Death Metal Moe
08-09-2002, 11:03 AM
What a PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!
Remember this thing? We had a new one every few months cause it ws built so badly. It was a plastic piece that pointed to the channel you wanted, and you slid it to the channel. You can HEAR the metal on metal sound in it everytime you slide it, and that's probably what wore out. It only went up to like the low 40's, and I remember that as our cable suddenly expanded one year, there were channels we had, but couldn't even watch! LAME ASS!!
I also remember that push button one with about 12 buttons on a row, and a selector on the side that allowed you to access diferent rows of numbers (1-12 were on row 1, 13-24 were on row 2, etc.)
And worst of all, we HAD a remote for a new TV for awhile, but the TV wasn't cable ready, so we had a remote for Volume only, and had to use that fucking old cable box for our channels.
Now I know that those things were a HUGE step forward from getting up to switch the channels, and all the new channels were great too, but looking back, THEY'RE GEE!!!!!!!!!!
<marquee>People's chioce: MOST VULGAR POSTER!! FUCK YEA!!</marquee>
Remember this thing? We had a new one every few months cause it ws built so badly. It was a plastic piece that pointed to the channel you wanted, and you slid it to the channel. You can HEAR the metal on metal sound in it everytime you slide it, and that's probably what wore out. It only went up to like the low 40's, and I remember that as our cable suddenly expanded one year, there were channels we had, but couldn't even watch! LAME ASS!!
I also remember that push button one with about 12 buttons on a row, and a selector on the side that allowed you to access diferent rows of numbers (1-12 were on row 1, 13-24 were on row 2, etc.)
And worst of all, we HAD a remote for a new TV for awhile, but the TV wasn't cable ready, so we had a remote for Volume only, and had to use that fucking old cable box for our channels.
Now I know that those things were a HUGE step forward from getting up to switch the channels, and all the new channels were great too, but looking back, THEY'RE GEE!!!!!!!!!!
<marquee>People's chioce: MOST VULGAR POSTER!! FUCK YEA!!</marquee>