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Austin's RAW Mag Article: Disses HHH, Writing team, Hogan... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Austin's RAW Mag Article: Disses HHH, Writing team, Hogan...

01-25-2003, 11:05 AM
I don't get the WWE RAW magazine, so I'm not sure what it's schedule is - maybe some of you who are subscribers (if any of you are) can tell me if it's out to you guys yet (I believe it doesn't hit newstands until a couple weeks).

Word out now is that what I'm posting here is the basic subject of Austin's article. Like I said - I'm not a subscriber, so I'm not 100% sure if this is for real or not.

Assuming it's legit, here's what Austin has to say in his article:

Austin said HHH hasn't been pulling his weight with the company. He said just look at the numbers and ratings for the amount of time he is getting. He says HHH should drop 25lbs and get back to like he was in 2000.
He said the reason he left was because of creative. He wasn't happy with his character or how things were being written for him. He didn't like them writing promos for him and wanted to make them up himself. He said comedy doesn't sell and says Ric Flair wasn't doing comedy back in the NWA when he was at his peak. He says wrestling should move away from Hollywood and become more of a competition with less backstage. He says the 25 year old kids writing the show don't have a clue and the booking power needs to be given back to the workers.
He says Lesnar/Austin could have been huge and giving it away on free tv was the dumbest shit he has ever seen. He says Brock going over Austin that early would be idiotic and that he should be last for Brock Lesnar, not first.
He thought when he walked out that it would send a fuck you, this ain't right to Vince and that it would wake him up. He says he had no problem with sports entertainment before because they were making money and getting 6.5 ratings, but now ratings are down and they should go back to wrestling.
He says the writers aren't doing their job, which is making money, and they have never taken a bump and don't know what the business is about. He says if they do continue with the current booking style then wrestlers have no place in production meetings and mentions HHH.
Austin said what pissed him off the most was Rock getting on live tv and telling him to get the F out. Steve said he was already out so it was idiotic. He says he made Rock and Rock will tell you the same, so that hurt him alot.
Steve said he doesn't have a problem with Hall and Nash, but Hogan is and egomaniac and a manipulator.
He also talks about what brought him back, how the initia contact was made, what his first meeting with Vince was like a couple of months ago, and his thoughts on Debra.

If this is true - if he really did write all of this - than I pretty much have to agree with him 100%.

This is why I supported him 7 months ago when he walked. So many talked on and on about how much of an asshole he was for walking away.....I didn't. Cause he's RIGHT. He's pretty goddamn good at pointing out EXACTLY what is wrong with the WWE.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

Team Angle - YOUR reason to watch the WWE.

"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago

01-25-2003, 11:35 AM
se7en i hate you for ur stance on taker but ur 100% rite about this one. i seriously look at brock lesnar for the reason that wrestling sucks 2day. and part of the blame falls on the rock for pulling this half ass shit. i dont blame austin for leaving, the company screwed him over more times than hhh screwed the rock in 2000.

<IMG SRC="">
"smoking weed, smoking weed doing coke, drinking beers
drinking beers, beers, beersrolling fatties, smoking bluntswho smokes the blunts?we smoke the blunts." -Jay

01-25-2003, 11:43 AM
I recently didn't renew my subscription and now they have a good interview like this? FUCK! Guess I'll have to pick it up at the newsstand.

I agree with what Austin said. The Triple H Show has to end and people who grew up watching or in the buisness need to be booking the shows, not hollywood assclowns.

<IMG SRC=""><font color=#FFFFFF>

01-25-2003, 12:43 PM
Lets see... Austin does not
like HHH or Rock or Hogan....
Wow How shocking

Austin Feels they pumped up
Lesner too quickly and did not
want to lose to him.... HOW

Austin liked it when he main
evented every card... G-d for
bid he should take the back
seat for a second....

Austin is an EGO MANIAC but I
will welcome him back

Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!

01-25-2003, 03:11 PM
i agree with him wholeheartedly...thats really all i can say, i think hes completely right and i think that he should have been last for brock and not first and that the whole thing with the rock is ridciulous...and as of right now im going on a campaign to make sure he keeps making crappy movies and never comes back to ruin my program again...UNLESS he goes heel and grows those sideburns back...until then...ROCKY SUCKS ROCKY SUCKS

viddy what todd did!
<Img Src=>
~president and founder of the CAM (Coalition of Angry Micks)~
Yeah Im Irish Word to the Motherland...

01-25-2003, 05:51 PM
Austin should talk, leaving a pay per view and not telling anyone. As for HHH, as long as he continues to sit in on production meetings Raw will never get any better. The moment he was given a championship belt for doing nothing was the moment I started hating Raw.

01-25-2003, 06:32 PM
I agree, God forbid that anyone earn anything in this company.

"It's always better when served Spicy..."

01-26-2003, 07:17 AM
you dont want him back but at the same time you all do..........


<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

01-26-2003, 07:58 AM
Austin walking out on the WWE was justified. How do you ask the man who almost single handedly saved your company from going under in the early - mid 90's. To job to a rookie especially on cable not even P.P.V.,Come on Vince Austin saved your ass once and he probably will do it again lets just hope the ship hasn't sunk too much.

01-26-2003, 08:50 AM
austin- DTA.. KID JUST DTA !
AND thats the bottom line cause stone cold is gonna save our ass vince. he said so...

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

01-26-2003, 09:37 AM
He thought when he walked out that it would send a fuck you, this ain't right to Vince and that it would wake him up
Austin said what pissed him off the most was Rock getting on live tv and telling him to get the F out. Steve said he was already out so it was idiotic. He says he made Rock and Rock will tell you the same, so that hurt him alot. Now which of the retards out there think that Rock got on live TV and made that statement of his own accord and which of you intellectuals think he was being a company man and was put up to it by Vince to send a fuck you we don't need you back to Austin. No one in the WWE/F can afford to have stars think that they can just walk off because they think they're big enough and bad enough to do it. Regardless of his personal feelings (because we all give a shit how hurt Steve's feelings are) he's been in the business long enough to know that the stance Rock took concerning his leaving was business not personal. And for the record the Rock character was intriguing enough in itself. Austin just helped push him to the forefront. It was just a matter of time before Austin would have to share the spotlight. Steve has made some excellent points and on a lot of things he's dead on 100% but he really should stop patting himself on the back before he breaks his arm.
On a final note in response to this statement
and as of right now im going on a campaign to make sure he keeps making crappy movies and never comes back to ruin my program again i liked the Scorpion King. It wasn't meant to be Olivier it was meant to be mindless fun and I had a good time going to see it. Just one man's opinion of course.

What do you want from us? We're EVIL! EVIL!!!!!!

This message was edited by synthfiend on 1-26-03 @ 1:47 PM

01-26-2003, 11:05 AM
i liked the Scorpion King. It wasn't meant to be Olivier it was meant to be mindless fun and I had a good time going to see it.

ladies and gentleman the man who is responsible for Kangaroo Jack!!!

<IMG SRC="">
"smoking weed, smoking weed doing coke, drinking beers
drinking beers, beers, beersrolling fatties, smoking bluntswho smokes the blunts?we smoke the blunts." -Jay

01-26-2003, 04:10 PM
ladies and gentleman the man who is responsible for Kangaroo Jack!!!
Dems fightin' words son. Be careful.

What do you want from us? We're EVIL! EVIL!!!!!!

01-26-2003, 04:21 PM
I think he should come back, because he's needed. But I will never retract my statement that the way he left the company was bullshit and a complete pussy move. My one question to all you guys is what happens when he comes back and the ratings go nowhere, you'll be dissing him then as much as you are Triple H now.

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

Heather 8
01-26-2003, 04:33 PM
The moment he was given a championship belt for doing nothing was the moment I started hating Raw. <P> At least you weren't there to witness it in person. My ''HHHater'' sign got a lot of usage that night. <P> <P>
As far as Austin is concerned, I don't give a damn. He's back? Fine. He leaves again? Even better. <P>
My one question to all you guys is what happens when he comes back and the ratings go nowhere, you'll be dissing him then as much as you are Triple H now.

For the record, I've ''dissed'' Austin for a while now, and I'll continue to do so. Guys who beat up their wives aren't too high on my list of favorite people.<P>
Proud owner of two Figgy Points

This message was edited by Peachy on 1-26-03 @ 8:35 PM

01-29-2003, 07:36 AM
I haven't seen or read the article myself yet but if any of these things are true then I agree completely with Austin too. Actually, I agree with him no matter what the damn article says. But honestly, if he said these things, he's got some valid points about the company and that's why I love that guy. Austin says what he says because he's not afraid to say it. With the kinda clout he's got, it wasn't ballsy for him to walk out or come back. He didn't have to sign that contract if he didn't want to. He did it because he could and knew it. That's why this man is so great for wrestling and why his fans stuck with him through his absence. :D <P>
Steph <P>

"I'm in a class all by
myself... and its f*ckin' lonely."

01-31-2003, 08:09 PM
Some fan has been courteous to transcribe the article into html.

You can view it here:

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

Team Angle - YOUR reason to watch the WWE.

"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago

Sir Okonkwo
01-31-2003, 11:53 PM
As I've said elsewhere, I now have more respect for Austin than I ever have before.

And here's one thing I'm going to talk about: They need to let the wrestlers be more hands-on and yank the wrestlers who are in the television production meeting out of those meetings, because it's a separate agenda. They need to give the damn business back to the boys. I'm not saying the people who are in creative now can't come up with good ideas, but when they try to write them out verbatim and tell you to follow them, you become a follower instead of a leader. To be a good hand in the ring, you gotta be a leader. To go out there with some words some sumbitch writes on a piece of paper, and he's going to tell you what to do and you do it, that's not what this business is all about. We ain't actors. Same thing with the matches. The matches move too fast. These aren't quick answers on how to change the business, but I think they will. Bottom line is, it's got to go back to being a competition. It's not a performance. You've got performers in WWE right now, not workers. Go back to what it's supposed to be. And I'm not running down everybody backstage. I'm just saying, you just stick any two random guys, or any two random girls, and say, "Hey, you guys are having a match, and let it fly and see what happens." That's the only way you're going to put any feeling back in the business. Take the business away from the writers and put it back into the wrestler's hands, because that's where it's supposed to be. This is a whole different animal from Hollywood.


I have a big problem with the way the business is being run right now, because it's not a wrestling show anymore. That's what, to my thinking, is one of the big things wrong with the business. There are no issues that are larger than life that people have just got to see. I don't know. I think they should do away with all the prefab backstage stuff, and let guys go back to relearning what this business is all about. Put that product in the ring and tell the writers, "You want to lay out some shit? Use Jim Ross, lay out the format of the show -- here's your matches and a couple of promo segments." But have guys go out there and say, "Okay, Booker T, you're going to battle Kurt Angle tonight. Terri Runnels is going to interview you, and then Kurt is going to have an in-ring promo." And that's it. Let them fucking go. Man, that's what the business is about! Ric Flair and those guys in the NWA or World Class Championship Wrestling -- They didn't tell them what to do. You knew your program. That's how you get depth in this business. That's how you get your scholarship. You're put in a situation, and you're forced to respond. You can't have some 25-year-old guy hand you a bunch of fucking words and draw money that way. The only way you're gonna put any feeling back in the business is to [put it] back into the wrestlers' hands, because that's where it's supposed to be.

The smartest thing I've ever read regarding wrestling.

Can I chill here for a while?

RF Godfather
02-01-2003, 04:13 AM
I've read this article and I couldn't disagree with anything Austin griped about because he is right.

'Creative' blows and they shouldn't tell the boys in the back to read some shitty script ad verbatum.

So what if Austin has his weak moments.

HHH and Rock are just tools of Vince by badmouthing Austin like Bret was done wrong by DX (midget Bret).

Austin is still the top draw in this business. Period. End of story.

02-01-2003, 07:00 PM
There were some other things that went on while I was gone that pissed me off. Like during the smear campaign when I was sitting at the house and had to turn on the TV and see The Rock making a special appearance on RAW. This was during the "Get the 'F' Out" campaign, when we had to change our name to WWE -- which completely sucks. So all of a sudden, you've got Rock out there saying, "You know, if you don't want to be here, then get the 'F' out!" Well genius, I'd already been out and got out. To me, that was the thing that got my ass the most. Here's a guy who I was a tremendous influence on his career in he ring. He'll tell you the same thing -- and if he don't, he's a liar. Anytime he needed advice for a problem, I'd give him the best advice I could. I always helped that guy out -- I helped everyone who asked. If you wanted my honest opinion, I'd give it. so anyway, the problem was with me and Vince, it wasn't with me and Rock. I thought that was the biggest chickenshit thing I'd ever seen done to me, so far in the business, for him to go out and call me out. That's how he pays me back? That was they guy who says "Get the F out" is a chickenshit but the guy who beats his wife is the toughest S.O.B on the planet?

What do you want from us? We're EVIL! EVIL!!!!!!

Heather 8
02-01-2003, 08:15 PM
So what if Austin has his weak moments. <P>
No-no-no-no-no. Cheating on your diet is a weak moment. Bumming a cigarette from someone just a few days after promising your family you've quit is a weak moment. Beating up your wife makes you lower than dogshit, in my eyes. <P><P>
Proud owner of two Figgy Points

02-01-2003, 11:09 PM
That's something that really bothers me with all this, it seems like every fan in America is willing to just "forget" he beat the shit out of a woman. Sweet life dude.

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

RF Godfather
02-02-2003, 03:35 AM
Beating up your wife makes you lower than dogshit, in my eyes.Ok, I actually neglected and overlooked that wifebeating thing. It is hard to forgive someone for having that on their conscience.

What I meant about 'weak moments' was the alcohol and his ego.

This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 2-2-03 @ 7:40 AM

02-02-2003, 11:21 AM
I haven't forgotten about the wife-beating, believe you me.

But personally, I can separate Austin the human being from Austin the entertainer enough so that I agree with what Austin has to say about the business, and as a fan I would like Austin (the entertainer) to return.

He is a piece of shit for hitting a woman, but that still doesn't make me hate him as an entertainer.

It's like Shawn Michaels. Michaels was one of the biggest pieces of shit in the business when it came to being a human being, but people still loved him for what he could do in that ring.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

"I was here before the oceans turned black with life, and when the deserts are white with death I will remain."
---Saint Iago

02-02-2003, 05:40 PM
Having read it now, I expected everything except the Hogan part. That came as a surprise to me. And yet, it doesn't.


This message was edited by LilLibra on 2-2-03 @ 9:46 PM

02-02-2003, 05:44 PM
I try not to mix a wrestler's personal life (or anyone else's for that matter) with their professional life. No one condones his behavior toward Debra but he's not on trial for that anymore. Austin is good for the company, a definite fan favorite to us, and one of the greatest superstars in wrestling history. So I think that's where the focus should be. His personal stuff has been rectified in one way or another so let's just stay out of it.


This message was edited by LilLibra on 2-2-03 @ 9:49 PM

Heather 8
02-03-2003, 04:05 PM
His personal stuff has been rectified in one way or another so let's just stay out of it. <P>
Pretty hard to do when your private live is put up on the news crawl on all the news channels. <P>
I'm not saying fans are wrong for cheering Austin. I'm personally just not able (or willing) to separate the character from the real person. Maybe that makes me a shitty fan, but it's not something I'm going to apologize for, either. <P><P>
Proud owner of two Figgy Points

02-03-2003, 07:54 PM
Wrestling is just not the same without a beer swilling, finger giving, wife beating mother fuckers! (no sarcasam)