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Favorite Lyrics / Songs [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Favorite Lyrics / Songs

01-26-2003, 02:17 PM
Post your Favorite song or songs along with lyrics. If you want; Let us know why you identify so much if you please.

I will go first with one song....

We never change

I wanna live life
and never be cruel
and I wanna live life
and be good to you
and I wanna fly
and never come down
and live my life
and have friends around

we never change, do we?
no, no
we never learn, do we?

so I wanna live... in a wooden house
I wanna live life
and always be true
and I wanna live life
and be good to you
I wanna fly
and never come down
and live my life
and have friends around

we never change, do we?
no no
we never learn, do we?

so I wanna live... in a wooden house
where making more friends would be easy
oh and I don't have a soul to save
yes and I sin every single day

we never change, do we?
we never learn, do we?

so I wanna live in a wooden house
where making more friends would be easy
I wanna live where the sun comes out

EDIT: Another one:


Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand

I just wanna feel
Real love fill the home that I live in
Cause I got too much life
Running thru my veins
Going to waste
I don't wanna die
But I ain't keen on living either
Before I fall in love
I'm preparing to leave her

Scare myself to death
That's why I keep on running
Before I've arrived
I can see myself coming
I just wanna feel
Real love fill the home that I live in
Cos I got too much life
Running thru my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel
Real love and the love ever after
I can not get enough

I just wanna feel
Real love fill the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running thru my veins
To go to waste

I just wanna feel
Real love and the love ever after
There's a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It's a real big place

Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This road I've been given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand

<img src="">
"I smoke a fat pound of grass, and fall on my ass faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast..."

This message was edited by Gaia on 1-26-03 @ 6:28 PM

01-26-2003, 04:12 PM
That song you sang to me that one time to get me in bed, that was hot!

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

01-26-2003, 04:15 PM
i dunno why i like it so much but i love this song!
Closer : By Nine Inch Nails

you let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
help me i broke apart my insides, help me i've got no soul to sell
help me the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself
i want to f**k you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to f**k you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
you can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex i can smell
help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else
i want to f**k you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to f**k you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

through every forest, above the trees
within my stomach, scraped off my knees
i drink the honey inside your hive
you are the reason i stay alive

I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.

01-26-2003, 05:11 PM
That song you sang to me that one time to get me in bed, that was hot!

RRrrriiiggghht...Want to refresh my memory??

<img src="">
"I smoke a fat pound of grass, and fall on my ass faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast..."

01-26-2003, 05:15 PM
Remember it was that time, with the thing, at that place. Remember?

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

01-26-2003, 05:29 PM
Remember it was that time, with the thing, at that place. Remember? mean THAT??!!
I remember never called me you liar!

<img src="">
"I smoke a fat pound of grass, and fall on my ass faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast..."

01-26-2003, 05:44 PM
i love this tune, can anyone guess what it is?

Hast du etwas Zeit fr mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fr dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht g'rad an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fur dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und das sowas von sowas kommt
99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem weg zum horizont
Hielt man fr UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn's so war
Dabei war'n da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons
99 Dsenj„ger
jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich fr Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fhlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons
99 Kriegsminster
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fr schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer h„tte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons
99 jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen platz fr Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine dsenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh' die welt in Trmmern liegen
Hab' 'nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen

<Marquee>Well, well, well.....put those floppy disks away here comes the man with the biggest hard drive on Todd "I've got more RAM than you can handle" Evf</marquee><IMG SRC=> Todd Evf's Current Mood is:<a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a><Marquee>hes really the betstst - AngelAmy/todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>

01-26-2003, 05:49 PM
Nena's 99 Luftballons

<IMG SRC="">
If wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted.

01-26-2003, 05:51 PM
I remember never called me you liar!
Yea um, about that. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise.

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

01-26-2003, 05:51 PM
flipper, very well done. if you thought the german verson was odd here is the English Lyrics

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
Til one by one, they were gone
Back at base bugs in the software
Flash the message, something's out there
Floating in the summer sky
99 red balloons go by
99 red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky Where 99 red balloons go by
99 Decision street
99 ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it boys, this is war
The president is on the line
As 99 red balloons go by
99 knights of the air
Ride super high tech jet fighters
Everyone's a super hero Everyone's a Captain Kirk
With orders to identify
To clarify, and classify
Scramble in the summer sky
99 red balloons go by
99 dreams I have had In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standing pretty
In this dust that was a city
If I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you, and let it go

<Marquee>Well, well, well.....put those floppy disks away here comes the man with the biggest hard drive on Todd "I've got more RAM than you can handle" Evf</marquee><IMG SRC=> Todd Evf's Current Mood is:<a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a><Marquee>hes really the betstst - AngelAmy/todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>

01-26-2003, 05:55 PM
Hard to believe she was a one hit wonder.

<IMG SRC="">
If wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted.

01-26-2003, 06:02 PM
here's another one like todd's

Wollt Ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen
Wollt Ihr in Haut und Haaren untergehen
Ihr wollt doch auch den Dolch ins Laken stecken
Ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken


Ihr seht die Kreuze auf dem Kissen
Ihr meint euch darf die Unschuld kssen
Ihr glaubt zu t”ten w„re schwer
Doch wo kommen all die Toten her


Sex ist ein Schlacht
Liebe ist Krieg

Wollt Ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen
Wollt Ihr in Haut und Haaren untergehen
Ihr wollt doch auch den Dolch ins Laken stecken
Ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken


any guesses other than it's rammstein

I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.

01-27-2003, 07:47 AM

There's a shadow just behind me,
shrouding every breath I take,
making every promise empty,
pointing every finger at me.
Waiting like a stalking butler
who upon the finger rests.
Murder now the path called "must we"
just before the son has come.
Jesus, won't you fucking whistle
something but the past and done?
Why can't we not be sober?
I just want to start this over.
Why can't we drink forever.
I just want to start things over.

I am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you.
Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you.
I will chew it up and leave,
I will work to elevate you
just enough to bring you down.

Trust me.

Mother Mary won't you whisper
something but what's past and done.

Trust me.

I want what I want.


I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smouldering
Fundamental differing
Pure intention juxtaposed will set
Two lovers souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
Testing our communication
The light that fuelled a fire
That has burned a hole
Between us so
We cannot seem to reach an end
Crippling our communication
I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame
It doesn't mean I don't desire
To point the finger, blame the other
Watch the temple topple over
To bring the pieces back together
Rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from
The squaring off between
And the circling is worth it
Finding beauty in the dissonance

There was a time that the pieces fit
But I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smouldering
Strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know
The dangers of our second-guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow
And strengthen our communication

Cold silence has a tendency
To atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers
Between supposed lovers

I know the pieces fit (x7)
And I know the pieces fit

<img src="">
"I smoke a fat pound of grass, and fall on my ass faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast..."

01-27-2003, 07:44 PM
dunno why i like it so much but i love this song!
Closer : By Nine Inch Nails

you let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
help me i broke apart my insides, help me i've got no soul to sell
help me the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself
i want to f**k you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to f**k you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
you can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex i can smell
help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else
i want to f**k you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to f**k you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

through every forest, above the trees
within my stomach, scraped off my knees
i drink the honey inside your hive
you are the reason i stay alive

Can you say radio friendly?....why dont you delve a little deeper into NIN and find songs that have a deeper meaning than "Iwant to fuck you like an animal"


Sometimes I unwind
Look back to the passing of time
Sometimes I feel
Those days become unreal
Our lives are fashioned by things that come from outside
Control so indirect we don't even realize
Someday my instincts will be things I can trust
Someday too much conditioning could make me self destruct
Someday I'll fall back on values I've created in time
Someday I'll have the chance to take back what's mine
Sometimes I say
It's just gonna be that way
Sometimes I hear
My own words come out unclear

The position being taken is not to be mistaken
For attempted education or righteous accusation
Only a description just an observation of the pitiful
Condition of our degeneration
Walls made of opinions thru which we speak and never listen
Ceiling made of pride vicious and self satisfied
Door thats made of rage hard and slowly aged
Always closing tighter with every war that's waged
Room without a window cant see out...
Floor is made of lives wed gladly end to stay inside
Corners made of borders, borders made of law and order
Painted with the words of politicians and religion
Plastered with the wreckage of our cultural division
Room without a window cant see out...

Jesse Michaels is one of the best lyricists ive ever heard

<img src=>

<marquee>"Shes really cool, funny, and she has a great taste in music. the perfect grl."</marquee>

This message was edited by grlNiN on 1-28-03 @ 12:00 AM

01-28-2003, 08:14 AM
This is one of favorites. beautiful, meaningful, charged lyrics, that don't read like a 16yr old's diary like most of today's music.

Billy Austin
(Steve Earle)

My name is Billy Austin
I'm Twenty-Nine years old
I was born in Oklahoma
Quarter Cherokee I'm told

Don't remember Oklahoma
Been so long since I left home
Seems like I've always been in prison
Like I've always been alone

Didn't mean to hurt nobody
Never thought I'd cross that line
I held up a filling station
Like I'd done a hundred times

The kid done like I told him
He lay face down on the floor
guess I'll never know what made me
Turn and walk back through that door

The shot rang out like thunder
My ears rang like a bell
No one came runnin'
So I called the cops myself

Took their time to get there
And I guess I could'a run
I knew I should be feeling something
But I never shed tear one

I didn't even make the papers
'Cause I only killed one man
but my trial was over quickly
And then the long hard wait began

Court appointed lawyer
Couldn't look me in the eye
He just stood up and closed his briefcase
When they sentenced me to die

Now my waitin's over
As the final hour drags by
I ain't about to tell you
That I don't deserve to die

But there's twenty-seven men here
Mostly black, brown and poor
Most of em are guilty
Who are you to say for sure?

So when the preacher comes to get me
And they shave off all my hair
Could you take that long walk with me
Knowing hell is waitin' there

Could you pull that switch yourself sir
With a sure and steady hand
Could you still tell youself
That you're better than I am

My name is Billy Austin
I'm twenty-nine years old
I was born in Oklahoma
Quarter Cherokee I'm told

<marquee>Who is DarkHippie? "You look like an Amish child molester"-- Jim Norton. "Watch out for this one. Someday he's gonna snap and kill you all."-- Rich Vos </marquee>
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>

01-28-2003, 12:42 PM
Can you say radio friendly?....why dont you delve a little deeper into NIN and find songs that have a deeper meaning than "Iwant to fuck you like an animal"

i just like the song that's all, i don't give two shits about this song lyrics, it has a good beat and such

I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.

01-28-2003, 12:51 PM
Incubus - Azwethinkweiz

Floatin' round my brain,
tryin' to think about the other thing.
Than that thought you know I'm considering.
What if what I thought,
about who I think I though I was,
was nothing more than my cerebellum slobbering?
Azwethinkweizm is hard to think about,
but simple to trust.
You'll know your on it
when your brain won't stop to take a break, no!
So when donut boy comes askin' around,
tryin' to figure out somethin' new,
you just smile and say,
"Pardon you! I'm sitting through
some particles and farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart
which melts away your molds!"
So I think upon that ponder
while I'm pondering the thought,
just thinkin' about the thinkweiz
is leaving me distraught!
Well I think I thought
I saw an Azwethinkweiz,
Lookin' like we think we do.
Like we think we do.
Some think I'm insane,
'cause I think about the other thing,
than that one thought you call reality.
What if what you thought,
about who you think you thought you were,
was nothing more than illusion rapidly crumbling!
Azwethinkweism should be a topic we all can trust.
It's just to bad it makes your
head go zippitykrack @#$% dang!
So when donut boy comes sniffing around
trying to figure out something new,
you just laugh and say, "Pardon you,
I'm through some particles and
farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart
which melts away your molds."
So I think upon that ponder
while I'm pondering the thought,
just thinking about the thinkweiz
is leaving me distraught.
Well I think I thought I saw an Azwethinkweiz,
lookin' like we think we do.
Like we think we do.
So what if you thought about the thinkweiz
was nothing like you think you are?
You'd probably more than likely be a
lookyloo lookin' like you think you do.
Like you think you do.

And a recent favorite thanks to Eddie Trunk
ManOwaR - Warriors of the World United

Here our soldiers stand from all around the world
Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry
All are gathered here victory is near
The sound will fill the hall bringing power to us all

We alone are fighting for metal that is true
We own the right to live the fight we're here for all of you
Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry
Stand and fight together beneath the metal sky

Brothers Everywhere
Raise you hands into the air
We're warriors
Warriors of The World
Like thunder from the sky
Sworn to fight and die
We're warriors
Warriors of The World

Many stand against us but they will never win
We said we would return and here we are again
To bring them all destruction suffering and pain
We are the hammer of the Gods we are thunder wind and rain

There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands
With dreams to be a King first one should be a man
I call them out and charge them all with a life that is a lie
And in their final hour they shell confess before they die

Brothers Everywhere
Raise you hands into the air
We're warriors
Warriors of The World
Like thunder from the sky
Sworn to fight and die
We're warriors
Warriors of The World

If i should fall in battle my brothers who fight by my side
Gather my horse and weapons tell my family how i died
Until then i will be strong I will fight for all that is real
All who stand in my way will die by steel

Brothers Everywhere
Raise you hands into the air
We're warriors
Warriors of The World

<img src=>

Shit, if it's going to be that kind of a party
I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes

02-08-2003, 08:02 PM




I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.

02-08-2003, 09:26 PM

When you're talkin to yourself
And nobody's home
You can fool yourself
You came in this world alone

So nobody ever told you baby
How it was gonna be
So what'll happen to you baby
Guess we'll have to wait and see

Old at heart but I'm only 28
And I'm much too young
To let love break my heart
Young at heart but it's getting much too late
To find ourselves so far apart

I don't know how you're s'posed
To find me lately
An what more could tou ask from me
How could you say that I never needed you
When you took everything
Said you took everything from me

Young at heart an it gets so hard to wait
When no one I know can seem to help me now
Old at heart but I musn't hesitate
If I'm to find my own way out

Still talkin' to myself
and nobody's home

So nobody ever told us baby
How it was gonna be
So what'll happen to us baby
Guess we'll have to wait and see

When I find out all the reasons
Maybe I'll find another way
Find another day
With all the changing seasons of my life
Maybe I'll get it right next time
An now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground
And you don't talk so loud
An you don't walk so proud
Any more, and what for

Well I jumped into the river
Too many times to make it home
I'm out here on my own, an drifting all alone
If it doesn't show give it time
To read between the lines
'Cause I see the storm getting closer
And the waves they get so high
Seems everything We've ever known's here
Why must it drift away and die

I'll never find anyone to replace you
Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time- Oh this time
Without you

I knew the storm was getting closer
And all my friends said I was high
But everything we've ever known's here
I never wanted it to die

02-08-2003, 09:51 PM
The Good Life by Weezer

"When I look in the mirror
I can't believe what I see
Tell me, who's that funky dude
Staring back at me
Broken, beaten down
Can't even get around
Without an old-man cane
I fall and hit the ground
Shivering in the cold
I'm bitter and alone

Excuse the bitching
I shouldn't complain
I should have no feeling
Cos feeling is pain
As everything I need
Is denied me
And everything I want
Is taken away from me
But who do I got to blame?
Nobody but me

And I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shaking booty, making sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the good life
It's time I got back, it's time I got back
And I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back, yeah!

Screw this crap, I've had it!
I ain't no Mr. Cool
I'm a pig, I'm a dog
So excuse me if I drool
I ain't gonna hurt nobody
Ain't gonna cause a scene
Just need to admit
That I want sugar in my tea
Hear me, I want sugar in my tea!

I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shaking booty, making sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the good life
It's time I got back, it's time I got back
And I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back, yeah!"


1,000 posts and counting...THANKS Word Association Game!

This message was edited by McNabbShouldDie on 2-9-03 @ 1:52 AM

02-09-2003, 12:00 AM
hold your breath
make a wish
count to three

come with me
and you'll be
in a world of pure imagination
take a look
and you'll see
into your imagination

we'll begin
with a spin
travelling in the world of my
what we'll see will defy

if you want to view paradise
simply look around and view it
anything you want to, do it
want to change the world
there's nothing to it

there is no life I know
to compare with pure imagination
living there you'll be free
if you truly wish to be

if you want to view paradise
simply look around and view it
anything you want to, do it
want to change the world
there's nothing to it

there is no life I know
to compare with pure imagination
living there you'll be free
if you truly wish to be


Drudge Jr.
02-09-2003, 06:29 AM
A walk through the product store and 15 aisles to see
all the pretty, pretty packages staring back at me
which is my favorite, where is my chance
to remove the product and stick it in my pants

cuz I want to see, what's on sale whats for free
(every time I go to shop I steal from) enemies
who steal from me, and from you
(if only you knew, then you would steal too)

adrenaline rushes, the products in my grip
I am only shopping, but now it's time to lift
I look for my moment, and down my pants I stick
the product I've selected is concealed against my dick

cuz I want to see, what's on sale whats for free
(every time I go to shop I steal from) enemies
who steal from me, and from you
(if only you knew, then you would steal too)

paranoid as fuck security in tow
is he really traling me and does he really know?
of my little secret my pride and his shame
this is so exciting kid, it's like a fucking game
I'm almost to the counter, will I make it to the door
will I get away like a million times before?
or will i be caught, jailed, banned from the store?
like if the product I've selected slips and crashes to the floor

Five finger discount!

and I want to see, what's on sale whats for free
(every time I go to shop I steal from) enemies
who steal from me, and from you
(if only you knew, then you would steal too)

paranoid as fuck security in tow
is he really traling me and does he really know?
of my little secret my pride and his shame
this is so exciting kid, it's like a fucking game
I'm almost to the counter, will I make it to the door
will I get away like a million times before?
or will i be caught, jailed, banned from the store?
like if the product I've selected slips and crashes to the floor

I get to the door and out the door I slide
I feel a sense of dignity, I feel a sense of pride
I do a happy dance and down the street I bail
as I have a little feast of what's on sale.

<img src="">

02-09-2003, 08:08 AM
The papers read that the king is dead
The people said what we need instead
Is to be on our own
But people, they do the strangest things
You never know what they might do
When they are left alone
There's men without gods and gods without men
And a spirit of which none of them can transcend
But something peculiar is happening
We should just be happy with just what we've got
And the problems should be too few to mention
But they're not

Where can I go for some information?
So tired of the big sensation
I need to know what's going on
Oh well you're the well-informed
Into your world which I was born
My friend, here's to you
How would I know if there was something wrong
When the weak of heart out-survive the strong
The truth is almost always confidential
You never know just what you've got until it's gone
And your friends have never seemed so essential
When you're wrong

Remarkably incredible, incredibly forgettable
I know this might sound strange, don't ever change

Amazingly unfaceable, entirely replaceable
There's nothing I would rearrange, don't ever change

Out of luck, out of space, out of time, out of place
Don't try to save face my friend

There was a time and there was a place
For your face and for your race but it's been SWEPT AWAY

party with me punker<IMG SRC=

The Chairman
02-09-2003, 09:38 AM
Paul Westerberg is my Bard...
answering machine
bastards of young
here comes a regular
sixteen blue
little mascara
achin' to be
etc. etc. etc.

<img src=>
thanks ADF for the "alt" SigPic!!
slanted and enchanted...

02-09-2003, 10:00 AM
Always =) =(

hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...
it's telling me all these things...
that you would probably hide...
am I... your one and only desire...
am I the reason you breath...
or am I the reason you cry...

Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...
I just can't live without you...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...

I feel... like you don't want me around...
I guess i'll pack all my things...
I guess i'll see you around...
Inside... it bottles up until now...
as I walk out your door...
all I hear is the sound...

Always... always... always... always... always... always... always...
I just can't live without you...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...

I left my head around your heart...
Why would you tear my world apart...

Always... always... always... always...

I see... the blood all over your hands...
does it make you feel... more like a man...
was it all... just a part of your plan...
this pistol's shakin' in my hands...
and all I hear is the sound...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I pick myself off the floor...
and now i'm done with you...

I love you
I hate you

02-09-2003, 03:55 PM
oh man just one line right here...this is from a song at the end of THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! see if you can guess what it is, the song and the movie.
"and i think its kinda funny
I think its kinda sad
the dreams in which im dieing are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
i find it hard to take
when people run in circles its a very very
mad world."

This message was edited by CrimeandPudding on 2-9-03 @ 7:58 PM

02-09-2003, 06:10 PM
"Mad World" by Gary Jules, from Donnie Darko.

That's a Tears For Fears cover, isn't it?

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
02-09-2003, 07:14 PM
"If I stood underneath your moon/would my lungs expand and allow me to breath/oh how I'd love to breath/Underneath your moon."
~Plug Spark Sanjay

Achin' To Be

Well she's kind of like an artist
Sittin' on the floor
Never finishes, she abandons
Never shows a soul

And she's kind of like a movie
Everyone rushes to see
And no one understands it
Sittin' in their seats

She opens her mouth to speak and
What comes out's a mystery
Thought about, not understood
She's achin' to be

Well she dances alone in nightclubs
Every other day of the week
People look right through her
Baby doll, check your cheek

And she's kind of like a poet
Who finds it hard to speak
Poems come so slowly
Like the colors down a sheet

She opens her mouth to speak and
What comes out's a mystery
Thought about, not understood
She's achin' to be

I've been achin' for a while now, friend
I've been achin' hard for years

Well she's kind of like an artist
Who uses paints no more
You never show me what you're doing
Never show a soul

Well, I saw one of your pictures
There was nothin' that I could see
If no one's on your canvas
Well, I'm achin' to be

She closes her mouth to speak and
Closes her eyes to see
Thought about an' only loved
She's achin' to be
Just like me

~The Replacements

<IMG SRC="">
thank you dcpete!

I'm a big wheel down at the cracker factory.

02-10-2003, 02:52 PM
YEA!!! DONNIE DARKO ROCKS!!! um...i think it is a tears for fears cover, or someother eighties band...but its all pipes...more good lyrics

02-10-2003, 02:56 PM
AWWW YEA, goin old school, does anyone know who this is, well you should.

I've seen your picture
Your name in lights above it
This is your big debut
It's like a dream come true
And when you smile for the camera
I know they're gonna love it

I like your pin shot
I keep it with your letter
Done up in blueprint blue
It sure looks good on you
So won't you smile for the camera
I know I'll love you better

It will come back to you
It will come back to you
Then the shutter falls
You see it all in 3-D
It's your favorite foreign movie

<img src=>

Shit, if it's going to be that kind of a party
I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes

02-10-2003, 09:24 PM
i feel engrossed
take it inside
burn up the pain
my thoughts are strange
just like the things i used to loathe
just like the dream i felt
i heard it, all is still inside,
i'm feeling
i wanna show you all the pain that i hide inside
i wanna make you feel what keeps me alive

take all these strings,
take all my veins
wrap them around every f*cking thing
presence of people not for me
i must remain intense forever
my love is music
life is a melody

i wanna show you how i feel
i wanna speak, i wanna speak

won't you let me take for a ride
you can stop the world, try to change my mind
won't you let me show you how it feels,
you can stop the world but you can't change me
i need music to set me free
to let me bleeeeeed

<img src="" width=300 height=100></htpdiv></img>
"what did you do, eat a bowl of stupid this morning?

02-11-2003, 12:12 AM
My favorite song of the moment... the lyrics just seem to fit the music.

Spoon "Everything Hits At Once"

Don't say a word
The last one's still stingin'
Back on your mind
I feel that phone ringin'
And there is no way back from this

Everything hits at once
What we need is just what we wants
I go to sleep and think that you're next to me
I go to sleep and think you're next to me

Don't make a move
When I walk out don't follow me
Out on the car
Can feel it calling me
And ooh, I would love to stay

But I can still change my mind tonight
I gotta change my mind somehow
I go to sleep and love to think that you're next to me
Everything hits at once
Tonight outside is a lit up with the lights
And traffic we've become on the way back home
Probably be something good that just ends wrong

I gotta change my mind tonight
I can still change my mind tonight
Merging in traffic, cross the lanes on the way back home
Something be good that just ends wrong
Everything hits at once
What we need is just what we wants
I go to sleep and think that you're next to me
I go to sleep and think you're next to me

<IMG SRC="">

02-13-2003, 07:56 AM
beck- guess i'm doing fine

there's a bluebird at the window,
i can't hear the songs he sings.
all the jewels in heaven,
they don't look the same to me.
i just wade the tides that turned, till i learn to leave the past behind.

it's only lies that i'm living,
it's only tears that i'm crying.
it's only you that i'm losing,
guess i'm doing fine.

all the battlements are empty,
and the moon is laying low
yellow roses in the graveyard,
got no time to watch them grow.
now i bade a fare farewell, i can do whatever pleases me.

press my face up to the window,
see how warm it is inside.
see the things that i've been missing,
missing all this time.

it's only lies that i'm living,
only tears that i'm crying.
only you that i'm losing,
guess i'm doing fine.

<marquee>Money, ho's and clothes, bluntsmoke coming out the nose. Is all that Fatty knows.</marquee>
Aggie's straight up money

02-13-2003, 08:08 AM
I got something to say, i killed your baby today,but it doent matter much to me as long as it bleed....

In the middle of the night so silently i creep on over to the mortuarey(sp),open up the casket and fidle with the dead makes my face turn read
do what i want and they dont complain , i wanna fuck i wanna fuck the dead........

jratt AKA johnbravo
Don't talk about unity ever again...
my ears are closed talk to the fist!!

02-13-2003, 05:13 PM
Endangered Species - Waylon Jennings

I made it through my rock and roll years
with a spent dream and a few dollar bills
I don't know what I learned, I don't know what I know
If I don't now, I never will

I ain't seen it all but it's plain to see
I just might be an endangered species

Like an old gray fox I know how he feels
with the new hats snappin' at my heels
I ain't sure what it's all about
I ain't in...but don't count me out

They all like to dance, but if you want to dance with me
You might be dancing with an endangered species

I wasted some time with some women I found
At no time ever settlin' down
With one over here and one over there
And that's where nobody cares

But a man in love is what I want to be
I guess that makes me an endangered species

<img src=>

The All-Time Classic Rooster Sig

02-13-2003, 05:27 PM
1, 2.. 1, 2, 3; yeah!
Inter-national, underground
Thunder pounds when I stomp the ground (Woo!)
Like a million elephants with silverback orangutans
You can't stop a train
Who want some? Don't come un-pre-pared
I'll be there, but when I leave there
Better be a household name
Weather man tellin' us it ain't gon' rain
So now we sittin' in a drop-top, soakin wet
In a silk suit, tryin' not to sweat
Hits somersaults without the net
But this'll be the year that we won't forget
One-Nine-Nine-Nine, and brutha anything goes, be whatchu wanna be
Long as you know consequences, to give and for livin' defenses
Too hot, I'm jumpin' jail
Too low to dig, I might just touch hell
HOT! Get a life, now they gon' sell
Then I might catch you a spell, look at what came in the mail
A scale and some Arm and Hammer, so grow grid and some baby m¤ma
Black Cadillac and a pack of pampers
Stack of question with no answers
Cure for cancer, cure for AIDS
Make a nigga wanna stay on tour for days
Get back home, things are wrong
We're not really able to spend all alone
before he left, (?), to a ball of power
Thousands of thousands miles per hour
Hello, ghetto, let your brain breathe,
believe there's always more, ahhhhh!

[Chorus: 2X]
[Dre] Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang
[Choir] Bombs over Baghdad!
[Dre] Yeah! Ha ha yeah!
Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something
[Choir] Bombs over Baghdad!
[Dre] Yeah! Uhh-huh

[Big Boi]
Uno, dos, tres, it's on
Did you ever think a pimp rock a microphone?
Like that there boi and will still stay street
Big things happen every time we meet
Like a track team, crack fiend, dyin to geek
Outkast bumpin' up and down the street
Slam back, Cadillac, 'bout five nigga deep
Seventy-five emcee's freestylin' to the beat
Cause we get krunk, stay drunk, at the club
Should have bought an ounce, but you caught the dub
Should have held back, but you throwed the punch
'Spose to meet your girl but you packed a lunch
No D to-the U to-the G for you
Got a son on the way by the name of Bamboo
Got a little baby girl four year, Jordan
Never turn my back on my kids for them
Should have hit it (hit it) quit it (quit it) rag (rag) top (top)
Before you read up, get a laptop
Make a business for yourself, boy, set some goals
Make a fair diamond out of dusty coals
Record number four, but we on a roll
Hold up, slow up, stop, control
Like Janet, planets, Stankonia is only
A movin' like floor commin' straight to Florida
Lock all your windows then block the quarters
Pullin' off on bell 'cause a whippins in order
Like a three piece fist, 'fore I cut your daughter
Yo quiero Taco Bell, then I hit the border
Penny pap rappers tryin' to get the five
I'm a microphone fiend tryin' to stay alive
When you come to ATL boi you better not hide
cause the Dungeon Family gon' ride, hah!

[Chorus: 2X]
[Dre] Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang
[Choir] Bombs over Baghdad!
[Dre] Yeah! Ha ha yeah!
Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something
[Choir] Bombs over Baghdad!
[Dre] Yeah! Uhh-huh

<img src=>

Shit, if it's going to be that kind of a party
I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes

02-14-2003, 05:52 AM
This one takes place at the intersection of delusion and self-awareness,plus it's Valentines Day.

She reminds you of your mother in a dirty sort of way
When she brings you your food and she takes it away
she smiles at you when you clean your plate
Makes you feel like a big strong man

Is she winking at you or is that something in her eye?
Are you making too much of her giggles and sighs?
The only thing you've talked about is coffee and fries
But she's a waitress so she understands

So, you take my order, I'll take my time
I'm looking you over while I'm making up my mind
Put on the skillet,put on the bread
I'll pretend I'm home having breakfast in bed
She don't leave me fed up, she just leaves me well fed
She's a waitress and she understands

In her tight uniform with a low-cut neck
And the way the grease mixes with her sweat
She smells as good as the inside of a new Corvette
She fits your dreams like a baseball glove

And when she smiles at you, that's when you realize
That's not the way she smiles at all the other guys
You see her sneek a peek from behind the pies
She's a waitress and your in love

Now you see her give the fry-cook a secret kiss
And the ring on her finger that you previously missed
Maybe your not the guy she can't resist
And your breakfast is almost done

So you swear that you'll never fool yourself anymore
Then you remember as you walk out the door
There's still lunch and dinner and a thousand meals more
With a waitress at every one
She's a waitress and I'm in love

Tom Meltzer-5 Chinese Brothers

"Editing Posts Since Day One"

03-07-2003, 04:22 PM
this song is so beautiful, i liked the song then when i read the lyrics, i fell in love with it even more.

"Bring Me To Life" - EVANESCENCE
(feat. Paul McCoy)

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where i've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home wake me up inside
wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before i come undone
save me from the nothing i've become

now that i know what i'm without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

wake me up inside
wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before i come undone
save me from the nothing i've become
bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time i can't believe i couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
i've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life

<img src="">

I am woman hear me roar, bitch, and whine.

Def Dave in SC
03-07-2003, 05:25 PM
nuthin but a g thang:
[Snoop Doggy Dogg]
One, two, three and to the fo'
Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre is at the do'
Ready to make an entrance, so back on up
(cause you know we're bout to rip shit up)
Gimme the microphone first, so I can bust like a bubble
Compton and Long Beach together, now you know you in trouble
Ain't nuttin but a G thang, baaaaabay!
Two loc'ed out niggaz so we're craaaaazay!
Death Row is the label that paaaaays me!
Unfadeable, so please don't try to fade this (Hell yeah!)
But uhh, back to the lecture at hand
Perfection is perfected, so I'ma let em understand
from a young G's perspective
And before me dig out a bitch I have to find a contraceptive
You never know she could be earnin her man
and learnin her man -- and at the same time burnin her man
Now you know I ain't with that shit, Lieutenant
Ain't no pussy good enough to get burnt while I'm up in it
(YEAH!) And that's realer than Real-Deal Holyfield
And now you hookers and hoes know how I feel
Well if it's good enough to get broke off a proper chunk
I'll take a small piece of some of that funky stuff

[Dr. Dre and Snoop]
It's like this and like that and like this and uh
It's like that and like this and like that and uh
It's like this and like that and like this and uh
[S] Dre, creep to the mic like a phantom

[Dr. Dre]
Well I'm peepin, and I'm creepin, and I'm creep-in
But I damn near got caught, cause my beeper kept beepin
Now it's time for me to make my impression felt
So sit back, relax, and strap on your seatbelt
You never been on a ride like this befo'
with a producer who can rap and control the maestro
At the same time with the dope rhyme that I kick
You know, and I know, I flow some ol funky shit
to add to my collection, the selection
symbolizes dope, take a toke, but don't choke
If you do, you'll have no clue
on what me and my homey Snoop Dogg came to do

[Dr. Dre and Snoop]
It's like this and like that and like this and uh
It's like that and like this and like that and uh
It's like this
[D] And who gives a fuck about those?
[S] So just chill, til the next episode

{*funky sample break*}

[Snoop Doggy Dogg]
Fallin back on that ass, with a hellafied gangsta lean
Gettin funky on the mic like a old batch of collard greens
It's the capital S, oh yes I'm fresh, N double-O P
D O double-G Y, D O double-G, ya see
Showin much flex when it's time to wreck a mic
Pimpin hoes and clockin a grip like my name was Dolomite
Yeah, and it don't quit
I think they in the mood for some motherfuckin G shit
(Hell yeah!) So Dre (Whattup Dogg?)
Gotta give em what they want (What's that, G?)
We gotta break em off somethin (Hell yeah!)
And it's gotta be bumpin (City of Compton!)

[Dr. Dre]
It's where it takes place so when asked, yo' attention
Mobbin like a muh'fucker, but I ain't lynchin
Droppin the funky shit that's makin the sucka niggaz mumble
When I'm on the mic, it's like a cookie, they all crumble
Try to get close, and your ass'll get smacked
My motherfuckin homie Doggy Dogg has got my back
Never let me slip, cause if I slip, then I'm slippin
But if I got my Nina, then you know I'm straight trippin
And I'ma continue to put the rap down, put the mack down
And if you bitches talk shit, I'll have to put the smack down
Yeah, and you don't stop
I told you I'm just like a clock when I tick and I tock
But I'm never off, always on, to the break of dawn
C-O-M-P-T-O-N, and the city they call Long Beach
Puttin the shit together
Like my nigga D.O.C., "No One Can Do it Better"

[Dr. Dre and Snoop]
Like this, that and this and uh
It's like that and like this and like that and uh
It's like this
[D] And who gives a fuck about those?
[S] So just chill, til the next episode

{*funky sample break*} -> repeat 3X

Notorious B.I.G.

(Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.

Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me
I'd never amount to nothin', to all the people that lived above the
buildings that I was hustlin' in front of that calle