View Full Version : What a waste of time....
01-14-2003, 07:21 PM
RAW 10th anniverary show sucked!!! worse than all the Slammy award shows combined!!!!!! Thank God the Shield was on so I had something else to witch too..
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Making the ladies call me "daddy" one night at a time
<marquee> IM @ Evilpete66</marquee>
Heather 8
01-14-2003, 07:26 PM
All that show did was remind me of how much I despise Mae Young. <P>
Vince hates us. He really, really hates us. <P><P>
Putting the funny in ''unfunny''
01-14-2003, 07:28 PM
Holy shit was this special a huge let down. Didn't they promise superstars from the past? The only one that was there was Freddie freakin' Blassie!
Three awards went to people that didn't show up. Mick Foley, The Rock and Steve Austin.
They are in New York and they couldn't get Mick down there to accept an award?
The Rock couldn't miss one day of shooting?
This is what pisses me off the most. The show was filled with like 85% Austin moments and when he wins Superstar of the Decade, Vince comes out and buries him? Yeah Raw wouldn't have been shit without Austin Vince!
This was just a terrible show that should have been a slam dunk to make great.
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01-14-2003, 07:30 PM
I agree Fallon. As much as I keep telling myself "It will get better Matt, KEEP WATCHING!" it continues to dissapoint. Maybe this 30 days for Bischoff will bring about some good.
I have faced the fact that maybe Austin isn't coming back and maybe things are better off. As much as I would love to see some of the old storylines re-hashed, I would hate it too beause there is nothing original coming out.
Rock is most definitly coming back a heel. If he is not written in as a heel during his summer tenure, I will lose more faith than I have already lost in the WWE. It almost seemed that Rock took his "spot" tonight longer than usual to get a little bit of heat. They have got to be deaf not to have noticed the boo's.
The only way for the WWE to bounce back is to let thing happen naturally and not stretch for storylines. Write what comes natural and above all, MAKES SENSE!
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Thanks FelixDelGato and BobImpact
01-14-2003, 08:22 PM
is it me or did the (C)Rock's speech seemed to be a tape....(where were the spots about the great parodies on Raw????)
<img src="">
Making the ladies call me "daddy" one night at a time
<marquee> IM @ Evilpete66</marquee>
01-15-2003, 04:03 AM
sorry to steal your topic big man.i just got up this morning in a blind rage and poured my feelings out.i didn't realize someone else posted about it.
fredy hahn
01-15-2003, 04:48 AM
is it me or did the (C)Rock's speech seemed to be a tape
I agree....and It looked like Jericho missed his mark, Rock was saying shhhh!!! before Jericho started to speak.
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01-15-2003, 07:19 AM
it was pure crap. htey gave no recognition to Raw before austin. and i mean i like austin. but its bullshit that bret didnt recieve any recognition, the best of all friggin time and he doesnt win wrestler of the decade? bullshit
fuk the federation rite up there dingleberry infested ass!!!!
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"smoking weed, smoking weed doing coke, drinking beers
drinking beers, beers, beersrolling fatties, smoking bluntswho smokes the blunts?we smoke the blunts." -Jay
01-15-2003, 08:07 AM
I agree with most of you. Luckily I only caught the last half hour but it seemed to be a Steve Austin tribute show. If Vince doesn't understand that he needs to bring Austin back to increase business, he's retarded. The clips with Austin showed just how well he could pop a crowd. No one's come close in years.
I liked that Bret Hart got a nod for Superstar of the Decade. Bret is still my favorite.
My choice for match of the decade would have been Austin/Michaels vs Bulldog/Owen from May 97. I think that match still stands up well today due to good booking, good talent, and a hot crowd. I'm in the mood now to go searching for that tape.
What's your choice of Raw Match of the Decade? Of best match from Raw's predecessor Primetime?
"On to Victory!!"
01-15-2003, 10:22 AM
didn't watch !
didn't care !
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Thanks Fallon!
01-15-2003, 01:01 PM
I haven't read one good review about this show on the internet today. I hope the WWE reads them and realizes how much they suck.
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01-15-2003, 01:06 PM
they won't..
trust hth nevermore !
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Thanks Fallon!
01-15-2003, 02:51 PM
but its bullshit that bret didnt recieve any recognition, the best of all friggin time and he doesnt win wrestler of the decade?
And the worst part about that...with rumors of a possible surprise appearance all over the 'net, the WWE is so low that in the New York Posts TV section on Monday, it casually listed Bret as one of the participants on the Tuesday night show. Obviously, WWE can simply say that this was because he was prominantly displayed in video form, but it was nothing more than a subtle publicity stunt to get market #1 into a frenzy over the slight possibility.
it seemed to be a Steve Austin tribute show. If Vince doesn't understand that he needs to bring Austin back to increase business, he's retarded. The clips with Austin showed just how well he could pop a crowd. No one's come close in years.
This is what pisses me off the most. The show was filled with like 85% Austin moments and when he wins Superstar of the Decade, Vince comes out and buries him? Yeah Raw wouldn't have been shit without Austin Vince!
I have faced the fact that maybe Austin isn't coming back and maybe things are better off. As much as I would love to see some of the old storylines re-hashed, I would hate it too beause there is nothing original coming out.
I don't want to sound confrontational here, but does anyone else think that these reasons are only proof that Austin will be back & probably soon? In my humble opinion, this isn't Vince being a bitter & scorned employer, it's "Mr. McMahon" setting up the old Austin/McMahon angle, version 4.0!
I could be way off here, but I think the only true hard feelings in the WWE besdies Bret are with Mick Foley....and what a shame that they run so deep he (Mick) wouldn't come in from Long Island for a show where he should have been lauded for most of the evening. Very sad.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
This message was edited by Crippler on 1-15-03 @ 7:08 PM
01-15-2003, 03:04 PM
Holy shit was this special a huge let down. Didn't they promise superstars from the past? The only one that was there was Freddie freakin' Blassie! <P>
I wasn't even counting on seeing any superstars from the past that we haven't seen in the last eight months or so. <P>
Three awards went to people that didn't show up. Mick Foley, The Rock and Steve Austin. <P>
They are in New York and they couldn't get Mick down there to accept an award? <P>
Maybe Vince and Mick are on bad terms. Or maybe he was busy last night. Hell, maybe even he wasn't invited either. <P>
The Rock couldn't miss one day of shooting? <P>
Psh, if he'd actually shown up, we would have witnessed far worse anti-Rock booing than last night's. I would have liked to see him but its best that he wasn't there. <P>
This is what pisses me off the most. The show was filled with like 85% Austin moments and when he wins Superstar of the Decade, Vince comes out and buries him? Yeah Raw wouldn't have been shit without Austin Vince! <P>
That f*ckin' pissed me off the most too. Austin littered Raw's ten years with great moments and even got the #1. Last night just reminded me of how much I miss that guy and how badly I want him back in wrestling. ::humph:: <P>
Steph <P>
"I'm in a class all by
myself... and its f*ckin' lonely."
Death Metal Moe
01-15-2003, 04:10 PM
I thought it was OK.
The problem is you all STILL expect good things from the WWE.
I on the other hand have pretty much given up on them, and have only recently started watching RAW a little again. Mostly for Steiner.
The show was kinda lame here and there, but I was happy to be reminded of the past when I'd never miss a show or pay per view.
Ahhhhh, you've lost that lovin' feelin' WWE.
<A HREF=""></A>
01-15-2003, 06:06 PM
did anyone else think that Rob Van Dam looked like Benjammin Franklin at that show?
By the way, this is spyderman28 under my new sn.
"It's always better when served Spicy..."
Death Metal Moe
01-15-2003, 06:11 PM
Congrats Spyderman
<A HREF=""></A>
01-15-2003, 06:34 PM
I agree, the show was not good at all. Most of the awards were pointless and stupid. I'd like to bring up the best match award.
2 matches from 2002??? And I almost threw up when they nominated the Taker/Jeff match. It was a *** match at the most. Wresling fans must be really stupid. If they're going to nominate a recent match it should've been the match that HHH injured himself. It was fantastic.
I was expecting Vince to take the award and BAM Austin's music hits and he comes out.
I guess the WWE has sunk so low that now Edge is the leader. @ hours of wasted time.
<img src="">
<font face="comic sans ms" color="#3300ff">I'm speechless, I have no speech
I'm speechless, I'm without speech</font>
01-15-2003, 06:41 PM
What's wrong with Edge?
"It's always better when served Spicy..."
01-15-2003, 08:59 PM
I happen to like Edge. When he was dark and brooding, when he wanted to pose for five seconds, and now if you take a good look at his wardrobe he seems to be trying to be the next Sting. I've always liked Edge. Sesond: If the Rock had bothered to show up I doubt he'd have been booed because he's have shown the fans that he cared just a little bit. Third: If you ever read the Ross Report you'd know that Austin IS coming back. As for Foley.....I dunno. Nostalgia aside the show was stupid. I thought it was pretty fucking funny and a little sad when I realised how many of those old lame gimmicks I could name. And finally I cast my vote for either Sable or Lita for Diva of the decade. Sable was the first woman wrestler who re-routed my blood supply to my unit and as far as Lita goes: any woman who can jump off of the top rope wrap her thighs around my head flip me over and NEVER RELEASE THE HOLD deserves my undying affection. World without end...Amen.
I will be silent. Invincible. Invisible. I am the Ghost.
01-17-2003, 08:14 AM
is it me or did the (C)Rock's speech seemed to be a tape....(where were the spots about the great parodies on Raw????) <P>
Yeah it was taped. I noticed Jericho missed his mark too. And that shit was just too long winded. That's a slap in the face to every fan if these people think they can spoon feed shit like that and we won't notice it, not to mention, say something about it. <P>
Steph <P>
"I'm in a class all by
myself... and its f*ckin' lonely."
01-17-2003, 07:59 PM
What's wrong with Edge?
I don't hate Edge....and I suppose I don't even dislike Edge....but Edge tries my patience. In two ways.
One is his fault: he's limited in his moveset. He hasn't learned yet to adapt. What am I talking about? Look at an Edge match - ANY Edge match, because he always pulls the same spots. The face-plant, the Edge-o-matic, the spear, the Edgecution. He uses those same spots as a crutch every match. He's gotten better over the past year, but he's still not what I would consider a "great" worker.
The second reason isn't his fault, it's the WWE's, in how they book him. It's the same thing they do with every face that they want to push, down the road, as a main event talent: they protect them so much to the point that it's ridiculous. Case in point: Edge's feuds this past year with Eddy Guerrero / Chris Benoit / Kurt Angle. Look at those matches, and watch at how RIDICULOUSLY overprotected Edge is. Edge won most of those matches in those feuds, if I remember correctly, and if he did lose - it was because the heels cheated [no one had dare bring up the tired, erroneous argument that "heels are supposed to cheat to win a match"].
I know they want to protect him, because in their warped sense of reality if he jobs clean too many times he's damaged goods (which is ironic, seeing as they usually have NO qualms about jobbing out the heels that way, or certain other faces *coughRVDcough*). So they protect him this way, and it can get to the point where a guy like me (who, admittedly, is probably in the minority) is left sitting there scratching his head wondering why they didn't just let Edge job to someone like Benoit cleanly.
They tried to pull the protection bullshit with Bubba this year too, before realizing that fans don't give a fuck about that talentless asshole unless he's tag-teaming with his "brother" D-Von.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon - livin' la vida lucha.
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
01-17-2003, 08:16 PM
I think you guys misunderstood what I said. I didn't mean to say I hate Edge. He can have some good matches.
What I'm saying is who when they think of the WWE thinks of Edge. Edge is not the icon of the WWE. A Kurt Angle or an Chris Jericho should of been up there. In no way is edge the leading man in the company.
<img src="">
<font face="comic sans ms" color="#3300ff">I'm speechless, I have no speech
I'm speechless, I'm without speech</font>
01-17-2003, 09:06 PM
Seven does not hate edge... He
just hates everyone!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
Party Harty!!!!!!
01-18-2003, 09:09 AM
Seven does not hate edge... He
just hates everyone!!!!!!
I thought it was just everyone this side of Japan?
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
01-18-2003, 11:07 AM
And who says wrestling fans are psychos. I asy ha to those cynics!
"It's always better when served Spicy..."
01-20-2003, 07:05 PM
Do you believe they have the nerve to re-run this piece of crap show? And, if no one is calling to see it again, can you really call it an encore presentation?
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
01-20-2003, 07:33 PM
I don't hate Edge. I don't even dislike Edge. It's just like I said - they pull with him the same trick they pull with all of their top faces (or top faces in training), and that's protect him at the expense of the heel. I wouldn't be upset if we were talking Big Show or A-Train....but to be protected at the expense of Angle / Benoit / Guerrero? That's silly to me.
To Edge's credit, he IS part of the SmackDown 6, so he's got a lot going for him.
I thought it was just everyone this side of Japan?
That's not true.
I just hate about 50% of the WWE roster. About 25% I really enjoy, and the other quarter percent I can take or leave.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
WWFallon - livin' la vida lucha.
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
01-20-2003, 08:40 PM
I know...just busting're definitely not alone in those opinions.
SigPic thanks to TenbatsuZen
...silent, but violent.
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