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Who will actually pay to see an Adam Sandler cartoon movie? Not MOE. [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Who will actually pay to see an Adam Sandler cartoon movie? Not MOE.

Death Metal Moe
11-06-2002, 07:36 PM
Has anyone seen the commercials for Sandler's new holiday cartoon called "8 Crazy Nights"? It looks HORRIBLE!

1sst of all, I guess he thinks he's Mel Blanc now too cause he's the voice of a character that looks like him, and 2 old people who I guess might be his parents.

Now the animation reminds me of that "HEAVY METAL" stuff. And that's OK. My only problem is, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STUPID MOVIE GOING TO BE ABOUT!!! JESUS CHRIST!

It sounds like it's going to be an hour and a half long Jewish stereotype joke. The 2 old people are setting up to be a stereotypical jewish couple, and there's even an updated verson of "The Hannukha Song!" (joy!)

So I stopped going to see the SAME RETARD CHARACTER HE DOES IN EVERY MOVIE with Big Daddy. Is there anyone out there who longs for MORE Sandler?

Oh, and just to let you know, I LOVED his "They're All Going to Laugh at You" CD. So I'm not a Sandler Hater, just sick of the same recycled shit.

<marquee>THE BIG SEXXXY</marquee>

11-06-2002, 08:21 PM
I personally think he's trying to hard, this movie looks like it's gonna blow.


<IMG SRC="">
Aggie rules!!!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club

11-06-2002, 08:21 PM
I have, however, paid to see him in "Punch Drunk Love". Three times. What an adorable film.

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-06-2002, 08:23 PM
Pay? who needs to pay when you have 5 free days and a 56k modem?

Honestly the animation looks good, but Sandler is trying to hard. Recycled crap = even more crap.

But i can see the oscar blurb now. . .

Adam better Sandler for runner up at the oscars. . . ge ge ge

Its going to suck long and will hardly be funny

<Marquee>todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>

11-06-2002, 10:51 PM
I thought he was trying to go the Tom Hanks route? He was trying to become a serious actor. Punch drunk love and Mr. Deeds were supposed to steer him that way. This dumb cartoon is going to hurt him in the longrun.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

11-07-2002, 04:11 AM
i stopped watching after happy gilmore...dont plan on starting again. maybe ill see punch drunk love but thats the extent of it.

no sig til i can get a host.
~president and founder of the CAM (Coalition of Angry Micks)~
Yeah Im Irish Word to the Motherland...

11-07-2002, 04:36 AM
Now the animation reminds me of that "HEAVY METAL" stuff.
Me too! And that kinda creeps me out for some reason.

I like Sandler movies (I'm a repressed 14 year old, so sue me) but this one looks like it is seriously going to suck.

Call it the curse of Winona Ryder.

<img src=>
<marquee>It's not raining - I'm spitting on you.</marquee>
Another Sheeplovr Masterpiece

11-07-2002, 04:51 AM
I always thought Adam Sandler was funny on SNL, but I think this cartoon may just push him into the relm of whoredom. I rented "Mr. Deeds" and it was absolutely painful to watch. My 8 yr old thought it was great, but that's the same kid who thinks the NADS commecial is the funniest thing on tv.

11-07-2002, 08:04 AM
"Punch Drunk Love" will do nothing to expand him as a serious actor. It was written especially for him, and all it does is offer a different view of his usual "I'm talking all quiet and adorable ANDNOWI'MLOUDAND FUCKINGPSYCHOTIC!" routine.

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-07-2002, 08:10 AM
i think i'd rather see swept away

<IMG SRC="">

11-07-2002, 08:25 AM
the same kid who thinks the NADS commercial is the funniest thing on tv.

Well, it is the funniest commercial on tv. "NADS for your face." "You are guarenteed to get great results every time with NADS."

<marquee width=300><b>Friday's Child</b> - voted best new band by 2 million online listeners at <a href=""></a></marquee>
<a href=""><IMG SRC=></a><br>You mean the world ended?! The robot took my sandwich.

This message was edited by cuttericeman on 11-7-02 @ 12:33 PM

11-07-2002, 11:55 AM
I heard Punch Drunk Love was one of the worst movie's ever made. I know several different groups of people who literally walked out on the film.


<IMG SRC="">
Aggie rules!!!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club

11-07-2002, 11:59 AM
Damn you cuttericeman, you stole my quote. NADS is the funniest commercial on T.V., i mean c'mon, its NADS.


11-07-2002, 12:19 PM
I heard Punch Drunk Love was one of the worst movie's ever made. I know several different groups of people who literally walked out on the film.

Didn't you also start that "I hate The Royal Tenenbaums" thread a couple months back?

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-07-2002, 01:44 PM
Didn't you also start that "I hate The Royal Tenenbaums" thread a couple months back?


End that with a "booya" my friend or "Take that Cocheese"

Punch drunk love was good its creepy funny weird and HAs a song a song from popeye the movie

number 333 its the way to be
<img src=>

11-07-2002, 03:31 PM
I think it's gonna be funny. The short old man in the commercials is "Whitey" from his album "Stan and Judy's Kid". The bit is hysterical.

I've liked all of Adam's movies. Mr. Deeds was adorable, how could you not like it?

"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur

"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer

"Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.
-Romans 12:1

11-07-2002, 03:34 PM
On a related note, Wes Anderson movies ROCK!!!

"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur

"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer

"Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.
-Romans 12:1

Dave from Queens
11-07-2002, 07:20 PM
not a fan of the sandler movies either

Utopia Banished, Melodic Death from NY!!!!

11-07-2002, 07:25 PM
Hes has his funny movies (Happy Gilmore, Waterboy) and then he has the stupid ones (Big Daddy, The Wedding Singer).


11-07-2002, 08:27 PM
Hes has his funny movies (Happy Gilmore, Waterboy) and then he has the stupid ones (Big Daddy, The Wedding Singer).

You got "Waterboy" and "Wedding Singer" mixed up.

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

Death Metal Moe
11-07-2002, 10:53 PM
"This looks like a good piece of SHIT."

<marquee>THE BIG SEXXXY</marquee>

11-08-2002, 02:24 AM
I think it is just an attempt to get a popular Chanukah cartoon in the mix. Jewish people seem annoyed that Christmas is such a popular holiday with their kids. Many Jewish people have even begun to put up trees and hang blue lights. More power to them, whatever makes the holidays better for the kids is always good.

Rackin' up bad Karma since 1971!

11-08-2002, 04:12 AM
if my grampa were alive to see jews putting up trees with blue lights he'd put there eyes out with dradels...he was very jewish and very proud of it and i dont think they need to conform just because christmas is a larger holiday, and sandler is only funny in his first 2 cd's and first 2 movies

~president and founder of the CAM (Coalition of Angry Micks)~
Yeah Im Irish Word to the Motherland...

11-08-2002, 04:23 AM
Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are great, other than that every other movie he has done is average.

<IMG SRC=""><font color=#FFFFFF>

11-08-2002, 05:03 AM

Well, no Moe, I don't think it will be about Jesus Christ at all. I think its a Hannakuh movie, dude.

Patches...Is it over yet? (6-3)
"The way I hear it, Patches is some kind of butcher. A pitiless, psycho, fucked-up butcher."

11-08-2002, 08:21 AM
Well, no Moe, I don't think it will be about Jesus Christ at all. I think its a Hannakuh movie, dude.

Hey buddy, this is a REPUBLICAN America now...get with the Christ program or GET OUT!

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-08-2002, 09:43 AM
i would imagine the few drunk people who got hammered at one of his shows, had unprotected sex, and had kids.
they'll bring their child to see it.


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