View Full Version : I HATE TOM LICKASS
08-23-2002, 11:04 AM
Fuck him!!!!!!!! ONA "best of" was a dissapointment, but this is just too much now............But atleast it's talk so maybe the station will stay talk for awhile longer
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Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
This message was edited by johneewadd on 8-23-02 @ 3:17 PM
08-23-2002, 11:13 AM
NNNNNNNOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Thank God I was in a room with a crappy radio because I chucked it across the room and I ended up breaking the cassette deck...
TUBBY TOM?! THE BITCH MUST DIE! I thought we were supposed to have Ferrall?! Ohh well, bye-bye WNEW, it was nice knowing you!
...I'd rather have Don and Mike best ofs, at least they don't overmodulate and sound like they have a nasal drip, Tom sucks hard...
08-23-2002, 11:17 AM
I've been listening to this dickhead for 4 months now (since I moved to CA), because he's better than the shit music stations out here. The only thing that saved me was underground radio and O&A during the day (I listened live at 12:00 pst). Now I have to here this dousch bag for another 4 hours a day. FUCK ME!!!
08-23-2002, 11:24 AM
damnit, i thought it was gonna be farrell replays, since thats all we're missing: Farrell Replays Ron and Fez Replays, Loveline Replays <P>
[ <A><FONT COLOR=BLACK>1</A> : <A HREF=aim:goim?screenname=rumby328><FONT COLOR=BLACK>2</A> : <A HREF=><FONT COLOR=BLACK>3</A> : <A HREF=><FONT COLOR=BLACK>4</A> ]
¯Another great post from another great person.
Mike from Bklyn
08-23-2002, 11:24 AM
Oh god no. Not this fuckin jerkoff again!
08-23-2002, 11:27 AM
I feel sick... <P>
08-23-2002, 11:29 AM
turn it offf... turn it offffff... turn it ooofffffff.... tuurrn iit oofff...
<center><a href=""><img src="" border='1'></a></center>
08-23-2002, 11:30 AM
I cant believe this crap on the radio...does WNEW want us to change stations? I am now searching the radio for something to listen to but nothing. RON FEZ, please take over there spot. I cant listen to lickass, he bores me. He reminds me of Rush, ugh noooooo...nooooooo.....what is becoming of the world...argh...nooo....
I wasn't born rich Im good looking instead.
Bill From Yorktown
08-23-2002, 11:31 AM
well I heard "Enter Sandman" come on and I paused - hmmm that theme sounds familiar - a blast from the past then it hit me - NOOOOO not Tom Lick-ass. Ugh. Awful. Told my wife - her comment was "that woman hater? and they found O+A offensive?"
oh well I used to listen to wnew from 9am to 11 pm, now it's limited to 7-11 pm.
Their loss.
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Alice S. Fuzzybutt
08-23-2002, 11:32 AM
He's a bitter old wind bag who blames everything on women. What an idiot!
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08-23-2002, 11:36 AM
08-23-2002, 11:36 AM
this dude is makin the idea of startin off a show with stories about sluts a bad idea. someone please make the pain go away. get this assfuck off the air. i would probably have more fun listenin to billy staples than this shit.
and if anyone can tell me what happened at the rally (or what is goin on right now) email me--->
My only way of fighting back...Save O&A!!!--->
Stop it
08-23-2002, 11:41 AM
Im actualy looking foward to the commercials!
Its over jonny
08-23-2002, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the warning, kids. I guess I'll be listening to those books on tape re: celluar microbiology on the way home. Ah well, I guess the bright side is I'll have time to develop a cure for cancer now.
You're only young once but you can be immature forever!
JrZee Tom
08-23-2002, 11:48 AM
Leykis is horrible. His show failed miserably the first time around. This is what Infinity thinks of WNEW's listeners. Ron & Fez PUNCH OUT now... you'd be doing yourself a favor. <P>
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08-23-2002, 11:51 AM
This is quite possibly some of the worst radio I have ever heard. <P>
turn it off. TURN IT OFF! <P>
ocean township marty
08-23-2002, 11:57 AM
so ah ... . . . . . . . .
i got this letter here... . . . . . . . .
from john in oakland... . . . . . . . .
and he's talkin bout... . . . . . . . .
HOLY CRAP whats with the pauses? its not funny,its not interesting,and it annoys me! how could WNEW think this would be a good replacement?
08-23-2002, 12:06 PM
It's crucial that everyone who has responded to this thread mail their comments to wnew. That's what I did the second I heard that dickwad's voice on air. It's tragic enough that o & a were cancelled but to torture us this way is uncalled for insult to injury. I am right now listening to a salsa station as an alternative.
i'd rather be raped in the ass by an aids patient and shot in the knee caps then listen to fucking lickass. they have gone to far.
<img src="">
made by aggie, hosted be silentspic. aren't they the bestest?
u pid ayo tyr'd gryz zned dnum lierm, non mlehda berdm?
08-23-2002, 12:18 PM
Driving home from work on the Garden State with O&A stickers were literally driving off the road into ditches at the sound of this droning douchebag's voice. WNEW is causing a safety hazard on the roads...for that they should be fined. This is a much more heinous crime than any committed by O&A!
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This sig courtesy of skidmark!
08-23-2002, 12:21 PM
What a disgrace. Radio really blows. I can't find anything to do now that they're gone. Replacing funny ONA with an unfunny wife beater.
08-23-2002, 12:24 PM
i'd rather be raped in the ass by an aids patient and shot in the knee caps then listen to fucking lickass. they have gone to far.
i couldn't have said it better lulu. worst radio ever!
Aggie is the money!
08-23-2002, 12:27 PM
this is the most offensive thing that has ever been done to WNEW listeners.
are they trying to make us change the station?
i swear i'm in the fucking twilight zone.
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sig pic ltrooster THANKS
08-23-2002, 12:35 PM
I never heard this guy before....he SUCKS!!! This sounds like the He-man Women Hater's Club. This is not entertainment. <P>
<a href=></a>
08-23-2002, 12:53 PM
Just when you thought we had hit bottom....what a jerkoff!
I do say that kicks ass.
08-23-2002, 01:28 PM
Great idea Sally! I just sent my letter of gross displeasure to WNEW
Sorry....Your just not terribly important to me....
08-23-2002, 01:37 PM
Infinity owns Lickass, so they're running his tapes until they get a new format together. IMHO I think Ron and Fez are gone after tonite and we should prepare for plenty of replays until the music starts to pound 24/7.
This message was edited by CountryEastern on 8-23-02 @ 5:39 PM
08-23-2002, 01:39 PM
They don't care about your letters. They know you are upset. It's like when ONA enter a new market, they just laugh at the complainers. What they have to do is keep the advertising, so you can expect plenty of "safe" stuff.
WNEW was number 1 on my presets, they got moved down to 6 and will only be on from 7- 11 as long as ron and fez are there. I dont know what will happen to Ron and Fez but I fear they will be moved to a new city. krock is the only other infinity station they fit on and big bird will yield his power to keep them away from krock
08-23-2002, 02:11 PM
I couldn't believe it when I heard him come on. I managed to listen to about 5 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore. Figured even Mike & the Mad Dog would be better. Flipped to WFAN. Mad Dog wasn't there. No way would I listen to Fat Francessa. Tried K-Rock. Hated it. Turned radio off. About 45 minutes later, decided to give Lickass another try. Managed to listed about 7 minutes before turning the radio off. He su-u-u-u-cks!! OMG He even makes Don & Mike sound good (ok, nobody could really do that). Off went the radio. On came some music from Kaazaa. Finally 5 oclock came and I put the TV news on. This really, really sucks. WNEW knows exactly what it is doing. It is throwing in the towel. They just don't give a shit what they put on. I'm sure meetings were underway today deciding on what the new format is gonna be. <P>
I bet the Radio Chick and Don & Mike are laughing their asses off. Did I mention that this sucks? <P>
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Crazy for Crazy
08-23-2002, 02:26 PM
This guy is goddam GARBAGE... he is so bad that I am happy to know that he will surely flop like shitty Don & Mike...bastards...
08-23-2002, 02:31 PM
I listened to this fool for about 20 minutes....I was looking for a sign of if it was live or a "best of". I couldnt tell. Anybody know ? I'm thinking they just put his tape in and played it, untll they figure out whats gonna happen on Monday.....
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
Crazy for Crazy
08-23-2002, 02:37 PM
It sounded like it was cut-up probably a best of...kinda sad if thats the best he can do...
08-23-2002, 09:24 PM
Great news everyone!!! As reported in other thread on the board the rumor is R&F 2-6 followed by a live Tom Lykis from 6-10. Now we get to hear him live!!!! That should make it so much more enjoyable!!!!! Everyone that reads this should call his show and just rag him......but get through the screeners people, be smart about it........And a Lykis for O&A trade does suck but atleast it means R&F will be around for awhile longer.........
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
Death Metal Moe
08-24-2002, 12:56 AM
I seem to not be alone in my hatred for Lickass.
I heard him on at like 3 Am one Saturday or Sunday night. And NOW he's god enough to replace O&A.
He's a little fucking faggot.
<marquee>People's chioce: MOST VULGAR POSTER!! FUCK YEA!!</marquee>
08-24-2002, 01:25 AM
I'd sooner tune into Z100
than any given Lickass' show.
he makes Don & Mike seem
appealing. putting him back
on NEW in Ron and Fez'
timeslot insults *me* more
personally than two people
f'ing in a church.
I wouldn't mind him if he talked about other topics other than spewing anti-women anger.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
08-24-2002, 06:31 AM
I seem to not be alone in my hatred for Lickass.
I heard him on at like 3 Am one Saturday or Sunday night. And NOW he's god enough to replace O&A.
He's a little fucking faggot.
WHO actually likes Like-ass? I take it there is not one board member that does.
Goddess Ari's Bitch
08-24-2002, 06:44 AM
tom should be put in a human pressure cooker. i heard his voiceand i ran for the big knife. GET ME THE BIG KNIE IM GONNA CUT MY THROAT
08-24-2002, 06:47 AM
look what happened to don and
mike. if the show does really bad,
they will take it off the air. they
preferred tapes to a live show
with no following. just ignore it,
but make sure to support rnf.
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thanks wwfallon!
08-24-2002, 11:26 PM
Great now the pricks on at 3am Sunday morning. And why the fuck is the cabbie trim spa commercial on WNEW??????
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
RF Godfather
08-25-2002, 09:09 AM
OK, so I wasn't hallucinating sick in bed when I heard the OnA slot.
It was that horrible Lickass! I'd rather listen to static!*ck is a "sentence enhancer."
This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 8-25-02 @ 1:11 PM
08-25-2002, 09:17 AM
He stinks. I'd rather listen to Lady Di and that other troll for four hours than him.
08-25-2002, 09:21 AM
I hate this place....nothing works here.
If You Shoot First you live.
If You Think First you Die.
Milford Cop
08-25-2002, 12:23 PM
This jackass is on 'NEW again now! So I guess the plan is to play this guy until everyone is begging 'NEW to go back to a music format.
This guy truly 'LICKS-ASS' !
<img src=>
This sig courtesy of skidmark!
Bob Impact
08-25-2002, 12:47 PM
God dammit, I really tried, just now, to listen to Lickass, but he started asking some girl to describe herself and his tone actually sickened me, just that over modulated nasal crap, besides sounding like a dirty old man, "you made me pitch a tent in the studio" UGH! has anyone else noticed that Lickass has been all over NEW this weekend, I would much much rather listen to a R&F best-of than this shit, it would make sense too, as it looks like R&F are the flagship program these days. Lickass stinks and I don't like him.
-Bob Impact
"I've been talking to dead bunnies, feeding bloody walls, and done horrible things with salad tongs. It's eaten my social life."- JTHM
08-25-2002, 01:39 PM
can someone tell me why this guy's show is also played on sundays too
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thanks earth2ron
Hawiian shirt craig
08-25-2002, 01:45 PM
thats it! tourches and pitch
forks!!!!!!! STORM THE
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
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WNEW stinks, their ratings will plummet. Besides for Ron and Fez it's a wasteland. I think Ferrell is a cool guy but talking sports on the radio was cool like 8 years ago these days its boring.
08-25-2002, 01:55 PM
c'mon everyone, lickass isnt that bad.
i remember the first time hearing him, then i walked into my bathroom, and threw up repeatedly into the toilet.
it could have been worse....
ok no it really can't can it-
Kill the weak
Green Lantern
08-25-2002, 03:48 PM
In the words of Jim Norton He stinks and I don't like him!!!
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We came, We saw, We kicked it ASS!
08-25-2002, 04:30 PM
Hey, at least you dont have to listen to the 12 hour don and freeeeeta the twat show....dc
Ready and willing to fight the good fight......DESTRUCTION OF ALL FCC AND CATHOLICS NOW!!!!!!!
08-25-2002, 07:46 PM
Well, Domestic Violence Tom Leykis who admitted his 101 strategy wouldn't really work, is back. I can't stand all of the sleazy people who call his show. This is a typical call...
"Hey Tom my woman wouldn't make me my TV dinners when I came home so beat her up with a pipe wrench..
Tom Leykis snickering, " Awlright, she deserved it, you're a real man...hehehe"
-WNEW you suck! I 'm a nobody, but a nobody who will listen less to your station.
See ya!
08-25-2002, 08:56 PM
friggin A - i decided to give lickass a try since i'd never heard him before. i'll give anything a shot once. now i wish i had a few more rounds to shoot at the fag. ugh worst half hour of my life since i went to a church confessional
DAMN THE MAN! - Empire Records
Well, Domestic Violence Tom Leykis who admitted his 101 strategy wouldn't really work, is back
I wouldn't be surprised if he was arrested for a domestic violence dispute. I know he has been married 4 times and he still feels he is qualified to give other men advice on their marriages.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
This message was edited by Coco on 8-27-02 @ 5:29 PM
08-26-2002, 08:54 AM
Exactly Coco, he'll probably have another domestic dispute for ratings. That guy needs more counseling
than the Abusers Anonymous course he was ordered to take.
See ya!
08-26-2002, 02:34 PM
I wrote Tom a nice E-mail earlier today. I recomend we support him with E-mail and phone calls like this one:
You douchebag. Please get off my F'ing radio station, and get out of my city. We don't like you and we don't want you. I only wish your eyes get stabbed out with dirty AIDS needles. I would wish cancer on my own mother if I thought it would get you off WNEW. You will learn soon enough that New Yorkers Don't like faggots from out of town, just like Don and Mike learned. Keep your ass in market #2 and leave us alone. You should be happy youre on live in NY starting today, so you can recieve many phone calls from NY callers with the same attitude I have towards you. I'd wish you good luck, but youre too godamn lame to know what to do with it.
Not funny + not shocking = not entertaining
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
08-26-2002, 03:36 PM
god i hate this man.. Tom Leykis.. he fucking blows... i am listening to his show know... this is the worst show god damn you WNEW.... you fucking duschbag mother fucker.... he sound like he wants to be a wanna be Jim Carey..... with his drawling out of his voice... god he is awful.... uggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h I MISS MY RON AND FEZ...... damn you WNEW.... die and burn in hell for your horrible taste of radio...
thanks e2r...
This message was edited by PanterA on 9-2-02 @ 5:00 PM
08-26-2002, 03:49 PM
I was listening in my bathroom on headphones to see who the new addition was. And then i heard the ENTER SANDMAN. As soon as i heard the first note i tried to drown myself in the toilet but failed. that shows how sucktastic i am
No signature, now Im starving
screw leykis, listen to pseudo radio around 9pm <A HREF=>pseuoradio</A>Cheap Plug for my friend <P> <P>
<center><img src=>
<marquee>There's a place in the world for the angry young man With his working class ties and his radical plansHe refuses to bend, he refuses to crawl,He's always at home with his back to the wall.And he's proud of his scars and the battles he's lost,And he struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross-And he likes to be knowns as the angry young man. </marquee>
<A HREF=>Pseudo Radio</A>
<A HREF=>Basic Drummer Seeks Basic Band, click here for more info</A>
08-26-2002, 04:51 PM
I too hate this Tom Lickass schmuck. I'm in agony!!!! <P>
08-26-2002, 05:52 PM
For those of you unfamiliar with Tom Leykis as a spousal abuser, here's an interesting tidbit for you.
Of course the charges were dropped based on the condition he enter a program for batterers.
He's been married 4 times and beats women, and he's the guy that men are supposed to take advice (Leykis 101) from?!
Now aside from that, his show just plain sucks.
"Caller: How are you?
Lickass:Do you Care?"
Every fucking call! It's an awful schtick.
"Bill on a carphone!"
Who fucking cares what kind of phone someone is on?! What difference does it make?!
"Take me out with a bong hit...
Blow me up Tom...
(insert whatever wacky take me out example here)"
This is the worst gimmick in radio.
What amazes me, is the callers that think he is great. The Great Unwashed have finally bought a radio and a phone. And I thought Don and Mike's callers were bad. At least they're just dumb rednecks. Leykis's callers are complete misoginyst men who lie about getting laid, and the women that call are the type who say that when her husband hits her, she deserved it because she pissed him off.
It amazes me how one bad judgement call forces two actual talents off the they can be replaced by a man who preaches hate and ignorance.
<img src=>
08-27-2002, 01:07 AM
Just awful! I gave him a chance at work tonight and it was the most mysigonistic, insulting radio I've ever heard. I will not be listening again.
more cowbells
08-27-2002, 03:10 AM
a BIG TIME hater of Don and Mike.
08-27-2002, 05:29 AM
Lykis=100000 times better than don & mike
08-27-2002, 05:35 AM
Personally, I could listen to D&M on occassion, as background noise or perhaps if they had a good bit.
D&M were *bad* don't get me wrong... but they weren't offensive.
I don't know how the hell Leykis got so popular. He's huge in L.A., but I would think that LA is just as sophisticated as NYC.
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08-27-2002, 07:43 AM
yea he always saying hey im from ny im from the bronx i went to fordham i lived with my grandmother on fordham road she used to give it to me in my ass and then i went down to webster ave to smoke crack he a fat f and i hope he gets married again so his wife can give it to him with a strap on ok boo boo ok boo boo
thinking of a master plan aint nothing but sweat inside my hand so i dig deep in my pocket all my money is spent i dig deeper still coming up with lint so i start my mission leave my residence thinkinh how can i get some dead presidents
How smart of WNEW! They know a lot of people are investigating the shows because of O&A. What do they do? They put on a man who spews nothing but hatred towards women. Last night, I listened and this lady wanted to have a civil conversation with this guy and he was calling her a "whore bitch".
I mean, can't the guy come up with any varied topics to talk about other than his hatred for women? It is just tiring after a while.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
08-27-2002, 01:42 PM
the first thing i heard from lick-ass was a letter about a "slut" who broke up a friendship....then i had to turn it off...he cant even complete a sentence without stopping 4 times...the man deservez "an Inoperable tumer(sp?) at the bottom of his spine"...
08-27-2002, 01:53 PM
With station ownership changing frequently, the best way to keep Leykis off is to call the news or talk station that syndicates Leykis in your area and ask to speak to the Program Director. Politely let them know that you refuse to listen to the station if they carry The Tom Leykis Show. These people may ask your age and sex and other general information and may even want your address to write you. Be persistent, but polite. To find out who runs Tom Leykis show now, email his affiliate relations rep, Kane or Tom himself at:, or better yet try ( They say they care! We ask that you boycott EarthLink who often sponsors the show. Other sponsors have been: Microsoft (Money 2000, Encarta, Microsoft Works), AT&T one rate long distance, Busy Bodies (health club), Cost Plus, Bath of the Month Club (800-406-BATH),, Fox Sportsnet, Sam Adams Beer, In and Out Burger, Compaq Creative Learning Series PC (in conjunction with Radio Shack), Toyota,,, and Read, sign and mail enclosed postcard to EarthLink!
This message was edited by PanterA on 9-3-02 @ 7:00 PM
Crazy for Crazy
08-27-2002, 07:14 PM
My appreciation of this new show update: ACK I WOULD RATHER LISTEN TO DON AND MIKE!!!! ENOUGH SAID... it's nothing except for the fact that this guy blows ass in San Fransisco or LA or wherever hes from...
AP: The worst thing to hit the airwaves in New York dies after he chokes on his own dick...[read more]
08-27-2002, 09:43 PM
MY car broke down today (a lond story for another thread) but the mullet haired piece of white trash that picked me up and towed my car was listening to Leykas. And of course he was calling some woman a whore for some reason, I tried to drown it out. And Mr Tow truck guy chimed in with, and I quote, "This guy is so right about these bitches. I just started listening to him yesterday, hes the greatest. You should give him a listen." To which I replied "I'd rather stab knitting needles in both my ears." Needless to say, it was a rather uncomfortable silence for the rest of the ride back to the garage.
09-02-2002, 11:07 AM
You know, he came on after Loveline this morning at 3, and right away he trashed "other radio shows" For rippin off flash fridays. He said awhile ago someone took wedsnday and now someone is doing thurdays too. The he sazid someone do do "Make up your own bit monday" or "Write your own material tuesday"
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
Fat Don
09-02-2002, 11:52 AM
Don & Mike I could tolerate. I didn't find them funny, but I could listen to it of there was nothing else on. Leykis just drives me absolutely insane. I don't know if it's his voice, his attitude, his callers, or a combination of everything, but I find it physically painful to listen to his show. Oh yeah, next time he says he invented "Flash Fridays" call him up and ask him if he was doing it when he went went down to Turks & Cacos. Because there was a big radio convention there a few years back that O & A were at as well, and of course, they were promoting WOW all over the place. Within a month of getting back, half of the DJ's there, including Lick-Ass, has thier own version of WOW. Dick!
"Just when you think you've got all the answers. I change the questions!"
-Rowdy Roddy Piper
09-02-2002, 02:27 PM
Tom Leykis is the worst fucking talkshow host i have ever heard. do people in LA listen to this shit. i really hope he dies. i never heard his show before and it got old in 5 minutes. tom leykis is the gayest gay that ever gayed. <P>
i pitty the fool that don't eat my cereal!
09-02-2002, 02:30 PM
They don't care about your letters. They know you are upset. It's like when
ONA enter a new market, they just laugh at the complainers. What they
have to do is keep the advertising, so you can expect plenty of "safe" stuff.
What advertisers are gonna waste money on station that get absolutely no ratings.. after they move ron and fez to the 10-2 the station will lose a lot of listeners.. no one in ny likes D&M that is proven.. Lickass failed once already.. so you tell me what advertisers would even think about putting commercials on this station.. peace out wnew keep shooting yourself in the foot and work your way higher up your leg.. soon enough you will hit an artery and you will bleed to death...........
props to pantera
Does anyone else find "Enter Sandman" an appropriate theme song for Lickass. Five minutes of him and I'm damn near asleep. That's kind of dangerous. One of these days I'm going to listen too long, fall asleep and wind up driving into a tree. I wonder if I could sue for that.
09-02-2002, 02:39 PM
Aright I find myself listening to this station in the hopes that it doesnt change format and we wont loose R&F. This guy will allow the dumbest person to ramble without making apoint....for 10 minutes. This is sad. if comes on live hear, it would be a much more enjoyable show if all us haters would call his show and tell him he is a no talent fag.
I'll whore out the E-mail I wrote him once again for those of us skipping to the last page:
You douchebag. Please get off my F'ing radio station, and get out of my city. We don't like you and we don't want you. I only wish your eyes get stabbed out with dirty AIDS needles. I would wish cancer on my own mother if I thought it would get you off WNEW. You will learn soon enough that New Yorkers Don't like faggots from out of town, just like Don and Mike learned. Keep your ass in market #2 and leave us alone. You should be happy youre on live in NY starting today, so you can recieve many phone calls from NY callers with the same attitude I have towards you. I'd wish you good luck, but youre too godamn lame to know what to do with it.
Not funny + not shocking = not entertaining
Thats from last monday when i thought he was coming on live that day
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
09-02-2002, 03:21 PM
ever notice..............
how he leaves so much dead air...............
between his sentences..........
what an annoying ass.
<IMG SRC="">
"I can hear you, I'm right next to you!"
Jackie Sloan
09-02-2002, 03:29 PM
<img src=""><br>
Ferrall is the man
Love the Ferrall
09-02-2002, 03:31 PM
Phil Hendrie calls him Comboverboy and does a dead on impression of his lame show. They should have left R&F at 2-6 and 'NEW could have piped-in The Monsters for Mid-days. <P>
09-03-2002, 09:04 AM
Please don't start another Monsters for Mid-days campaign. nobody else knows who they are. Well, except for Tuttle.
i pitty the fool that don't eat my cereal!
09-03-2002, 10:35 AM
He's such a joke he has probly never had a girl in his life and is making up some stupid shit for a show.
<center><img src=""></center>
<marquee>IRIS loves ya</marquee>
<marquee>but IRIS jr probably doesn't</marquee>
<marquee>THANKS FelixDasGato for the GREAT sig.
09-03-2002, 12:31 PM
He sucks and he sounds like Don Geronimo *douche chill* <P>
<a href=></a>
I can't imagine how many relationships this guy has broken up by people following his ridiculous advice.
We can't change our past, but we can change the way we look at it - into something more positive
Captain Rooster
09-03-2002, 02:21 PM
Hey Likes-Ass,
If you're so fucking tough, why dont you take some callers from NY?
<CENTER><img src=></center>
<CENTER>Tora Bora is a Sandbox: See Above</center>
RF Godfather
09-03-2002, 02:24 PM
Tom Lickass: Look at me, I'm bashing New York! COME ON! DO you CARE?
Like Rooster said, take some damn calls from New York and you'll really feel the love! ::cough::*ck is a "sentence enhancer."
This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 9-3-02 @ 6:29 PM
09-03-2002, 02:25 PM
Tom is only bashing WNEW because he knows its a temporary gig in NYC.
But we should be careful...Retard strength is something not to be messed with.
<img src=>
I'd like an order of UH UH!
With a side of some UH UH!
09-03-2002, 02:42 PM
Roosters calling now!!!!
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
09-03-2002, 03:05 PM
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
09-03-2002, 09:33 PM
Man what a sorry azz untalented
man he is!
09-04-2002, 11:33 AM
I'm listening to him and I will give him this, he knows how to work his core audience - shallow men who don't know how to relate to women and as a result resent them. It's actually kinda creepy
I know that I will take shit for this, but I would much rather have Don & Mike in this timeslot. Personal preference.
<img src=>
Another Sheeplovr Masterpiece
09-04-2002, 11:36 AM
Oh, and I agree, this show is not good.
<img src=>
Another Sheeplovr Masterpiece
09-04-2002, 04:33 PM
Damn, I didn't hear Rooster's call. Can someone give details? Did Rooster use his real name or "Rooster"?
In no way am I a fan of Leykis, but I have heard his show from time to time and he just sounds different now. Also, now that he's live it is obvious that he is completely Hollywood. I heard him talking about "Who is gay in Hollywood?" and someone called and said Mario Lopez was gay. Like the toad he is, Tubby Tom said, "Hey, Mario is a nice guy."
Phil Hendrie calls him Comboverboy and does a dead on impression of his lame show.
Drudge Jr. could do an impression of Leykis. All you need to do is any wacky radio voice you've ever heard.
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur
"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 9-4-02 @ 8:42 PM
09-05-2002, 10:56 AM
Rooster got on the air he said, last night AFTER Lickass went off the air in NY. This is how I'm figuring ths shit. When we listen from 2-6, it's taped. At 3pm, pst he goes on the air live in LA and 6-7 is the nly live hour we get......So his show continues after 7 our time but we dont get it. This is when Rosster got on the air. He should get in here and tell what happened.
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
09-07-2002, 04:48 AM
He's a one trick pony. Same shallow pathetic show every day.
09-08-2002, 07:33 AM
Rooster, what time did you call? I really want to jam his phone lines with NY.
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
-General Douglas MacArthur
"If gold should rust, what will iron do?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
09-08-2002, 07:48 AM
The worst shit I've heard on the I have to listen to the same old rock songs. Ron/Fez 24 hours a day!
<img src=>
The mind is a terrible thing to dyworf.
09-08-2002, 08:07 PM
God how I long for the days of Radio Chick -> O&A -> Don&Mike -> to good ol' dot-com days... Leykis is a human wasteland. <P>
Heero Hammer
09-09-2002, 12:46 PM
The only thing that would get me to listen to Lick-ass is if I knew some deranged O&A fan would come in his studio and beat him with a Yule Log (like he did with some chick a while back)...he is horrendous. His views on just about everything are horrible and shouldn't be appreciated by anyone. O&A ,hell, even Norton had more class then this piece of dog crap.
09-09-2002, 06:02 PM
WNEW is missing the point by trying to put Leykiss in OandA's spot.
I'm sure they figured, "OandA's audience demographic was young
males, so they will enjoy listening to a blowhard woman-hater."
The problem is that Leykiss' angle is that he is trying to tell people
how to think. He's like Rush Limbaugh in that he caters to pathetic
people who can't think for themselves. Then he takes calls from
those few people and pretends that the whole world loves him.
But he takes himself way too seriously. I don't know what the
listeners like in LA, but New Yorkers don't like it when some a-hole
on the radio is trying to tell them how to live their lives. His 'be a
jerk' theory may work with getting women (must be some really
stupid women out there), but it won't get him listeners in New
People enjoy OandA and Ron and Fez because their shows are all
about humor and entertainment. They don't claim some false
premise about trying to teach us something. Listening to them is
enjoyable because its just like hanging out with the guys.
Everyone's just there to have a good time.
If WNEW want's to keep the listening base they built with OandA
and Ron and Fez, they will kiss Tom goodbye. Right now, I'd rather
listen to Rush Limbaugh, because at least he talks about new
things every once in a while.
Remember, we may be a young demographic, but we are still
adults. We left preschool a long time ago, Tom, and we don't need
you to tell us what to do.
This message was edited by HawkIsGay on 9-9-02 @ 10:35 PM
09-19-2002, 05:14 PM
OK I stoped listening to this guy aroud last monday and started back listening to Mike and the Maddog. Now with these pathetic Mets on everynight the M&TMD show ends at 6:30, leaving me with a half hour of nothing. Anyway I turn on lickass and hear him talking about how guys should have the right to photograph women in public, and if some guy films up her skirt in the mall, its ok and she wanted it anyway.
I guess earlier the conversation started because of some kiddy porn deal.
So Tom goes on to say it's perfectly ok for a guy to take and have pictures of little girls as long as their panties are on. hethink people shuld be able to come up to your 5 year old daughter or whatever in a park and just start taking pictures of her. Even that little girl on the swing or going down the slide should be able to be videotaped or photographed and no parent or any other adult should have the right to stop it.
He actually said it's ok.
<img src="">
Props to Sweet201!!
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
09-19-2002, 09:58 PM
If there are any LA listeners
that can chime in about this
fat slob please do. On his
live broadcasts does he
really cut into that man
commercials or is that just
WNEW? Because if he
does that is HORRIBLE
Radio, well he already is
horrible radio, what am I
saying. Plus thies moron
spouts the sam obvious
stuff everyday! Obviosly his
listeners cannot think for
themselves. Most people
knew this his material back
in high school, but what do
you expect from trailer trash
from arizona and Seattle?!
09-20-2002, 04:07 AM
I actually feel sorry for him. He is a sad, bitter old man. He will never find companionship and compensates for that with anger and hatred towards women.
Patches...Your Football Fantasy (2-0, first place).
Sigpic hosted by a mute hispanic.
09-20-2002, 06:38 PM
his topics are so boring, nothing is current events, there are no guests or staff interaction and there is hardly and caller participation, besides when someone calls in to tell their story and then 2 people get to comment, before the every-10-minute-commercial-brake comes on. Atleast Ron & Fez tell you there is gonna be a brake, after ike 1 called you hear "Tom I-Like-Ass" then WNEW promos ect.
[ <A><FONT COLOR=BLACK>1</A> : <A HREF=aim:goim?screenname=rumby328><FONT COLOR=BLACK>2</A> : <A HREF=><FONT COLOR=BLACK>3</A> : <A HREF=><FONT COLOR=BLACK>4</A> ]
09-21-2002, 01:46 AM
Funny Story Here.. Before Ron & Fez came to New York to do the Dot.Com show, I was a big fan of Tom Lickass. When Ron & Fez cameto town they bumped Lickass and I was the second caller they ever had, the call went something like this....
ME: What happened to Tom Lickass?
Screener: Hes not on anymore
ME: Oh?... Whos the Faggot?
SCREENER: How do you know hes a faggot?
ME: Us New Yorkers know a faggot when we hear one, and im hearing one.
But the tide has changed, I LOVE Ron & Fez and HATE Tom Lickass. (What was I thinking?)
SORRY GUYS yeah I Love Ya. (Figured id share) SeeYaaa
11-18-2002, 01:08 PM
It's been awhile since I vented abou this DICK. I catch a few callers between commercial break on other stations and I still m no closer to finding him entertaining.
<img src="">
Join the ONA Army. Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
11-18-2002, 01:42 PM
i completely agree,i just don't get this fat fuck.I tried, god knows i tried to listen to this piece of shit,but i don't get it.must
be some sort of heman women
haters club or some shit.their must be a bunch
of fucking fruitloops in LA to make this scumbag #1.fuck him ,I like the ladies on the eastside.
11-18-2002, 01:49 PM
every time i forget about this jag off a thread pops up to get me going again. I hate that fuck head
"Getting my 15 minutes of fame a few seconds at a time"
11-18-2002, 01:56 PM
Comeee onnnn!!!!!
Die of Disteria you pathetic hack.. AWFUL-- NORTON
11-18-2002, 02:01 PM
U thought his show would get better, oh no my friend. I cant stand him as everyone else.
11-18-2002, 02:06 PM
That idiot blows!He takes every advantage to put down women.No wonder that friggin' idiots been divorced 4 times.He may as well turn gay.And you can tell they stupidity of the female callers when they say,
<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=alternate >It's craptacular.</MARQUEE>
11-18-2002, 02:29 PM
I would rather listen to static then Mr. Lickass. I have never heard a lamer show. Figures 102.7 would have him on, this station has done nothing but make big mistakes. If Ron and Fez leave just pull the plug.
11-18-2002, 02:31 PM
TIME AGO.I think he suffers from vagina envy.
11-18-2002, 02:38 PM
Does Tom Lick-ass hate women? I've never heard a dude spend so much time attacking women before. Especially if he is a heterosexual. What is wrong with this geek?
11-18-2002, 02:46 PM
5th of JACK
11-18-2002, 04:19 PM
<img src=>
<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."
11-18-2002, 08:56 PM
i agree with you man...i hate tom lickass...he's a dick
<img src=>
"I'm Tony Montana...You Fuck Wit Me...You Fuck Wit The Man!!"
Shout Out To Can of Soup 15 and Toddevf for the Kick Ass Sig Pic!
11-20-2002, 07:40 AM
I posted something like this
basically since the
"Catholic League" wielded
so much power against O&
A the National Organization
of Women should rally
against him for being a
woman-hater. The Right to
Lifers should picket his
studio because he
promotes the "tricking" of
women into abortions.
I hate him.
I love O&A they related to
their female fans.
I'm blonde, you don't have
to talk louder, just slower....
Tony Clifton
11-20-2002, 02:51 PM
I think Tom was molested by a clown when he was a little boy. But he really can't base a show on hating clowns, so he redirects his anger at women.
11-20-2002, 02:59 PM
i think tom lickass likes to lick little boys' asses, because he hates all women
<img src=>
"I'm Tony Montana...You Fuck Wit Me...You Fuck Wit The Best!!"
Shout Out To Can of Soup 15 and Toddevf for the Kick Ass Sig Pic!
11-20-2002, 03:14 PM
You guys are unable to appreciate his cutting edge humor like: "" classic stuff comedy <P> <P>
i pitty the fool that don't eat my cereal!
Death Metal Moe
11-20-2002, 03:16 PM
He is terrible.
I catch little bits on him here and there, and it's just bad. I TRY to give it an objective listen, and it's just not funny.
I guess people on the left coast are just retards.
Thanks to Fluffernutter, my Evil Minion for the sig!
11-20-2002, 04:30 PM
I know some of you probably remember that Leykus was on after O@A for a while and no one liked him then either, it was kind of a slap in the face to O@A to put him on in their spot. They stayed on the air one night and had Anthony do the intro to his show, sounding exactly like it so you didn't really know it was a joke until he started referring to himself as lickass. Pretty funny shit, he was off the air in NY a few weeks later. <P>
Does anyone notice how fucking long he pauses between sentences? I used to turn on WNEW and think that maybe they just left dead air instead of that LA douchebag. <P>
11-20-2002, 04:32 PM
Reading a cookbook is more interesting than his show,.
11-20-2002, 05:41 PM
I can't even describe the conversation i heard on his show today. All i know is that there were so many pauses the caller after many 3 second breaks of silence said " um..ok goodbye then" because lickass added nothing to the convo but "is that right"
<img src="">
Join the ONA Army. Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
11-20-2002, 05:48 PM
Yeah, its weird. I strangely
got out of work a little before
7 today, and listened to this
fucker for the first time, fer
about 5 minutes to kill time
before the boys provided
me with my daily
enlightenment- and I was
like- wow, this guy
completely blows. Then I go
online and see that I am not
alone, and was right with
my first impression.
thank you alls.
11-21-2002, 06:52 AM
How the fuck is he so widely syndicated?? He makes me miss D&M talking about thier bowling events!! <p>I also tried to be objective, but yesterday he was inviting women callers to share how they just hear his "sexy" voice and fantasize about him. What an egomaniacal piece of shit!!
This message was edited by ShakeItUuuuup on 11-21-02 @ 10:55 AM
11-21-2002, 05:47 PM
I have an oddball conspiracy theory: what if there realy WAS NO Tom Laikas? I think its realy Hairy Elvis doing an impresion. No no, think it through: Hairy Elvis could do the voice, and hes an intern so they dont have to pay him. Also: whats hairy Equadorian Elvis doing in the afternoon now? Nothing at all! <P>
Top of the world, Ma!
11-22-2002, 11:15 AM
I most certainly agree with all of you. It's a damn shame that WNEW decided to put that yahoo on afternoons instead of someone who doesn't make me want to get in a bath with a razor blade. put it this way: could you EVER listen to him at work
Listen to them: the children of the night. What sweet music they make.
11-22-2002, 11:19 AM
Everytime I'm flipping through the stations and hear nothing but silence from NEW I keep thinking the station blew up until he finally decides to speak...
Die of Disteria you pathetic hack.. AWFUL-- NORTON
11-23-2002, 09:03 AM
I do not see what is so appealing about this guy. I'll listen to ANYTHING else during his slot before I tune into this asshole.
So... WNEW can put this wet monkey's ass on the air with no trouble, but we're bustin' our butts to keep Ron & Fez on? WTF is going on?!?
"I'm in a class all by myself... and its f*ckin' lonely."
11-28-2002, 10:05 PM
There I was. EEEEEarly Thanksgiving day morning and 3 am arrives....And its HIM!! Why must WNEW always play the bad show during the over nights!!
<img src="">
Join the ONA Army. Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
11-29-2002, 08:05 AM
Man i had a great day then i gotts see this fuckheads name
"Getting my 15 minutes of fame a few seconds at a time"
12-03-2002, 03:41 PM
He fuckin' sucks! Everytime I hit 102.7 and he is on, he is bashing women and all relationships. This guy needs to get laid or get something shoved up his ass.
12-03-2002, 06:03 PM
Isn't is a surprise that he is 4 times Divorced? I mean with love of treating women right that he spews out you would think he would be in a stable relationship.. :)
Die of Disteria you pathetic hack.. AWFUL-- NORTON
01-31-2003, 01:58 PM
Isn't is a surprise that he is 4 times Divorced?
I'm suprised its not 8 times by now.
Well Tom is gone from NY. But I still hate him.
<img src="">
<A HREF="">Join The O&A Army!!</A> Please, help us save Black Earl.
Yes, he is hung like a horse. One female porn star describes having sex with Johneewadd as like giving birth.
01-31-2003, 06:32 PM
I HATE to say it but... He was better then what is on WNEW now.
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