View Full Version : feedback
08-23-2002, 07:26 PM
Hey guys I got this link off of O and A underground and sent the catholic league some feedback I suggest you do the same here is my letter. By the way all of the letter is true:
Dear Anti-Catholic League,
I am writing to you in response to this weeks events regarding the Opie and Anthony Show.
I am a devout catholic and help run multiple Youth Ministry Programs in the North Jersey Area. I also do many functions for my local church,and sing in a christian rock band.
But there is is difference between being a devout Catholic and an extremist.
As I do agree what Opie and Anthony did during the feast of the Assumtion was lewd and wrong. I do not feel the actions of your president were proper, and furthermore, feel they were targeted simply for publicity of your organization.
The reason the catholic church is the laughing stock of religion is because organizations like yourself feel you represent all God fairing people. I disagree with your actions including the one of putting a pop-up window on your website to say Hey Look were in the press. Jesus never sought out praise or press did he?
I have listened to the Opie and Anthony Show for the past 4 years and can honestly say 90% of the show I listen to and laugh histerically 10% of the show I TURN OFF BECAUSE I DID NOT THINK IT'S PROPER. Now If people would follow my example to simply TURN IT OFF it would allow people who enjoy the lewdness to listen. It was one of the highest rated shows in the #1 market in the world because the majority of people enjoyed listening to it.
The actions of O and A should have been handled by the proper avenues and not shoved down peoples throats. You should for seeking praise for ruining peoples lives. Go to church and pray for forgivness of the sins you committed in the the of Jesus. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Well put... but I think at this point in time it's best to focus our efforts and e-mails on the FCC... they are the ones that are investigating WNEW now and threaten the continuation of the Ron and fez show. voices your options to
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08-23-2002, 09:54 PM
My letters:
Dear Catholic League,
Eat shit, faggots.
The ChickenHawk
Dear FCC,
Eat shit, faggots.
The ChickenHawk
"I have to return some
videotapes..." -Patrick Bateman
Ryan the Great
08-23-2002, 10:04 PM
My letters:
Dear Catholic League,
Eat shit, faggots.
The ChickenHawk
Dear FCC,
Eat shit, faggots.
The ChickenHawk
that really isn't going to accomplish anything.
and they arent even going to be "offended" because they actually do eat shit.
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<marquee>I will not die! I will not kill! I will not be your slave! I will not fight your battles! I will not fight on your battlefields! I will not fight for your wealth! I am not a fighter! I am a human being! - Anti-flag</marquee>
Ryan the Great
As I mentioned earlier, the Catholic Church has every right to complain about activities occuring on their property.
The Catholic Church looks at all of its Churches as holy ground where Christ is ever present and where the Sacrifice of the Mass takes place.
I think the punishment was extreme. I don't know who actually determined the punishment. I know the complaint was made by the Catholic Church, but I don't think they determined the punishment.
Too much emphasis is put on the wrong party here. I have always found Opie and Anthony offensive, particulary towards women. Their "4th grader" antics messed up a lot of other people's lives (firings, etc.), while they will probably go onto another radio station making their millions. Do you actually think THEY care about who they have offended and hurt and the disruptions in people's lives they have caused
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 8-24-02 @ 10:41 AM
08-24-2002, 06:07 AM
My letters:
Dear Catholic League,
Because you are too busy covering up and taking the heat of priest child molestation, you guys became total and utter party wreckers
Todd Evf
Dear FCC,
Eat a bowl of Deeks, bastards.
Todd Evf
Goddess Ari's Bitch
I am not sure where priest pedophiles come into play here. From what I have read it was the Catholic attendees at one of the highest masses of the year who were outraged by what happened during their service. I read no mention of priest pedophiles on this matter. Again, the Catholic Church consists of millions of members, not a handful of pedophile priests.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
08-24-2002, 06:52 AM
From what I have read it was the Catholic attendees at one of the highest masses of the year who were outraged by what happened during their service.
Actually, I was there when the whole thing went down. There was actually no service going on at the moment, just a lot of people walking around, some saying prayers, but most just tourists in there to look around. I had my radio with me, so I knew what was happening, but otherwise I wouldn't have known there was any kind of disturbance. There were no angry parishioners around. I'm quite sure most of the outraged people never have heard the show or were there that day.
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
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[Actually, I was there when the whole thing went down. There was actually no service going on at the moment, just a lot of people walking around, some saying prayers, but most just tourists in there to look around. I had my radio with me, so I knew what was happening, but otherwise I wouldn't have known there was any kind of disturbance. There were no angry parishioners around. I'm quite sure most of the outraged people never have heard the show or were there that day.]
Whether a Mass was going on or not still has no bearing. Again, the Catholic Church looks at all of its Churches as holy ground where Christ's presence is and where the Sacrifice of the Mass is held. There were many Catholics outraged over this, and there were many people in the Church that day from what I read. Children are almost always in attendance at Church as well.
Again, this was an act of sheer ignorance.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 8-24-02 @ 11:28 AM
has anyone actually heard the broadcast? I was listening to the whole thing going on and I've also gone over the transcript and you really can't blame O&A. Mercurio reported back that they had done it outside the church and then O&A excepted that as completed then Mercurio and the couple insisted to go in. Then the next thing u hear is them inside the church with a guard approaching. No one even saw anything go down. Where is the evidence? <P>
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08-24-2002, 11:40 AM
While writing the catholic league
may be a step in the right
direction, it probably won't
accomplish much as the catholic
league has formally withdrawn
their FCC complaint stating that
"the punsihment fit the crime in
regards to O&A getting fired. A
much better person or persons to
write to would be the head
honchos over at infinity
broadcasting and it's parent
company Viacom. CEOs of huge
companies tend to get a little
nervous when their target
consumers let them know that
their decisions will effect their
profit margin. any thoughts?
08-25-2002, 06:03 AM
Dear Catholic League,
No one likes you, not even your god.
"I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland."
- Woody Allen
08-25-2002, 07:25 AM
Dear Catholic League,
Fuck you child molesting homos.
Thank You,
i pitty the fool that don't eat my cereal!
<i>[Dear Catholic League,
No one likes you, not even your god.]</i>
Are you speaking for Him?
<i>[Dear Catholic League,
Fuck you child molesting homos.]</i>
The Catholic League is made up of lay people not priests.
Also, is having 2 adults go into a Church where children frequent and having those same 2 adults undress and have sex openly, healthy for any children who may have been unfortunate enough to have watched?
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 8-26-02 @ 11:06 AM
This message was edited by Coco on 8-25-02 @ 1:23 PM
08-26-2002, 05:46 AM
Maybe I am not th best person to speak here but I think the whole O and A thing is wacked out.
I mean I can understand the churhc being mad, It was a pretty thing to do, but as mentioned in an above post, they (o and a) did not make them go into the church, But some people will say it was immoral and what not that they even sponsored this event. I believe it wasnt smart...not only that truthfully, it was boring radio. But, the punishment was extreme. Are these not the same people who believe in turning the other check? Does it not say to forgive your enemys and all that jazz? It seems like, and I am only saying from my opinion here, the catholic league is acting the the stereo typical religious zealots/freak. I am a Catholic, but lately the church seems to have gotten away from the idea of leading a good life and treating people correctly, its seems they are more into being right. The last time i was in church I was subjected to the priest ranting about how people dont go to church and how that is bad...well...we were there. I dont believe you need to rant to those who are there. As in Dogma, the Catholic church treats faith and religion as a burden and does not celebrate it...not every priest of course...but seems like alot. But I am getting off subject. I think that their firing was extreme and too swift. It seems like everything was acted on by pure emotion instead of taking time out to think about what happened and all. That being said we do need to move on. O and A will Definitly be back on the air. Right now they are having a nice vacation.
On the good side we Have Ron and Fez to help us through the day and that is something I am truely happy and thankful for. Thanks Guys for making my day just a little bit better.
I wasn't born rich Im good looking instead.
08-26-2002, 05:46 AM
Damn double clicks...sorry for the multiple posts people
This message was edited by SRFSTARVD on 8-26-02 @ 10:01 AM
<i>Are these not the same people who believe in turning the other check? Does it not say to forgive your enemys and all that jazz?</i>
Their is nothing morally wrong with pointing out a violation done to oneself. Jesus Himself drove the money-changers and merchants out of the Temple. Actually, the more I think about it, this whole thing reminds me of that Scripture, i.e., using a sacred house for doing just about anything for ratings.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
08-26-2002, 07:29 AM
man, is it me or Did I totally forget how to spell on that last post...forgive me. I stink.
I wasn't born rich Im good looking instead.
DC Reed
08-26-2002, 07:41 AM
wow you guys were nice, after what i sent them, im wondering if the FCC will do a probe of me!
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long live O+A
Matt the Lifeguard
08-26-2002, 07:42 PM
How Can the Catholic League claim to represent all
catholics when they don't have a message board or
chat room for members to get in touch in? The only
thing they have is their feedback section and
members can't communicate in a union, only one at
a time. This sounds like an organization out for one
persons goals(the zealot william donahue) under
the guise of a community of catholics. They only
represent one persons vision who is an extremeist
who doesns't care about touchy feely preists and
instead tries to clean up radio that the massive
amounts americans he claims want to have "shock
Take him Down Staples! AL JUST GOT A MONSTER
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