06-20-2001, 07:18 PM
To allthe Loyal and Un-Loyal
Ron and Feziens:
Today I received a chain
letter from one of my friends
In this chain letter it
basically said I will DIE if I
do not send it to 10 people.
I did not send this chain
letter but my question is if I
get hit by a truck like Mr.
Jenkins did who also did not
continue this chain letter
(The chain letter said Mr.
Jenkins did not continue the
chain letter and hours later
was hit by a truck!) My
question is shouldn't my
friend go to jail for killing
me. It is apparent that she
believed that this chain
letter was dangerous.(That is
why she sent me a copy) So I
say if I die she should go to
the chair. So peoplz if I die
within the next day and say my
friend is the killer. All you
chain letters continuers....
As Uncle Ben Once said with
great power comes great
responsibility! So when you
send out these chain letters
to people who you know will
not continue them..... That is
like sending a child a gun! No
longer will you send this
chain letter to 10 fools and
no longer worry. You will
WORRY! You will have to worry
about the well beings of the
people you send this chain
letter to. If something
happens to them.... Something
should happen to you! LIKE
PRISON!!! I have SPOKEN!!!
May G-d have mercy on my soul.
David the Franchize!
P.S Was it not our
esteemed 8th President Martin
Van Buren who
said .... Chain letters are a
lot like Aids so stop
spreading it and wear
P.P.S I know that Quote did
no make a lot of sense but I
don't make them I just
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!
Ron and Feziens:
Today I received a chain
letter from one of my friends
In this chain letter it
basically said I will DIE if I
do not send it to 10 people.
I did not send this chain
letter but my question is if I
get hit by a truck like Mr.
Jenkins did who also did not
continue this chain letter
(The chain letter said Mr.
Jenkins did not continue the
chain letter and hours later
was hit by a truck!) My
question is shouldn't my
friend go to jail for killing
me. It is apparent that she
believed that this chain
letter was dangerous.(That is
why she sent me a copy) So I
say if I die she should go to
the chair. So peoplz if I die
within the next day and say my
friend is the killer. All you
chain letters continuers....
As Uncle Ben Once said with
great power comes great
responsibility! So when you
send out these chain letters
to people who you know will
not continue them..... That is
like sending a child a gun! No
longer will you send this
chain letter to 10 fools and
no longer worry. You will
WORRY! You will have to worry
about the well beings of the
people you send this chain
letter to. If something
happens to them.... Something
should happen to you! LIKE
PRISON!!! I have SPOKEN!!!
May G-d have mercy on my soul.
David the Franchize!
P.S Was it not our
esteemed 8th President Martin
Van Buren who
said .... Chain letters are a
lot like Aids so stop
spreading it and wear
P.P.S I know that Quote did
no make a lot of sense but I
don't make them I just
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!