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Isn't it great not having homework? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Isn't it great not having homework?

10-17-2002, 08:09 PM
I've only been out of school less than two years, but speaking to some school-stuck friends tonight made me feel insanely happy I didn't have to worry about homework anymore. SCORE.

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

Ryan the Great
10-17-2002, 10:51 PM
i have an insane amount of homework to do this weekend. and i hate god damn fucking science projects. they teach us nothing, no one wants to do them, and forcing us to do them just defeats the purpose. and screw mr covey and his poor poor teaching ability which is why everyone is going to fail his class. "im gonna assign 2 hours of homework everynight and talk reall fast and mumble so that no one understands what the hell im talking about and they dont know how to do the homework so it takes 4 hours then they fail the tests, except for robin cause she is so beautiful, she gets an A on all her assignments no matter how wrong they may be, because she is my favorite, she is my favorite because she is so hot, but im to fat and ugly and old to get some of that, damn that ryan fellow for talking to her, why couldnt i be him, i'm going to grade him extra hard".
i hate school, i hate homework, and i hate mr covey.

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<marquee>I will not die! I will not kill! I will not be your slave! I will not fight your battles! I will not fight on your battlefields! I will not fight for your wealth! I am not a fighter! I am a human being! - Anti-flag</marquee>
Ryan the Great

John Bocabella
10-17-2002, 11:07 PM
homwerk sucks

10-18-2002, 08:24 AM
Having homework sucks balls, I soooo wish I didn't have to do any.


<IMG SRC="">
Aggie rules!!!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club

10-18-2002, 08:31 AM
the few times i did homework, i disliked it.

And I've always said that i'd never take a job where i had to take work home with me. I'll stay late, but work stays in my cube.

<img src="" width=300 height=100>
<marquee behavior="alternate"><a href="aim:goim?screenname=furie1335&message=You_are_Number_6">IM:Furie1335

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
10-18-2002, 11:06 AM
Eh, even when I did have it, I'd never do it anyway.

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'Cuz he's the cheese and I'm the macaroni

10-18-2002, 11:13 AM
Thinking about my lack of homework and knowing there's millions of people stuck at home night after night studying useless crap makes me want to do a 'No Homework' dance.

10-18-2002, 11:15 AM
Homework.. That is what you do in between classes after the bell rings.. Or do it during Homeroom...

Or get a sweet schedule like I had my senior year with 5 out of 9 class periods off...

This message was edited by RandomNY on 10-18-02 @ 3:17 PM

Michael Fury
10-18-2002, 11:16 AM
Frankl;y, I think kids spend too much time on homework and not nearly enough on video games.

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.

10-18-2002, 11:18 AM
Think you got it bad now, Ryan? Wait until college. Try taking an engineering or medical track. Each teacher will be 2-5 times worse than your Mr. Covey.

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Michael Fury
10-18-2002, 11:19 AM
"Johnny did not do his homework last night because he went out to a party & took one too many killer rips from a bong, and did not get home until late. If he is tired, please let him sleep during recess time."

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.

10-18-2002, 11:34 AM
yeah i just didn't do homework when i was in highschool. there's many tricks to the trade of skating through school years without really doing a single assignment and passing the year. i look forward to passing the trade to my own children.

<img src=>
Batosai The Manslayer

10-18-2002, 12:05 PM
homwerk sucks

<font color=purple>Yeah, expeshilly spulling.</font>

10-18-2002, 12:07 PM
When i get my homework i only do first period's, then do 2nd's in 1st and so on, and i am an expert at it!

10-18-2002, 12:10 PM
i am thinking tha english be badder then them other ungood subjects

10-18-2002, 12:12 PM
i bring home work to do all the time. i dont mind because i get paid o/t for it.

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10-18-2002, 12:16 PM
Homework is bad for me cause the highest homework geade i got this year is a 44

10-18-2002, 12:18 PM
And I've always said that i'd never take a job where i had to take work home with me. I'll stay late, but work stays in my cube.


And to all you people who still have homework:
(Nelson's voice) HA HA!

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<marquee>*On an island in the sun~We'll be playing and having fun~And it makes me feel so fine I can't control my brain~We'll run away together~We'll spend some time forever~We'll never feel bad anymore*</marquee>

10-18-2002, 12:23 PM
At least i dont have to pay taxes and work!

10-18-2002, 12:23 PM
Tell ya the truth I taught for awhile and I understand why teachers give you homework...but thank GOD I dont have to do homewok or it would suck.

Pronounced Surf Starved
thanks Aggie and silentspic and irishkb

10-18-2002, 12:25 PM
Does algebra ever help u in life?

10-18-2002, 12:57 PM
there's many tricks to the trade of skating through school years without really doing a single assignment and passing the year. i look forward to passing the trade to my own children. <P>
When i get my homework i only do first period's, then do 2nd's in 1st and so on, and i am an expert at it! These are the kinds of important skill sets you learn in school that enable you to have a successful career in corporate America! <P>
At least i dont have to pay taxes and work! <P>
This is the kind of statement that can come back to bite you in the ass. So it is important to stick to the plan: Die young & leave a good-looking corpse! Does algebra ever help u in life? Yes. I've gotten laid plenty of times because I was the first one to solve for X. <P>
Just some free advice from your Uncle Recyclerz! <P>

If you can't laugh at the misfortunes of others, what can you laugh at?

10-18-2002, 01:36 PM
I doubt anyone actually did most of their homework at home...mine was done on the bus, between class, at lunch, or during any other classes I could skip...but the pressure was still there...going to be knowing, "shit, I gotta do this and then that and then this..."

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-18-2002, 01:50 PM
The only reason to to algebra and geometry homework is to help your kid with his homework when you grow up.

10-18-2002, 03:30 PM
I am not having kids so really is there any point? I mean my parents pay these losers 5000 a year, i spend 7 hours there a day, and then they make me do this stuff at home( or at least they think i do it at home....hehe)

10-18-2002, 03:33 PM
but recyclerz... if itll get me laid im all for it!!!

10-19-2002, 06:45 AM
i used to really like the mojo pin... sigh...

i wouldnt exactly call what i have to do "homework", but i guess it is in essence. absolutely insane amounts of reading. i cant even describe how many pages of statutes and case law i've absorbed (or let's hope so, anyway)in the past 2 months or so. the time commitment is ridiculous, and i get a headache nearly every day from all the reading. i remember back in the day being annoyed at the homework i'd have to do - a couple hours a night maybe. i dream of that sort of thing now... who knew law school would be more work than middle school?

<img src="" height=100 width=300</img>

if i sold my soul for a bag of gold to you
which one of us would be the foolish one?

10-19-2002, 07:11 AM
The worst feeling used to be on Sunday nights. When you know you have homework or a paper or a project to do, and you still haven't. I don't miss that feeling one bit. I like going to work better.

<img src=>
Thanks to Toddevf for sig pic

10-19-2002, 07:32 AM
I am doing homework right now and i hate it. someone tell me that this will stop and life after school is better.

10-19-2002, 07:47 AM
someone tell me that this will stop and life after school is better.

It will stop.

It won't get better.


<font size=3><font color=Blue>I can't stand myself either.</font></center>
<font color=white>

10-19-2002, 09:52 PM
I'm clearly in the minority but I really enjoy homework and research papers. They supplement the classroom learning and assimilating (and/or presenting) additional information is always a good thing.

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Heather 8
10-19-2002, 10:04 PM
I am doing homework right now and i hate it. someone tell me that this will stop and life after school is better. <P>
'Life's gonna suck when you grow up, and it sucks pretty bad right now.' --Denis Leary <P>
Truer words have never been spoken. <P>

10-19-2002, 10:41 PM
I loved reading. History, english and stuff like mythology, I read everything as soon as I got home, and then a little more before I went to bed on a school night. Anything else, no dice.

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-20-2002, 01:21 PM
I am clearly a minority here, but i enjoy homework

YOu must have not had a life back in school days!

Tallguy 22
10-20-2002, 02:59 PM
i hate school, i hate homework, and i hate mr covey.

Buy a trenchcoat and some guns, that should solve all your problems. when the cops do catch you tell them the gun slipped out of Mr. Coveys hand and in the process it killed 15 people(including Mr. Covey of course). Good Luck little Lad! :tussle: :tussle:

<IMG SRC="">
<marquee behavior=alternate>Mine Hoping Chamipon</marquee>

This message was edited by Tallguy 22 on 10-20-02 @ 7:05 PM

10-20-2002, 03:40 PM
BANG BANG homework today

10-20-2002, 05:34 PM
I still have homework and it totally sucks. I have a science project, but i have a topic, but it's the cheeziest thing ever

<A HREF=>>>Site</A>

10-21-2002, 04:04 AM
I'm clearly in the minority but I really enjoy homework and research papers. They supplement the classroom learning and assimilating (and/or presenting) additional information is always a good thing.

your not in the minority, you would be surprised just how many geeks and nerds there actually are out there.

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=100>

There is nothing more exhilerating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?

04-02-2009, 04:14 PM
I've only been out of school less than two years, but speaking to some school-stuck friends tonight made me feel insanely happy I didn't have to worry about homework anymore. SCORE.


Do yer homework, Nancy.

04-02-2009, 05:08 PM
I still have homework and it totally sucks. I have a science project, but i have a topic, but it's the cheeziest thing ever

<A HREF=>>>Site</A>

Man I remember that science project. I made up all the results but I got an A anyway. I was in 7th grade,,,,,,cmon people.

04-02-2009, 05:10 PM
I stand by the thesis of this thread and wish that those halcyon days were here again.

04-02-2009, 05:34 PM
what the fuck is this a 2nd grade post ? GVAC is right isnt this supposed to be abought the RON&FEZ show:laugh::bye:

04-02-2009, 05:40 PM
I still have homework and it totally sucks. I have a science project, but i have a topic, but it's the cheeziest thing ever

now he's all growed up