View Full Version : Cock Blockers
02-09-2003, 09:16 PM
After the Hard Rock party this past Saturday, I went to a bar with a couple of my "friends" where I met this nice Jewish girl. We were getting along rather well. I felt comfortable talking to her, which is rare...usually I'm calculating my words and approach to ensure I make the right impression. All of a sudden, my friend comes up to us and starts talking to the girl. Eventually he totally immersed himself in our conversation to the point where I had to walk away. My other friends were laughing. Apparently they sent my friend over to INTENTIONALLY cock block me. I flipped out. I've never been that mad in my entire life. It's like, guys follow a fucking code...and rule number one is don't mess with two people trying to hook up. It's fucking selfish and insulting to your friends. I was just wondering if you guys have dealt with this before and how you handled it. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to beat my friend's face in. This has to be the most infuriating thing in the world. I fucking hate cock blockers.
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
02-09-2003, 09:56 PM
It's like, guys follow a fucking code...and rule number one is don't mess with two people trying to hook up.
Actually, that's rule #2. You're forgetting the almighty cardinal rule #1:
"Don't try to ass rape your friends."
<IMG SRC="">
"Just back 'n jack." -Ron
"It looks like brown Cool Whip." -Fez
02-09-2003, 09:57 PM
Wasn't there already a thread about cock blockers? But on a side note, those people fucking suck. Jeff, I would have started thorwing down if I were you.
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Thanks ADF
02-10-2003, 04:42 AM
lock this thread! there was already a cock blockin thread! repeat thread!
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thanks to jerseyrich for the sig
02-10-2003, 04:44 AM
Apparently they sent my friend over to INTENTIONALLY cock block me
"Friend"? I think not. This guy is a douchebag. You don't do that to a friend. You should have stabbed him in the eye.
<img src=>
02-10-2003, 04:45 AM
I agree with you, Jeff: you never mess with another man's play. In this situation, you might've excused yourself and your friend for a moment, or waited for the girl to go to the bathroom. Then tell him with dead seriousness to get the eff out of there.
I hope, for your sake, you got the girl's phone number, or learned where she works or something.
Your friends suck.
<IMG SRC=""><br>"Still searching for America."
02-10-2003, 05:22 AM
So I take it you didn't get to fuck the shit out of anyone that night.
I'm sorry, I'll do a better job of funneling cooch your way at the next function.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
I have always conducted myself this way: Those around me know that there will be a price to pay if they attempt to c-block me. You must transmit that message. It is not open for negotiation. How to do this? It is the way you hold yourself, they way you look at other people, and of course you must verbalize it. And always, always be willing to back it up.
Two nights ago I was talking with two women I had just met. This guy who knows me comes over and tries to get into the mix. I simply looked at him, Jeff. My look conveyed one thing: Get the F*&^ away from me. As his eyes blasted wide open his body language shrunk as he politely excused himself.
Jeff, you have to stand up to these pr*&^@. It is difficult enough to meet nice women, much less with all the c-blockers roaming like vultures.
lock this thread! there was already a cock blockin thread! repeat thread!
teRRor: Are you an idiot?
My other friends were laughing. Apparently they sent my friend over to INTENTIONALLY cock block me.
The one who did the deed and those who planned it should ALL be soundly beaten for what they did. I'd certainly never to speak to any of them again.
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
02-10-2003, 06:55 AM
Who cares if there's another fucking cock blocker thread?
I'll moderate my own threads thank you very much. I think I earned that privelege.
As for standing up to my friends, you guys are absolutely right. I've let them off the hook so many many times...I think it made me snap...anyway not this time though, definately not this time.
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
The Nature Boy
02-10-2003, 07:15 AM
Jeff, for the life of me, I can't imagine why you are friends with these cats. Now I've spents nights in jail and been arrested because of a friends "joke", but que sera. But I couldn't dream of them doing what they did to you man, that seems so much worse. It certainly betrays a mail code. I was all set to respond by telling you to grow up, because I hate when guys complain about strangers cock blocking. All's fair in love and bars. But when I read your post, I got more shocked and sickened and it made me personally want to lay out your cronies. I'd cut their hamstrings above the knee.
I'm not naive enough to suggest "getting all new friends". That's a long range goal, not something that will exactly book your social calendar by next weekend. But I would begin slowly and steadily expanding your social circle. If a guy would do that in a bar for no good reason, I don't know how you could trust and depend on them in a real pinch. And sometimes in life you've got to fight. The moment may have passed in this instance, but if they actually thought you'd throw down, this probably wouldn't have happened. If it happens again, I wouldn't hesistate, because that's seriously fucked up man. Good luck in the future.
Bon Jovi Fan Since Day ONE!
This message was edited by The Nature Boy on 2-10-03 @ 12:30 PM
not this time
Do not relent, Jeff.
02-10-2003, 07:26 AM
It certainly betrays a mail code
Lol, is that USPS or Fedex codes? J/K, thanks for the advice man.
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
A lot of you guys are brutal. Whatever happened to bro's before ho's?
<img src="">
Thanks Bobimpact and CZM!
Whatever happened to bro's before ho's?
That wasnt a bro though. At least thats the impression I get. When I started reading this post, I figured, eh, it was a silly prank.. I'm sure you couldve gotten your game back on once they had their chuckle. It doesnt look that way though, and if this is the way they roll, next thing you know, you'll taste piss in your beer and find out that was another joke. Bro's might joke about it, but they wouldnt do it. Now, I still think isolated c-blocking incident itself isnt worth killing them, but just watch em. As if you needed another person to tell you..
02-10-2003, 08:32 AM
I had a ncie conversasion with a jewish girl as well
Jeff... me and ALkey gotta give you a lesson in "game 101"
classes start Tuesday at Bar 9
<IMG SRC="">
"Hay que endurecerse pero sin perder la ternura jamas." -
Ernesto " El Ch‚ " Guevara
02-10-2003, 09:10 AM
"game 101"
classes start Tuesday at Bar 9
The best thing to hit New York since Leykis 101
"lemme tell ya sumpin"
Silera's helping guys get the cooch?
Damn it, where's the love?
<center><IMG SRC="">
<marquee>Kevin; Steven; Mark; Ben; Mark and Ben; Anthony. </marquee>
<center>Ben Affleck can kiss my ass!!!</center><center>Grrr! Argh!</center>
02-10-2003, 09:41 AM <---J/K's <P>
Maybe they were coming over to put her out of her misery? Jeff -- you let them win by walking away. you should have just taken over the talk and made him look dumb -- and what is the deal with the
"jewish"thing? all girls are cool no matter what race religion or creed !
don't edit my posts please
This message was edited by Raven on 2-11-03 @ 1:05 AM
02-10-2003, 12:20 PM
A wise man once said to me "why is it that you get the pieces of ass and I get stuck..."
I'm gonna' pretend I forgot how it ended.
<center><IMG SRC=""></center>
<marquee><font color=red size=4>I'M NO LONGER KIDDING, DOODYFACES!</font></marquee>
02-10-2003, 12:27 PM
be patient. you'll eventually c-block him later. i suggest you bring this up now to your friend, so that when it's your turn to c-block him, he doesn't cry like a bitch.
god is an absentee LANDLORD!!!
02-10-2003, 08:10 PM
Screw his sister, or his mom.
<IMG SRC=""><br>"Still searching for America."
02-10-2003, 08:44 PM
A wise man once said to me "why is it that you get the pieces of ass and I get stuck..."
I heard the same thing on the other side of the place... just heard a voice say it... didin't know what he ment but I thought I was crazy tahnk you Alkey
<IMG SRC="">
"Hay que endurecerse pero sin perder la ternura jamas." -
Ernesto " El Ch‚ " Guevara
02-11-2003, 02:01 AM
I met this nice Jewish girl <P>
Sorry, but someone has to do it: NICE GIRL, NICE FAMILY... <P>
02-11-2003, 12:03 PM
Posts: 1744
Signed Up: Oct,00
Big Ass Card: 0
My Pool Score: 0
After the Hard Rock party this past Saturday, I went to a bar with a couple of my "friends" where I met this nice Jewish girl. We were getting along rather well. I felt comfortable talking to her, which is rare...usually I'm calculating my words and approach to ensure I make the right impression. All of a sudden, my friend comes up to us and starts talking to the girl. Eventually he totally immersed himself in our conversation to the point where I had to walk away. My other friends were laughing. Apparently they sent my friend over to INTENTIONALLY cock block me. I flipped out. I've never been that mad in my entire life. It's like, guys follow a fucking code...and rule number one is don't mess with two people trying to hook up. It's fucking selfish and insulting to your friends. I was just wondering if you guys have dealt with this before and how you handled it. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to beat my friend's face in. This has to be the most infuriating thing in the world. I fucking hate cock blockers.
This post could be used as a cock blocker. It seems to be a little longer the 3 sentances.
* DISCLAIMER: the poster of this message did so in a humorus maner pleeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont take it serious
"If E-Z Pass existed in 1972 Sonnie Corleone would still be alive today" c&
"Getting my 15 minutes of fame a few seconds at a time"
Please Visit me at: <A HREF=""</A> AAABAILPROS.COM(my Company)<br> <A HREF=""</A>BAILGRAM.COM(a Nationwide Service)
02-11-2003, 01:38 PM
Dear Brian,
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
02-11-2003, 02:12 PM
<center><IMG SRC=""></center>
<marquee><font color=red size=4>Musi ques... I sews on bews... I pues a twos on que zat...Pue zoo... My kizzer... Pous zigga ay zee... Its all kizza... Its always like... Its all kizza... Its always like... Na zound... Wa zee... Wa zoom zoom zee
02-11-2003, 05:57 PM
I'm sure you couldve gotten your game back on once they had their chuckle. It doesnt look that way though, and if this is the way they roll, next thing you know, you'll taste piss in your beer and find out that was another joke.
Seriously, Vee's right. I had a "friend" like this once. Since we both socialize in the same circles, I quietly eased away from him. Now I just run into him a couple times a year at gatherings.
02-22-2003, 07:52 PM
Mext time, as the cock blocker is on his way over, introduce him as
1)your friend with AIDS, or
2)your friend PRIMI, the premature ejaculator, or
3)your friend with the tiny penis (though that would be rough explaining your knowledge of his genitalia)
or 4)your friend, the rapist
5)your good bud, KidToucher
or 6)your good friend R. Kelly
I can go on for hours...Hear that Silera? Hours
Snaggletooth and Crotch-n-sniff....
My balls, your mouth...wanna teabag?
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-23-2003, 12:29 AM
I think you are correct that rule #1 is not to mess with another dude's girl, whether hooked up or trying to hook up. The sentence should be a small ass kicking to this guy. :bangs gavel:
<IMG SRC="">
"If God intended for us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates."
This message was edited by bisqit999 on 2-23-03 @ 4:31 AM
02-23-2003, 01:10 PM
cock blockers suck.....THEY SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We Say Stand Together, Not To Fight Just To Exist
<marquee>"If I Cut Off Your Arms And Cut Off Your Legs, Would You Still Love Me Anyway? If Youre Bound And Gagged, Drained And Displayed, Would You Still Love Me Anyway?"</marquee>
02-23-2003, 04:56 PM
I can go on for hours...Hear that Silera? Hours
I heard it.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
02-23-2003, 05:00 PM
Good, just making sure....
Should you need confirmation, inquire within.
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-23-2003, 07:06 PM
ood, just making sure....
Should you need confirmation, inquire within.
You'd sooner fuck her boyfriend than her....not that Pat is gay...i mean...ahh fuck it...
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
02-23-2003, 07:30 PM
Excuse me, Jeff is it? When did you get so funny? I see the gay reference...thats cool, I understand. Not everyone is comfortable in there heterosexuality.
In the mean time, feel free to find a stick, hide behind a tree and go fuck yourself...
Silera is my queen.....
PS....Jeff, I was tryin to help you out. See a real man doesn't get cock blocked, because if you liked your Jewish Queen so much, shoulda told your boy to get outta dodge. There are plenty of subtle and not-so-subtle ways of doing it. You chose to go home alone again and cry in your pissed in beer
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
This message was edited by Iamnotatool on 2-23-03 @ 11:33 PM
02-23-2003, 07:37 PM
cock blockers suck.....THEY SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was actually shocked to see that you weren't the one who topped this thread.
<center><b><img src="" alt="Just say 'Screw all ya'll.' Trust me. It'll work."></b><br><marquee direction=up scrollamount=1 height=14><center>and the rain is falling<br><br>and i believe<br><br>my time has come<br><br><br>it reminds me of the pain<br><br>i might leave<br><br>leave behind<br><br><br>wait in the fire, wait in the fire....<br><br><br><br><br></center><br><br><br><br></marquee></center>
02-23-2003, 07:46 PM
In the mean time, feel free to find a stick, hide behind a tree and go fuck yourself...
That was uncalled for.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
02-23-2003, 07:53 PM
In the mean time, feel free to find a stick, hide behind a tree and go fuck yourself...
It's much easier to say, Why don't you play a rausing game of hide and go fuck yourself.
<img src ="">
the praise is pouring in for dcpete. Just look at these qoutes:
IM me at gpigking or suffer a fate worse than death.
02-23-2003, 07:57 PM
cock blockers suck.....THEY SUCK SUCK SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was actually shocked to see that you weren't the one who topped this thread.
how can i get on "top" of something if i am being C blocked?!!?!?!!?!?
We Say Stand Together, Not To Fight Just To Exist
<marquee>"If I Cut Off Your Arms And Cut Off Your Legs, Would You Still Love Me Anyway? If Youre Bound And Gagged, Drained And Displayed, Would You Still Love Me Anyway?"</marquee>
02-23-2003, 08:21 PM
how can i get on "top" of something if i am being C blocked?!!?!?!!?!?
a 3-way possibly? :)smib
<img src ="">
the praise is pouring in for dcpete. Just look at these qoutes:
IM me at gpigking or suffer a fate worse than death.
This message was edited by dcpete on 2-24-03 @ 12:26 AM
02-23-2003, 08:47 PM
You'd sooner fuck her boyfriend than her....not that Pat is gay...i mean...ahh fuck it...
Silera, my queen, the reason I wake and bake in the morning...
Did you not see his post? What am I supposed to say to that? Perhaps I went a bit far, but I'll call it creative liscense.
I apologize like mancow if I offended you Jeff, you tool
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
This message was edited by Iamnotatool on 2-24-03 @ 12:49 AM
02-23-2003, 08:51 PM
Are you still branded a "Blocker" if the honeys come to you?
<img src=>
02-23-2003, 09:12 PM
No, then you are just plain lucky...
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-23-2003, 09:18 PM
This happened to me the other day.
I was talking with this chick....and things were going good. I don't have much game, I'm sad to admit, but what I did have was working pretty good, and who interrupts it?
Not a friend of mine, thank god.
This girlfriend of the chick I was talking too. Before I know it, the friend is dragging the chick away for some reason or another, and I'm standing there in SHOCK.
God, this bitch is lucky I don't strike females, or else I'd pull a Rory on her.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.
"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago
02-23-2003, 09:36 PM
This girlfriend of the chick I was talking too. Before I know it, the friend is dragging the chick away for some reason or another, and I'm standing there in SHOCK
It is there defense mechanism, sort of like the obligatory cell phone call on a 1st/blind date to make sure everything is ok. They got code words and looks to get them out of situations they don't want to be in. Sorry Se7en, but I'm prolly not telling you anything you don't know
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-23-2003, 09:41 PM
Silera, my queen, the reason I wake and bake in the morning...
You're obviously an intelligent, funny guy, but, you're trying way too hard.
Be yourself.
Don't push it.
You'll lose.
<marquee><font color=red size=4>Musi ques... I sews on bews... I pues a twos on que zat...Pue zoo... My kizzer... Pous zigga ay zee... Its all kizza... Its always like... Its all kizza... Its always like... Na zound... Wa zee... Wa zoom zoom zee
02-23-2003, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the advice Alchy, and I find you to be quite funny as well.
However, my love notes to Silera are extreme sarcasm. I was hoping that would be picked up on. Perhaps I laid it on a bit thick though.
But if you see a lot of my posts, as I'm sure you have, I reference her often. She is a legend in these parts
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-23-2003, 09:50 PM
But if you see a lot of my posts, as I'm sure you have, I reference her often. She is a legend in these parts
I can't argue that her "parts" are quite legendary.
Ok, maybe that was too personal...
How about them Mets?!
<marquee><font color=red size=4>Musi ques... I sews on bews... I pues a twos on que zat...Pue zoo... My kizzer... Pous zigga ay zee... Its all kizza... Its always like... Its all kizza... Its always like... Na zound... Wa zee... Wa zoom zoom zee
02-23-2003, 09:53 PM
No, then you are just plain lucky...
No, I'm just that damn fine.
<img src=>
02-24-2003, 04:12 AM
However, my love notes to Silera are extreme sarcasm.
Well, fuck you too.
<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>
02-24-2003, 05:34 AM
Well, fuck you too.
I'm sorry Silera, my sweet. I only meant that I wasn't actually trying, as you are a queen, way out of this pauper's spectrum of deliciousness. Should I ever be lucky enough to swim between your walls of pleasure, I would consider it an honor of the utmost proportions....
My balls, your mouth....wanna teabag?
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-24-2003, 06:40 AM
Why do I keep feeling like this is some sick joke being played by alkey?
<img src=>
ADF makes great sigpics!
02-24-2003, 11:39 AM
Alchy is my boy, sorta, toocute, but he's got nothing to do with my (evidently) sick mind
Sorry to disapoint
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-24-2003, 11:58 AM
Silera mine are real
<IMG SRC="">
"Hay que endurecerse pero sin perder la ternura jamas." -
Ernesto " El Ch‚ " Guevara
02-25-2003, 05:01 PM
Silera mine are real
Silera's are fake? They are still lovely I'm sure...
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits...
02-26-2003, 07:54 AM
Excuse me, Jeff is it? When did you get so funny? I see the gay reference...thats cool, I understand. Not everyone is comfortable in there heterosexuality.
In the mean time, feel free to find a stick, hide behind a tree and go fuck yourself...
PS....Jeff, I was tryin to help you out. See a real man doesn't get cock blocked, because if you liked your Jewish Queen so much, shoulda told your boy to get outta dodge. There are plenty of subtle and not-so-subtle ways of doing it. You chose to go home alone again and cry in your pissed in beer
Thank g-d I have a sense of humor about these things.
Oh wait, I don't. You can now return to hitting on Silera and failing miserably under the guise of sarcasm.
"If I tell everyone I'm kidding, I can still hit on her and Alkey can't beat me up!"
<center><img src="">
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. </center>
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