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I heard the worst thing ever [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : I heard the worst thing ever

12-30-2002, 01:38 PM
So i flip on the radio to see if anything good is on. Immediatly I hear lickass rambling on about some stupid crap so i decide eh, ill listen a little, hear what hes bitching about now. Apparently hes asking people who hate him to argue with him, however he only wants good arguments or in his words old people who he can "squish like a bug" in an argument. Someone then calls up and says something along the lines of "your a pussy and you turn down the callers mic when he wants to argue" (true of course), so he tells the caller to argue and he lowers his mic like the jackass he is while verbally assaulting this guy. Is he that bad that he now needs to argue with people in order to make good radio. Its appauling, and im sick of his shit, please take his ass off the air.

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The plan was mastered and called genocide
Took all the children and then we died
A few that remained were never found
All in a system,down

This message was edited by canofsoup15 on 12-30-02 @ 5:45 PM

12-30-2002, 08:15 PM
what appauls me is that this guy gets to be syndicated and heard in other cities. yet he's beyond no talent. and then there's ron and fez who are amazing and funny. though their show is the one that'll get taken off the air. its crap like that that really sickens me.

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more cowbells
12-30-2002, 09:21 PM
Soup, I've been saying that for many, many months, and WNEW just doesn't listen to me! I even had a signature the first day that I heard him saying: "GET RID OF TOM LICKASS!!"

Nobody listens to me anymore...

Keep RON & FEZ in N.Y.C.!

12-30-2002, 10:17 PM
That wasn't the worst thing
I'VE ever heard.

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Thanks ADF