View Full Version : What did you think of the TLC match?
El Mudo
10-07-2002, 07:28 PM
i thought it was good, glad i didnt have to hear the king's awful commentary...i liked how jeff held the chair for van dam fonzie style, that bought back some memories. i thought jericho was actually hurt for real, i saw hebner make the X sign to the back, but i guess he was okay..
I don't wanna hear no more jokes about Ginny Sack's fat ass!
Washington Caps and Oakland Raiders fan since Day 1!!
"This ain't the summer of Brock...this is all year Angle!"
10-07-2002, 08:21 PM
I thought the match was great and leave it to RVD to have me jumping off the couch and making a lot of noise. Of all the possible outcomes in this match, Kane wins? Why is getting put over so big now? WTF? The whole bit at the end with Kane being called a murderer just took all the wind out of what was a great ending to RAW. Just when you think things are getting good, it takes a HUGE nosedive!
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10-07-2002, 08:29 PM
it was great. its why i watch wrestling. not for the bad acting, not for the tna, but for these people to throw themselves at each other to entertain us. i owe it to them to watch.
the ending was lame. but then again, lots of stuff have been since bischoff came on board.
10-07-2002, 08:55 PM
It was the best thing the WWE has put out in months.
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10-07-2002, 08:55 PM
Raw was at its best tonight!!
That was wrestling at its finest.
I hope they bring the wheel of matches out a little more, but not every night. That would kill it.
As for the TLC match, it was great! i was entertained the entire match. If you watch it you can see Jericho was telling everyone when and where to hit there spots and even held the ladder sturdy with his feet for Kane when he won the match.
I have new respect for Jericho for conducting that match and making it non stop action with everyone hitting there spots.
Great Match. I want it on tape.
<center><img src=""></center><center><b>Phil Anselmo is my god</b></center>
10-07-2002, 10:30 PM
Raw took a step in the right direction tonight. Then to end it with the TLC match that was beyond insane. There were like three "Holy Shit" Chants and I was right there with J.R. going "VAN TERMINATOR!! VAN TERMINAOR!!" but this murderer angle killed the vibe of what was an awesome match. Also for those wondering why Kane is getting such a big push? One simple answer: He's due.
You're saying strange things....STOP IT!!!!
10-08-2002, 12:44 AM
Of all the possible outcomes in this match, Kane wins? Why is getting put over so big now? WTF?
Becasue he's been a main event/mid-card jobber for three years. Now they want him in a high profile match and have to build him back up.
Sick TLC match, I'm glad they don't do this too much and ruin it like Hell in a Cell. The only way they can save Hell in a Cell is having a TLC match in it.
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This message was edited by WWFallon on 10-8-02 @ 4:49 AM
10-08-2002, 03:18 AM
Great Match. I want it on tape.
I've got it. The match was spectacular. In my point of view it was the 2nd best TLC Ever (cant beat TLC2). This was a major turn-around for RAW.
What was everyone's fav. moment of the match? Mine was probably either the bubba-bomb of the ladder (he did it better than he does on the floor!) or Jeff Hardy's leg drop off a ladder through a table on Kane.
<img src="">
<marquee>"Im open , theres just nothing inside" Jerry Seinfeld
<p><font color="#000080" size="4" face="Antigoni Med">LIKE JOHN WALSH'S SON!</font></p>
10-08-2002, 03:24 AM
Great TLC match.
Its pretty cold in here.......
RF Godfather
10-08-2002, 06:32 AM
I also got it on tape and enjoyed the night.
By far the best RAW they put on in years.
10-08-2002, 11:58 AM
Yeah i've got it on tape too. That was the best match on Raw since the brand started. It was the 3rd best TLC, 1. TLC2 2. TLC
3.TLC4 4.TLC3. But that is still saying a lot, they have all been trememdous matches and this was no exception.
I loved the idea of bringing 1 guy of the 3 original TLC tag teams back. I wish RVD and Jeff Hardy could have won, but what can you do. I tip my hats to all of those guy for a great performance. BRING ON TLC5.
<img src="">
<font face="comic sans ms" color="#3300ff">SmackDown! Fan Since Day 1</font>
<font face="comic sans ms" color="#ff0000">Mario Fan Since Day 1</font>
This message was edited by TheKnicks23 on 10-8-02 @ 4:05 PM
10-08-2002, 12:48 PM
I was a little worried that the match was going too slow for a TLC. I was just about ready to blame Kane for slowing it down when Hardy hit him with a leg drop through the table...Jericho off the 12' ladder from inside the ring to out...VAN TERMINATOR...Bubba Bomb from the ladder...Jericho stretches RVD on the ladder...Hardy superplexed off the ladder...Spike thrown out of the ring & through a table...Hardy backdropped out of the ring & through a table....WOW! This match started a little slow, but made itself a classic with a 9+ minute run of [Joey Styles]'OH MY GOD!'[/Joey Styles] worthy moves.
But leave it to Steph & the WWE to bring Raw's momentum to a screeching halt like a needle scratching across a record with the all-important HHH promo. WHY? Why take a night where you can go off the air with your viewers saying "WOW!" and turn it into your viewers asking "What the fuck?"
A good Raw all around, but an ending that just proves the depths of the writing staff's collective stupidity.
...silent, but violent.
10-08-2002, 05:27 PM
I don't think that I saw the same RAW as all of you.
Cause that was one of the sorriest pieces of shit I've seen all year.
This isn't my usual WWE bashing. I really don't see what the hell you people enjoyed about this show. Let's review.
Opening cage match: Yay. 5 minutes of fat fucking Big Show squashing Booker T, WHO SHOULD BE MAIN EVENTING RAW THESE DAYS (in all caps for emphasis), until Booker scores an "upset". Ungodly bad match.
HHH vs. D-Lo, a blindfold match. BLINDFOLD MATCH, PEOPLE. There is nothing good, ever, about a match in which the two combatants can't even see each other.
Regal vs. Goldust, Vegas Showgirl match. I want to see Vince McMahon, Stephanie, Brian Gerwitz and everyone else on the creative staff burning in the hottest pits of hell for what they have done to Regal. I'm sure some of you were amused by this little abortion. I shall have to now rewatch Regal vs. Fit Finlay (WCW Uncensored 1996) again just to wipe this from my memory.
Bra & Panties, Paddle on a Pole match: Trish vs. Stacy. At least it was quick. At least Victoria beat the shit out of Trish afterwards.
Test vs. Al Snow, Hardcore-match-but-we're-not-calling-it-hardcore-because-supposedly-we-got-rid-of-hardcore-matches-Match. I see TE3 is coming up, so time for the obligatory Al Snow mini-push. Oh well, Al Snow on my TV is better than Big Show or Justin Credible on my TV.
Lawler vs. Richards, Winner-gets-whores match. The less said about this, the better. This was done solely to let Lawler up his pervert schtick to the nth degree. It really disturbs me too that Stevie Richards, who has very quietly improved himself into a solid worker, has to job to this old fuckwad. At least it got Lawler off commentary.
And the TLC match itself. This is why I think most of you are giving RAW such high praise. That also scares me, because if I may be snobbish (more so than usual) for a moment, it frightens me that YOU all are who the WWE is counting on / catering too. "Well, we've got a shitty show tonight, but if we give them an exciting, overbooked, clusterfuck of a main event, they'll lap it all up!" And yeah, apparently so.
Look, the match was pretty good. Good for free TV. Was it great? I'd say that's going a bit too far. TLC4, IMO, was the worst of the TLC series, and while it was entertaining, I don't see how it equals great or somehow ups an overall horrible RAW into "best RAW in years!"
We then top it all off with the latest in a long line of DUMB angles. One that apparently isn't popular even among the WWE staff. Here, from 1popup:
As expected, many in WWE are not happy today following the decision to go forward with the Kane/murderer angle that started last night on RAW. It is known by WWE management that this is not the type of angle wrestling fans want. However, the reason they are going forward with it is they feel highly dramatic, soap opera type angles like this will draw back casual viewers.
Who's scared shitless now? *raises hand* THIS is their answer as to how to bring back the fans. Not putting forth good storylines or matches (unlike Smackdown, whose workrate has gone through the roof thanks to the Holy Trinity that is Angle / Benoit / Guerrero). More soap opera. Yeah, that'll work.
Of all the possible outcomes in this match, Kane wins? Why is getting put over so big now?
So that there will be an illusion that someone actually cares about Kane. That way, when HHH beats him at the PPV, it'll look like it means something.
The decision to push Kane is really symbolic of what's wrong with the WWE, at least with RAW (and to a lesser extent, Smackdown as well). Who's SUPER over in the midcard? RVD. Booker T. To a lesser extent, Bubba, although Bubba's fate was recently sealed when fans at local house shows haven't taken too kindly to the fat idiot. So we got Booker T & RVD really, really over, right? So who gets pushed? Kane. Cause he's a HOSS, bah gawd.
And HHH wears the gold, and will most certain
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