View Full Version : I am Acting wrong?
Ok so this girl I was seeing for like not even two weeks told me last weekend after I came all the way out to see her, told me that she was going to work things out with her Ex BF of like god knows how many years. Thankfully I didnt get attached to her, and I blew off the news of her telling me about her ex like it was nothing. Being the type of person I am, I dont call my friends on the phone and chat away, unless its making plans to hang out, not shooting the shit.SO she calls me yesterday and basically bores me to death.In any case I come back to my computer and I get an away message saying "I don't know what your problem is, but you better get rid of it, or is it that you just don't want to talk to me ever again...If that's the case, then just tell me" Now honeslty I dont have any problems with her. I BARLEY know her, I really dont care to get to know her but I dont have any problems with her. What should I do attempt to talk to her, and pretend to sound interesting? Or do I tell her the truth and hurt her?
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Hawiian shirt craig
09-26-2002, 03:16 PM
ugh been there... kill her i
know a place u can bury
her.... IM me
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
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San Diego Chargers 3-0
Jackie Sloan
09-26-2002, 03:16 PM
Run away fast. Now. Don't look back. I'm serious. Good luck.
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There's nowhere else We'd rather be.
Huge thanks to Aggie n' Silent for the sig/TM@Aggie-SilentSP Productions
Did you get into an argument with her when she said this? She could have said it just to hurt you and may not even have a long term boyfriend. Or her relationship with this guy is totally chaotic, whereas you would just be the rebound.
This girl sounds like trouble. Just tell her you are not interested and not to bother you anymore with phone calls or emails.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
09-26-2002, 06:29 PM
Say BYE BYE!!!!!!!
David the Franchize
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
Party Harty!!!!!!!
Did you get into an argument with her when she said this?
No not at all, That was the wierd thing
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09-26-2002, 06:38 PM
your lack of dissapointment dissapointed her...
2 choices: be a gentleman and nicely tell her the truth or just tell her all you wanted from her was to F her brains out...
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09-26-2002, 06:46 PM
i have the same away message
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09-26-2002, 07:55 PM
Dude, she's not worth your time, peace on it. <P>
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Thanks Fallon for the sig!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club
09-27-2002, 12:45 AM
That depends. Do you ever want to talk to her again? If not, tell her the truth and be on your way.
Be true to yourself.
If your interest was to hook up with her and nothing else, then blow her off.
but, if you thought she was cool even as a friend, just tell her straight up that your not a chatty person, and your interest in her was why you went out of your way more than normal.
either way, you're being honest.
If she cant handle honesty, she's not worth your time.
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09-27-2002, 06:46 AM
whack her... call me I know some people
<font color="blue">A picture is worth a thousand words
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"Brought to you courtesy of Aggie Productions" Flavorsaver
09-27-2002, 07:29 AM
Look.. it depends on what you still want from her? Honesty is always the best bet.. but the way you go about it can still keep a "relationship of sorts" so that you can still see her. Don't burn a bridge unless you are absolutly sure you don't want to visit the island again.. youm might regret it.
I dont want anything from her, MAYBE A freindship, but thats hard casue she lives so far away from me! ARG! Whats a man to do
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09-27-2002, 01:38 PM
Whats a man to do
have you been listening? kill her.
<img src="">
09-27-2002, 02:05 PM
Before you kill her....make sure you stick "it" in the fat ass of hers and put her awesome Bj lips to good use..
your welcome =)
<font color=green> Deathstroke....The Terminator</font size>
<i>I dont want anything from her, MAYBE A freindship, but thats hard casue she
lives so far away from me! ARG! Whats a man to do</i>
What did I not get here? She makes you drive all the way to her house to tell you she has another boyfriend. You said "she bores you", and you want to be friends?
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
ok so what does a hitman cost these days?
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A hitman is a little extreme. Just don't bother with her anymore. The right girl will come along, and you will soon forget about this girl. Sometimes it is experiences like this that will make you appreciate the right girl even more when she does come along. (I always believe there is a silver lining to every cloud.)
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
09-28-2002, 12:53 PM
i agree with the masses on this one. if she bores you and you don't want a relationship then just tell her to stop bothering you. it's not like she doesn't have her boyfriend to run to.
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Batosai The Manslayer
09-28-2002, 03:58 PM
ok so what does a hitman cost these days?
Dude...your a pyschotic alcoholic....think of sumthin more creative..
<font color=green> Deathstroke....The Terminator</font size>
09-28-2002, 04:00 PM
want me to kill her?
...why are you all looking at me like that?
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I do not have a nice ass. I have a Barbara Bush Ass.
09-28-2002, 04:06 PM
how you gonna do opening your legs?...LOL
<font color=green> Deathstroke....The Terminator</font size>
10-04-2002, 07:40 AM
She sounds like she wants you as a backup, do you want to play second fiddle? Screw that. Get out while you can. These are the girls that can get Psycho.
I know the pieces fit cause watch them fall away no fault none to blame doesnt mean I dont desire to point the finger blame the other watch the temple topple over...
The girl is long long gone, havent talked to her since this little incident. Allthough I had a wierd dream about her last night, something about getting wasted, thats all I remember! Oh well I could care less about her now.
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<A HREF=>Pseudo Radio</A>
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10-05-2002, 01:24 PM
Dude.. Did you bang the chick? if not get a grudge fuck in and dump the Bitch!
("man i sound like Tom Liv-yanK-this)
A Real Friend Wouldn't Bail You Out of Jail... His Ass Would Be in There WITH you!
Hardcore Paul
10-21-2002, 08:22 PM
Lucky for you, in your situation you can blow it off as easy as I think you can. You dont really know her, and if you havent gotten attatched then dont worry about it just ride it out. Chill with the phone calls and take it with IM's
NJ Hardcore 732 (Hooo-Raah!)
10-22-2002, 01:12 PM
Excuse me but...ag1247 & Wonderboy ? The same person?
a/k/a JOEY D' when I call the Show.
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