12-23-2002, 11:16 AM
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....except that The Sykes, who worked in mid-town, did not.
The Sykes hated WNEW! And wanted R&F to go!! Now please don't ask me why. No one seems to know.
It could be the fallout from O&A. Or it could be, perhaps, he prefered light music all day.
But I think the most likely reason to be, New York's love for the guys he just couldn't see.
He sat all alone in his office, surrounded by rating books, charts and graphs. No clue that the show was really about having heart and giving laughs.
So a move to D.C. didn't seem like such a big deal, until he noticed a huge bag full of mail.
And another. And another. And another. And another. Letters from sisters and brothers. Postcards from fathers and mothers.
Letter after letter, all expressing much love. And pics of a banner flying up above.
Links to a website packed full of fans. Petitions full of names, pics of Katylina's cans.
Well, Mr. Sykes was overwhelmed by such a display. "Could I be wrong," he wondered, "in taking their show away?"
With his curiosity peaked, he flipped to the station, it was the last show before x-mas vacation.
And in those final minutes, he couldn't believe his own ears. "This could be their last show forever, yet they're all full of cheer!"
The boys called eachother brothers, a room full of capos collectively sighing. There was so much love in that room, those letters sure weren't lying.
And much like Bill Murray in "Scrooged," the Sykes finally got it. "Maybe it's not just the numbers" he thought, "that makes for a hit."
"Maybe something this special, meaning so much to so many, is much more important than dollars and pennies."
"Hmmmm, perhaps I should just leave it alone, let them do what they're doing, calling New York their home."
And with that the word went out, Ron & Fez were here to stay. It truly was a happy holiday.
Hey, if you made it this far and aren't totally bored yet, check out last year's offering
Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!
This message was edited by GaryWyze on 12-23-02 @ 3:20 PM
....except that The Sykes, who worked in mid-town, did not.
The Sykes hated WNEW! And wanted R&F to go!! Now please don't ask me why. No one seems to know.
It could be the fallout from O&A. Or it could be, perhaps, he prefered light music all day.
But I think the most likely reason to be, New York's love for the guys he just couldn't see.
He sat all alone in his office, surrounded by rating books, charts and graphs. No clue that the show was really about having heart and giving laughs.
So a move to D.C. didn't seem like such a big deal, until he noticed a huge bag full of mail.
And another. And another. And another. And another. Letters from sisters and brothers. Postcards from fathers and mothers.
Letter after letter, all expressing much love. And pics of a banner flying up above.
Links to a website packed full of fans. Petitions full of names, pics of Katylina's cans.
Well, Mr. Sykes was overwhelmed by such a display. "Could I be wrong," he wondered, "in taking their show away?"
With his curiosity peaked, he flipped to the station, it was the last show before x-mas vacation.
And in those final minutes, he couldn't believe his own ears. "This could be their last show forever, yet they're all full of cheer!"
The boys called eachother brothers, a room full of capos collectively sighing. There was so much love in that room, those letters sure weren't lying.
And much like Bill Murray in "Scrooged," the Sykes finally got it. "Maybe it's not just the numbers" he thought, "that makes for a hit."
"Maybe something this special, meaning so much to so many, is much more important than dollars and pennies."
"Hmmmm, perhaps I should just leave it alone, let them do what they're doing, calling New York their home."
And with that the word went out, Ron & Fez were here to stay. It truly was a happy holiday.
Hey, if you made it this far and aren't totally bored yet, check out last year's offering
Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!
This message was edited by GaryWyze on 12-23-02 @ 3:20 PM