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Getting hit by your parents [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Getting hit by your parents

09-23-2002, 07:43 AM
Did any of you cats get hit a lot as a kid? i did, my parents hit me a real lot. i dont' blame them, i deserved it. but my mom would whoop me and my dad used the belt all the time, nothing hurts worse than that.

but i'm glad they did. they never left any bruises or anything, i think there is a big difference between hitting and beating your kids. i dont' think i was ever really beaten.

what do you guys think? i'm all for it.

Aggie is the money!

09-23-2002, 07:49 AM
It was exactly the same with me fatty. I got hit if I did something really bad. And looking back, I always deserved it. In fact, I may have gotten off TOO easy at times. But it was an effective means of discipline since I didn't misbehave afterwards.

So, yeah, I believe in spanking (not beating) kids that misbehave.

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A Skidmark production.

Bill From Yorktown
09-23-2002, 07:55 AM
I got spanked a lot, but never for something I didnt deserve and never to an extreme. I got the belt and wooden spoon plenty of times. This non spanking trend these days worries me as the lack of respect for authority seemed to start right afterwards. There has to be some middle ground on this one.... Beating is bad but spanking is necessary (if at least to be able to use the threat of spanking)

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This message was edited by Bill From Yorktown on 9-23-02 @ 12:00 PM

09-23-2002, 08:13 AM
My mother used to slap me
all the time - it wasn't a big
deal, I don't think it ever
really scared me or
anything actually. One time
she was super pissed
because I'd told her to shut
up or something and she
grabbed my cheek and
twisted - she used to do
that when I mouthed off
pretty often and that always
shut me up - but somehow
a piece of her nail or
something cut my skin a
little; that was the only time
she ever left a mark.

I just spent the weekend
with the worst children I
have ever met; they
definitely need a spanking. I
mean my bf and I showed
up at their house with $40
worth of presents for them;
the first words out of their
mouths were 'Where's my
present? Where's my
present? Where's my
present?" ad nauseum. The
younger one (4) took one
look at his present (a book
with gflow in the dark stars
to stick on the ceiling and
stuff) and threw it at my bf,
saying "It doesn't move!"
and then proceeded to leap
up into the open back
window of my car to see if
there was anything else in
the car for him. And their
parents just laugh and think
this is acceptable. It's

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Bill From Yorktown
09-23-2002, 08:19 AM
prime candidates for spanking (parents and kids :-))

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09-23-2002, 08:22 AM
I NEVER got hit...and until recently, I didn't believe in spanking/hitting. Since I was the kind of child that didn't need it, I thought most kids were like me....I was very wrong.

I think I will definitley disipline my children, spakings if necessary. I refuse to let my child run me or their dad.

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~I'm armed and dangerous~

Muchas gracias Todd

09-23-2002, 08:36 AM
Aggie ive been very bad... i know a girl from Kentucky who got her parents.

"HEY, alright one tine djou gotta tell me thats tine"

09-23-2002, 09:06 AM
Not a lot, but just enough. Up through the age of 12, I was TERRIFIED of getting spanked or slapped or soap in my mouth...even though it rarely actually happened. And it was all my mom. My dad just had to look pissed.

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

09-23-2002, 09:20 AM
I got my fair share of being hit and deservedly so. Never to the point or fist fight (well, not until I got older anyway - but even that was deserved). Man, me and my brother were rotten little kids


thanks blakjeezis for the sig

09-23-2002, 12:18 PM
I got hit with a wooden spoon a few times as a kid, I think it was an old Italian thing. It wasn't a big deal or anything though.


<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon for the sig!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club

09-23-2002, 01:15 PM
When I was younger, if I was realy bad I'd get the belt or the wooden spoon (hah i thought my family was wierd with the wooden spoon).

My parents went as far as buying this paddle from Amish country that had sayings all over it like "for bad little kids". They hung it in the kitchen and I was terrified of it, even though they never hit me with it.

My old irish grandpa would fuckin PULL MY EAR if i was bad and that hurts like hell.

If kids are outta line, they should be spanked (not beaten) I see so many undisciplined little brats its unreal

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09-23-2002, 02:19 PM
I was like an uppity slave and my mother's belt was the whip, looking back on it I'm glad she did beat me within an inch of my life. Woman kept me in check.

<img src=>

09-23-2002, 02:23 PM
Spanking is often a necessary tool for discipline. However, the real issue is what constitues a spank. A mild swat on the behind can be just as devestating as a smack accross the face.

In my opinion a belt or spoon and the like, are abusive because they are clearly excessive. Punitive spanking or punishments are a form of abuse as well.

Notice how many people in the thread have adopted the victim mentality of sure they hurt me, but i deserved it. I was bad, they needed to keep me in line.

It's naiive to imagine raising children who behave without disciplining them. However, the form and extent of discipline (corporal or otherwise) must be instituted according to the far reaching goal of raising a healthy functioning social memeber of society.

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09-23-2002, 02:24 PM
I had it pretty bad as a kid. My parents had differing styles. My MOTHER used toys. The worst ones I can remember are getting whipped with a strip of orange Hot Wheels racetrack, taking a little barn (the kind that the dentist would have in the waiting room for the kids to play with) to my back, and getting slapped with the game Simon. And, I loved that game!

Father handled things differently. When I got into trouble that warranted this degree of punishment, I was sent out into the backyard to "get (my) switch". This consisted of breaking a long branch off of this particular bush (very long, thin branches) and peeling the bark completely off, thus giving "the switch" a very smooth, slick texture. Oh, and what it did for the audio aspect as it glared off my bare ass and legs...

Wow.. That actually felt good!!

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Brought to you courtesy of Aggie-SilentSP Productions

09-24-2002, 05:04 AM
Yeah, but HordeKing, it's not like I ever felt a constant threat of spanking, it just made it obvious when I crossed the line. It's one thing to be walking around in fear, and another when you just know you've done something wrong.

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

Hawiian shirt craig
09-24-2002, 05:42 AM
i thought my family
was wierd with the wooden

hell no my mom used to
break them on me. LOL it
sucked being bigger than
mom when i was 11. she
could wail away, and i'd
laugh... then shed hit me
more. until it huirt!

-Hawiian Shirt Craig

<img src="http://

San Diego Chargers 3-0

Death Metal Moe
09-24-2002, 08:26 AM
I guess it's STILL better than getting hit ON by your parents.


<marquee>People's chioce: MOST VULGAR POSTER!! FUCK YEA!!</marquee>

09-24-2002, 11:54 AM
my mom used to spank me with her sandals, so she didnt hurt her hand. the wooden spoon came out a few times, but hardly ever.
the only time my mother REALLY hit me was when i was like 7, and i said "fuck you" to her, and then ran and locked myself in the bathroom. without hesitation she busted the door in and punched me square in the chest. i never cursed at her again.

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Batosai The Manslayer

09-24-2002, 12:04 PM
My parents used to use the wooden spoon also. My dad had a great method of psychological torture for me, if I broke, or damaged something of his, he would take my favorite toy and smash it with a hammer in front of me. Good times.

drop the bomb, exterminate them all.

This message was edited by Col.Kurtz on 9-24-02 @ 4:09 PM

09-24-2002, 08:06 PM
TheMojoPin - Kids do things that are wrong. Punishing them is fine. Abusing them is not.

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09-24-2002, 08:31 PM
I never did anything to deserve it. I guess I was lucky.

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09-24-2002, 08:54 PM
I got the belt ONCE from my Dad
because I was down the street at
a friends house and he had no
clue where I was. I had a sore
heiny after that.

I think it's ok to spank because
you need to discipline them but
what that girl did on the camera
was out of control. I don't believe
in daily beatings or spankings.
The occasional spank is
acceptable as long as it's nothing
that will cause injury to the child.

<marquee behavior=alternate><font color=red>God</font><font color=gray> bless</font><font color=navy> America</font></marquee>

<marquee><font color=navy>We Will Never Forget - September 11th, 2001</font></marquee>

09-24-2002, 09:12 PM
Abusing them is not.

It's only abuse if it's done over and over again. Done right and just once or twice and early enough, kids learn to not do whatever they were spanked over again. That's what I learned, thusly I was rarely hit.

<img src=>
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

09-25-2002, 03:06 AM
As a kid I got the belt and the wooden spoon. <P>

<img src=>
A mind is a terrible thing to dyworf.

09-25-2002, 05:24 AM
My old stepfather used to beam in the chest with a baseball during practice if i messed up.
He was one of those "i gotta coach every team you play for" types. :/


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