View Full Version : Favorite Piper's Pit?
The Blowhard
02-20-2003, 12:15 AM
So many classics. Snuka and the coconut was great, but what about when he spat at Andre and ran away? This is an old memory for most of you I'm sure.
02-20-2003, 02:47 AM
Snuka segment is the best ever. There is no equal.
The Nature Boy
02-20-2003, 04:30 AM
The only one that really compares to the Snuker(as Jesse the Body would say) segment is the Frankie Williams segment, which I believe may have preceeded the Snuka segment by a week or two. I know Piper beats the piss out of him, and berates him for being a jobber, beats the shit out of him, throws him through the Piper's pit set and I BELIEVE, but don't recall, cracks a coconut on his head. And Williams was perfect fodder, he looked perfectly punchdrunk and was very convincing in getting a 5 year old Nature Boy to believe Wrestling was real.
I was also fond of the Pipers Pits right after they started going head to head with the Flower Shop and Piper turned face. Goldust was never as an effective queer as Adonis, who was fucking strange with those damn wrapping paper bows.
Man they should bring back those interview segments. Great places for angles and to showcase talent. Piper's Pit, The Flower Shop, The Body Shop, The Snake Pit, The Barber Shop, Brother Love's whatever it was, A Flair For the Gold! Good stuff! I think Angle, Van Dam and maybe a few others could do a good job in that capacity.
For sheer Angle purposes, you can't really beat the Hogan-Andre series that started their Wrestlemania III feud. Andre won a "lifetime achievement " trophy one week on WWF Superstars after Piper had turned face. Andre had been off TV with the back injury so that was a big deal. It was probably a 3 foot trophy or so. The next week, Hogan gets "good guy of the year" trophy or whatever, that had to be 6 or 7 feet tall. Andre comes out either that week or the week after to confront Hogan and he's with Heenan. Heenan does all the talking, tell Hogan in all the years he never once offered Andre a shot, and I do remember he broke Kayfabe(which I knew nothing about at the time, and only confused me, but definately added a very real texture), calling the big man Andre Roiusmoff(sp), his real name, and I think Andre or Heenan called Hulk "Terry" a few times(Andre may have warbled "Terry Bollea"). Then Andre rips Hogan's shirt AND cross and knocks Hogan to the ground. And based on reading Hogan's book, the cross rip and the cut Andre left on Hogan's chest were not part of the plan, and Hogan ended up in tears, a HUGE shock to the Wrestling audience, as Andre walked off with Heenan, and Piper led the Hulkster away in disbelief saying, "Come, Hulk, Come..." And in the world of Wrestling, where hype is everything, the announce mic's went silent, effectively letting this angle settle in, setting off the biggest match in Wrestling history. Now they don't make angles like that anymore my friend.
Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!
02-20-2003, 08:56 AM
Wow. I was just watching my Piper's Pit videos the other day. I bought a 2 tape set of nothing but Pit shows at a comic convention a few years ago. My favs are definately the Snuka and Frank Williams ones. Some other great ones are-
-When Hillbilly Jim introduces Uncle Elmer and Piper rings his cowbell and says "Have you been milked today you big sucker."
-When Piper and Orton attacked and shaved the head of the Haiti Kid. So morbid, yet so funny.
-When he had on Tito Santana and started to yawn in his face.
<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
walking joint
02-20-2003, 09:16 AM
When Piper and Orton attacked and shaved the head of the Haiti Kid. So morbid, yet so funny
this is my favorite outside of the Snuka one
The Blowhard
02-20-2003, 01:37 PM
My favs are definately the Snuka and Frank Williams ones.
Is the Frank Williams one where Piper says "just when you think you have the answers, I change the question"! Ha ha!
And on a different note, remember when Big John Studd cut Andres hair and carried it around in a baggie?
Heather 8
02-20-2003, 04:05 PM
When Piper and Orton attacked and shaved the head of the Haiti Kid. So morbid, yet so funny.
This is actually the first Piper's Pit I ever saw after becoming a wrestling fan. It certainly solidified my liking for the guy. :)
And I do like the ones where Pit went up against Flower Shop, especially when the whole segment just became one big trash talking match.
Adonis: Who are you calling fatso?
Piper (looking at Adonis & Muraco): Who am I calling fatso?!! Take your choice!<P>
What Would Waylon Mercy Do?
This message was edited by Peachy on 2-20-03 @ 8:10 PM
02-20-2003, 04:35 PM
It was the Frank Williams one where he says "Just when they think they've got the answers, I change the questions."
Another classic was when Mr. Fuji came on to torment him, Piper says "I already did my laundry." Bigotry at it's best.
<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic
02-20-2003, 06:38 PM
OF Course the one with snuka.
Also liked when Andre ripped off Hogans Chain and turned on him
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