View Full Version : Stand With Our President Petition
02-21-2003, 02:25 PM
Normally I'm just a lurker, especially since the show left ny. Not trying to start a new epic war thread or anything, just wanted to put up a link that some may find interesting, others may not. Not sure if this violates any tos or not, if so, my bad couldn't find anything in the faq. Thanks.
02-21-2003, 04:27 PM
I just thought that I would set this up as a link for you that a "welcome to the board." Not that I agree with it, as you probably already know from your lurking, but you should be able to express you opinion to the fullest.
<marquee>FREE YERDADDY!!! </marquee>
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>
02-21-2003, 04:40 PM
check out this site and educate yourselves;
and get your brains off of foxnews and start listening to public radio.
Hey, how about that George
Bush guy, ain't he da best?
This message was edited by biznac on 2-21-03 @ 8:50 PM
02-21-2003, 07:15 PM
Public radio is garbage.
02-21-2003, 07:36 PM
If public radio was so good it wouldn't need to be funded by the government.
By the way do they give cool totebags like PBS or what?
02-21-2003, 08:02 PM
Thanks dark hippie, I appreciate that.
And I'd ask that if its easy enough for moi to push my "uneducated" information in its own new topic. You can just as easily push your leftist agendas in separate topics so that people will more easily find it and also research hopefully other ideas.
02-21-2003, 08:03 PM
As hawkish as I am about this war, I cannot send this type of letter, b/c it's in support of Bush, not just the war.
Among this right wing group's agenda (towards the bottom of the page and marked optional) are:
1. Protecting the unborn from abortion
2. Taxes
3. Social security
4. Pledge of allegiance in schools ("one nation under God")
5. Stopping internet porn spam
6. Second amendment rights (right to keep & bear arms)
Bush's policies and actions on these issues are simply awful.
1. Bush wants to eliminate (!) abortion
2. His tax programs are geared towards the wealthy
3. He wants to privatize social security
4. He wants god in school (and outside abortion clinics)
(Except number 5. I don't know that Bush has any stand on it, but anything that will stop spam is a good thing. But why limit it to porn? B/c that's a religious issue, as some see porn as "morally" wrong. Refinancing Your Home Now apparantly is less sinful).
#6 is a murky issue, but in my opinion at least some measure of gun control coupled with mandatory sentencing for any crime committed with a gun is necessary.
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02-22-2003, 07:58 AM
I don't have a problem with those 6 policies.
I'm for abortion, but the President can't do all that much about it, except for funding, etc.
The Supreme Court has the power to eliminate it, not the Prez.
The pledge of allegiance doesn't bother me, and the only people it does are whiny bitches.
Stopping internet porn spam is good too. That stuff's a pain in the ass.
And as far as gun control, there really isn't anyone who isn't for SOME kind of gun control.
02-22-2003, 08:29 AM
Ypu're such a hippie!!
02-22-2003, 10:13 AM
I'm for abortion, but the President can't do all that much about it, except for funding, etc. The Supreme Court has the power to eliminate it, not the Prez.
And even then if it's overturned, it goes back to the states. It will never be illegal again, I don't know why everyone spends so time fighting about this.
Another thing is guns. They are never going to be made illegal. Worry about things that can be changed.
02-22-2003, 12:51 PM
Another thing is guns. They are never going to be made illegal. Worry about things that can be changed.
No, they'll never make guns themselves outright illegal, but they'll put 600,000 little laws in place so that just about anything involved with guns is illegal.
02-22-2003, 01:02 PM
Well as is obvious by the various protests and groups organizing them worldwide, you don't always get to pick your allies when standing for one particular cause. Sometimes you have to get along briefly with those you wouldn't otherwise have any agreement with.
1. I'm pro-choice myself
2. After watching Gov. Pataki on cnbc discuss removing the dividend tax with kudlow and kramer I think (don't normally watch those guys so I'm not positive) I'm convinced that it is a good thing for the state I live in. I don't believe in income redistribution. Especially when done by the federal government. I'd be slightly more comfortable but not much if it was done in state.
3. Undecided on the issue, don't know enough about it yet to understand both sides.
4. The pledge IMHO should stay with the "under God". While I'm far from religious especially in lieu of our local catholic priest issues, and the vatican having a representative of the worst current human rights regime in the world in what I once considered one of the holiest places on earth really has made me quesion their priorities when scandal continues locally. (Note: I would have no problem with them being against the war, and pronouncing that clearly to the world. They are entitled to their opinion.) I don't believe the founding fathers intended on having God removed completely from any sort of instituional vocabulary. Even with this though, there needs to be limits. I think there's a difference between the pledge and a courthouse having biblical events on their front lawn.
5. Don't know enough about the issue to pick a side. I'm assuming there's more to it then just the relentless porn email spam.
6. Don't know enough about the issue as to what at this point is under contest by the two agendas. I do believe the kind of arms that are allowed to be beared (is that a word?) do need to be carefully restricted.
Just to be clear I don't necessarily endorse all of the views of that particular website just as peace protesters don't all want to be communists or socialists or islamic fundamentalists, they just want a good opportunity to get their message across.
02-22-2003, 01:05 PM
I don't get why people care so much about having to say the pledge.
Just say it.
You don't have to be a pussy and cry about it.
02-22-2003, 01:25 PM
The "under God" part was not in it originally. It was added during the 50's and the height of "Red scare" McCarthy=ism to "prove" we weren't "Godless" like those heathen commies. I want to say the original, other people can add the "under God" hokum, it really doesn't matter...but the pledge should still be around. It was always something I actually felt proud to say as a kid in school...
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks. FREE YERDADDY!!!
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
high fly
02-23-2003, 12:05 PM
We gotta go and get those nasty chemical and biological weapons THAT RONALD REAGAN GAVE TO SADDAM back as soon as possible before the most recent Republican recession gets any worse.
And let's try to ignore those pictures of Dumbya posing with that accused terrorist they just nailed at the University of South Florida.
"Fan of Latin Spice's Kadoonk Adoonk since day one"
02-24-2003, 03:39 PM
Go learn your facts, buttnut.
Death Metal Moe
02-24-2003, 03:42 PM
get your brains off of foxnews and start listening to public radio
Yea, why should our news be entertaining too? Why should we get balanced news?(it's not a catch phrase in my opinion. They always try to get 2 or more guests from 2 sides of a topic)
Let's get a one sided, boring take on the world events.
YOU keep my seat warm douche bag. But don't worry, your Liberal friends will soon be starting their own Radio station with their hired gun/puppet Al Franken.
What a horrid idea. I hope it crashes and burns. I hope it gets better ratings that Donahue at least!
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<A HREF=""></A>
02-24-2003, 07:40 PM
Al Franken is doomed.
Even if I was a liberal, I'd never listen to that guy.
He's so damn annoying.
And Rush Limbaugh will love it when he fails miserably off the air, considering Franken's book is called "Rush Limbaugh is a fat stupid idiot" or whatever it is.
02-24-2003, 08:13 PM
Why should we get balanced news?(it's not a catch phrase in my opinion. They always try to get 2 or more guests from 2 sides of a topic)
I'm sorry, but talk shows are not news. These programs (Not just on Fox, but also CNN and MSNBC) are nothing but wastes of air for yammering, no-nothing pundits who don't have real jobs.
What little actual news "reporting" exists on Fox News is blatantly skewed to the right...whether that's a concious political decsion or just a desperate attempt to seem SO different from the equally useless CNN is up to you, the viewer.
Headline News and BBC News are the only way to go. Everything else is barely one step above "Entertainment Tonight".
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks. FREE YERDADDY!!!
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-24-2003, 08:35 PM
Yea, why should our news be entertaining?"
Well I quess the fat lady has really sung. Whew, I might as well hang up my little "leftest" spurs now cuz I done been shot up!
Listen, I completely understand. You just want to be recognized for the effort you make when you sit your fat ass down in front of the tube, engorge your pimply, goateed slab of a face with the newest cheese filled crust pizza from Pizza Hut and accomplish something special - because you, yes you, can actually read everything passing by at the bottom of the screen on the Fox News ticker while jerking your lonely and confused wad to their latest entertainment segment on Simon from American Idol.
I say Bravo to you.
Hey, how about that George
Bush guy, ain't he da best?
02-25-2003, 06:26 AM
Well I quess the fat lady has really sung. Whew, I might as well hang up my little "leftest" spurs now cuz I done been shot up!
Listen, I completely understand. You just want to be recognized for the effort you make when you sit your fat ass down in front of the tube, engorge your pimply, goateed slab of a face with the newest cheese filled crust pizza from Pizza Hut and accomplish something special - because you, yes you, can actually read everything passing by at the bottom of the screen on the Fox News ticker while jerking your lonely and confused wad to their latest entertainment segment on Simon from American Idol.
I say Bravo to you.
Hey, how about that George
Bush guy, ain't he da best?
Now that was just mean.
<b>Osama Bin Laden, you can kiss my royal Irish ass! And I live in Rockaway. And this is my face, bitch!
-FF Mike Moran</b>
02-25-2003, 08:19 AM
The BBC is without a doubt the most biased news source there is.
I don't know how you can trash Fox News, then recommend the BBC.
02-25-2003, 08:19 AM
Well one thing that I saw was their ridiculious pro Palestine/anti Israel views.
One time I was watching it and they went into like an 8 minute bit on how horrible it was that Israeli troops accidently killed some innocent Palestinians. At the very end of it they briefly said how they were looking for a Palestinian guy responsible for a bombing the day before that killed like 30 people.
But don't get me wrong, I still like watching it. They cover stuff you'd never see on Fox/CNN/MSNBC
I like catching up on the news of other parts of the world.
They also have one of the better news pages on the Internet.
02-25-2003, 08:22 AM
The BBC is without a doubt the most biased news source there is.
I don't know how you can trash Fox News, then recommend the BBC.
Explain. And don't hit me with "they're British."
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks. FREE YERDADDY!!!
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-25-2003, 08:23 AM
You just want to be recognized for the effort you make when you sit your fat ass down in front of the tube, engorge your pimply, goateed slab of a face with the newest cheese filled crust pizza from Pizza Hut and accomplish something special - because you, yes you, can actually read everything passing by at the bottom of the screen on the Fox News ticker while jerking your lonely and confused wad to their latest entertainment segment on Simon from American Idol.
I say Bravo to you.
I loathe Fox News, but you sir, are a bad, baaaaad man.
And are you telling him to watch Bravo with that last sentence? You're James Lipton, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!?
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks. FREE YERDADDY!!!
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-25-2003, 08:47 AM
Two small items:
1) BBC is not exactly pro-Palestine and anti-Israel. They show both sides in efforts for peace. Yet, it makes you think, if you think the BBC is pro Palestine on one end of the have the US media and pro-Israel sentiment on the other. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
2) Public radio is a good thing. Just as PBS is a good thing. And funding by the government should be provided...compared to biased corporations owning and running every other medium....all of them have agenda's for profit, influence and opinion....where as public media just runs for opinion and influence. Big Difference.
02-25-2003, 09:11 AM
you sir are a bad, bad man
Oh when it's deserved, it is such a beautiful thing.
Hey, how about that George
Bush guy, ain't he da best?
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