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Who the hell are these people? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Who the hell are these people?

11-29-2002, 10:15 PM
I am looking at the birthdays for today, Nov. 30, and I have never heard of most of the "members". Nor have I ever seen any posts or threads from any of them. What gives? I think some kind of limit should be given to those who sign up on the board for the sake of signing up because it seemed like a cool thing to do at the time. God knows how many members are here that never even sign on after they register. And that especially goes for those jackasses who come up with what they think is a funny name poking fun at another member.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

Death Metal Moe
11-29-2002, 10:46 PM
Why SuperClerk, you DIDN'T know? They're the new breed of Internet Tough guys!

<A HREF=""></A>

11-29-2002, 10:47 PM
Ahhh...I see. Well I don't wanna play with no tough guys. They are troublemakers. Please escort the thugs and toughs off the playground.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

Death Metal Moe
11-29-2002, 10:56 PM
OH I have it on good athority that keeping with the rules of this messageboard, they have already been banned.

They will be missed. Imagine all the other fake names they could have created to poke a little retard joke at someone.

But I don't want to just take all the shit this time. They DID make fun of some other member too.

Very brave this new breed.

<A HREF=""></A>

11-29-2002, 10:58 PM
Most are already on vacation.

<img src="">

11-29-2002, 11:03 PM
Well, good riddance to these evil beings.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

11-29-2002, 11:06 PM
I'm suprised that even while on vacation, they still pop up on the birthday list.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

11-29-2002, 11:57 PM
Good point. It will be addressed at the next meeting of the ruling council. Oops, did I type that or think that. I meant to say that we'll discuss it in the staff room.

<img src="">

11-30-2002, 01:19 AM
<font color=purple>Imagine all the other fake names they could have created to poke a little retard joke at someone.

Now, that could be an interesting thread. And who better than you to start it?!?!?

Very brave this new breed.

Happy belated birthday.... and stop talking like Yoda!!

This message was edited by GaryWyze on 11-30-02 @ 5:22 AM

11-30-2002, 06:21 AM
Who ARE these people?

<img src =>

<center><img src=>
Ce sachet d'emballage n'est pas un jouet.</center>

11-30-2002, 07:30 AM
Moe's fan club

<img src="">

11-30-2002, 07:50 AM
What's the problem. I would think you guys would be honored to be singled out.

It means you're special. Either that or it's easy to think of way to insert a homosexual reference into your name.

<img src="">

11-30-2002, 07:53 AM
Did you notice that one of those kids is 10, interesting how ten year olds can come up with such hurtful things.

The plan was mastered and called genocide
Took all the children and then we died
A few that remained were never found
All in a system,down

11-30-2002, 08:53 AM
Good point. It will be addressed at the next meeting of the ruling council.

The TRUE secret of the Mod's room...

<img src=>

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-30-2002, 09:16 AM
Is there really a six year old on this board?
Palmtrees Rawk - 11/30/1996
SuperClerk is correct who are these people. How many are really active?

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A mind is a terrible thing to dyworf.

11-30-2002, 09:22 AM
<img src=>
that is a pic of one of the offensive named people on the birthday list

Todd Evf's Current Mood is:<a href=""><img src="" alt="The current mood of at" border="0"></a>
<Marquee>hes really the betstst - AngelAmy/todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>

The Jays
11-30-2002, 09:23 AM
SuperClerk is correct who are these people.

Since when are you correct by asking a question?

Whenever you decide to make a commitment to a message board, there's gonna be those rotten apples who spoil your fun. And they do it with such wit. Look at those names. They just ooze intelligence.
This type of stuff will happen, and this thread doesn't help the situation, but it does give me a chance to post. :O)

<font color="blue" face="Trebuchet MS" size=-2> F--- what you heard.</font>
<font color="blue" face="Trebuchet MS" size=-2> That cab has a dent in it.</font> [center]

11-30-2002, 09:28 AM
Is there really a six year old on this board?

I let my son post every so often.

He's great with the sexual innuendo.


<font size=3><font color=red>I can't stand myself either.</font></font></center>
<font color=white>

11-30-2002, 11:03 AM
The TRUE secret of the Mod's room...

ok, fine, a little known part of the staff room... our headshots...

<img src="">

11-30-2002, 12:55 PM
ok, fine, a little known part of the staff room... our

Oddly enough, I found this picture of all the R& Veterans and near-Veterans waiting outside the staff room after they were passed over to be the new roaming mods...

<img src=>

...while the mods themselves romped about inside, blissfully unaware...

<img src=>

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-30-2002, 01:18 PM
Isn't there a way to erase their "birthdays" when they are banned?

<marquee>I would take it like a champ for Jim Norton</marquee>
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

11-30-2002, 01:33 PM
...and poor saps like me who actually have this birthday today are left out in the cold. sniff....sniff...

<img src=>
<marquee>It's not raining - I'm spitting on you.</marquee>
Another ADF Masterpiece

11-30-2002, 01:35 PM
Did you notice that one of those kids is 10, interesting how ten year olds can come up with such hurtful things.

Kids can be so cruel.

<IMG SRC="">

A Skidmark production.

Death Metal Moe
12-01-2002, 02:44 AM
Well, if it were up to MOE, these guys would get EVERY opportunity to vent their brand of comedy against me.

I LOVE it. But as you know, on this board, fights and general "bad feeling" are not allowed to go on. That is Why I invite them to contact me via E-mail or on other boards I may belong to ::see links below fuckers::

I just REALLY don't like the little attack without some sort of follow up. VERY scared little pussy of them.

<A HREF=""></A>

12-01-2002, 09:06 AM
OOOOHhhhhh he said Hell!

"Getting my 15 minutes of fame a few seconds at a time"

12-01-2002, 10:13 AM
Today we have a Two year old listener with a Birthday.(the listeners are getting younger and younger)Fez should like that!

Nice Girl, Nice Family...