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All I want for Christmas... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : All I want for Christmas...

12-25-2002, 09:13 AM
is Alkey's manly schlong.

What did everyone get for Christmas?

I got thongs, bras, and a digital camera.

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

12-25-2002, 09:22 AM
is Alkey's manly schlong
..but..but..youre a GIRL

<img src="">MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDAYS!!! (ctc)

Bob Impact
12-25-2002, 09:25 AM
is Alkey's manly schlong.
<a href="">Soorry</a>

I got a formal coat and clothes. Hooray! Oddly enough I also got thongs.

<center><img src=""><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">Thanks, Slient Spic!</a></center>

12-25-2002, 09:43 AM
omg it's funny cos alkey's gay hahahaahahahaha

12-25-2002, 09:45 AM

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

12-25-2002, 09:49 AM
I got thongs, bras, and a digital camera.

wow what a dangerous combo in your hands....

<marquee>i hate fucking BC and USC, god damn condums!!!!!
Notre Damn, Bowl bound Baby.. Gator Bowl here we come...North Carolina State you gonna lose bitch</marquee>


12-25-2002, 11:05 AM
is Alkey's manly schlong

I think that could possibly be the first time a female has said that.

FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!

12-25-2002, 11:40 AM
I got some amazing presents,
but the highlights include a
digital camera and a nice new
HP Printer.

<img src=>
Thanks ADF

12-25-2002, 04:52 PM
All I want for Christmas...
is you wearing a thong.

<center><a href="" target="new"><IMG SRC="" border="0"></img></a><font color="blue">
<marquee direction="Up" height="35" scrolldelay="850"><center>
Special Thanks to;
and The Al Dukes Fan,
for the great sigs!

This message was edited by SilentSpic on 12-25-02 @ 8:53 PM

12-25-2002, 04:54 PM
All I want for ChristmasAll she wants is a real person whos famous, not these almost famous people.

<center><img src=>

<marquee><b>YOUR MOMS BOX</B></marquee>
<A HREF=>Pseudo Radio</A>
<A HREF=>Basic Drummer Seeks Basic Band, click here for more info</A>

This message was edited by ag1247 on 12-26-02 @ 12:42 PM

12-25-2002, 05:09 PM
Anthony, seriously. All I want is Patrick's manhood. That's it.

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

12-25-2002, 06:01 PM
I got thongs, bras, and a digital camera.

what a to test out the camera and share the results? :-)

<IMG SRC="">

12-25-2002, 06:32 PM
I got ET, Back to the Future Trilogy, adn MIB 2 all on DVD.

A really nice Citizen watch.

A collectible statuete of the firemen raising the flag at ground zero.

And a pair of Simpsons boxers that are the coolest pair of underwear ever.

And Kat never told us if she ever got any use out of my gift to her...

<center><IMG src=></center>

<marquee>Kevin; Steven; Mark; Ben;
Mark and Ben; Anthony.</marquee>
<center>Fight the Power! Use MSN Messenger!</center><center>Grrr! Argh!</center>

12-25-2002, 06:51 PM
HOSP I told you in the reaction thread that Devin and I named our baby Gonzo and used it PLENTY O TIMES. He wants your home address so he can send you a thank you note personally. We actually say thank you HOSP when I come. He does get kind of disturbed that I think of you every time we take Gonzo out, so I showed him your picture and now he thinks of you too! I LOVE YOU HOSP!!!

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

12-25-2002, 07:02 PM
I stopped going in the Party thread weeks ago.

And glad to know my picture gives that sense of security to another man. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.

<center><IMG src=></center>

<marquee>Kevin; Steven; Mark; Ben;
Mark and Ben; Anthony.</marquee>
<center>Fight the Power! Use MSN Messenger!</center><center>Grrr! Argh!</center>

12-25-2002, 07:07 PM
Quote: All I want for Christmas... Ron and Fez in NYC. <P>
I miss the AFRO show :( <P>

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=alternate >Sit by the homely girl, youll look better by comparison.


12-25-2002, 07:28 PM
I miss the AFRO show
Ditto! I miss them terribly!

<center><a href="" target="new"><IMG SRC="" border="0"></img></a><font color="blue">
<marquee direction="Up" height="35" scrolldelay="850"><center>
Special Thanks to;
and The Al Dukes Fan,
for the great sigs!

12-25-2002, 11:09 PM
Maybe next year...

<marquee><font color=red size=4>I'M KIDDING!</font></marquee>

12-25-2002, 11:45 PM
Devin and I named our baby Gonzo <P>

12-26-2002, 05:42 AM
yeah i think the name freaks me out a little bit too


12-26-2002, 05:46 AM
All I want is Patrick's manhood.

so does he

<IMG SRC="">

12-26-2002, 05:56 AM
tricia, this is me and my love, Gonzo...
He's a handsome boy-- isn't he????

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

12-26-2002, 08:46 AM
I got alot of cool things for Christmas, Jeans, sweaters, belt, socks, boxers, undershirts, a few hits of a joint passed to me by my mother, a Nice Buzz, but most of all the best thing I got was to see my mother!

<center><img src=>

<marquee><b>YOUR MOMS BOX</B></marquee>
<A HREF=>Pseudo Radio</A>
<A HREF=>Basic Drummer Seeks Basic Band, click here for more info</A>

Dirt Merchant 03
12-26-2002, 09:08 AM
He's a handsome boy-- isn't he????

The guy on the right?!! I'm not gay or anything but that dude on the right was the sexiest board member I've ever seen! :)

"Does this mean I'm not sleeping over?"

This message was edited by Dirt Merchant '03 on 12-26-02 @ 1:11 PM

12-26-2002, 12:14 PM
the best thing I got was to see my mother!
I told you all that they slept in the same bed!

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

Violent Jay
12-26-2002, 07:04 PM
I got thongs, bras, and a digital camera

hey me too!!!
R.I.P Skipper