View Full Version : Im afraid of Retarded Kids (A rant)
DC Reed
08-05-2002, 01:26 PM
Im going to get my allergy shot. Its overcast sky, about to rain. I walk into the waiting room and its reletivly empty, i sign in, get my shot and sit down and read the latest SI. Its just me, the room the that mag. Then a mother walks in, he kids follows making a clicking noise, i look at him and immediatly by the drool on his chin and his saggin lips and crossed eyes, he has down-syndrome. For the next 25 minutes he makes an annoying grunt, click and complains. I couldnt leave the room, but i wanted to.
here the worst part, the kid gets a magazine, and then opens it up. he then takes it and shoves it into his slippery face and rubs it around, making his barbaric grunting noise. His mother grabs the magazine from him, and then folds it and puts it back. She didnt throw it away, or the tell the doctors to burn it, she just left it. A few minutes later, a legitamate buisness man picks it up and discovers his wet treat, he rubs the slober off his hands and puts the mag in the trash can. As i left the room the retard was running around, grunting, and knocking chairs over while the mother sat there expecting me to just say "Its ok, hes Retarded, you cant do any better"
Jesus christ, she could have, and instead of letting her child run wild and free, drooling on everything he saw, she could control her kid. Ive seen rednecks raise kids better than this women. BUT WHY should i treat her any better than you or me, just because here chromosomes decided to fuck her over, doesnt mean im not gonna judge her. If your kids retarded, at least try and save some dignity by raising them with some limits, not letting them run wild and show that your a complete pity whore who wants sympathy from everyone, including me, one of the most un sympathetic people youll ever meet. Its fucking disgusting.
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- Nice cat, whats his name?
- Annoying Customer
08-05-2002, 01:38 PM
You have to ask yourself this, if the kid wasn't a waterhead, would you accept this kind of behavior? Obviously not. So you cut the kid, well the mother really, a little slack. But how much is too much? This example goes way beyond the pale. Next time, get up, grab the mag from her hand, lick it, say, "Put your fucking animal on a leash!", smile, and go home.
White people are so scared of blakjeezis
DC Reed
08-05-2002, 01:42 PM
I understand giving a little slack, but when a kid is giving a picture of Lance Armstrong a wet kiss, i draw a very bold line.
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- Nice cat, whats his name?
- Annoying Customer
DC Reed
08-05-2002, 01:42 PM
This message was edited by DC Reed on 8-5-02 @ 8:15 PM
08-05-2002, 01:46 PM
Awwwww, how cute. He was trying to kiss wittle Wancie all bettah. Christ, what a tard!
White people are so scared of blakjeezis
08-05-2002, 01:52 PM
I totally agree, DC. People who don't control their brats in public really piss me off!!!! I thought perhaps I would become more sympathetic once I had a child of my own, but now it actually makes me angrier. I want to kick those assholes in the face pver and over again. Here are two quick examples: <P>
For three years I worked at JCPenney in various departments. I can't even tell you how many times a little brat knocked over a huge. heavy metal rack full of stuff. Of course, that would always bring the parents (who were nowhere to be found a mere nanosecond prior) out of Dockers-and-Lingerie-Land to shout, 'My BABY! ARE YOU OKAY? *turn to poor checkout girl* You KNOW, you guys ought to make this place SAFER FOR KIDS.' Then there was the time the little girl took a shit on the floor in the fitting room, and the mom came up, TOLD US ABOUT IT, and then - just left! She didn't even say she was sorry, or try to clean it up. Fucking cunt. <P>
And yesterday at the mall, I was happily pushing the stroller containing my happy, well-behaved child, when all of a sudden my leg was accosted by a boy of around six who screamed, 'NYAAAAARGH!!!' I was just like, 'WHAT the fuck,' and glanced over to see this kid's SMALLER sister doing the SAME thing to people in the opposite aisle, while their dad SAT ON HIS FAT ASS and said, 'Hey, you two, stop that' in the same way that you might say 'Gee, I could really go for a cheeseburger.' I was so tempted to start a confrontation, but I didn't wanna get my ass kicked. <P>
Now, I'll say something CONTROVERSIAL that will probably piss everyone off: These idiots wonder why their kids are getting snatched. Now, NO ONE deserves to have their child stolen, and most certainly, no child deserves to be abducted from the relative safety of their parents' care and have god knows what done to them (I don't even want to think about it.) BUT. A good way to prevent this from happening is to KEEP YOUR KIDS WITH YOU - ON you, if necessary - IN PUBLIC PLACES. There is no safe place, and if you walk around with your head up your ass, you may just find that out the hard way. <P>
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DC Reed
08-05-2002, 04:15 PM
I totally agree, DC. People who don't control their brats in public really piss me off!!!! I thought perhaps I would become more sympathetic once I had a child of my own, but now it actually makes me angrier. I want to kick those assholes in the face pver and over again. Here are two quick examples:
I agree, as a fellow retail worker, i see some of the worst parents. Yesterday, one parent left her kids in our store, 20 minutes later, she asked if i had seen them. I told her they were at security and she would be getting a ticket for child abandonment, she was angry, but i explained that it was for the best, because anyone could have taken her kids while she was shopping and we wouldnt know if they were their parents. She learned her lesson and apologized to me, its this ignorance as to why kids are getting snatched. INcompetent parents shouldnt be given any sympathy at all.
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- Nice cat, whats his name?
- Annoying Customer
08-05-2002, 04:39 PM
If your kids retarded, at least try and save some dignity by raising them with some limits, not letting them run wild and show that your a complete pity whore who wants sympathy
There is a problem with this thought Reed, The parent can not set a limit if the child's brain CAN NOT COMPREHEND LIMITS! That is why they are "retarded". A very good friend of the family has a daughter who is autistic. She gets in her moods and throws fits sometimes in public, but the parent in no way can control this. They have to deal with the situation as best they can. Do you think that they don't feel humiliated and like a failure when they have to watch their child do this.
I do agree with you that the mother should have attempted some better control and DEFINITLEY should have thrown the magazine away. You don't have to agree, but look at it from the other side too. What if that was your child? Would you raise them as best you could or give them away because you were ashamed?
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08-05-2002, 05:11 PM
<i>There is a problem with this thought Reed, The parent can not set a limit if the child's brain CAN NOT COMPREHEND LIMITS! That is why they are "retarded". A very good friend of the family has a daughter who is autistic. She gets in her moods and throws fits sometimes in public, but the parent in no way can control this. They have to deal with the situation as best they can. Do you think that they don't feel humiliated and like a failure when they have to watch their child do this.
I do agree with you that the mother should have attempted some better control and DEFINITLEY should have thrown the magazine away. You don't have to agree, but look at it from the other side too. What if that was your child? Would you raise them as best you could or give them away because you were ashamed?</i>
Aggie, while your points are very valid, I think what you are talking about is a little different than what DC was saying. Most people are very understanding of parents who have a child who is "differently abled". ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Down's Syndrome, Tourette's, and a host of other afflictions can be bestowed on any random family. The majority of parents are doing the best they can, with ANY child, and as such, most of us are willing to forgive the parents of the autistic child who has a fit, the kid with Tourette's who keeps calling you a "pig fuck", even the average 3-year-old kicking and screaming in the aisles of Toys R Us. It's nobody's fault; kids will be kids. HOW-EV-ERRRRR.... Some adults seem to think that their child's 'problem' is an excuse to let them run wild, as in the case cited by DC. Those parents need serious help, as they will only end up raising worse heathens than themselves. Of course we understand that the child may not be able to comprehend limits - but that doesn't give the parent the privilege of not bothering to set any, or, at worst, physically restrain the child from acting out.
And maybe I missed something, but I don't recall seeing anything in this thread about giving a disabled child away because the parents are ashamed... where on earth did that come from?
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This message was edited by sweet201 on 8-6-02 @ 12:24 AM
08-05-2002, 07:20 PM
Yes, CZM, it is. ;P
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I'm telling you...I don't know if I should be horrified by that story, But by the time I was done reading; I had nearly pissed my knickers from laughter......
I'm very good with stories, and it's very easy for me to visually picture something...........
She didnt throw it away, or the tell the doctors to burn it, she just left it. A few minutes later, a legitamate buisness man picks it up and discovers his wet treat, he rubs the slober off his hands and puts the mag in the trash can.
....To picture this take place in my head is probably the most hilarious thing ever. Not to mention the part where the kid is knocking shit over.
I know, I'm horrible.
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SIG Courtesy Of Sheepy!!
"It's Just to make you see..that I'm a man that's weak, and I'm a man that's lost. I gave it all away to complicate the cost."
08-05-2002, 08:59 PM
DC is right. Sure the kid can't be expected to control himself but the parent can. And if as DC thought the kid had downs well then he was definately trainable and its the parents fault for not doing so. It's the fucking kid
I feel sorry for, his folks are really not there for him.
I'm a parent, and all parents have there kids get a bit out of control once in a while, but you react when that happens. And Sweet is right. There are so many parents of
"normal" kids that just can't be bothered....and not just the White Trash I've got living around here..(though they do set the pace...Shop-Rite on a Saturday about noon is a real freak show) And what really pisses me off is all these un-parented little brats are going to grow up and be adult fuck ups that our kids are going to have to cope with!
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