View Full Version : The Wisdom of George W. Bush
01-02-2003, 01:18 PM
From "They Misunderestimated Me! The Very Curious Language of George W. Bush"
"The education issue ought to be discussed about." (December 15, 2000)
"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."
(September 25, 2000)
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01-02-2003, 01:23 PM
What about The Complete Bushisms: The Accidental Wit & Wisdom of George W. Bush ?
Slate magazine ( collects them and posts new ones every few weeks.
Ouch. Malapropisms galore, yet, this man is not considered a moron?
He's the leader of the richest nation on the planet, can hire the best speechwriters Daddy's money can buy, yet nobody tells him he might want to hire a drama coach to help him not come off as an idiot as soon as he opens his mouth? I am stunned.
"If human beings stopped exercising their lips, their brains would start working" - Ford Prefect
01-02-2003, 04:11 PM
Malapropisms galore, yet, this man is not considered a moron?
We'll see how many nods of agreement you get, then we'll decide what people think.
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur
"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
"Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.
-Romans 12:1
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01-02-2003, 04:22 PM
We'll see how many nods of agreement you get, then we'll decide what people think.
*sniff-sniff* Fee, fie, foe, fum, methinks I smell a Republican. He went out hunting with his elephant and gun/ in case of accident he brought along his man/ hey Bungalow Bill. . .
Even if he's not a moron, he has the resources to groom him not to come off like one. I wish he would use them; then I'd feel much better about Colin Powell remembering to wind him up at night.
"If human beings stopped exercising their lips, their brains would start working" - Ford Prefect
This message was edited by Thebazile78 on 1-2-03 @ 8:29 PM
01-02-2003, 05:25 PM
He's a complete moron.
At least he excells at being stupid.
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Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 07:30 PM
He is also great at kickin' ass and takin' terrorist names. I'd rather have a nervous speaker than an adulterer and draft dodger.
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01-02-2003, 07:33 PM
He is also great at kickin' ass and takin' terrorist names.
Wait, when did we start living on Bizarro Earth?
draft dodger
Bush hasn't fought for freedom wherever there's trouble for a goddamn day in his life. For SHAME.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 1-2-03 @ 11:36 PM
01-02-2003, 07:37 PM
Anxiously awaiting a reply to this one from Mr. Impact. <P>
George W. Bush: Idiot Son of an Asshole <P>
He is also great at kickin' ass and takin' terrorist names. I'd rather have a nervous speaker than an adulterer and draft dodger.
Thanks Rooster, I couldn't have said it better myself. And since when does one need to be a flawless public speaker to be a great leader? Everyone gets nervous at times.
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Thanks J.R.
I Don't Care About Anyone Else But Me - Drowning Pool
01-02-2003, 07:46 PM
And since when does one need to be a flawless public speaker to be a great leader? Everyone gets nervous at times.
Since basically all the president does these days is try to look pretty and inspire a shred of "confidence" in the American public, I'd say he fails ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. His job is to basically give speeches and assure us we won't die tomorrow without a dime to our names. WAY TO FAIL, FUCKMONKEY.
And if you can only compare him to the monster that was Clinton to try and make him look good, we're in even bigger trouble than it seems. We haven't had a president in nearly 40 years that wasn't a joke, so quit pretending otherwise, or like "your" guy's poo-poo doesn't stink.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 07:52 PM
Wait, when did we start living on Bizarro Earth?
Ummm, yeah...and you are?
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01-02-2003, 07:54 PM
Ummm, yeah...and you are?
The Funkmaster General. And you're under arrest for suspicion of not gettin' on down. FREEZE.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 07:56 PM
The Funkmaster General.
Take your funky ass to the store and read a book on the end of the Cold War and the success of the military actions in Afghanistan. I'd say a few of our past handful of Presidents have been pretty good as a whole;)
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George W. Bush: Idiot Son of an Asshole
That's not too much of an unsubstantiated statement, now is it? I forgot that Yale was such a simple school that anybody can easily breeze through it.
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Thanks J.R.
I Don't Care About Anyone Else But Me - Drowning Pool
01-02-2003, 08:10 PM
the success of the military actions in Afghanistan
I'll wait a couple years until you get back from Earth-2.
Boy-howdy, that UN-reported record crop of heroin-making poppies in Afghanistan sure makes "just saying no" really, REALLY worth it...
What the hell does Dubya have to do with us coming out on top after The Cold War? We "won" that through a longterm, steadfast dose of American resolve. Stop trying to cheapen it by attributing it to the non-actions of a few or one man.
And am I living in a retarded cartoon? Why the hell do people still think someone can be "better" than the "other guy" SOLELY on the basis of his politcal party? STOP BEING SO EASY TO PLEASE, DAMMIT. No wonder this country is just spinning its wheels, nobody demands anything of its leaders anymore, just decent face-time...ugh...
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 1-3-03 @ 12:16 AM
Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 08:15 PM
Mojo, the President who won the Cold War is Reagan. That is in response to your cynical attack of the past Presidents of the United States.
And your comment on the growth of fuckin' poppies just cements the proof that you are are an unsatisfied cynic who cannot see the forest thorugh the trees. This is not the war on heroin, this is not a branch off of the war on drugs, this is the war on terrorism. I'd say that Afghnaistan's new President and the militray have done some good for the region and the safety of this country. Wake up, dude.
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This message was edited by LTRooster on 1-3-03 @ 12:19 AM
01-02-2003, 08:21 PM
He is also great at kickin' ass and takin' terrorist names. I'd rather have a nervous speaker than an adulterer and draft dodger.
Never ceases to amaze me America's middle/lower class fascination with republicans...
I personally think that the Clinton years were among the best in recent history. And what if he did get a BJ at work??? About dodging the draft... I actually did the same thing in my own country, so I can't possibly critizice that either. I think I had better things to do than go around marching in fatigues with a gun in my hand... (Like getting a college education...)
In the mean time, Bush is considered to be a war hero when all he really did was "serve" in the National Guard Air Force instead of being in Vietnam, where all the non-Bushes were at the time. (by the way, there is nothing wrong with the National Guard!!!)
Daddy Bush got baby Bush out of having to go to the dirty, dirty war... very nice! classy! baby Bush suuuure served his country...
About taking names and kicking terrorists asses... Name ONE. Please, just ONE. And don't bring up the shoe bomber (because he GOT in to the plane, it was the stweardess and the passengers that stopped him), and Zacharias Mazahoui (he was cought on a traffic violation PRE Sept 11th). All they have cought so far is a buch of grunts that we keep in Guantanamo, and that dont know shit, they aren't of any significance and all we are doing to them is giving them an all expense paid vacation in Cuba.
Its scary how little the government has done about what the terrorists did to us, its scarry!!! Yeah, we took the taliban out of power, we put afganistan back in the stone age, from... the stone age.
Economic scandals, and economic downturn is at a historic high, not since the 30s have the economic indicators this bad, but hey!! we have a Republican in the White House and thats alllll that realllly matters.
Sweet Dreams America, sleep well, everything is going to be OK, no more BJs in the Oval Office.
Peace & Hugs.
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #173: starving PCP -laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #137: tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
01-02-2003, 08:23 PM
Don't spout the Reagan malarkey. It's not even funny anymore.
Yes, the situation in Afghanistan is better than before. But it's still insanely unstable. We only have millitary intervention inand around THREE signifcant cities there. Scattered special ops in the mountains and along the borders at certain points, and that's it. You can't say heroin isn't the issue, because the issue SHOULD be the longterm stability of the country we supposedly just "liberated", and having a rampant, unchecked drug trade is not, NOT part of being stable. The second we don't have a strong presence there, a warlord or coalition of warlords will simply overthrow and/or kill the current President. We need to allow internal elections to take place under our supervision, or else any new leader will not be accepted by the tribes as a whole. So we've only done "good" in the very loosest sense of the term, since it IS slightly better than it was before. Substituting one really shitty situation with one that's "only" shitty isn't a real improvement.
*EDIT* I'm not dismissing the action of our armed forces there fully. I just want to see things done right. The sentiment now is that we're "done" with Afghanistan and it's time to move on to Iraq. If we downplay our role in Afghanistan even more now, it'll be just like when we pulled out after the Soviets left, and we'll have another terrorist breeding ground on our hands. Let's do it right, show why we are the greatest country on Earth, take the weight from the terrorists' insane ramblings by fully helping these people as much as we can, and setting ourselves up with a staunch, strong ally in a region where we desperately need one.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 1-3-03 @ 12:33 AM
01-02-2003, 08:28 PM
Looks like I have to play devil's advocate tonight. He's a complete moron. <P>
At least he excells at being stupid. <P>
To HK and all my fellow bleeding heart liberal buddies - I think misunderestimate is a great term for what we liberals are in danger of doing with this President and Administration. Don't you guys remember how we got our asses kicked by Ronald Reagan? The intelligentsia, for lack of a better term, also dismissed Reagan as a dolt, as some poor old fool who couldn't distinguish reality from the movies he acted in, whose claim to fame was being the straight man to a chimpanzee. <P>
And what did he do: anything he wanted. Cut taxes; spent like crazy on military boondoggles; mocked the assumptions of LBJ's Great Society and kicked out all of its underpinnings. and the majority of this country loved him and probably still does. <P>
I personally give Gorbachev more credit for ending the Cold War than some but we can't argue that the Stalinist empire fell under the Reagan/Bush 1 regime. <P>
Bush 2 & Karl Rove are using Reagan's playbook and using it successfully. Get a superficially charming guy out front (W) and then steamroller your opponents to get the things you want: An end to the progressive tax system (for your ultra-wealthy supporters); faith-based organizations taking over what is left of the welfare state; limiting, for now, abortion rights while keeping an eye open for opportunities to make it illegal with a new Supreme Court line-up; sticking our nose right into the Persian Gulf where, coincidentially I'm sure, all the oil is... <P>
If this guy is stupid, how fucked will we liberal leaners be if the Republicans ever elect a smart guy? <P>
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.
01-02-2003, 08:31 PM
As usual Mojo Pin gets out two complete posts before I can bumble through one. I didn't ignore his posts; I was just typing while he posted them.
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.
01-02-2003, 08:34 PM
As usual Mojo Pin gets out two complete posts before I can bumble through one. I didn't ignore his posts: I was just typing while he posted them.
Actually, that was a pretty fascinating observation you've got going on there...never really thought of it that way...
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
01-02-2003, 08:40 PM
About taking names and kicking terrorists asses... Name ONE.
Well, you're actually downplaying a LOT of significant captures and kills in the last year and a half.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
01-02-2003, 08:43 PM
Well Mojo,
Please name ONE of any real relevance.
Peace & Hugs,
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #173: starving PCP -laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #137: tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 08:43 PM
Orallo, stop it now -- play nice. I earned my undergraduate and graduate degree while marching around with a gun in my hand. Also, we have been capturing and killing major figures in the leadership of the terrorist groups. I could name them but I don't know how to type the O with the hyphen in the middle and another guy had six vowels and the number 2 in his name. Weird.
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01-02-2003, 08:49 PM
Please don't confuse my not supporting the government's actions with not supporting our beloved arm forces. I am a huge supporter of military action whenever is needed, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE and the bigger the ordinance the better.
But really, for whatever the reasons we haven't achieved shit against Al Qaeda and I hope I am wrong but I am scared shitless of what they might do next. And I can not sit and watch how we pat each other on the back and sip each other's Ds saying we are doing a great job against those camel fuckers when in fact we are NOT!!!
Peace & Hugs To All,
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #173 starving PCP-laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #137 tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
01-02-2003, 08:50 PM
Since I have not the ability here to post pics (anyone, anyone) I just wanted to throw these in as a tribute to our wonderful leader. Ahem. Ahem.
How can you NOT tell the lenscaps are on YOU BLIND FOOL!!!
The site that these picures are on also provide (or will soon provide) information on how we can hopefully get more involved in who gets elected and make the peoples vote count. Don't know about anyone else but I hope there is not another lie to get into the Oval Office again in 2004. "We The People" need to be heard, not ignored. Do we not have a voice anymore?
This message was edited by fluffernutter on 1-3-03 @ 12:58 AM
01-02-2003, 08:50 PM
And since when does one need to be a flawless public speaker to be a great leader? Everyone gets nervous at times.
The operative phrase here is "at times".
Dubya is nervous all the time.
My point is, he doesn't have to sound like an idiot. He has the appropriate resources to be able to sound good and get over his nervousness.
I am not the biggest fan of ANY of our Presidents, but the thing I respect about, say, Clinton, JFK, Reagan, FDR and even Dubya's dad George, is that the sound of their voice on the radio or on the TV during the state of the union or whatever type of speech they gave was comforting and confident. They eased our minds - hearing the recording of FDR's post-December 7th address in the wake of September 11th was especially emotional for me. His articulate, deliberate and clear speech, spoken in his confident tone made me feel so much better and more secure than hearing our Commander-in-Chief on TV later that evening.
Public speaking ability alone does not make or break you as a leader, but it can't hurt.
With Dubya, well, it can only help.
"If human beings stopped exercising their lips, their brains would start working" - Ford Prefect
01-02-2003, 08:51 PM
Well Mojo,
Please name ONE of any real relevance.
Well, since you just asked for ONE, here's the very latest...
Please don't so readily dismiss the very hard work of my father, one of the many senior intelligence officials working their butts off in the CIA's counterterrorism center.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 08:53 PM
BTW, Orallo, you can only have three lines of text under you sig. Damn, you really walked into an ambush on this thread.
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Captain Rooster
01-02-2003, 08:55 PM
Orallo, I know you are a supporter of the military, it's all good.
I just love to watch Mojo spin around like a top and get carpal tunnel trying to reply to my posts. It's like showing a puppy his tail and then riding off on a pony.
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01-02-2003, 08:58 PM
How can you NOT tell the lenscaps are on YOU BLIND FOOL!!!
Hey, he was only following the example of the guy that came before him...
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<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 1-3-03 @ 12:59 AM
01-02-2003, 08:58 PM
I just love to watch Mojo spin around like a top and get carpal tunnel trying to reply to my posts. It's like showing a puppy his tail and then riding off on a pony.
*lol* Rooster, that's an image that I needed in my head... I really can use the chuckles.
Peace & Hugs Bros,
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #173 starving PCP-laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #137 tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
01-02-2003, 09:01 PM
It's like showing a puppy his tail and then riding off on a pony.
Dude, the bad news is that we ran out of ponies.
The good news is THIS. RAWK.
<img src=>
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
01-02-2003, 09:02 PM
And Mojo,
Please dont mix Abu Sayyaf with al Qaida, they are not the same thing, and they are probably not even connected. The fact that they both groups hate us and our way of life does not make them one and the same.
Peace & Hugs.
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #173 starving PCP-laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #137 tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
01-02-2003, 09:03 PM
Is that George and Jeb riding their Mother around the pen?
This message was edited by fluffernutter on 1-3-03 @ 1:04 AM
01-02-2003, 09:06 PM
Please dont mix Abu Sayyaf with al Qaida, they are not the same thing, and they are probably not even connected. The fact that they both groups hate us and our way of life does not make them one and the same.
Well, if they're going to call it the "War on Terror", it's going to have to be just that. We can't afford to have just a "War on Al-Queda" only. And again, significant members of Al-Queda have been captured and/or killed. Do a quick search on any of the major news agencies for those keywords, and you'll find dozens of stories along those lines.
Abu Sayyaf killed hundreds of people in this past year simply for embracing a Western way of life. Just because it wasn't a plane into a skyscraper doesn't make it any less awful and threatening.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
01-02-2003, 09:08 PM
I forgot that Yale was such a simple school that anybody can easily breeze through'd be surprised. i know some people who have gone through yale and other ivy league schools who in all honesty are not what you'd expect from your stereotypical ivy leauger. getting in is often the hardest part, and i think we all have a pretty good guess as to how george w. managed to gain entrance.
if you listen to even a small fraction of things that he says, i think you will have to admit that he is not the brightest, whether you like him or not. i personally just find it embarrassing to have someone so clearly ill-equiped representing our country
<img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
i sat watching a flower as it was withering
i was embarassed by its honesty
01-02-2003, 09:10 PM
Abu Sayyaf killed hundreds of people in this past year simply for embracing a Western way of life. Just because it wasn't a plane into a skyscraper doesn't make it any less awful and threatening
So did natural disasters, but the thing that REALLY affected me directly was the "little thing" that happened in lower Manhattan 478 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes ago... but hey, who's counting???
Peace & Hugs
<IMG SRC="">
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #173 starving PCP-laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #137 tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
01-02-2003, 09:23 PM
So did natural disasters, but the thing that REALLY affected me directly was the "little thing" that happened in lower Manhattan 478 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes ago... but hey, who's counting???
That's insanity. You're going to ignore all other Muslim extremist (Or ANY extremist, for that matter) terrorist strikes against Western targets until it happens closer to you and/or more people are killed than the 9/11 (Oh, right, OTHER people were killed that day, too) attacks?
Please explain if I've got this wrong, because otherwise it makes no friggin' sense whatsoever.
"My tragedy was worser than YOUR targedy! Nyaaaah-nyaaaaaah-nyaaaaaah!!!"
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 1-3-03 @ 1:32 AM
In the mean time, Bush is considered to be a war hero when all he really did was "serve" in the National Guard Air Force instead of being in Vietnam, where all the non-Bushes were at the time. (by the way, there is nothing wrong with the National Guard!!!)
I've never heard Bush called a "war hero". His father, yes. Serving in the Air National Guard, or any reserve branch, is still service to one's country.
Daddy Bush got baby Bush out of having to go to the dirty, dirty war... very nice! classy! baby Bush suuuure served his country...
And Clinton had people pull strings for him to get out of the draft so let's be fair. At least Bush did reserve duty by becoming an F-104 pilot. A jet pilot? Egad, what a retard!
About taking names and kicking terrorists asses... Name ONE. Please, just ONE.
You didn't see that car the Predator blew up with the 4 al Qaeda guys in it? A top bin Laden lieutenant wasn't killed in Afghanistan during the early days of the bombing campaign? There aren't a bunch of prisoners at GITMO? Pretty impressive compared to the previous administration's efforts.
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
This message was edited by AJinDC on 1-3-03 @ 10:00 AM
01-03-2003, 05:50 AM
if you listen to even a small fraction of things that he says, i think you will have to admit that he is not the brightest, whether you like him or not. i personally just find it embarrassing to have someone so clearly ill-equiped representing our country
Excellent points, Arienette. (I will spell your alias right one of these days) Watching him gives me greater insight into how "C" students can succeed. (And make more money than me. No fair!)
Is there a tactful way to write to him and tell him he should get himself a drama coach so he won't come off like such an idiot?
"If human beings stopped exercising their lips, their brains would start working" - Ford Prefect
01-03-2003, 06:11 AM
AL-QUAEDA WHO HAVE BEEN CAUGHT AND NOT: <a href="" target="_blank">Who's who in al-Qaeda</a> Listed by who's caught, who's dead and who's still at large.
"Al-Qaeda remains our most immediate and serious threat despite the damage we have done to their network in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We have captured or killed hundreds of its operatives, disrupted numerous cells, and denied access to substantial financing. However, the recent bombing in Bali, the attack on the French oil tanker, the murders of Europeans in Pakistan, and the killing of a Marine in Kuwait suggest that this organization retains the capability to orchestrate attacks and to inspire sympathizers." - Tom Ridge, U.S. Homeland Security Advisor, November 7, 2002
As for our success in Afghanistan: the question has to be How many of these ass-clowns would be at large still had the Bush administration not made the decision to use the Northern Alliance as the front line forces instead of our own troops, (as the troops themselves wanted)? The Delta boys and the British SAS are still steamed about not being allowed to go into Tora Bora first when they knew Bin Laden was in there. Apparently the decision was to prevent US/British casualties, but the field officers were begging to go in a do what they felt they were sent there to do. They were denied and Bin Laden, (and whoever might have been with him), slipped into Pakistan, where the Taliban originated and where they got the bulk of their support from sections of the Pakistani military before Musharraf got the chance to purge them. The only time special ops guys talk to reporters is when they're pissed off at the political leadership and want to make sure they're allowed to do their job their way, and they've been talking ever since.
The other major blowback from letting the NA do the work is that the NA are the ones who are now Afghanistan's biggest threat, (just as they were before the Taliban). Karzai is still referred to as "little more than mayor of Kabul", and even that is amid near assassinations, missile attacks within the city, and a thriving black market in weapons including stinger missiles. In the rest of the country the NA warloards are back to fighting among each other over territory, and asserting authority over what Afghans they can. The only thing keeping some semblance of control is the presence of US special forces blended into the regions. But the warloards can be assumed to be biding their time until the special ops guys start to get pulled out to Iraq. So instead of creating stability or "seeds of democracy", the Bush administration seems to have restored Afghanistan to the pre-Taliban days of tribal warfare, which many Afghanis considered worse than the repression of the Taliban - at least they were more likely to live through the week. Instead of crushing the Taliban, killing Al Quaeda, and disarming the Northern Alliance, we've simply chosen sides, armed them, and allowed them to simply chase Al Quaeda out of Afghanistan. What's more, the European and other nations that volunteered to do the peacekeeping, humanitarian, and democracy-building work can't count on us for security, and are dismissed as "irrelevant" when they don't agree with us that we should detour the war on terrorism into an attack on Iraq.
So I consider our efforts in Afghanistan to be largely wasted, and highly dependent on our "allies" in Europe and Japan to do the long work of making Afghanistan cease to be a threat. But I don't blame the military for the failures. I blame Bush and his administration for wanting to look successful rather than be successful in Afghanistan.
Plus, whenever I hear Bush say "nucular" I feel like I'm listening to Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel
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It was a joke goddammit!
This message was edited by Yerdaddy on 1-3-03 @ 10:16 AM
01-03-2003, 06:16 AM
I forgot that Yale was such a simple school that anybody can easily breeze through it.
Hah. I know quite a few well off kids whose parents have somehow gotten them into - Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton.
One of them is entering Harvard next year at the age of 23. He has been playing Pokemon for a living since high school, has the nickname "Dumb", can't hold a rational conversation with anyone over the age of 17, missed the SAT's twice, then showed up and got a 700, BUT his grandparents are big time donors to Harvard and that might have something to do with it.
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Captain Rooster
01-03-2003, 06:34 AM
"Hey Dubya, get off the dang roof!"
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This message was edited by LTRooster on 1-3-03 @ 10:36 AM
Plus, whenever I hear Bush say "nucular" I feel like I'm listening to Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel
Whenever I hear ANYONE say "nucular" that drives me nuts. That and "working families".
<IMG SRC="">
A Skidmark production.
01-03-2003, 06:46 AM
November 8, 2000: "No more sittin in the dirt at the drive-ins!"
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It was a joke goddammit!
01-03-2003, 06:58 AM
To President Gump's credit, he does have 2 huge books on his desk, but I'm sure that he's not done coloring in either of them yet.
thanks blakjeezis for the sig.
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice. - Sidney Freedman
01-03-2003, 07:17 AM
Hordeking- You are the complete moron!
For what Bush has been faced with his first year in office and how much he has accomplished with keeping this country safe so far.... I say he is a pretty good president! Much better than 'blow me Bill' Clinton was a chicken shit.
The war with Iraq has a purpose other than what people think of as oil.
Saddam is a threat to the entire world. WE need to get him out of the way so those people can live normal lives. There are people in Iraq that want peace and a normal life for their children as well. Saddam is starving his own people to build his weapons, and his palaces. We need to get him so our own children can have a future. Then we need to work on North Korea next. They'll be even a bigger threat than Iraq. Fighting two wars right now is senseless, and would jeopardize our economy even more.
Finally we have a president with some balls! He maybe arrogant at times, but we need someone who is arrogant and won't back down from these worthless shitty countries who have nothing better to do than blow themselves up for the sake of "muhammad" while blaming the western infidels for their poor way of life.
Can't buy me love....
The Blowhard
01-03-2003, 08:45 AM
I'm not a fan of GW but damn, Gore was worse and besides, at least GW has a staff that's willing to kill Arabs and other scumbags.
Bob Impact
01-03-2003, 08:46 AM
For what Bush has been faced with his first year in office and how much he has accomplished with keeping this country safe so far.... I say he is a pretty good president! Much better than 'blow me Bill' Clinton was a chicken shit.
First of all, Horde King is not an idiot and your lack of basic human respect is aggravating and asinine. We are no safer today than we were last week. Bush can't guarantee security of this county against terrorism, no one can. Clinton's term was marked by a long run of peaceful cohabitation with the world, that makes him a pussy as much as it makes you a MENSA member.
We need to get him so our own children can have a future. Then we need to work on North Korea next. They'll be even a bigger threat than Iraq. Fighting two wars right now is senseless, and would jeopardize our economy even more.
There are so many things wrong here I don't even know where to start. First of all, for the next decade or so, North Korea poses no credible threat to the United States, same goes for Iraq, albeit on a shorter time frame. Wartime economies tend to boom, Republicans have historically used wars to boost the economy as well, don't show your ignorance, the reason we will try to avoid a two front war is purely strategic.
.these worthless shitty countries who have nothing better to do than blow themselves up for the sake of "muhammad" while blaming the western infidels for their poor way of life.
You do realize that this entire paragraph is wrong right and that you spelled Mohammed improperly as well? One of the reasons "these people" hate us is because of people like you who refuse to understand the slightest fucking thing about another culture. Add in our support of Israel and constantly "policing" the globe and you have a culture that hates us. As is are they right in their hatred? No, but before you speak at least attempt to understand the reality of a situation before you spout off about it.
For more George W. quotes look here:
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<a href="" target="_blank">Thanks, Silent Spic!</a></center>
This message was edited by Bob Impact on 1-3-03 @ 1:52 PM
01-03-2003, 11:12 AM
Hordeking- You are the complete moron!that's just rude, and completely inappropriate. first off, maybe if you had waited until... oh, say, 24 posts, you would have seen what an intelligent man the horde king is, not to mention how kind and helpful he is to the members of this board. second, even if that is your opinion, there is really no place here for you to spew your hate. you should be ashamed of yourself
<img src="" height=100 width=300</img>
i sat watching a flower as it was withering
i was embarassed by its honesty
01-03-2003, 11:40 AM
I prefer the wisdom of George W. Bush to the bush of Georgia K. Wisdom. <html> <img src=""> </html>
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01-03-2003, 11:43 AM
He's a complete moron.
and in fairness to our new member, HK started it.
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01-03-2003, 12:49 PM
Fee, fie, foe, fum, methinks I smell a Republican.
I'm a Moderate Republican, in line with the McCains, Powells, and Patackis of the world. I am not afraid to clash with Bush on issues in which we disagree.
I'd rather have a nervous speaker than an adulterer and draft dodger.
Clinton was an incompetent draft dodger. But, while a half million Americans were defending the Republic of Vietnam from communist aggressors to her north, Bush was defending Texas from being invaded by Oklahoma.
We haven't had a president in nearly 40 years that wasn't a joke
TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!! I'll leave it at that.
The Funkmaster General. And you're under arrest for suspicion of not gettin' on down. FREEZE.
Come on, you know that'll be thrown out on a technicality when the Judge realizes that the FUNK is alive and well in Rooster.
I'd say that Afghnaistan's new President and the militray have done some good for the region and the safety of this country.
Since the American invasion of Afghanistan, there has been a population increase of 1 MILLION in Afghanistan and the most liberal accounts have 2,000 civilian casualties (With the unorthodox guerilla warfare Al Qaeda and the Taliban practice, the number is probably far less.) This makes for one of the most efficient and victorious military campaigns in human history. We have not only won the war, but we have inspired Afghanis into trust, support, and participation in the Karzai government.
Sweet Dreams America, sleep well, everything is going to be OK, no more BJs in the Oval Office.
If he wants a BJ, let him have a BJ (Listen to Chris Rock, "Bigger and Blacker" for my opinion regarding that whole incident.) Frankly, I will not lose any sleep based on Clinton's social behavior. I do, however, take great offense to his indifference to young enlisted military personnel. I am insulted by a president who used his political connections in the 60's to escape the Vietnam War, cuts the pay of airmen, soldiers, and sailors to the point that they are eligible for food stamps, then has the audacity to say he would die in battle for Israel before his own nation.
I'm not dismissing the action of our armed forces there fully. I just want to see things done right.
Exactly, we need to bring the hurt to every enemy force in that country. Our operations must expand beyond where they are now.
If we downplay our role in Afghanistan even more now, it'll be just like when we pulled out after the Soviets left
There was never a true "Fall of Kabul" like there was a Fall of Saigon. So, there was never a date where we could say "Okay, they Reds are out, now we can help develop this nation into something good."
But really, for whatever the reasons we haven't achieved shit against Al Qaeda and I hope I am wrong but I am scared shitless of what they might do next.
Just because we didn't kill the leaders (Which we have) doesn't mean the operations have not been strategic successes. When we invaded Fishhook and Parrot's Beak, we didn't kill Giap, but we set back NVA and VC operations for an estimated 3 years.
the sound of their voice on the radio or on the TV during the state of the union or whatever type of speech they gave was comforting and confident.
I think the leader you're looking for can be found here:
Hordeking- You are the complete moron!
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur
"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
"Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.
-Romans 12:1
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01-03-2003, 03:44 PM
Exactly, we need to bring the hurt to every enemy force in that country. Our operations must expand beyond where they are now.
Why are our leaders seemingly afraid to actually "use" or millitary? We always give "just enough"'s like they're terrified of ANY Americans getting killed since Vietnam. Every casualty has to be a "hero" (Which, to a degree they are, but a single death does not merit front page news and three days of coverage on CNN). It's live combat, and people will die. Suck it up and get things done.
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
The Jays
01-03-2003, 04:47 PM
About dodging the draft... I actually did the same thing in my own country, so I can't possibly critizice that either. I think I had better things to do than go around marching in fatigues with a gun in my hand... (Like getting a college education...)
... very nice....
About taking names and kicking terrorists asses... Name ONE. Please, just ONE.
...Ramzi Bin Alshibh...
<font color="blue" face="Trebuchet MS" size=-2> F--- what you heard.</font>
<font color="blue" face="Trebuchet MS" size=-2> That cab has a dent in it.</font> [center]
01-04-2003, 03:38 PM
Bottom line - Are we any safer now than we were on 9/10/01?
Bush is all words and no action. At least no effective action. He spews rethoric about fighting terrorists (and allies with the largest terrorist state in the world, Saudi Arabia).
We need to go in and kick ass and completely erradicate the threat. Bush apparantly hasn't learned that talking does not "make it so."
And speaking of effective communication:
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" - George Bush (1/11/00)
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01-04-2003, 04:55 PM
Bush is all words and no action. At least no effective action.
He is words with less action than there should be. I wouldn't say no effective action and I certainly wouldn't say no action, but he could certainly do more.
(and allies with the largest terrorist state in the world, Saudi Arabia).
Of course, there are countless terrorist cells in Saudi Arabia, but the government has neither the power nor the popular support to weed out domestic terrorism (I will not speculate as to whether or not they would if they could). Military action in Iraq would open the US to the second-largest oil reserves in the world. If you want to end reliance on the Saudis, then you should support an invasion of Iraq. It would wipe the grin of the faces of the Saudi monarchs and give the US a cushion to fall on when their crown is overthrown.
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur
"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
"Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.
-Romans 12:1
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01-04-2003, 09:03 PM
If you want to end reliance on the Saudis, then you should support an invasion of Iraq. It would wipe the grin of the faces of the Saudi monarchs and give the US a cushion to fall on when their crown is overthrown.
You DO realize how much of the world's oil actually comes from the Middle East, right? Well, I'll let you wrassle with that one for a while...
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VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
01-05-2003, 08:29 AM
You DO realize how much of the world's oil actually comes from the Middle East, right? Well, I'll let you wrassle with that one for a while...
I'm not even sure what you are responding too. The Saudis have the largest oil reserves in the world, while the Iraqis have the second largest. If we do go into Iraq, it would leave us with a comparable amount of oil to what we already get from Saudi Arabia. That leaves us with insurance if the Saudi monarchy is overthrown.
"In war there is no substitute for victory." -General Douglas MacArthur "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
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DCPete walked me through how to FINALLY post a sig.
This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 1-5-03 @ 12:32 PM
01-05-2003, 08:39 AM
I'm not even sure what you are responding too.
I'm just asking that you do a quick search and find out exactly how much of the world's oil the Middle East provides. Then figure how much of that one country like Iraq might have. I'm only requesting that you do this, it's fully up to you...
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
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