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Why you should put your money under your mattress [Archive] - Messageboard


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07-27-2002, 11:36 PM
Evans: Economy Doing 'Surprisingly Well'
Sat Jul 27, 7:15 PM ET
By Andrea Shalal-Esa

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Commerce Secretary Donald Evans said on Saturday the U.S. economy was doing "surprisingly well," but the Bush administration was still concerned about restoring confidence in U.S. financial markets.

Evans told CNN's "Novak, Hunt & Shields" program that the economy was performing well given the events of the past year and a half, including the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon ( news - web sites), a decline in business investment spending and the U.S. war on terrorism.

"The economy ... is doing surprisingly well when you think about the blows to the economy over the last year and a half," he said, noting Federal Reserve ( news - web sites) Board Chairman Alan Greenspan ( news - web sites) has forecast 2002 economic growth of 3-1/4 to 3-3/4 percent.

Evans is the latest Bush administration official publicly touting the U.S. economy's fundamentals as part of a push to shore up confidence in President Bush ( news - web sites)'s handling of the economy ahead of key congressional elections in November....

Does anyone else think this is the biggest pile of horseshit you've ever heard?

Millions of people are pulling their money out of their 401k's, the stock market has plunged almost a 1000 points 2 weeks ago, and then went up 500 in one day, and no one would be surprised if yet another company got investigated for their accounting practices...these are signs of an economy performing well?

It's horrible out there, yet I have to read untrue and unsubstantiated ideas about the economy doing well because elections are coming up. It's FUCKING CRAP!!!

Is anyone else angry at these sort of politically biased lies?

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<i><b><font color="#0F00CD">"If you can't say something bad about a relationship you shouldn't say anything at all." </font color="#0F00CD"></b></i>

07-27-2002, 11:42 PM
Does anyone else think this is the biggest pile of horseshit you've ever heard?
if its about money and it comes out of a republicans mouth it must be shyt!

the economy is at one of its all time lows,that i know even though i dont have a clue about politics!

[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
<img src="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink(FireFly)[b]

07-28-2002, 08:59 AM
it'll take more spin than Disney's Whirrling Teacups ride to make me believe that.


this sig is the masterpiece of the cheesy one
<i>support your local 420: union of brotherhood

living on the road, my friend, was supposed to keep us free and clean.
now you wear you skin like iron, your breath's as hard as kerosene-- townes van zant "the ballad of poncho and lefty"</i>

<a href=>Transcendental Blues: a journal</a>

Death Metal Moe
07-28-2002, 09:49 AM
Listen Commies, let's have a little FAITH in the Bush administration, and our country.

Just because Buch inhereited this bunch of problems Clinton set up, doesn't put him at fault.



07-28-2002, 11:21 AM
there are one of three options to do
1.keep your money in the bank
2. put all you money under your bed
3. Buy the stocks you really wanted and gain the benfits later on

And its both Bush's and Clinton's fault for the economy the way it is.
Clinton's fault is due to the facts of not checking up on the accounting of corporate america. Bush's fault is putting a guy who did want to be tough on corporate america-(SEC)
<IMG SRC="">

This message was edited by Cybersoldier on 7-28-02 @ 3:28 PM

07-28-2002, 07:52 PM
Just because Buch inhereited this bunch of problems Clinton set up, doesn't put him at fault.

What we need in a president is a man who can blame all his problems on someone else. Screw responsibility, passing the buck is the American way!

<center><embed src="" width=300 height=100><br>
Take a Chance, Take a Chance

07-28-2002, 07:54 PM
Why you should put your money under your mattress

makes paying the hooker easier than getting up out of bed

...why are you looking at me like that.

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07-29-2002, 04:00 AM
Although the market is tanking the general economy is still doing well. There hasn't been a dramatic increase in unemployment and consumer spending is still strong. Granted, it has been better but it's not as dire as the 1930s.

What we need in a president is a man who can blame all his problems on someone else.

Just like Clinton blamed the Republican congress for all his woes.

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Death Metal Moe
07-29-2002, 06:58 PM
I have a Polish room mate, and I hide my money under the Soap.

HE HE HE! That joke will work with ANY race, but Polish came to mind forst.

People's Choice:Most Vulgar Poster!