View Full Version : Im seriously starting to get fed up
01-03-2003, 11:04 PM
Lately more and more Im starting to get fed up with the female race and all their bullshit that they bring with them. I totally understand that guys sure as hell aint no angels....and for those of you that know me know that I have done some shit in the past. But Im trying my hardest to be the nice guy...the gentleman....the guy all women say isnt out there....the respectful one. And ya know what ?? All I been getting is the shaft...the fucking runaround. In 2002 I have been put through the fucking meat grinder of shit relationship wise....and I was still trying to be as much of a man as I could possibly be. Tonight...for reasons I wont go into...Im fucking fed up. All I hear outta women all the goddam time is how they want a guy who'll treat them right, who'll respect them, who'll take them out...blah blah blah blah. And ya know my reality and experience...THATS ALL IT IS...BLAH BLAH BLAH. Im sick of women telling me one thing, and doing another.Im sick and tired of the fucking runaround.
I think women are the reason I go out so much and drink all the time.
Sorry...this is just me may proceed back with your so-called normal lives.
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
Miss Dolores Haze
01-03-2003, 11:19 PM
you tell those bitches!!!! Oh and thanks for dinner
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"You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go."
Killing rabbits since 2002
I think women are the reason I go out so much and drink all the time.i thought you were sober gmann now.
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"Don't be afraid to be afraid of the norm."
01-03-2003, 11:25 PM
can i give someone a texas ass whooping for you? i think you're a cutie and that's all that matters.
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<marquee>~Go Giants!!~Keep Ron and Fez in NYC, WRITE YOUR LETTERS!!~</marquee>
Join the Army
01-03-2003, 11:27 PM
Wow, now I know what my posts look like when I get really hammered...
Seriously bro, just hang in there...things will get better. There is that perfect someone for everyone, believe it my man.
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>Founding Member RF.NET Jedi Council. 1/3 of WHAA</marquee>
Miss Dolores Haze
01-03-2003, 11:30 PM
I read deeper into your post and i'm deeply offended. I am not your Hoke Colburn anymore!
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"You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go."
Killing rabbits since 2002
01-03-2003, 11:36 PM
Im not referring to you dork. Im just saying Im getting really fed up with all the bullshit I been going through lately.I just feel the need to vent thats all.You know your'e my pal.
i thought you were sober gmann now.
I was Lulu....but women have drove me back to the bottle. So-co shots all around. My heineken bottle and my bartender....thats all I need.
*oh yeah....thanx Aggie...I needed that.
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
Miss Dolores Haze
01-03-2003, 11:46 PM
Im not referring to you dork.
Awww thats the Georgie I know and still love.Oh and i'm suprised that you didn't get my reference. Gee thanks
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"You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go."
Killing rabbits since 2002
This message was edited by Miss Dolores Haze on 1-4-03 @ 3:49 AM
01-03-2003, 11:49 PM
Hey brother the greatest of "guys" movies is on TNT right now "The Great Escape". Escape from reality for a bit with that...
ADF Fan since day one...this sig rocks!!!
"Impossible is only the failure of imagination"
<marquee behavior=alternate>Founding Member RF.NET Jedi Council. 1/3 of WHAA</marquee>
01-05-2003, 05:20 PM
I know how you feel man there are times in which I feel the same way about women, but just try to hang in there. I haven't given up yet you shouldn't neither
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John Sykes CEO
Infinity Broadcasting
1515 Broadway
51st floor
New York NY 10036
Mel Karmazin
President and Chief Operating Officer C/O Viacom 1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
01-05-2003, 05:32 PM
Oh GOD I know exactly how you feel. I just got done telling a friend off. She travelled to Vegas and wanted to leave her car at my apartment complex so no one would fuck with it while she was away. I was only 15 mins from Newark airport so I said sure...I also agreed to let her and her girlfriend stay here when they came home (they were taking the Red Eye on the return trip) so they did not have a 2 hour drive at 2 am.
She wound up paying 100 dollars to get her car out of parking (her girlfriend took the both of them from my place to the airport and parked there) and she blamed ME...because I did not take her to the airport. She is also on umEmployment and was told that she could not afford Vegas. But she went anyway and now she thought she could blame ME for her problems. I told her to go Fuck Herself and consider me a non-entity. If she calls I shal hang up on her..and if she emails I will delete it.
She was SO greedy, doing three favors (I was also holding on to her winter jacket so she did not have to lug it all thru-out the trip) was not enough....she wanted to get more. Greed and being as psyco gets you NOWHERE in life. As I told get back what you give out.
As an Epilouge to the story...because she was insulting me while she was asking how to return from the airport to my place. I told her off and never gave her the directions. She took 2 hours to make a 15 min. trip.
Vengence is sweet!
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Thank you JerseyRich!!!!!
01-05-2003, 05:45 PM
THATS ALL IT IS...BLAH BLAH BLAH. Im sick of women telling me one thing, and doing another.Im sick and tired of the fucking runaround.
Looks like women and men are not as different as you might think! We have it JUST as tough to find the psyco's and the nice ones.
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Thank you JerseyRich!!!!!
01-05-2003, 08:33 PM my experience women are much much more shadier and craftier than guys least the ones I know do some fucked up shit, but we still have some sort of boundary or lines we wont cross. Women....sorry, my motto is "women...not money....are the root of all evil". Why do men steal, rob, murder??? To get the money....WHY??? To get the woman they want...or to keep the woman they have. Once a woman sees they have a man that likes them/loves them...bang, kiss that guy goodbye.Im just getting sick and tired with being the nice guy...when all I see are assholes getting what they want constantly. Im sick of people seeing my kindness for weakness. I think Im not gonna be the nice guy anymore...maybe if I start being the asshole it will get me further and what I want.
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
01-05-2003, 08:48 PM
try to meet an older, more mature woman...
don't be bitter, it will eat you up...
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"and when you're bad you die when you die"
01-05-2003, 08:56 PM
dude.....the last few women I have dated WERE older. My ex g.f. was 28....the last girl I dated was older than that. It sure as hell aint no age thing.
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
01-05-2003, 09:02 PM
dude.....the last few women I have dated WERE older. My ex g.f. was 28....the last girl I dated was older than that. It sure as hell aint no age thing
you're right, older doesn't always mean more mature...
there's no perfect answer...
another reason why they should legalize prostitution :)
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"and when you're bad you die when you die"
01-06-2003, 06:18 AM
We have it JUST as tough to find the psyco's and the nice ones.
and the psychos who can't spell psycho
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Justice4all: Sorry, but when I read your post I had to respond,
I just got done telling a friend off. She travelled to Vegas and wanted to leave her car at my apartment complex so no one would fuck with it while she was away. I was only 15 mins from Newark airport so I said sure...I also agreed to let her and her girlfriend stay here when they came home (they were taking the Red Eye on the return trip) so they did not have a 2 hour drive at 2 am.
She is a bad person for wanting to park her car at your place and stay overnight to avoid a drive at 2 a.m.?
She is also on umEmployment
She is bad for this?
I was also holding on to her winter jacket so she did not have to lug it all thru-out the trip) was not enough....she wanted to get more.
Sounds like you thought carrying her coat was a HUGE undertaking.
If you get "fed up" at puny stuff like this, I can't imagine what you would do if you had real problems and responsibilities to deal with.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 1-6-03 @ 2:36 PM
01-06-2003, 09:47 AM
i suddenly have a new found respect and deep admiration for coco
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i suddenly have a new found respect and deep admiration for coco
Thanks Jennitalia. I try to be openminded (and not side too much with us ladies) but this one was too much!
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
01-06-2003, 09:59 AM
I know what you mean, women always say one thing and do another.
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"I'm Tony Montana...You Fuck Wit Me...You Fuck Wit The Best!!"
Shout Out To Can of Soup 15 and Toddevf for the Kick Ass Sig Pic!
Bill From Yorktown
01-06-2003, 10:00 AM
Thanks Jennitalia. I try to be openminded (and not side too much with us ladies) but this one was too much!
I try to be openminded too, but you've never met people who never take responsibility for their actions - he was helping her out, but got pissy when her friend f'd up - it suddenly became his problem. not right.
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01-06-2003, 10:02 AM
yes, but also, some people try too hard to be nice and to have everybody like them, but then are very quick to throw it in your face about it and get pissy about things and turn things into "their problem". that's far from being a genuinely nice guy
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This message was edited by Jennitalia on 1-6-03 @ 2:05 PM
01-06-2003, 10:09 AM
i suddenly have a new found respect and deep admiration for coco
For her "creative editing?"
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<marquee width=300 scrollamount="5">The Priest is cold and dead, on his knees he fed from my barrel of death, he turned the Holy Water red. As he died he said, "Thank You," I just watched him bleed... </marquee>
01-06-2003, 10:09 AM
So Gmann...when are we going out? haha....just busting your chops.
Next time...maybe me and some of the ladies will buy a few drinks for YOU for a change! (just so you know we aren't ALL wackos)
:) hang in there!
"Shhh...I hear something stupid..." ~ Little Harp
The reason I originally responded to this post is because I thought the stuff that Justice4all was complaining and getting into an UPROAR about were sooooo MINOR. I mean, having someone park their car in a parking space? Holding someone's coat (probably while they were carrying luggage)??
I know guys that are in marriages that have 2-3 jobs, taking care of 4 kids. I mean, THAT is the real world.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 1-6-03 @ 2:40 PM
Bill From Yorktown
01-06-2003, 10:52 AM
I understand on the surface he's griping like he went way out of his way to help and got S'd on, but her response was way out of line (based on what he said). He offered the parking spot - if her friend declined to use it why is it his problem to pay the ticket?
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01-06-2003, 02:22 PM
and the psychos who can't spell psycho
Hey you say Potato and I say Potatoe.
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Thank you JerseyRich!!!!!
01-06-2003, 02:27 PM
If you get "fed up" at puny stuff like this, I can't imagine what you would do if you had real problems and responsibilities to deal with.
Coco...I think you misunderstood the situation. This person in the past is the kind that constantly asks for favors and when you do them...expects you to keep doing it and when you finally stand up for yourself and tell her NO she gets pissy. I was not upset over the fact that I was doing her some was getting insulted while she was asking for MORE stuff. It is like if I asked you to run an errand for me..something minor..and while you were doing it I called you to insult you for not doing something else I needed and then asked you for yet ANOTHER favor. It was not the level of the was that she was always doing things like that. If you do something nice for her she wanted to push it to much more. And I never said it was BAD that she was on Un-Employment. I made that fact because she asked if she could afford travelling. Do you know anyone that should be on vacation while unemployed? That was my point.
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Thank you JerseyRich!!!!!
01-06-2003, 07:41 PM
So Gmann...when are we going out? haha....just busting your chops.
Oh?? You th ink you can handle me Friday ?? :P I opinion of the female race isnt at its highest these last few weeks.........
Next time...maybe me and some of the ladies will buy a few drinks for YOU for a change! (just so you know we aren't ALL wackos)
.......but saying things like this shows me that there is yet hope ...heh heh heh
....I hope you know Im holding you to that by the way ;)
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
Justice4All: You probably just need to get out of this relationship. Sounds like she upsets you more than anything.
And believe me, you guys wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stories I have heard from girlfriends of mine as to what guys did to them. Far worse, than anything described in this thread.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 1-7-03 @ 4:05 PM
01-07-2003, 03:14 PM
Justice4All: You probably just need to get out of this relationship. Sounds like she upsets you more than anything.
And believe me, you guys wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stories I have heard from girlfriends of mine as to what guys did to them. Far worse, than anything described in this thread.
Oh I did end it...and quickly.
And I believe you...I used to work for a Police Department (and soon hopefully will be back at another one) and I have seen some bad stuff too.
Make all this stuff VERY minor.
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Thank you JerseyRich!!!!!
01-08-2003, 12:26 AM
My opinion of the female species is sinking faster than the Titanic right about now.
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
This message was edited by Gmann on 1-28-03 @ 3:08 AM
01-08-2003, 02:20 AM
That titanic you speak of, already sunk. Hence feathers, snowflakes and your dating ability all sink faster.
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