal Irish ass! And I live in Rockaway. And this is my face, bitch!
-FF Mike Moran</b>
02-25-2003, 06:30 AM
I'd say his comments is tantamount to Charles Manson giving comments to a burglar on how to stop crime.
Mugabe is a racist who has destroyed what was once called the jewel of Africa all to keep his support by kicking white farmers off of lands. What he now fails to mention is the fact that over 75% of the farmland in his country is unfarmed do to the redistribution.
This guy now attempts to curry favor with the extreme area of the world China and SE Asia which is ripe with Corruption and Terrorism and shocker Mugabe had just signed Oil Contracts with Libya but was unable to pay the fees so now they have no gas so now he wants to get into bed with Iraq how typical for a continent that will be extinct do to AIDS in 20 years
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Slice like a ninja, cut like a razorblade
Captain Stubing
02-25-2003, 06:36 AM
Mugabe finally made good on his plan to redistribute his country's farms, and as a result Zimbabwe's economy - once among Africa's strongest - is in freefall. From that bastion of conservative ideology, Time Inc. For more on this idiot's leadership skills and techniques-
Fezaesthesia - Prognosis poor...
02-25-2003, 06:37 AM
I would just like to refer everyone to one of my previous posts:
Pre-emptive war sets a dangerous precedent, one that will certainly be used against America in the near future
This is just the beginning. It's not that difficult to predict if you understand human nature.
BTW: if anyone wants to play a game of "Diplomacy" with me, I would love to play. Its my favorite game.
<marquee>FREE YERDADDY!!! </marquee>
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act from Congress, signed into law by President Bush two months ago, aims at promoting democratic change in the African country through a mix of punitive measures and incentives.
In addition to sanctions, it authorizes on certification of progress by the President -- more than 25-million dollars in US aid to Zimbabwe for land reform and democracy-building, and expresses a US commitment to reschedule or eliminate Zimbabwe's billion-dollar debt to the World Bank and other international lending agencies.
That's right -- bite the hand that feeds you.
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A Skidmark production.
Captain Stubing
02-25-2003, 06:44 AM
This is just the beginning. It's not that difficult to predict if you understand human nature.
I agree there a better case NOT to unilaterally disarm?
And, does it seem a least a little self-serving for the leader of a 'have-not' country to ask a 'have' country to give stuff up? Here's a thought el Presidente Mugabe, work for your country and people on becoming a 'have' nation.......oh wait, I personally have plenty so you have no incentive. Let them eat cake!!!!
Fezaesthesia - Prognosis poor...
02-25-2003, 08:37 AM
The idea of Zimbabwe's President giving orders is a joke. But the notion is right on target. The US does lead by example, yet expects the rest of the world to do as we say, not as we do. It's ass backwards and doesn't hold.
Ps...And I just love the fact that North Korea is testing missiles, Iraq is somewhat complying (according to Blix's statement on 2/25) ...yet invasion plans are forthcoming (buying off Turkish government approval was helpful too). Did anyone happen to see the plans mentioned in a report regarding humanitarian affairs and such after we invade? It's hilarious....the US will blow everything up..and then let NGO's and the UN clean up the mess. How nice and caring....ughh.
02-25-2003, 08:50 AM
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I fucking HATE hypocrites.
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VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks. FREE YERDADDY!!!
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-25-2003, 09:12 AM
Mugabe is a racist who has destroyed what was once called the jewel of Africa ...
This guy now attempts to curry favor with the extreme area of the world China and SE Asia which is ripe with Corruption and Terrorism and shocker Mugabe had just signed Oil Contracts with Libya ...
& Don't forget he's pals with the French
[b]Free Yerdaddy![b]
02-25-2003, 09:12 AM
Half of his country is going to starve to near-death. Zimbabwe will ask the US for Aid and assistance and try to make the US feel guilty about it.
As for Mr Blix,
This is borrowed from the Wash Post.
Monday, February 24, 2003; Page A16
Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said in an interview that the United States deserves partial credit for goading Iraq into agreeing to recent U.N. inspections because it threatened to launch a war .
"I don't think there would have been any inspection but for outside pressure, including U.S. forces," Blix said in an interview in Time magazine. "Diplomacy may need to be backed up by force. Inspections may need to be backed up by pressure."
The magazine said Blix seemed in the interview to be more skeptical of the actions of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his government than many people around the world had thought.
"They have no credibility," Blix said. "I don't see that they have acquired any credibility" since their false statements in the 1990s claiming to have no programs for developing weapons of mass destruction, he said.
"There has to be solid evidence of everything" that the Iraqis claim, Blix said of the inspection process. "If there is not evidence, or you can't find it, I simply say, 'Sorry, I don't find any evidence, and I cannot guarantee or recommend any confidence.' "
Blix said it was "a bit odd" that a government as fastidious about record-keeping as Iraq's is saying it cannot produce documents showing it has destroyed stocks of anthrax and other toxic compounds.
"They've been one of the best-organized regimes in the Arab world," he said. "But then, if they destroyed their documents with that efficiency, there might be relatively little left."
An ultimatum for Iraqi to cooperate by a given date might be needed, he said.
"A number of months" of additional inspection might be enough to finally conclude what weapons Iraq has, but that timeline is attainable only with full Iraqi cooperation, he said. "If they stonewall, well, I think it would be hard."
Meanwhile, thousands of people rallied on Saturday in favor of a possible U.S. war in Iraq. Some 2,000 people attended a pro-war demonstration in Orlando, and 1,000 marched in Pensacola, Fla. Other rallies were held in Indianapolis and Bremerton, Wash. The demonstrations were minuscule compared with those around the country a week ago protesting any incursion.
-- John Mintz
c 2003 The Washington Post Company
Director of the C.Y.A. Society.
Field Marshal of the K.I.S.S. Army
This message was edited by CaptClown on 2-25-03 @ 1:19 PM
02-25-2003, 09:13 AM
For one thing, we didn't go signing treaties saying that we'd disarm (completely)
Death Metal Moe
02-25-2003, 03:43 PM
I'm impressed the press was able to get so much out of a speech of clicks and whistles.
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02-25-2003, 06:13 PM
actually moe, they got more out of the body language, as he jumped up and down throwing his feces.
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<marquee><font size=2><b><font color=green>Using the bore worms on you for over 5000 posts</b></font>
02-25-2003, 06:29 PM
Dammit, Zimbabwe's opinion realy matters
Whats next? Nepal and Bangladesh will have an opinion?
Kinda makes you think when the #1 rapper is white and the #1 golfer is black
02-25-2003, 06:34 PM
I think while we're all feeling this way, let's take guns, handcuffs, and night sticks away from police. That way, criminals will stop committing crimes!
fuckin' retards...
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"Just back 'n jack." -Ron
"It looks like brown Cool Whip." -Fez
02-25-2003, 09:42 PM
It's ass backwards and doesn't hold.
There you have it, straight from the guy who says more 'ass-backwards' things than anyone else...
02-26-2003, 02:14 AM
It's hilarious....the US will blow everything up..and then let NGO's and the UN clean up the mess. How nice and caring....ughh.
Too bad the US practically finances the UN by itself. The UN is a company financed by the US that does nothing but cause us problems. Not to mention, when was the last time we just went anywhere and blew everything up. Hell, in the last few conflicts the US has been very percise, still to be criticized for being too sloppy and wreck-less in times of fucking WAR. Perhaps bombing the asses who are at task here is wrong and the bombing of his own innocent people is the right path as per Iraq's current internal policy?
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Nothing...i have nothing!
02-26-2003, 07:32 AM
Just because the US funds programs, institutions and such...does not make the US unaccountable to them. That is a huge problem in US policy and it gives a ton of perspective for foreign nations.
I don't know if any of you happen to see Charlie Rose last night. He was talking to 2 experts in international affairs. One being, Michael Igantieff (From Harvard School of International Affairs), and he made mention of that item specifically. The US sends the message out of acting unilaterally but expect every other nation to act multilaterally within frameworks of doctrines, agreements and pacts. The US breaks such items when acting in its own interest. And when they do so, it send the wrong message and notions to other nations.
On a side note, there was also a show regarding Bio-terrorism and its agents. It is scary stuff, and not to mention that the US created a good amount of the items we are now trying to clean up and contain.
This message was edited by FiveB247 on 2-26-03 @ 12:05 PM
02-26-2003, 07:59 AM
Just because the US funds programs, institutions and such...does not make them unaccountable to them.
Wait, are you saying that they are accountable to us, or we are accountable to them. Which them in that sentence are we?
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<marquee><font size=2><b><font color=green>Using the bore worms on you for over 5000 posts</b></font>
02-26-2003, 08:05 AM
Sorry bout that..made a bo-bo. I edited it so it reads correctly now.
I said, The US should be held accountable to the institutions, agreements, pacts and organizations it funds.
02-26-2003, 08:08 AM
I agree with Zimbabwe, but of course, I always agree with Zimbabwe. White farmers don't know what they're doing.
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