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Best or Worst Halloween Costumes [Archive] - Messageboard


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06-22-2001, 03:02 PM
My worst was when I was either 10 or 11. I forgot to get a costume, so my mom got this old white coat, wrote on the back with magic marker, "MAD SCIENTIST", drew all these pictures of test tubes, and sent me on my way! :)

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<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

06-22-2001, 04:01 PM
i once went with a tea bag in-between my two front teeth and called myself crazy teabag,oh hold on that wasnt me.that was my friend adam

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pantera made me a cool sig,but this is the best i can do too get it up"

06-23-2001, 12:08 PM
My best halloween costume was in Kindergarten...I was a popple...the next year i was strawberry shortcake which rocked pretty hard too.

My worst was prolly the year i wore all my brothers football gear out. I had short hair and everyone thought i was a boy... i was sad =(

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<a href="">Nine-Zero.Com</a href>
"Every 15 Minutes A Young Child Is Taken Down By An Ass."

The Blowhard
06-23-2001, 10:25 PM
Back in the 60's I had many of those bad costumes in a box. I remember being "Bullwinkle" one year and the neighborhood bully called me bullshit and stole my candy. I had the last laugh...he died of cancer last year!

06-23-2001, 10:39 PM
My best was Alex from "A Clockwork Orange"...viddy well, little brother, viddy well.

My worst was the year I decided to be a warlock. I did not know at the time this was just a male witch, but the costume pretty much showed that, without that "male" part. I looked like a little girl in it, and I'm sure everyone laughed at me behind my back. They're dead now, though.

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This Sig is Temporary, while the REAL 1000 Post Spectacular Sig is Pending Litigation.

06-25-2001, 03:44 PM
My best was I was around 18 and I wrapped myself up with oting but saran wrap. Man was it fun going to the bathroom that

My worst had to be the costume that I shared with my best friend when I ws 12. We bought 2 XL sweatshirts and cut the two arms out of it and then sewed it together. We bought matching monster masks. We were siamese monster twins.

Piddlers and BJQs do it better....There you are you sexy thang...come love me darling.

06-25-2001, 05:41 PM
Another classic of mine was when me and a couple friends decided we're all wear our clothes backwards, and go as Kris Kross...Jump Jump, the mac daddy make ya, jump jump! *sigh* memories...:)

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<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool."-Almost Famous~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

Hassan ix Sabbah
06-26-2001, 07:28 PM
I had one friend put on a hefty bag and smear vasoline
on it (lubricated condom) and another put on blackface a wig
and a large medallion (Al Sharpton)

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06-27-2001, 04:08 AM
2 years ago on a strict college budget, we made cheap costumes cause we had no money.

I went out and bought a bunch of those "Mini" cereal boxes and taped them all over me. I carried around a knife and told people I was a "cereal killer"

My buddy bought a bunch of name tags you stick to your self that say "My name is" he taped like 100 of them to his body wrote in diffferent names and told people he was an "Identity Crisis"

And this one girl took a card board box and took a piece of pcp pipe and glued it to the front, with a couple other creative adjustments (you know things girls can do that guys can't to make something look less ghetto) she turned into a sink. She Rigged it up so she could stand of in the middle of it and walk around, and told people she was "N'Sink" (She also had N'sync stickers all over it.)


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"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

06-27-2001, 07:28 AM
TomPoo, those costumes are great! Totally dig em ! :)

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<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool."-Almost Famous~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

06-27-2001, 09:51 AM
Best costume was last year. I went as padington bear, complete with sandwiches under my hat. That cosutme got me so much play!!!

Worst was in foruth grade. My mother always made my costume because we were hella poor. So that year I begged and begged to get one of those box costumes like everybody else. So they agreed. I told my father I wanted He-Man. Of course he forgets. So its like the day before Halloween and my father finally remebers, goes to the stoor, but all they have is one he-man, just the mask. So my costume that year was a non-descript white man. God I hate my parents.


"What?! Huh?! What will come out no more?!"