12-06-2002, 09:29 PM
<b>Beat ya by 3 minutes sucka! :)</b>
I figured I'd beat the birthday buddy to this thread and wish Jeff a very happy birthday. If it wasn't for your birth, this board would not be around. . . And everyone here is greatful, so have a great B-day, you truely deserve it
<Marquee>If your like me, and watch mucho movies and understand alien logic along with those of cybernetic creature, you are probably insane.</marquee>
Todd Evf's Current Mood is:<a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a>
<Marquee>hes really the betstst - AngelAmy/todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>
This message was edited by WWFallon on 12-7-02 @ 1:34 AM
I figured I'd beat the birthday buddy to this thread and wish Jeff a very happy birthday. If it wasn't for your birth, this board would not be around. . . And everyone here is greatful, so have a great B-day, you truely deserve it
<Marquee>If your like me, and watch mucho movies and understand alien logic along with those of cybernetic creature, you are probably insane.</marquee>
Todd Evf's Current Mood is:<a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a>
<Marquee>hes really the betstst - AngelAmy/todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>
This message was edited by WWFallon on 12-7-02 @ 1:34 AM