View Full Version : Official DareDevil thread
02-13-2003, 09:58 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but please post ALL messages concerning DareDevil in THIS thread. I'll have a review for y'all tommorow.
Can't fucking WAIT!
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
02-13-2003, 10:01 PM
Just saw Daredevil.... was pretty good! Better than I expected, but it has its problems. I'm not really into Ben Affleck, but he pulls off the Daredevil role well. Overall, it's a pretty fun movie - and really dark, compared to recent comic book movies.
Also the new trailer for X2 was shown, and it was unbelieveable. Can't wait.
02-13-2003, 10:28 PM
official huh...........seems drastic....
<img src="">
<A HREF="">Join The O&A Army!!</A> Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
02-14-2003, 06:49 AM
Here is my spoiler free review, with the hopes of some good convos after y'all see it.
I saw it last night at a Fox free screening at the AMC on 42nd St. (BTW folks, hooked me up, this is not a plug, but keep your eyes peeled as they get freebies like this all the time)
DD had been in my top 5 ever since he guested in the "Death of Jean Dewolff" storyline i first read in 7th grade...Luckily, i started reading the books right around Miller's "Born Again" storyline, and i was hooked.
I loved it, ranked with X-men as awesome, and just a notch below Spidey ( which has become the gold standard of comic movies IMHO).
Affleck was alot better than i expected, and the fights were just brutal. It was a more realistic take on a guy that gives up his nights to deliver justice than say, the first 2 batman movies did. DD deals with the consequences of his actions both physically, and mentally in a way that makes sense.
If you are a fan of the books that can deal with the streamlining of the characters ( just like they did with spidey and x-men) then you'll dig it. If you are nitpicky, you might not like it as much.
I thought it was a great comic movie, that holds up well as a "movie" to folks that may not be fans.
they did a good job explaining all the premises, and how DD's powers worked was pretty innovative. Radar Sense is pretty jarring the first time he uses it.
Lots of "insider: stuff sprinked thru the flick for us fanboys.
The CGI was pretty good, better than spidey in some ways ( as it was masked in the dark and not as bright as spidey) .
I thought all the performances were pretty dead on, Bullseye walks the line of camp at points, but never crosses over fully to drekdom.
Michael Clarke Duncan Was the Kingpin, skin color or not...i cant see anyone else in the role after seeing this.
John Favreu played Foggy to the hilt in the small amout of scenes he is in.
Everything made sense, nothing glaringly wrong or bad, and there were alot of scenes that were EXACT to the books.
STAY DURING THE CREDITS . The movie aint over yet.
"the Man Without Coffee"
02-14-2003, 07:44 AM
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have as much chemistry as Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The worst comic book adaptation since "Captain America." It'll be huge though.
02-14-2003, 08:32 AM
I thought the movie was great, I'm a big fan of Affleck and Garner, but the two best scenes were the playground scene and the scene on the roof in the rain. WTF is it with Affleck and really good scenes concerning girls in the rain?
Bullseye was great. Peanuts, anyone?
<img src="">
Impossible is just a negotiation.
02-14-2003, 08:50 AM
Never really cared for a Blind Super Hero. There for I don't think I will see this movie. Blah. Damn handicaps superheros.
"They always win in the end."
02-14-2003, 09:23 AM
everything about the movie is made from love for the charter sooooo it seams like it ill be good but full of alto of gay visuals
<a href=,%20Mark%20Steven title="Matty fatty is a fag">what do you expect form the writer of Simon Birch and Grumpy old mean</a>
number 333 its the way to be
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Im A Cuddly Teddybear
This message was edited by Sheeplovr on 2-14-03 @ 1:28 PM
02-14-2003, 01:01 PM
This movie is really going to benefit on DVD. I was reading about how the director had to cut a good amount of footage to get the movie to a PG-13 rating. The movie is pretty gritty as it is, but it did feel a little rushed to me. Hopefully there will be a special edition DVD.
Anybody know when the new X2 trailer will be available for download?
02-14-2003, 07:52 PM
It was awesome!!! I thought it was as good as Spiderman--and possibly just a little better.
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Death Metal Moe
02-14-2003, 10:40 PM
Dude! FUCK this thread!
Come over to my soon to be locked "Death Metal Moe talks DareDevil" thread!!
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
<A HREF=""></A>
02-15-2003, 07:42 AM
WTF is it with Affleck and really good scenes concerning girls in the rain?
I'm with ya on this one. That scene from Chasing Amy gets me every time.
02-15-2003, 07:50 AM
Dude! FUCK this thread!
Come over to my soon to be locked "Death Metal Moe talks DareDevil" thread!!
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
moe you rebel you....
<marquee>NY Jets AFC East Champions
Notre Dame 10-3
02-15-2003, 12:10 PM
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have as much chemistry as Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
<img src="">
<A HREF="">Join The O&A Army!!</A> Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
02-15-2003, 02:35 PM
STAY DURING THE CREDITS . The movie aint over yet.
Damn...what happens during the credits? I knew I should have stayed.
I liked DD a lot, I agree the characters are somewhat streamlined but not really that bad.
Also Jennifer Garner was excellent, if you were blind and could only see one person in the rain, I agree I'd want to see her. She is HOT!
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02-15-2003, 03:02 PM
daredevil was really good in parts...and some parts were just goofy.
take the fight in the playground....goofy.
it was dark though....not dark enough...but good...
and the girl was pretty cute.
they left a lot of opens for a sequel i'm sure if it does well there will be another.
i really wished affleck would've done something with his hair through most of it...
and i'm sure the xmen video will be on soon.
<img src="file:///Users/morrell/Desktop/wrk/2.gif">
02-15-2003, 10:32 PM
Damn...what happens during the credits? I knew I should have stayed.
SPOILER... for people that haven't seen the movie yet
About a minute after the credits roll, they show Bullseye in the hospital in a full body cast, with a fly that keeps buzzing around his face driving him nuts. He reaches for a hypodermic needle on the tray next to his bed and kills the fly. "Bullseye," he says and then it's back to the credits.
Guess he'll be back for the sequel, if they make one.
02-15-2003, 10:36 PM
Guess he'll be back for the sequel, if they make one.
****spoiler info below...don't read if you intend to see this****
Without spoiling things I'll self edit this, those
who saw the movie should know who I'm talking about....why was [edit] killed in this movie? [edit] had a comic book of his/her very own and all, so i don't see they did that. Unless of course [edit] isn't actually dead. Do you think [edit] is actually dead?
I also liked how they used some of the comic writers named for the characters, like his dad fought John Romita. Also it was cool to see Stan Lee and Silent Bob in it as well.
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02-16-2003, 07:16 AM
Dammit! I wasnt gonna go see it, now I gotta go to the damn theater, spend 40 bucks on food and watch this thing! Damn this thread!
Oh and if you wanna see the new X2 trailer, go here-
Thanks to FelixDasGato for the pic
<marquee behavior=alternate>IM: Metalsat666</marquee>
02-16-2003, 07:18 AM
THIS MOVIE SUCKED!!!!! Lets go over it........
1. Daredevil gets stabbed in the arm and next to death.... The next thing we see is He
takes out Bullseye and the Kingpin
2. Why the hell is the police going to arrest Kingpin at the end????? Just because
Daredecil knows he is crooked does not mean the cops know it.
3. Why did Daredevil not kill the Kingpin. He killed in the beginning of the movie for a
rapist and the movie made it look like a regular thing. Now all of a sudden he doesn't
4. Again how the hell does he get stabbed and fights Bullseye and Kingpin with no
blood steaming off his arm????????
5. They refused to kill any of the big people because they were worried about the
6. I am glad Daredevil is not scared to show people that he has all these super
powers right off the bat doesn't need to get there trust or anything.
I gave this movie a 5 because I love super hero movies but this one made no
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
02-16-2003, 07:22 AM
who saw the movie should know who I'm talking about....why was [edit] killed in this movie? [edit] had a comic book of his/her very own and all, so i don't see they did that. Unless of course [edit] isn't actually dead. Do you think [edit] is actually dead?
**************SPOILER WARNING *************
***************SWIPE BELOW****************
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In the Books, Elektra is killed in EXACT manner as she is in the movie ( same visual of her impailed on her own sai at Bullseye's hand)
This was actually one of the defining moments in comic history as it was one of the first times that a character was actually "killed" "onscreen".
Very much as we see in the movie, she crawls to Daredevils arms and "dies". Daredevil fights Bullseye , and drops him off a roof, not killing him, but paralyzing him ( and if you stayed during the credits this is the same too) Bullseye eventually gets an adamnatium spine ( the same mystical metal that lines Wolverines bones.)
In the Books, she is resurected by a ninja clan known as the Hand, and thusly can be seen in her own books today.
as for the movie version, dont forget they had to streamliine 30 or so years of backstory, so no mystical ninja clans' here.
we did see her heart stop, however the cops arrived seconds later, so in my opinion one of 2 things happened.
1. The cops arrived quickly enough to get her revived. ( although we probably would have "heard about it" at the end of the movie)
2. She was able to slow or stop her heartbeat using some sort of technique that one of her " different Sensei's every year she had since she was Six" and is lying low until she is healed.
or some combo of both
Anyway though, there was a braile version of her good luck charm on Matt's rooftop at the end of the movie, someone put it there, and only she and Matt knew about it.
*******************END SPOILERS****************
Producer and Shill Whore of
Phoenix Championship Wrestling.
AIM:uwccannon or Cannonballfx
02-16-2003, 07:50 AM
6. I understand that he sees better when there is rain and what not but again
Dardevil was next to death against the kingpin and he hits the sprinkler and all of a
sudden he can see and kicks the Kingpins ass... Is he Aquaman/Namor or Daredevil
6. Didn't Bullseye ask for a costume... why have him ask for a costume if you are not
going to give him one
7. Bullesey told Daredevil that he will beat him by putting the fear into him. Again this
line had no bearing on the movie he just attacked him which I had no problem with but
don't have him say "I WILL PUT THE FEAR INTO HIM" just because it sounds cool...
Again if it was not for all these damn faults it would have been a real good movie but I
guess nowadays movies don't need to make sense please tell me why the cops were
going to arrest KINGPIN??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
02-16-2003, 08:24 AM
I always thought of Daredevil as an underated comic book hero. He always reminded me of Batman without all the money and gadgets.
I saw the movie and did not like it all that much. It was a little too Matrixed out, if you know what I mean. Nothing all that original, Affleck added nothing and Elektra wasn't dark enough. Bullseye was great, the Kingpin was a pussy and Daredevil's costume was the gayest thing since Schumacher directed Batman and Robin. I did enjoy the Kevin Smith cameo and the Stan Lee cameo as well.
I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, I wasn't there and if I was there I was asleep.
02-16-2003, 08:36 AM
This may be a bit long winded, but these are my thoughts CYYYFYYY's review. I totally respect everyones opinions but I love a good debate.
Spoilers ahead, but no swipe this time as it seems more of you all are seeing the flick.
I'll leave some room here, but y'all have been warned.
1. Daredevil gets stabbed in the arm and next to death.... The next thing we see is He
takes out Bullseye and the Kingpin
I agree that he was moving around a bit much for a guy that was stabbed thru the shoulder.
he's the Hero, and thusly will do Heroic things like shrugging off his injury after Bullseys threatens the priest.
i would have liked to see him maybe get tripped up by the injury at somepoint, but in my opinion you by the premise, you buy the bit.
Just like "why didnt spidey's arm come out of the socket when he caught the tram in Spider-man" or "Why Didn't Wolverine have more wounds after he was put thru the train wall in X-men", you kinda have to suspend disbelief a little bit in these movies, even when they try to make them more "realistic".
How did Rocky make those comebacks after he got his ass kicked?
easy, it was in the script.
2. Why the hell is the police going to arrest Kingpin at the end????? Just because
Daredecil knows he is crooked does not mean the cops know it.
Since the police have his assassin in custody, maybe Bullseye talked, or that "paper trail " that he put together to lead the cops to Elektra's father ultimately lead back to him.
That or Ulrich's reporting had a hand in it.
yeah, a little open to interpretation, but maybe the cops got an anonymous tip after he left Kingpin.
3. Why did Daredevil not kill the Kingpin. He killed in the beginning of the movie for a
rapist and the movie made it look like a regular thing. Now all of a sudden he doesn't
in his own words "He's not the bad guy"
In the begining of the movie, we see him asking for "permission" from the priest to do what he did, and he was very intense in his pursuit of evil, but he learns that things aren't black and white when it comes to "bad guys"
I think the Subway thing was unusual, and i dont think he planned on killing the guy as much as the guy fell off the platform and he didnt save him-He just let him go. After that fight, we see how screwed up DD is, and how he's popping pills and losing who he is.
It wasn't until he beat the one guy up in front of his kid , that he questioned what he was doing. His father did the same thing as the guy he was beating up, and that kid was about the same age as Matt when he found out what his dad did outside of boxing.
that really f-ed with him.
Yeah, it may be some extreme thought that he wouldnt kill the man responsible for killing his father and his lover, but this was a "redemption" arc, and he wants to see Kingpin suffer for what he has done, and by killing him, it's over quickly, and lowers him to Kingpin's level.
5. They refused to kill any of the big people because they were worried about the
Actually, None of the character's are "Dead" in the comics either.
Kingpin went on to destroy DD's life with the knowledge of his secret identity. Bullseye, survived his fall, had his spine reinforced with adamantium and would kill again ( someone especially someone close DD), and Elektra, who Died in the same way as she did in the books, was resurected thru convoluted comic book means.
i actually prefer that the characters survived in this, as the continuing story possibilities are good, especially of you know "what can happen"
I personally hated that in the Batman movies they killed off Joker and Penguin, because it not only took away some of the best badguys, but it was against what the character did.
In Spider-Man, the Goblin did die in the same way he did in the movie ( and of course was bought back in the books, which i personally hate) but it at least followed the storylines in the books.
6. I am
East Side Dave
02-16-2003, 09:04 AM
Ben Affleck is the male Sandra Bullock- both are worthless, bad-acting hacks. I hope someday they're made into muffins.
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Big Ass Mafia
02-16-2003, 11:02 AM
You made some good points Cannon buuuuut
I can understand Daredevil beating guys after getting his arm stabbed because he is a
Hero and all........BUUUT let us keep seeing his arm is hurt and bloody.... Let the villains
try to attack his weak arm.... When he is lying on the ground against the Kingpin let
him grab on to his bloody arm... I think that would have made it very dramatic... But it
was like they ignored the fact that he even hurt it.
No way in hell did Bullseye squeal on the kingpin... if you wanted Ben Urick or
something figure out the Kingpin was evil and told the police then make the movie 5
minutes longer and show it to us
I can live with your reason why Daredevil did not kill the Kingpin but I don't like it.
Yes, I see that only 4 people know his identity but he went fighting Electra after just
like 3 minutes of knowing her. A little to fast in my humble opinion. And he is showing
Foggy that he is basically not blind the whole time..... Again not loving it... he should
be acting as if he is.... How should i say BLIND
I would have loved this movie if it was not for the arm thing and the Kingpin thing....
But these 2 things in particular pissed me off.... The movie could have been great and
that what ticks me off... A tomb to sleep in so he does not hear noise is an amazing
idea.... Unfortunately it could have been amazing but I just can't say that.
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
02-16-2003, 11:50 AM
i agree, the Sensory Dep tank was genius, and i'm surprised that no comic writer ever thought of that.
I totally dig what you are saying about the arm thing, and it would have been cool to see it come back to haunt him during the fight, but to me thats a minor detail in the whole picture as there are other examples in other flicks that show that this is common.
Bad continuity yes, but i dont think it was a showstopper for me.
As for who "turned the kingpin in"....More i think about it, it had to be Matt making an anonymous tip or Urich's story. I have to see it again, but i'm pretty sure that what he was writing had to do as much with Kingpin as it did DD.
I agree, not explained, but i think they wanted us to "fill in the blanks"
What i'm most pissed about was that the New X2 trailer wasn't attached to the print that i saw.
How was that?
Producer and Shill Whore of
Phoenix Championship Wrestling.
AIM:uwccannon or Cannonballfx
02-16-2003, 12:41 PM
1. Daredevil gets stabbed in the arm and next to death.... The next thing we see is He takes out Bullseye and the Kingpin
this is one thing that i wanted to raise but didn't want to totally spoil it, but since the cat is out of the bag here goes...
okay elektra stabs his all the way through his shoulder or upper chest i think, wherever it was though, was a significant enough cut to go clean through his body and even through the glass window behind him. then in the last scene which i will guess is either the next day or a few days later he's in the coffee shop with Foggy and he's wearing a short sleeve shirt, i would've imagined a dramatic injury such as he got would require some heavy bandaging...if it didn't kill him. i mean he doesn't have healing powers, he's not like Wolverine. He's a guy with remarkable senses who can hop and do backflips like no one else. That don't mean he can sustain a dramatic injury and walk around the next day like it was a paper cut.
[granted i suspended reality for the film, but that to me is a bit much]
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02-16-2003, 01:19 PM
AS for Daredevil tipping of Urick... Impossible because he just found out who the
kingpin was while fighting Bullseye and he was surprised.... He then went straight to
the Kingpin so it was impossible for Daredevil to tip off Urick... especially at that point
since he was planning on killing the Kingpin so it would be quite stupid of him to call
the cops because they would just get in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
02-16-2003, 01:33 PM
AS for Daredevil tipping of Urick... Impossible because he just found out who the
kingpin was while fighting Bullseye and he was surprised.... He then went straight to
the Kingpin so it was impossible for Daredevil to tip off Urick... especially at that point since he was planning on killing the Kingpin so it would be quite stupid of him to call
the cops because they would just get in the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking more along the lines that Urich kinda knew who Kingpin was already ( and had an idea that Matt was DD, remember he came to Matt and told him to protect Elektra because the "Kingpin kills your whole family" ) and the final events of Daredevil taking him down was enough for the big story ( which was what he was writing at the end of the movie.)
The cops were on their way to the Fisk building because of the disturbance going on there, all it would take is Matt to drop a dime to the cops offscreen after he left Kingpin and a expose' in the papers to start an investigation into Fisk. And while Bullseye may not have flipped, there is enough evidence to piece him to Fisk in the murder of Papa Natchios.
I personally wasn't under the impression that Kingpin was arrested just then. Just that DD was gonna make sure he went to rikers for what he did.
as for the T-shirt thing that ReefDwella mentions, i agree that it's a bit sloppy, but truthfully i dont think they mentioned how long it was after the fight.
It could have been weeks or fact it would have had to be because i'm sure Elektra wouldn't be hopping around too easily either. If it WAS days, then i agree it sucks.
Gee, i never got a marvel "no-prize", maybe this is my chance to make up for it.
This message was edited by Cannon on 2-16-03 @ 5:49 PM
02-16-2003, 01:58 PM
I hope someday they're made into muffins
now im starvin'.....i would so eat ben affleck if he was a muffin.....
We Say Stand Together, Not To Fight Just To Exist
<img src=>
<marquee>"I don't consent, thats how i feel because life's too short, so i do what i can to get by, i'll decide where my time is spent and you can bet there'll be a smile on my face. How about yours?"</marquee>
East Side Dave
02-16-2003, 02:01 PM
I'm changing it to "mittens" now after your reply, Ms. 9.
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Big Ass Mafia
02-16-2003, 02:02 PM
i would so eat ben affleck if he was a muffin.....
And I would happily chow down on Jennifer Garner's muffin...YUM!
<IMG SRC="">
02-16-2003, 02:26 PM
Gee, i never got a marvel "no-prize"
The Mighty Marvel Bullpen will look fondly upon you...EXCELSIOR!
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and the best goddamn American ever.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-16-2003, 03:14 PM
i agree, the Sensory Dep tank was genius, and i'm surprised that no comic writer ever thought of that.
Huh? Someone call Frank Miller.
By the way, the scene in the coffee shop could've happened months later. We don't know. To assume it was only a few days would be a very sketchy assumption.
Here's my take on the whole movie. has flaws. Like any superhero/comic book adaptation, you are going to find things that don't ring true, as they were never meant to.
There are, however, some minor technicalities that I'd like to address, both in editing and plot.
There was one cut in particular that really bothered me. FOggy asks him if he wants to go get a drink, Matt says he can't, he was work to do, which immediately zooms in on his eyes and cuts to Daredevil mask. That was a very campy edit.
A white Kingpin would have suited the story MUCH better. Michael Clark Duncan looks like an idiot, that's why he worked so well in the Green Mile. The fact that he, as he so eloquently put it, "grew up in the Bronx" doesn't make him anymore qualified to run ALL the crime in the city. He's a good henchman, but he's a shitty Kingpin. I'm sorry, white guy much better for this role. Sorry folks.
There were some obvious CG jumping models that didn't ring true for me. Maybe for Spiderman, not for daredevil.
If I was directing this, I would've used voiceover. I can't stand when a character is voicing his thoughts in a monologue. That scene where Daredevil is on the rooftop SAYING "i am not the bad guy" was so ridiculous. It would've been much more powerful in a voiceover with a shot of his face.
I've always had a problem with characters who leave thier logos on the floor in gasoline as a calling card. I hated it when the Crow did it, and I hate it with Daredevil. Do you know how fucking hard it is to spray gasoline in a perfect shape, especially if you're fucking BLIND????? It was a ridiculous sight gag and I didn't appreciate it.
Elektra fights MUCH better in the comics than she did in this movie. She came off as a girl who took Karate lessons, not the assasin that she really is. Very underdeveloped.
And where the fuck is STICK????????????????
All in all, I thought this film was a worthy adaptation of the comic book.
Fuck Spawn.
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
Green Lantern
02-16-2003, 05:24 PM
Just saw Daredevil and it was pretty good!
It was almost as good as Spider-Man.
<IMG SRC="">
Sig pic done by ADF.
We came, We saw, We kicked it's ASS!!!
02-16-2003, 06:17 PM
A white Kingpin would have suited the story MUCH better. Michael Clark Duncan looks like an idiot, that's why he worked so well in the Green Mile. The fact that he, as he so eloquently put it, "grew up in the Bronx" doesn't make him anymore qualified to run ALL the crime in the city. He's a good henchman, but he's a shitty Kingpin. I'm sorry, white guy much better for this role. Sorry folks.
I actually liked it better. I had my doubts, but I thought he pulled it off very well. Seemed very smooth and in control, but also like he could twist someone in half at a moment's the Kingpin in the comics. I think the black thing works better at defining exactly what he is...Bendis is really the only "Daredevil" writer to point out that Fisk is NOT part of any mob or mafia, and that pisses off a lot of the "old school" mafioso. He forced himself past them and took over the top spot without any of them, and that eats at a lot of them. I think having a black guy play the role just pushes that even more. What would piss off some mookish Italian mobster more than some black guy trumping him at his own scummy game?
But other than that, there's really nobody else you could have gotten to play Kingping who is white AND looks even remotely close to how he looks in the comics. Who else is there besides Butterbean?!? I actually wanted Ving Rhames...but I thought Duncan did a decent job...
<img src="">
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and the best goddamn American ever.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 2-16-03 @ 10:24 PM
02-16-2003, 08:00 PM
Huh? Someone call Frank Miller.
Jeff, Did Miller use the Sensory Dep tank?
Cause if he did, i missed it.
Admittedly, i came aboard during his second run, right around "Born Again", but i don't recall it ever.
It's makes so much sense that i was surprised that i never saw it before in a book. It was a good detail.
I agree with MojoPin that Kingpin being black would add that little bit more of an "F-you" to the traditional mafioso, and i do agree that Ving Rhames could have been good as well, as i always saw Kingpin as kind of a Marsalus Wallace-type of guy anyways.
The clincher was Duncan's size....I watched Armageddon again recently, and you can really see how f'n huge the guy is in that. ( and thats without any size altering tricks like in the Green Mile). I think that while he wasnt the prim and proper Sumo-like white guy in the movie that he is in the books, but in "Reality" he's probably closer to what he ended up being.
This message was edited by Cannon on 2-17-03 @ 12:11 AM
02-16-2003, 09:39 PM
I guess I'm just a purist. In the end, the Kingpin character was so poorly undeveloped it didn't really matter anyway.
I wonder why they didn't kill Matt when they killed his father...the whole when he kills you he kills your family thing...not good to leave your adversary's son alive...just ask Chazz Palmenteri in Bronx Tale.
but whatever...
now youse can't leave.
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
02-16-2003, 09:46 PM
I loved that comic as a kid and it just pisses me off that they have that bonehead ben afleck as dare devil. i wont go see anything that has that no talent moron in it. Affleck sucks!!!
hands off my soul, you cant control and i hope your new friends will treat you just as well for all the hard work you've done done to gain their acceptance fuck you,my hands are washed and clean but i havent forgotten your hands will never wash clean,you will be forgotten you are forgotten. -BSF
El Infarto
02-16-2003, 10:39 PM
My only problem with The Kingpin is that he tended to smile and laugh alot, which he seldom does in the books. It made him appear less menacing. A little goofy. Just like Two-face in Batman Forever. "Joker-lite".
02-17-2003, 06:33 AM
I was just about to complain with when the Kingpin kills you he kills your whole family
and yet he let Matt live. Could he have had compassion on a blind kid? Maybe. A
blind kid who was a t the sight of the murder. I really doubt it but lets assume stuff
like everything else. In a good movie you really don't have to assume things.
I was once watching a Star Trek episode with one of my friends (Insert Joke here.)
And it was truly a horrible episode it made tons of errors. I was complaining and my
friend said don't you think they would have noticed these mistakes. I must be the one
that is wrong. I think that is the problem. People give writers too much credit. If Urick
figured out who the damn Kingpin is then make the movie 10 minutes longer
explaining how he figured it out and lets see him calling the damn cops!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
02-17-2003, 06:48 AM
I liked it more than X-Men, less than spiderman. overall i was pleased with this interpretation. more pleased than i thought i'd be.
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
02-17-2003, 07:57 AM
I loved that comic as a kid and it just pisses me off that they have that bonehead ben afleck as dare devil. i wont go see anything that has that no talent moron in it. Affleck sucks!!!
believe me, i'm in the same boat as you. i have grown tired of his horrible films and acting, but this one he was actually pretty damn good in.
<IMG SRC="">
02-17-2003, 08:43 AM
A few things:
1) When Daredevil got stabbed in the arm, all he did was roll around on the ground as Elektra was being killed. But at the end of the scene, you see Elektra crawl over to Daredevil after being stabbed in the hand, beaten, and stabbed through the stomach.
2) When Elektra introduced herself, was I the only one thinking of Homer saying, "MMMMMMM........Electric Nachos."?
Well, I just downloaded this movie last night and watched it this morning. I always thought comic books were for losers so I don't know anything about DareDevil. I guess it was a good movie. That whole being stabbed all the way through the shoulder and being able to take out KingPin was a little strange.
02-17-2003, 11:22 AM
Let me tell you something.. I almost NEVER think a movie sucked, but I have to say.. this one BLEW chuncks of GreenGoblin Anal BananaChips
Ben didn't fit his into his suit right.
He look like he didn't wanna be there.
His facial (blind) expressions looked like he was making fun of handycaps.
He looked bored and unamused.
Jennifer looked amazing, very hot girl, and she was actually believable, her acting was good and I think she did a great job.
the fight scenes were overly practiced that you can literally see them in their practice clothes, w/ no makeup on LOT #24 in the 20th Century Fox studios, trying to memorize their lines while combining their next kick in with the twirl of an arm and neck-jerk. (whatever that means)
Bullseye (Colin Farrell) was funny.
He saw humor in his role, he dominated his character by seeming comfortable as a bad guy and taking control of scenes (even that one w/ KingPin).
His accent was amusing to me, moreso because it's a real accent.
All in All, he played his part well.
I dunno about this guy, he's a sweetheart.
Ever since the movie he made with Tom Hanks (The Green Mile), I can never believe him as a Bully.
He's not a great actor, but I think the focus was not on him anyway.
The entire movie had a comic-strip feel to it.. it was very UN-movie like..and I didn't like it as much as all the HYPE led it out to be.
Anyone who compares this movie to Spiderman is a fool.
SPIDERMAN was a big hit.
Great acting.
Great storyline.
Great costumes and graphics.
The worst part about DareDevil was watching it on V-day. This is one for the Rainy days of Blockbuster.
<the end>
EDIT:: I did like one scene, when that song came on while Jennifer Garner was practising her skills on the bags of salt/suger.. that's a hot song!
'Girl, your stare, those eyes, I, Love it when you <a href="">LOOK @ Me</a> Baby...'
<IMG SRC="">
My Current Mood: <a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a>
This message was edited by LatinSpiceXoX on 2-17-03 @ 3:34 PM
02-18-2003, 03:45 PM
Look at all the mistakes that have been caught so far....
<IMG SRC="">
02-18-2003, 03:50 PM
His facial (blind) expressions looked like he was making fun of handycaps.
and the best part is, they'll never know!
I never liked
most of them aren't mistakes, just people being picky
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
This message was edited by furie on 2-18-03 @ 7:58 PM
03-18-2003, 12:13 PM
I know I'm late, but I just saw this flick and wanted to add my 2 cents.
I haven't paid $10 to such a piece of schlock in years. The movie came off as a characiture of the comics -- rather than a live version like Spiderman. The character entrances were goofy, even WWE-esque, and the DD spent way too much time jumping around the lousy set. Those CGI leaps didn't help matters any.
Affleck as DD didn't work for me and his hairdo was a joke. Garner didn't work as Elektra either, nor did Duncan as Kingpin. Bullseye and Urich's castings were also problematic. Foggy worked well but didn't carry the movie.
I don't care that the movie changes parts of the archetypical DD story, but it doesn't treat the story as the drama Frank Miller first wrote it as -- or with the soul Mack provided in his recent redo with Maya taking Elektra's place. The movie rushed over the DD/Elektra, DD/Kingpin, DD/Bullseye relationships.
A farce!
03-18-2003, 04:10 PM
I really enjoyed this movie and wasn't able to find this thread when I first saw it.
Jennifer Garner is supposed to star in a spin-off film that is just about Elektra.
"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
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DCPete walked me through how to FINALLY post a sig. FREE YERDADDY!!!
<marquee>New York Dragons Next Home Game Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00 PM at the Nassau Coliseum</marquee>
high fly
03-19-2003, 04:30 PM
If Daredevil is blind, then why does he have eyeholes in his mask?
" and they ask me why I drink"
03-19-2003, 07:39 PM
If Daredevil is blind, then why does he have eyeholes in his mask?
Because the public and his enemies (Mostly) don't KNOW he's blind. They assume he can see because of the amazing shit he pulls. It's to further throw people off from thinking some blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen could be a superhero.
<img src="">
2% <<< FREE YERDADDY! >>> "You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
03-19-2003, 08:29 PM
any one else notice that you can't find any Dare Devil toys from the movie any where toyrus kb or comic book stores yet they are all loaded with spiderman toys and the hulk toys and the hulk isn't even out and it looks like crap with the annimations
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